At this moment, behind the Black Death Emperor, there are strong men who have already died on other planets! "Don't be afraid, everyone, stick to our positions, and hope that they will take care of us!"

The Saint Walker stood up at this moment, exuding a blue light around their blue army, which is the power of hope! Originally, there were all kinds of grievances between these... Legions, but , Sunwalker brought them here to fight against the common enemy, the Black Death! With the help of Sunwalker, the fear of the surrounding legion members has been reduced a lot.

At the same time, they also finally remembered their purpose for coming here, which is to fight Emperor Heizi to the death!

Chapter 336 The Great War (For Subscription, For Full Subscription)

The black ring was born in the void, his ability is completely different from other rings, and does not depend on emotion.

It's death, the ability to die outright! As long as the person selected by the black ring will be instantly.

Resurrected, turned into a walking corpse-like existence, maintained the strength of his life, and received the control of the black ring! And almost undead, only the Blue Light Legion can use their abilities to cause damage to the Black Legion.

Therefore, the legions of other colors are very afraid of the black light legion, except...the blue light legion is in the front, and several legions at the back are assisting.

"Stop dreaming, Black Death, we will protect the peace of the entire universe, and you will be defeated by us!"

The leader of the Green Lantern Corps stood up and said righteously.

"Hehe, I hope you can still be so confident later."

The Black Death Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, then he waved his hand lightly, only to see a group of monsters coming back from the dead behind him, like a tide, rushing towards the 7-color army.

"The whole universe, for our Legion, kill!"

All the leaders of the color legion shouted angrily, boosting their morale, and then rushed over first.

Although they have their own grudges, but in the face of the powerful existence that threatens the entire universe, they share the same enemy! Like a 7-color rainbow that hits the night, suddenly, several color legions at the top, as well as monsters from the black legion , are all smashed into minced meat.

"Quick Green Lantern Corps, listen to my orders and protect the other Corps!"

Kyle, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, raised the ring in his hand, used his energy to transform a giant hammer as tall as a house, smashed several monsters with a wave of his hand, and turned back and shouted at his own legion.

In an instant, the members of the Green Lantern Corps raised their hands high and transformed into a... huge shield, blocking the impact of the Black Corps.

"The Red Lantern Corps listens to my orders and prepares to charge!"

Atoxix, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, slammed his fists, and the strong muscles on his arms trembled! Although he was fainted by Bai Ye just now, he has recovered at this moment. The strength brought to him by the Red Lantern World is Endless! The members of the Red Legion behind him are all ruthless characters, and the power of anger runs in their blood.

Let them gallop out of the gap between the Green Lantern Corps row like a red arrow, and in an instant, the Black Corps... opened a long red line! "Don't lose to these...  ..Boy, Yellow Lantern Corps, come with me!"

The leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Sinisto, clenched his teeth fiercely and stared at the soldiers behind him with sharp eyes.

He is a legendary hero who stood out from the Green Lantern Corps, but in the end, because of disagreement with the Green Lantern Corps, he left the Green Lantern Corps and founded the Yellow Lantern Corps! Therefore, in terms of momentum, Sinesto absolutely dislikes the Green Lantern Corps.

Lian Xinisto waved his hand, and a building suddenly appeared behind him.

The fighter jets formed by this energy bombed towards the Black Legion at a high speed. At the same time, a heavyweight missile continued to crack and explode in the Black Legion! The leader took the lead and the members of the Yellow Lantern Corps were all Show your supernatural powers and transform into tanks, planes, and even aircraft carriers to support your leader! With three 3 powerful offensive legions at the beginning, the black legion will collapse in an instant and become a mess! "Black Death Emperor, give up Resist, you are no match for us!"

A voice descended from the sky, and groups of blue dwarfs descended from the sky.

"It turned out to be a guardian."

Bai Ye was at the end of the battlefield and did not participate in the battle of the legion, but he discovered the existence of the guardian immediately.

In the world, these guardians can be said to be the masters of a large number of sexual desires, and they founded Euler.

Euler rules most of the universe, and in order to rule such a large territory, they founded the Green Lantern Corps, and later because they were afraid of the power of the Green Lantern Corps, they studied other forces, and then the Starlight Corps, the Purple Light Corps, the Blue Light Corps, the Red Corps, and the Red Lantern Corps. The Legion of Light was also born one after another.

However, due to their governance issues, only the Green Lantern Corps remained loyal to them.

If it wasn't for the arrival of the Black Death, everyone had a common enemy, otherwise the Guardians might not be able to control so many legions to fight for them.

"Hehehe, you are so ridiculous, these guardians have been high above for too long, and they can no longer see the essence of things. I will show you what cruelty is!"

The scythe in the hands of the Black Death Emperor swung towards the Void Sword, and suddenly, a black mist enveloped the Black Legion.

At this moment, there was a change in the battlefield. Some black legion monsters who had been cut off from the body, under the rendering of the black mist, climbed up again, found their body and reattached it! The legion rushed.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the leaders of the Seven-Colored Legion changed, but before they could react, the second wave of the Black Legion came again! Boom boom! A copper hammer-like percussion sounded heavily on the ground. on top of the great shield formed by the Green Lantern Corps.

Immediately, there were painful expressions in the eyes of the members of the Green Lantern Corps. At the same time, there were traces of micro-cracks on the big shield! "Hold on to our warriors, and victory must belong to us!"

Howl fought bloody battle, formed two big swords in his hand, rushed into the black army, like a whirlwind, constantly harvesting the life of the black army.

At the same time, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, Kyle, also fought bloody battles, his face covered with black blood! Although the words of the commander were encouraging, the attack of the Black Corps was too violent. The formed giant shield shattered! There was a loud bang! The members of the legion flew out with a powerful impact and fell heavily to the ground! "Hold on, you are all right!"

The Sunwalker of the Blue Lantern Corps immediately took his entourage and rushed to the side of the Green Lantern Corps, allowing the blue light to bloom and heal them! At the same time, the Yellow Lantern Corps immediately retreated to fill the vacant position of the Green Lantern Corps.

A large yellow shield formed, blocking the attack of the Black Legion once again, but a small number of monsters from the Black Legion had rushed into the 7-color Legion along the gap just now! "Get rid of these monsters!"

The leader of the Red Lantern Corps, Atoxix's giant body jumped violently and exploded back into the legion again.

The energy as thick as blood scatters around, and immediately blasts out several Black Legion monsters who want to attack him! At this moment, a huge and desperate existence rushes out of the Black Legion!

Chapter 337 The Provocation of the Black Death Emperor (please subscribe, please complete)

This is a monster like the giant Cthulhu, with a body of 10 meters high. The lower body is an octopus tentacle, but the upper body has a human-like shape! A giant god of Cthulhu, but his figure flashed and entangled directly towards Atochiks! The huge tentacles, before Atoskes could react, directly tied them tightly! "Drink , Do you think you can trap me like this? You really underestimate me!"

The ring gave Atoxix infinite power, and at this moment, with their strength, the octopus tentacles on their bodies were slowly propped up! "Hehe, I don't need to trap you, I just need to delay your time. now!"

The Cthulhu monster roared sinisterly.

What! Atsix raised his head sharply, only to see that the surroundings were still there: the monsters of the Black Legion entangled him, which had already rushed towards the back of the Yellow Lantern Legion! Atsix wanted to speak to remind, But it's too late.

The monsters that slipped in through the cracks were all elites from the Black Legion.

They attacked the members of the Yellow Lantern Corps, and the members of the Yellow Lantern Corps suffered heavy casualties. They maintained a huge shield and immediately dissipated! "Bring death to them!"

Black and dead stood in the air, holding the sickle, and said gloomily.


Accompanied by excited roars, the monsters of the Black Legion, with the sound of earthquakes, charged and broke the guard of the Seven Colors Legion! "Go back and support them!"

Still: Sufficient Howl, and Kyle, the two returned to the main battlefield with the power of the green light, swung the giant hammer in their hands, transformed into powerful weapons, and fought against it! "It's just... deceiving Too much!"

The roar of the Toxixes was like blood, and the general energy bloomed again. Crusu Jisheng, who was tightly wrapped around her, was torn apart, but before Atoxix could react, several powerful The Black Legion monster threw him to the ground again! The scene was chaotic, and the leaders of other legions were also stared at by various masters of the Black Legion! "Why don't you bastards protect us!"

At this moment, seeing that the Black Legion had broken through the defense of the Legion, the guardians were immediately... joyful.... The blue dwarfs floating in the air accused the guardians in a panic.

But at this moment, the Seven Colors Corps are all in trouble, and they have no time to take care of these... Guardians.

"Kill these guys!"

With a roar, there were seven or eight tall monsters rushing towards the guardians! "Turn on the teleportation array!"

These............ blue villains panicked, although they also had some energy to resist these... black monsters, but under such a terrifying aura , I panicked when I had never experienced a battle! Just as these monsters were about to rush in front of the guardian, suddenly, a sharp sword with a length of more than [-] meters burst out of the air and slashed horizontally! Loud noise! ​​Suddenly, a [-]-meter ravine appeared on the ground, and it was bottomless, and the few monsters that rushed over were also directly killed by this blow, and not even slag was left! "You are blocking my view. play."

Bai Ye indifferently retracted the giant sword transformed by mana, then hugged his shoulders and looked at the battlefield.

"What are you doing and why didn't you just do it? Don't you know it would make us noble or frightened!"

Only then did the watchmen realize that, not far below them, there was an Earth male watching over there.

As the guardians of the highest race in the universe, their arrogance is... that Bai Ye is a member of the legion, immediately.

He scolded him arrogantly! "No wonder Sinisto would betray the Green Lantern Corps and set up the Yellow Lantern Corps. You watchers are really arrogant!"

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, he also knew this battle, and the stupid guardians were high above.

In order to be able to rule the entire universe, therefore, they asked the Green Lantern Corps to not resist their own orders and be controlled by themselves like walking dead.

However, people are emotional creatures, how can they be like machines? Therefore, the emergence of Senitos, such a rebel, the emergence of the Yellow Lantern Corps, and the existence of the Red Lantern Corps led to the current situation.

"You dare to stare at me, it's just courting death, why don't you go to the battlefield to fight and kill the enemy for us!"

A blue guardian stood up, looking arrogant and arrogant.

A click.

Before the guardian could finish speaking, his head immediately fell from the sky, followed by a blood-cast fountain that erupted from his neck.

At this moment, all the guardians were stunned.

Then there was a terrified cry! "This... bastard, actually killed a guardian!"

Incomparable fear emerged from the guardian's heart.

"I'm not just going to kill him, I'm going to kill you guys, you guys are just harmful to the universe!"

The murderous intent surged in Bai Ye's eyes, and he stepped out towards the guardian step by step.

It's just that Bai Ye has just taken a step, and a figure stands in front of Bai Ye.

The shabby and large black robe fluttered in the wind, and there was no joy or anger in his skeleton-like face, and he held a huge sickle in his bony hands.

"you are interesting."

The black skull was raised, and the empty eye sockets stared at Bai Ye. Although he had no eyes, Bai Ye could clearly feel the Black Death Emperor's interest in him.

"If you don't want to die, just let it go."

Bai Ye stopped and raised his chin slightly, looking at the Emperor of the Black Death without showing weakness.

"Hahaha, it's interesting to say death to a god of death. You are the first person who dares to speak to me like this in thousands of years!"

This was a joke, and Black Death's thin body trembled.

However, the black flames behind him, like fog, were rising even more.

"I don't even care about God, what are you a god of death?"

The Black Death is indeed very powerful in the world, and even the Anti-Monitor is an existence that he can banish at will.

But Bai Ye, who is also a big boss in the Marvel world, is not afraid of the existence of the Black Death.

"Haha, it's good for young people to have self-confidence, but too much self-confidence is... arrogant. I'm not here today because of you. You can't kill them if you want to, because I have already made a reservation."

Looking at the white night in the dark, it is also tit for tat, not giving in to each other.

Although Bai Ye's episode just now killed several of his elites in one second, the Black Death Emperor didn't think Bai Ye could be stronger than him.


Chapter 338 White Night vs Black Death Emperor (please subscribe, please subscribe)

He is the strongest people in the world except... God! "Are you sure you won't let go?"

In the middle of the night, in the void, a giant sword condensed from mana appeared in his hands.

However, before Bai Ye took a step, the Black Death Emperor in front suddenly flashed, seemingly slow, but appeared in front of Bai Ye in one step.

Brush brush! Although the Black Death Emperor is the strongest existence in the universe, his attack is extremely simple.

A black shadow flashed in front of Bai Ye's eyes, and a huge black sickle mercilessly swung towards his head.

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