After he finished speaking, Bai Ye shook his palm again and slapped Carlason's head fiercely.

Boom! This time, Karasson was directly pulled upside down and flew out. At this moment, the tens of millions of avatars in Bai Ye have disappeared.

Every time he turned around, Carrason saw the white night in front of him, and immediately... shouted obediently.

"Master, Carlason obeys your orders!"

Seeing the well-behaved appearance of Karasen in front of him, Bai Ye withdrew his magically transformed palm with satisfaction, and at the same time canceled the mirror world.

Mela, who was worried outside, immediately saw Carlason bowing his head to Bai Ye and being a courtier as the mirror world was withdrawn.

"This...I'm not mistaken about what's going on here, the great Carlason has surrendered to someone else"

Mela was stunned, her delicate mouth opened wide enough to fit a ping pong ball.

"I'm not dreaming. Except...the late king, there is someone else who can make Karasen bow his head and become a minister. Isn't he only loyal to the late king?"

Atlana, at the moment, is also stunned.

In the more than 10 years that he has been together here, he really felt the horror of Carlason.

In the past 10 years, Atlanna has been terrified. Although Karasen will not hurt the descendants of Atlantis, Atlanna is still worried with such a terrifying monster by her side.

And in front of him, the existence that was like his nightmare for more than 10 years, is now like a waiter, nodding and bowing to the young man in front of him and calling his master.

Such a big contrast makes Atlanna almost collapse the world view.

"Yes, since I am your master, then you should satisfy the master's wish, go, and now bring the golden three-pronged sword."

Bai Ye raised his chin and commanded Carlason mercilessly.


Karason showed a melancholy look. After all, he was a former king, and the golden three-pronged sword cannot be handed over to outsiders. He is a descendant of Atlantis, and he has to pass the test..."Hmm"

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he let out a soft sound.

"Yes, I'll go now!"

Carlason was instantly frightened, and then his body twisted, and he suddenly got into the cave like a swimming fish, only a few minutes later, the huge body returned to Bai Ye again.

Two tentacles slowly stretched out and handed them to Bai Ye, and on the tentacles was a golden three-pronged sword.

"This is the three-pronged sword you want, I have wiped it clean, please take a look at it."

Carlason looked pleased.

"Not bad, well done, very spiritual."

Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction, grabbed the Seagod's three-pronged sword, looked at it carefully, and then threw it to Atlana.

Although the Seagod Trident in front of me is a good artifact, for the current Bai Ye, it is just an ordinary thing.


Until the moment when Bai Ye handed the Poseidon's three-pronged sword to Atlanna, Atlana was still in a state of three broken views.

It wasn't until the Seagod's 3-forked sword, the cold touch, that Atlana came into contact with her, did Atlana react, looking at the Seagod Trident in her hand, and then at Karas in front of her.

At this moment, he believed that this was not a dream.

"It's unbelievable, Mr. Bai Ye, how did you do it... Karason is a very powerful monster, and he swore to the death to be loyal to his late king..."

Hearing Atlana's words, Karason felt a fiery face on his face.

"Hehe, I just explained some truths and educated Carrason well, then I will submit to me. I don't know what happened. Maybe it's because I have more personal charm."

Bai Ye's face was not red and his heart was not beating, he said seriously.

If eyes can kill people, then at this moment, I don't know how many times I've been killed by Carlason overnight.

However, afraid of Bai Ye's physical education again, Carlason chose to follow his heart wisely.

"Okay, now that the things are in hand, we should go back to Atlanna."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Atlana nodded. Now that the Seagod Trident has been obtained, he should return to Atlantis to lead the people there.

With the opening of the portal, the three of them returned directly to Atlantis.

At the same time, they went back with them, as well as the ancient giant beast Karasen.

With Karason and the Poseidon, soon, all other countries obeyed Atlantis, Atlana, and became a veritable queen of the sea.

Moreover, with the return of Atlanna, Sea King Arthur also returned to the sea, and at the same time became the heir of Atlantis.

Everything was done under the watchful eye of the white night.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I really don't know how to thank you. You have done so much for our Atlantis."

Although Atlana was dressed gorgeously at the moment and wore a crown on her head, she treated Bai Ye very respectfully, and behind it, his child, Sea King heir Arthur, also looked at Bai Ye respectfully.

The person he respects the most is his mother, and the person his mother respects is the person he respects.

"It's nothing, I'm doing this.... It's just for my purpose. To be honest, I heard that a treasure guarded by nobles is called the mother box!"

Bai Ye's words were an understatement, but after Atlana heard it, her eyes widened.

"Mr. Bai Ye, do you want a mother box?"

"Yes, I want to see what this thing is, and if I am not wrong, there may be powerful enemies who want this thing in the future."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Atlana was silent for a while, and then her eyes showed tangled eyes, but finally nodded.


Chapter 324 Absorption Mother Box (For Subscription, For Full Order)

"Mr. Bai Ye, according to the rules of the ethnic group, you can't show it to outsiders. After all, this is the treasure that our ocean clan has guarded from generation to generation. This is something that our ancestors tried their best to keep."

After a pause, Atlana continued, with a hint of helplessness flashing in her eyes.

"But after all, Mr. Bai Ye, you are the benefactor of our ocean clan, and with your strength, if you want to push hard, we can't stop you at all. In that case, why not be a favored person?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly and nodded inwardly. Atlanna was worthy of being the queen of the sea, and the rights and interests in it were not comparable to ordinary people.

"If that's the case, then ask the Queen to lead the way."

Atlanna and Mela walked ahead together, and the guards around all gave way, but when Bai Ye passed by, they looked at him with awe.

Soon after passing through the long and narrow tunnel, Bai Ye and Mela came to a magic circle surrounded by many strange stone pillars.

"You all leave."

Atlanna looked elegant and said to the guard without looking back.

"But Her Majesty the Queen..."

Some of the surrounding generals and ministers wanted to explain something, but they were indeed rejected by Atlana.

"I said to leave, Mr. Bai Ye is a distinguished guest of our Atlantis, please don't be rude."

Although she hasn't come back for more than 10 years, it is Atlanna who is not angry, and the temperament of a queen still exists.


The surrounding generals and guards retreated.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

Atlanna smiled apologetically towards Bai Ye.

"It seems that Her Lady Queen values ​​me very much."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched into a smile.

With the qualifications of the surrounding generals and ministers, they are fully able to enter and see the mother box, but the queen does this too much, in order to win over Bai Ye.

The sophisticated Bai Ye naturally knew the queen's routine, so he just smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Walking into the inside of the passage, this is a pillar with a length of several tens of meters and a thickness of several meters, standing in the middle, with complicated patterns engraved on it.

And at the top of the column is a huge countertop. Above the countertop is... a huge cube-shaped box.

The moment they saw the box, Atlanna and Mela also put their hands together and bowed respectfully towards the box.

"This is the treasure that our Atlantis has guarded for generations, the mother box."

Mela moved her hands slightly, and the surrounding water rolled around, gently dragging the three of them onto the high platform.

At this moment, the three of them and the mother box are no different, but at this moment, I suddenly miss them and tremble like I am alive.

Various complicated patterns appeared on the mother box, and there were bursts of light in the gaps of the patterns.

"What's the matter, the mother box has never had such a problem before."

Atlanna and Mela were shocked, but they had guarded important items for generations, and they had no idea that such a situation would appear at this moment.

"Meila, quickly suppress it."

Atlanna took the lead, and the surrounding water flow converged, and Mela also reacted and exerted her strength.

At the same time as they exerted their force, the mother box suddenly twitched wildly and slammed into Bai Ye.

These things happened in an instant, Atlanna and Mela didn't react, and the mother box was already engulfed in Bai Ye's body.

All this, Bai Ye just let it go, and his reflexes were enough to avoid the mother box, but he didn't do it, because he could feel that the mother box was beneficial and harmless to her.

" is this possible..."

Atlana was stunned, looked at Bai Ye, and then looked at the empty countertop.

Like Beina, she was stunned.

"Your Majesty, I'm so sorry, it seems that the mother box is the owner of your choice."

After choosing the master Atlanna, it was dark in front of her eyes. The treasure that her own country has guarded for so many years, she has defected to an outsider in a blink of an eye. How is this possible?

There was a dizziness in his head, but after all, the king of a country, Atlana, quickly reacted.

Looking at Bai Ye's eyes, it is full of helplessness, dazedness, and superiority.

"That's enough...Mr. Bai Ye, since I believe that I chose you, then...I can't say anything, the mother box is the treasure of our country, and the citizens of Atlantis are talented It can be recognized, since you have been chosen now, it proves that you are also a member of Atlantis."

When he was about to arrive there, he looked at Monsoon with a slight smile, but a slyness flashed in his eyes.

Bai Ye raised his brows slightly and looked at Atlana with admiration in his eyes.

"As expected of Her Majesty, you pulled me into a boat so quickly."

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