Batman, who was late, looked at Superman in the giant pit, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Bai Ye, we met again, where have you been?"

Turning his head, like The Flash, Batman looked at the white night with awe.

"Where did I go, I don't need to report to you."

Although he is the protagonist of this world, Bai Ye is not polite to Batman at all.


Choked by Bai Yan, Batman was a little speechless, but he didn't say anything. After all, Bai Ye's strength was so powerful that for him, even an existence like Batman was only equivalent to a mortal.

"Mr. White Night..."

Wonder Woman came slowly and called out softly, but didn't dare to say anything more.

"Mr. Bai Ye, we are in trouble now and need your help."

After all, Bai Ye once stayed in their country, so Aquaman is not as unfamiliar to Bai Ye as others.

"I see, you're talking about that guy, right?"

Bai Ye turned his head, pointed to the distance, and looked in the direction of Bai Ye's finger, and everyone immediately saw the spaceship of Steppenwolf, projecting a wave of energy attention.

"That place was the mother box, and he was preempted again."

Batman turned pale in shock and rushed over just now, but he didn't expect that Steppenwolf would take advantage of the mother box to enter.

Several other people also showed disappointment.

"Come in, do I agree?"

A sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and then he bent his finger and flicked it lightly.

A mana shell, which spanned hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye, hit Steppenwolf's spaceship in an instant.

Boom! The Steppenwolf, who was holding the mother box in his hand with a satisfied expression on his face, was about to teleport back to his spaceship. Before he understood what was going on, he felt a burst of heat coming from his head.

When I looked up, I immediately saw my spaceship, which was directly blown apart, and the huge steel wreckage smashed directly on the Steppenwolf's head.

Boom! This came so suddenly, the Steppenwolf was directly shot into the ground by a piece of steel wreckage.

From the huge flowers on the other side, the brilliant sparks of the spaceship, the huge wreckage fell from the sky.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you are too impulsive. There are tens of millions of civilians below."

Batman gritted his teeth, as the incarnation of justice, even in the face of such a terrifying existence as Bai Ye, his eyes would be split.

"what are you in a hurry"

He snorted coldly, opened his hands, and then shook it violently.

Like an invisible big hand, the explosion fragments that spanned thousands of kilometers were suddenly shrunk by this invisible big hand, and suddenly condensed and turned into an iron ball.

"come over."

Bai Ye gently retracted his hand, and suddenly, a large iron ball with a diameter of several kilometers appeared in the air and flew above Bai Ye's head.

Boom! Bai Ye jumped up violently, punched with one hand, and directly knocked that iron ball out.

At an altitude of [-] meters, the iron ball was directly knocked out of the atmosphere and disappeared.

...dead silence, dead silence... the other superheroes, all have big jaws that can almost fit a football.

It was an iron ball that was several kilometers in size, tens of thousands of tons to say the least, and Bai Ye was thrown into the air with one punch, and it still flew out of the atmosphere.

What a huge amount of energy! Sometimes a few superheroes find out that in the confrontation with Superman just now, Bai Yi not only did not give all his strength, but he did not even take it seriously.

If Bai Ye used this level of strength just now, Superman would not have any chance of winning at all, and he would be crippled on the spot with a single punch.

Bai Ye turned to look at Batman.

Facing Bai Ye's gaze, Batman lowered his head and dared not say anything, like a child who did something wrong.

"I'm sorry..., Mr. Bai Ye, I apologize for my recklessness just now"

Hearing Batman's words, Bai Ye turned back lightly.

"Why, after all, I'm not a small-bellied person. Now, it's time to solve the trouble."

Boom! There was a loud noise, the ground trembled slightly, and a few kilometers away, a huge piece of steel was lifted, smoky, a huge body with a height of more than three meters, tremblingly lifted the piece of steel, staggering. He stood up staggered.

"Who, who destroyed my spaceship, I want to kill him!"

The roar came from the Steppenwolf's mouth, not only was it very destroyed, but he was also hit with tens of thousands of tons of debris on his back.

It is a powerful existence such as Steppenwolf, and such a heavy blow has also been seriously injured.

Just as the Steppenwolf kept roaring, he suddenly felt the sound of footsteps in the distance, and when he raised his head sharply, he saw a few people from Wonder Woman walking towards her.

"You are the ones who destroyed my spaceship!"

Here is the eye socket, the spaceship can be said to be its foundation, and now his foundation is gone.

In the face of Steppenwolf, Wonder Woman and the others didn't talk nonsense, they just rushed towards him.

Behind them, they stood in the air in the white night, quietly watching the Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf has been seriously injured, Wonder Woman dodged and rushed to Steppenwolf's side, backhand is... slashed on Steppenwolf's feet.

The Steppenwolf roared loudly, and was drawn into a deep trace.


Steppenwolf grabbed the axe in his hand and slashed at the woman, but was blocked by Wonder Woman's shield.

"Its power has weakened a lot. Come on, everyone."

Before being slashed by Steppenwolf's axe, Wonder Woman had to fly dozens of meters away, but now Wonder Woman blocked it without much effort.

With these words from Wonder Woman, Aquaman threw out the three-pronged sword in his hand and directly hit Steppenwolf's chest.

Pfft! The sharp one is really bad and directly plunged into Steppenwolf's chest, Steppenwolf grabbed the 3-pronged sword in an instant, and then pulled it out fiercely...

"I'm going to kill you"

But he roared wildly, but he was directly hit by a cannonball from Victor behind him.


Chapter 332: Establishing the Justice League (for subscription, for full order)

Steppenwolf staggered, his hand stretched out to support the ground.

Grabbing the axe, the backhand is... a blow, mixed on Victor's body.

After all, the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and the Steppenwolf's strength was still amazing. Victor was blasted out like a cannonball, and half of his body was chopped to pieces.

"Arthur hold him fast!"

Diana looked serious, swooped fiercely, caught Steppenwolf's footsteps with the rope in her hand, and then pulled it sharply.

The Steppenwolf fell to the ground, and at the same time, Arthur took the three-pronged sword in his hand, flew and swooped, and slammed the three-pronged sword into the Steppenwolf's arm.

"Ah, you bastards! How dare you do this to me!"

Steppenwolf struggled frantically, his muscles bulging, but at this moment he was at the end of the shot, and Sea King stuck his hand on the ground.

At the same time, the Flash rushed from a distance at a high speed and slammed into the other arm of Steppenwolf.

The Flash was knocked into the distance, but Steppenwolf's arm was also disabled.

"You bastards, you will definitely die, there are beings stronger than me that will definitely come, it is an endless nightmare, you are ready to die, hahaha."

"Yes, then let him come."

Bai Ye walked towards him lightly, then walked in front of him, stretched out his foot gently, and stomped the head of the Steppenwolf with one foot.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you... just killed him. Don't ask him, what is the bigger terror? I have a bad feeling."

Sea King Arthur was stunned, and raised his head to look at Bai Ye.

"There is no need for this, no matter who comes, it can be cut."

Bai Ye looked indifferent, turned his head indifferently, and walked towards the distance.

"Mr. Bai Ye is too..."

Wonder Woman opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say the word arrogance.

Bai Ye naturally didn't know what they were thinking, and even if he did, he would probably smile indifferently.

In the world, the most powerful people are nothing but a few characters, and these few characters definitely have the power to compete against each other in the white night.

A square object standing quietly in the ruins, this is the human mother box, not far from the human mother box, is the mother box of the Amazon tribe.

When the white night approached, the two mother boxes were like ordinary dust, like boiling water touching oil.

There was a violent reaction, the two mother boxes were quickly combined like a Rubik's cube, and then, the people who entered the door joined together and ran towards Bai Ye.

Closing his eyes, Bai Ye opened his hands and let the two mother boxes pass into him.

A surge of surging energy suddenly exploded from Bai Ye's body to the surroundings.

At the same time, countless information and vast knowledge poured into his mind like a tide.

When I opened my eyes again, in the white night, my eyes were full of light, like the sun.

After a while, Bai Ye closed his eyes and opened them again, one.

"Mr. Bai Ye, this is you."

The other superheroes who came in a hurry were stunned and dared not approach for a long time.

"It's nothing, I just know some secrets that the rest of the universe doesn't know."

Bai Ye smiled lightly.

The fusion of the three 3 mother boxes will definitely bring him not only the increase of strength, but also the increase of knowledge. After all, these three 3 mother boxes are the ultimate products of the super civilization Apocalypse.

"Mr. Bai, what should we do next?"

The Flash asked.

Unconsciously, these superheroes have taken Bai Ye as their backbone.

"It's very simple, since there is a more powerful existence, then you should unite to fight against him. Have you heard of the Justice League?"

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