Laflitz is the leader of the Orange Legion and the only member of the Orange Legion.

The orange light represents greed, and he refuses to share the energy of the orange light with others.

It is also because of the orange light that only Lafley is alone, so he is extremely powerful. The characteristic of the orange light is that he can summon the ghosts killed by him and listen to his orders.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

Lafritz's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's rare that the greedy and selfish Laflitz actually helps others one day."

Bai Ye turned his head and looked at the monster in front of him gently.

Before crossing, Laflitz was... well-known in the world. In the area under the jurisdiction of the guardian of the entire universe, he could have a foothold, enough to see its power.

"Hehe, help him, stop joking, the life and death of a red monster has nothing to do with me, I just smell the great wealth in you, give me your wealth, I can save you from death."

Laflitz, standing with his hands behind his back, burst into greedy eyes.

"Laflitz, stop, don't you forget why we are gathered here!"

At this moment, the Sanctuary, who was covered in blue all over, rushed out from the side and blocked in front of Bai Ye and Laflitz.

He is the leader of the Blue Lantern Corps, and the blue lantern represents hope. Although the Blue Lantern Corps' attack power is not strong, its auxiliary function is very strong, and its relationship with other legions is the best.

So when the Sunwalker came forward, Laflitz just snorted coldly.

"Hmph, boy, you're lucky..."

After speaking, Laflitz turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait..., I said you can go!"

Just when the Sunwalker breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Ye's slow voice suddenly came from behind.

There was nothing to do, they reacted, and suddenly Laflitz, who was walking in front, screamed in pain, the whole person rotated 180 degrees in the air, and fell heavily on the ground! Crack! The sound of bones shattered, and the Orange Legion The leader, Laflitz, covered his chest and groaned in pain.

Afriez raised his head and saw a pair of feet standing in front of him, the owner of the feet was gently rubbing his palms.

" dare to hit me!"

Laflitz stretched out his hand and pointed at Bai Ye tremblingly.

Bang! Another scream rang out, and the moment Laflitz stretched out his hand, Bai Ye stepped out again, directly stomping Laflitz's hand to the ground and breaking it instantly.

"Who gave you the qualification to point to me"

Bai Ye looked indifferent, no matter how Laflitz struggled, he was as motionless as Mount Tai.

"Orange Legion, blow him up for me!"

After struggling, it was the lord of the Orange Legion after all, Laflitz reacted and clenched the ring in his hand.

Immediately, the surrounding orange lights flourished, and at the same time, endless phantom ghosts emerged from Laflitz's ring.

There are all kinds of monsters, humans, machines, flying beasts, mythical beasts, and endless... These are all opponents that Laflitz has killed for thousands of years, and their souls are illuminated by orange lights for thousands of years. has been enslaved.

In just an instant, the original square was directly filled with ghosts.

The surrounding legions obviously knew that Laflitz was so powerful that they all retreated directly in the face of the power of the ring, leaving the battlefield empty.

With the retreat of the surrounding lights, the Orange Legion frantically rushed towards the white night like a wild horse that had taken off its reins.

A gigantic giant with a height of more than 50 meters stepped on the ground step by step, slamming into the white night like a mountain.

Bai Ye was indifferent, stretched out his hand, and directly confronted the giant, a loud noise made, and the giant dissipated directly.

Behind the giant, there is a flamingo with its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun.

Wherever the wings pass, the earth melts and billows of lava emerge.

Bai Ye chuckled lightly, stretched out his palm and held it lightly, the ice attribute mana instantly condensed, and the flamingo froze directly into ice cubes and fell to the ground and shattered.

"The kid is not an ordinary person. He even killed the giant and the flamingo. These are two warriors from the Laphsis Legion!"

Sinisto of the Yellow Lantern Corps, a flash of surprise flashed in his heart. As a legend of the Green Lantern Corps, he also betrayed the Green Lantern Corps and founded the founder of the Yellow Lantern Corps. His eyes are very vicious.

Not only him, but the leaders of other legions all narrowed their eyes slightly, and were amazed by Bai Ye's skills.

They were still unmoved, although they came here for a common purpose, but the grievances and grievances between the various legions, in addition to the... In addition, the other legions are nothing to do with themselves, hanging high.

At this moment, only one minute has passed, and 20 has also defeated two Titans one after another, but the monsters of the Orange Legion are endless, almost instantly engulfing Bai Ye.

Dense monsters, like hills, wrap up the white night.

"Haha, this is the end of going against me! No matter how strong you are, can you fight against a legion!"

Clutching his broken arm, Laphsis staggered up from the ground, looking at the battlefield in the distance, his eyes filled with resentment.

"Do you think you are the only one with an army?"

Laphosis laughed wildly, but a voice sounded behind him, which made his laughter froze, and then his face turned pale.

Turning his neck mechanically back, he suddenly saw a person he didn't even dare to imagine.

"How could it be that you have not been surrounded and engulfed by my legion!"

In front of Bai Ye, holding his shoulders, he looked at Laphosis with a playful expression. Laphosis looked pale and couldn't believe the existence in front of him.

"Is this what you said?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and then another Bai Ye walked out from behind Bai Ye.

"Still this one"

Bai Ye gently snapped his fingers again, followed by another Bai Ye, walking out from behind the previous Bai Ye.

"Or rather, these are what you want...!"

As soon as Bai Ye's words fell, the endless white night split from the previous white night, and the entire square was piled up in the blink of an eye.

Laphosis was dumbfounded, and the surrounding legions were dumbfounded too! "How could he have stolen the ability of the orange light?" "No, it's not the same, he should have super power and be able to copy himself!"

"It's amazing, I've seen people who can split one or two, but it's the first time I've seen so many superpowers!"

Chapter 335 Black Death Emperor (please subscribe, please complete)

The surrounding legions all sighed, before they just thought Bai Ye was a superpower who came to them by mistake.

But I didn't expect it to be a strong man who is comparable to the leader of the Orange Legion.

In the next second, they knew that their judgment was wrong again, not to be able to match, but to crush! When they realized that their attack target was still alive, those......the puppets of the Orange Legion , like a pack of wolves that smelled blood, they turned their heads sharply, and there were cruel and bloodthirsty eyes in their eyes.

But this time, without waiting for them to attack, Bai Ye waved his finger lightly.

Because of the avatars that were transformed, the silhouettes flashed and instantly appeared behind every member of the Orange Legion.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, the hot mage sword pierced the body of every member of the Orange Legion.


The members of the Orange Legion are only soul bodies. They can't feel pain, but all the pain directly reacts to Laphosis! At this moment, the intense pain makes Laphosis twitch, and he falls directly to the ground and rolls his eyes. After 5 minutes, the intense pain made Raphsis unable to bear it at all, and he fainted directly.

Even the orange ring on Laflitz's finger was emitting a faint glow, and it was obviously badly damaged.

Deathly silence! The whole process lasted less than two seconds, so that the entire seven light armies, the orange armies that were quite dreaded, were instantly killed in an instant. Can beat the Orange Army.

After all, Laflitz is only one person, but they are a whole army.

But then they have to pay a heavy price, it is impossible to be as easy as Bai Ye! "So this is the orange ring?"

Without looking at the shocked eyes of others, Bai Ye snapped his fingers, and the avatars around him gradually faded.

Going directly to Laflitz's side, with a slight gesture of his hand, the ring of Laflitz, who was in a coma, floated directly into Bai Ye's hands.

"From the white night of the earth, your heart is full of desires, welcome to join the Orange Legion!"

The moment it was incorporated into the ring, a bewitching voice broke into Bai Ye's mind.

At the same time, an orange light called greed broke into Bai Ye's consciousness.

"Interesting, is this what an orange ring looks like?"

At this moment in Bai Ye's mind, a fat snake with a human brain is constantly circling in his consciousness, with greedy eyes in his eyes.

"Come on, join me, get my power, and together we can get the best things in this world!"

This is the lamp beast of the orange ring, and the source of the power of the orange ring! The power of greed is extremely powerful, and everyone in the world is free from greed.

There is already an ambitious, wonderful and envious king who has succumbed to his bewitching, a saint who is indifferent to the world, does not seek fame and fortune, and has fallen into the abyss of desire! All the greed in the world is all due to this greedy snake! He believes that there is no such thing as a greedy snake! Man can resist the power of its greed! Just when greed is... into the consciousness of Bai Ye, because he has controlled Bai Ye.

I only felt that tens of millions of iron chains appeared, and tied him directly! "Hehe, you are the first to play your tricks in front of the Supreme Master!"

Seeing that greed actually took the initiative to penetrate into his consciousness, Bai Ye laughed directly.

If the greedy snake escaped directly, he might have to spend some effort, but he actually entered into the consciousness of the mage, just like entering a cage! For Bai Ye, consciousness is its absolute domain, In it, he is... God! When he was almost instantly greedy, he was directly strangled by the rope transformed by Bai Ye's consciousness: turned into powder, and then merged into Bai Ye's consciousness and used it as a nutrient for its growth! At the same time, the orange ring shattered in Bai Ye's hands.

"The orange ring is broken, how is this possible!"

"The ring can't be destroyed, what's going on with this guy!"

"It's over, this guy won't be on the side of the Black Death, right?"

......At this moment, the members of the surrounding legion all let out a scream of horror. The ring is the artifact they rely on for survival, and their power is drawn through the ring, but at this moment, they regard it as the ring of life. It shattered! They were terrified! At the same time, the sky was overcast.

The dark clouds, as if pressing on the ground, made people breathless.

At first, no one noticed these visions, but soon, the Green Lantern Hal raised his head and let out a terrified cry.

"Everyone, look up and look at the sky!"

"What's the matter, Hal, don't make a fuss, isn't it just a dark cloud? Haven't you seen it?"

"No, no, take a closer look, it's not a dark cloud at all, it's the Legion of the Black Death!"

Hearing Ha'er's words, the surrounding legion members raised their heads one after another, and after a closer look, they realized.

At the top of the sky at this moment, all the densely packed figures are made of black aura. These people and their numbers are in the tens of thousands, and they look like dark clouds from a distance, swarming towards this side!" The Emperor of Death is here! He has come with the Black Legion, and as expected, the prophecy is correct, we are all going to die!"

Fear instantly filled the entire legion, and at the same time, the power of the yellow legion representing fear was increasing.

"All of you will become my slaves, and you will all become slaves of the black ring!"

From the incarnation of the God of Death, the Black Death Emperor took a huge sickle and landed from the sky, and behind it, the dark clouds slowly descended and thousands of Black Lantern Corps followed behind him.

The ability of the black ring is to bring the dead back to life, it is a messenger of possession, and can only be manipulated by the black ring like a machine without emotion.

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