The treasure that her country has guarded for thousands of years, was taken by an outsider. Instead of being angry, Atlana attracted herself and maximized her interests. This part of the heart is absolutely top.

As for Bai Ye's words, Atlana just smiled slightly, noncommittal.

"Haha, let me be a member of Atlantis, then I need help, will Her Majesty also help me?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Atlana instinctively felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say it.

"This is natural."

Atlanna nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, with Her Majesty's heart, I can rest assured. Since that's the case, I have other important things to do, so I won't stop here, and there will be a future."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, opened a portal, stepped forward, walked in, and disappeared in the eyes of Atlana and Mela in an instant.

Bai Ye was like a gust of wind, and it was fleeting, and the two women didn't seem to think that Bai Ye would leave as soon as they said it.

"This young man is young, but he is the most special person I have ever met, and the strongest person."

Atlanna sighed slightly, as the royal family of Atlantis, he has a long lifespan, and as the queen of Atlantis, he has seen countless people.

However, even if I have seen so many people, it is the first time for something as special as Bai Ye.

"Yeah, she's really special..."

Looking at where Bai Ye left, Mela seemed to be absent-minded and muttered to herself.

Atlanna turned her head slightly, just to see a trace of loss in Mela's eyes.

Atlanta pursed her lips and smiled.

"Meila, what do you think of Mr. Bai Ye?"

"I think he is very good. Although his appearance is not very prominent, he has a very attractive temperament, and... ah... Lady Queen, why are you asking this?"

Mela replied instinctively and subconsciously, but her face suddenly turned crimson as if she had reacted.

Chapter 325 The Return of the Steppenwolf

Although Mela immediately.

She stopped answering, but Atlanna still smiled slightly with a playful look in her eyes.

"You were a child when you left years ago, and when I come back 10 years later, it seems that Mela is already a big girl..."

Under the gaze of Atlanna, Mela became more and more ashamed. the mirror world at this moment.

"I didn't expect to be automatically recognized as the master by the mother box. It was an unexpected joy."

The essence of the mother box is the highest product of Apocalypse, and Apocalypse is a super-universe existence.

"It will take a while to absorb."

Bai Ye silently closed his eyes and absorbed the energy fluctuations in the mother box with his whole body.

"It will take a while."

......At this moment in the Amazon jungle, a splendid temple stands around the temple, and there are many women dressed in sexy, beautiful and sturdy, constantly patrolling.

These women, dressed in simple clothes, are all wearing armor, the oldest Amazon female warriors.

At this moment, a group of Amazon female warriors, ministers and generals in the temple are surrounded by a noble and gorgeous woman, arguing fiercely about something.

"Your Majesty, I think it should be done immediately.

Transfer the mother box, otherwise it will be too late"

The minister slapped the case.

"The temple here is the home for our Amazon female warriors to survive and must not leave."

The female general fought hard.

The Amazon Queen sitting in the middle frowned and looked serious.

"Your Majesty, please decide quickly or it will be too late."

The female generals and ministers were looking at the Amazon Queen, just as the Amazon Queen let out a sigh of relief and decided to speak her mind.

A huge tremor came from the air.

"You don't have to decide, you don't have to go, just stay."

After finishing speaking, the sky above the temple was suddenly empty and a gust of wind swept down, and at the same time, the energy beam smashed into the center of the temple.

There is a huge table in the middle, on which a mother box very similar to the Atlantis race stands.

When the energy beam was irradiated, the following reacted violently. At the same time, a huge body with a height of more than three meters appeared in the energy column.

This was the appearance of a tall figure, and a terrifying atmosphere instantly filled the audience.

As the energy column dissipated, the true face of that tall figure was finally revealed, it was a tall monster with two horns and armor.

"Steppenwolf, why are you still alive? Haven't you been expelled by your ancestors?"

Amazon Queen immediately.

He stood up, holding a bow and arrow in his hand.

The generals, ministers, and 10 elite Amazon female warriors are just... aiming their spears at the Steppenwolf together.

"Hahaha, I have been away for thousands of years, is your development level still at this level? It's a waste."

Steppenwolf sneered.

"Don't listen to this monster's nonsense, shoot arrows!"

The Amazon Queen looked cold and scolded loudly.

Along with the Amazon Queen, the Amazon female warriors all lifted the workpiece in an instant, pulled the bowstring, and in an instant, ten thousand arrows were fired.

The dense rain of arrows attacked the Steppen Wolf, the Steppen Wolf snorted coldly, and then the tiger body shook, and the giant axe slammed into the ground.

Boom! An invisible impact suddenly erupted, and the rain of arrows in the sky suddenly twisted and lost its strength and scattered beside the Steppenwolf.

"Sculpture Skills"

Steppenwolf smiled disdainfully, and then seemed to ignore the hundreds of people around him, reaching out and grabbing the mother box on the table.

He showed intoxicated eyes.

"Mother, I have finally met you after traveling through thousands of years, and then I will use you to dominate the entire universe."

The Steppenwolf grabbed the mother box directly, the Amazon Queen's face changed greatly, and she suddenly pulled out... a long sword, pointing at the Steppenwolf.

"The Amazon female warrior charged with me to protect the mother box."

With a roar, hundreds of Amazon female warriors all drew out their long swords one after another, and the Steppenwolf charged away.

The nearest few strong Amazon female warriors flew up, and more than a dozen Amazon ladies hugged Steppenwolf's arms and thighs one after another, clenching their teeth.

"An existence like an ant dares to compete with the sun and the moon for glory!"

Here is a ferocious light flashing in the eyes, and the muscles of the body swelled violently.


Several able-bodied elite female fighters stepped back in an instant and slammed into the wall.


Steppenwolf smiled disdainfully, but at this moment he felt his hands empty and raised his head sharply, and immediately saw an Amazon female warrior holding the mother box in her hand, rushing down the Amazon Queen.

"Her Majesty, take the mother box with you."

The female warrior suddenly threw up the mother box in her hand.

"Bastard looking for death!"

A haze flashed in Steppenwolf's eyes, his feet violently exerted force, and he instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, and instantly stepped on the Amazon female warrior.

Almost instantly, the Amazon warrior was trampled to pieces and died on the spot.

"Come on."

Without going to see the Amazon female warrior, the Amazon Queen took the mother box in her hand, just... sprinted towards the door.

"Kill them all for me... humiliating bastards."

Steppenwolf swung his hand violently, and the beam of energy was projected down again, followed by hundreds of dense bloodthirsty monsters, attacking the Amazon female warriors underground.

"Your Majesty, hurry up."

The two strong Amazon female warriors at the door swung the sledgehammers in their hands, and the moment the Amazon queen walked out of the door, they broke the pillar supporting the heavy stone door.

Boom! There was a loud bang, more than 5 meters thick, and the stone door closed with a sound.

"Your Majesty, please mount!"

There was an Amazon female warrior who had already prepared a horse at the door, and the Amazon female dynasty he nodded, and took a step and immediately straddled it.

That is... waving the whip and galloping away, accompanied by several female generals, all of them are elites with high force, Amazon female warriors.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A dull attack sounded, and the face of the Amazon queen changed greatly.

"Come on!"

In an instant, he drove a fast horse and traveled a few hundred meters in time.

However, there was a sudden explosion from behind, and then the heavy stone gate of the pyramid collapsed, and a tall figure stepped out.

"Do you really think you can escape like this, naive!"

The Steppenwolf jumped several hundred meters high and stepped directly towards a female general.

Pfft! The female general was kicked and killed instantly.

The powerful impact of the Steppenwolf's fall, immediately knocked the mother box in the Amazon Queen's hand to the ground.


Chapter 326 More Mother Boxes (For Subscription, For Full Order)

There was a grin in the Steppenwolf's eyes, and he reached out and grabbed the mother box, but at this moment, a female general grabbed the rope and tied it to the arrow, stretched the bowstring, and shot at the mother box.

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