It turned out to be saying that you will do it without mercy! Bai Ye waved the magic sword in his hand, brother blocked in front of him, but the sickle was extremely domineering. In an instant, the magic sword in Bai Ye's hand, and his body, Cut off together.

"Oh, but that's it!"

The corner of the Black Death Emperor's mouth evoked a slight smile, but before he could react, the back of his head suddenly felt cold, followed by a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

A chill from the spinal cord spread all over the body.

Without even thinking about it, the Black Death Emperor waved his scythe with his backhand.

There was a loud bang! As soon as the sour metal delivery sounded! The black one felt a huge force, coming from the sickle, and then the whole person was like a cannonball, retreating thousands of steps in the void .

"Stop for me!"

The sickle in the Black Death Emperor's hand smeared a fork under the void, and suddenly, the retreating figure stopped directly.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to use: Clone!"

The Black Death Emperor frowned slightly, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

But Bai Ye didn't give him any time to breathe, at the moment when the Black Death Emperor stopped.

In the middle of the night, he stepped violently in the void, and the compressed air suddenly burst open, forming a sound barrier, and rushing towards the Black Death Emperor like a sharp sword! "Do you want to fight hard? I have never lost!"

Feeling the oncoming depression, the Black Death Emperor breathed a sigh of relief! As one of the most powerful beings in the universe, he has never lost a head-to-head fight, and his physical body is enough to ensure that he is invincible! The sickle in his hand is held high. He started up, and then thrust into the air heavily, and suddenly a heart-rending aura surged out from the Nanshan District.

The robes on her body are automatically without wind, and then a terrifying phantom appears behind her! God of Death! This is the true body of the Black Death Emperor. The huge God of Death figure emerges behind him, and the strong aura makes people outside the battlefield. The other members of the lamp were all terrified! "Could this be the true strength of the Black Death Emperor? Farther away, it's terrible!"

"All the members of the legion retreat and move Chang Chang, who is fighting against the horrible guy is Kyle of the Green Lantern Corps, the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps!"

"No, it's that guy, it's that Earthling!"

......The people of the other legions retreated one after another, exclaiming as they retreated! "Face the despair, Earthlings!!"

The voice behind the Black Death shook the void, followed by endless black aura, the phantom's hands gathered, a sickle with a length of several thousand meters was formed, and it slashed towards Bai Ye! There was no sound at all, but with With a scythe, cracks flashed across the void.

The entire void turned out to be forcibly torn apart like a piece of paper! Wherever the sickle passed, members of the Black Legion and other legions died violently on the spot, no sound was heard, and the body quickly withered! The death sickle plundered the soul! Anyone who is scratched by the death scythe, even if it is scratched a little, will be quickly robbed of their soul! Facing the huge scythe that flew over, Bai Ye frowned, and then stomped in the air, his body changed. , dodge the scythe and charge upwards.

At the same time, his hands changed wildly like butterflies wearing flowers, and millions of clones continued to transform out of Bai Ye's body, rushing towards the Black Death Emperor like heavy rain.

"The same trick won't work for me!"

The Black Death Emperor grinned, the figure of the god of death behind him, waving his scythe crazily, so fast that he couldn't see a shadow! Empty! The huge scythe is like the sound of the wind blowing over the sky. Could it be that every time it is swung, it can plunder hundreds of clones! However, every time the clone disappears, there will be more clones to make up for the original blank! "I see how many clones you can have, kill!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the Black Death, and the scythe in his hand was swung continuously and quickly! In two seconds, it has been swung thousands of times,, but it can't stop Bai Ye's progress! Tear! At the moment of the death emperor, millions of clones suddenly converged and converged into Bai Ye's life. At the same time, a purple light burst into bloom in Bai Ye's right hand! Power gem! Boom! Powerful energy, suddenly It erupted from Bai Ye's right hand and smashed directly on the body of the Black Death Emperor.

The powerful force suddenly made the Black Death Emperor's mind blank, and the pain came out from the door of the Black Death Emperor's abdomen! Bo! The powerful force directly penetrated the Black Death Emperor's voice and found it in his abdomen. a big hole.

There is even more violent energy, pouring out from the hollow of the Black Death Emperor's abdomen, hitting the stars, and drawing a line of demarcation in the sky.

"What kind of power is too terrifying!"

Atoxix, the leader of the Red Legion, grabbed a monster of the Black Legion next to him and blocked him.

The strong wind pressure caused by the power gem in the middle of the night directly crushed this monster's face into pieces.

Facing the aftermath of the battle caused by Bai Ye, the surrounding legion leaders also used their abilities to block it! They were shocked when they saw the big hole in the abdomen of the Black Death Emperor.

The invincible Black Death Emperor, could it be that he was killed like this? When everyone thought so, Bai Ye frowned, and then he suddenly pulled his hand back.

But at the moment when Bai Ye was about to withdraw her right hand, a powerful force suddenly wrapped her right hand, and then, the Black Death Emperor's arm grabbed Bai Ye's right hand.

"Hey, hey, it's beyond my expectation that an earthling can burst out such power, you are the first for thousands of years!"

The Black Death slowly raised his head, at this moment his face had become: as dark as a fog.

And the hole in his abdomen has long been repaired as the flesh and blood of the god of death, tightly wrapping Bai Ye's arm! "Boy, you are very strong, if I hadn't had the privilege of the god of death, I might really be unable to beat you! "

"But unfortunately, the truth is that I am the god of death, and the god of death is immortal!"

A cruel smile spread all over the Black Death Emperor's face.

Chapter 339 Negotiations of the Black Death Emperor (please subscribe, please complete)

In the universe, except for the legendary white light, only the Blue Lantern Corps can cause some damage to the Black Death.

No matter how powerful other attacks are, for... the Black Death, it cannot kill it.

You can't kill a dead creature after all! Not to mention a Grim Reaper! "Feel the despair, boy!"

There was endless madness in the eyes of the god of death, and at the same time, the sickle in his hand was fleeting, and it slid straight to Bai Ye's neck! In an instant, Bai Ye's neck was cut off, and his head flew down! Deathly silence! Just now In the middle of the night, how great is the show, how clean the scene is now! The members of the legion who were fighting on the ground were all stunned the moment Bai Ye's head fell to the ground.

Thinking that even this guy is dead, is there no one who can stop the Black Death! Although it was the first time I saw Bai Ye, the strength he showed just now, and Laflitz who instantly killed the Orange Lantern Corps, are enough to show Because of its power, everyone present is unrivaled! But even such a person is so helpless in the face of the Black Death Emperor, and he is directly killed! This suddenly makes people feel hopeless!" , this is the fate of going against me!"

Seeing Bai Ye's head falling, the Black Death Emperor finally laughed at ease.

But at this moment, a burst of green light bloomed, and at the same time, the Black Death Emperor suddenly felt his stomach empty, and then, Bai Ye's body appeared out of thin air a few hundred meters away.

Time gem! Everything is... just like the scene a few seconds ago! "It seems that I was careless, but I didn't expect you to force me to use the time gem."

Bai Ye's left hand was lightly grasped, and the green light disappeared in his hand.

"Boy, I underestimated you, I didn't expect you to be able to control time!"

The Black Death Emperor suddenly felt troubled. He did not expect that this guy in front of him actually had another hole card, a hole card that could be compared with his undead body.

Seeing that in the middle of the night, he was resurrected from the dead, and all the members of the surrounding legion cheered! Although Bai Ye is not a member of their legion, he just fought against the Black Death Emperor, and he is obviously their ally! "Hehe, I see you It' can be used a few times!"

After talking about the Black Death Emperor, his breath was released again, and at the same time, the reflection of the Death God appeared behind him again, and the huge sickle, with a mighty aura, slashed towards Bai Ye.

But this time Bai Ye didn't, and he chose to fight recklessly, and with a wave of his hands, the Void Doors around him suddenly appeared.

He stepped into the Void Gate suddenly, and then, in the middle of the night, he appeared behind the Black Death Emperor.

I don't even want to think about it, I just... see it in a white night with a sickle, immediately.

He squeezed the magic formula, and tens of millions of clones spewed out from his hands. At the same time, the whip formed by condensed mana, with millions of jets, instantly tied the Black Death Emperor's Death Scythe! "This... The sickle is good, give it to me!"

Tens of millions of white nights, with a violent force in the hand, suddenly, the death sickle in the hands of the Black Death Emperor was directly captured in the middle of the night! "Bastard!"

The Black Death Emperor was shocked. The Death Scythe was his strongest attacking weapon. It can be said that his half-life power was on the Death Scythe. If the Death Scythe was taken away, then he would not only be... ignorant In addition, there is no way to cause damage to Bai Ye! "Death Incarnation!"

The Black Death Emperor roared, and the shadow of the Death God behind him immediately became thick as if it could drip out of water.

After a second or two, the phantom behind him turned into a corpse, and the body of the god of death, hundreds of meters high, suddenly gave birth to a giant hand, and it was a direct punch.

Boom! In just a few seconds, Bai Ye's avatar in the void was completely incarnated by the Death God of the Black Death Emperor, and they were all defeated! Colleague Black Death Emperor's body, directly pounced on Bai Ye and grabbed the sickle in his hand.

However, Bai Ye made a decisive decision and instantly pointed his fingers like swords. The infinite power burst out from his hands and directly cut off the arms of the god of death! The Emperor of the Black Death let out a scream! It kicked the Black Death Emperor thousands of meters away! "As expected of the scythe of the god of death, it seems that the quality is very good!"

In the middle of the night, he picked up the death scythe in his hand, looked at it quietly for a while..., raised his head to look at the Black Death Emperor several kilometers away, and said with a joke.

"Boy, I advise you to return the sickle to me, or you won't know how to die!"

The Black Death Emperor thousands of meters away, his chest squirmed wildly, the wound he kicked out in the middle of the night healed within a second, and his eyes were fixed on Bai Ye.

"Hehe, kill me, you tried it just now. Are you killing me? You have the body of immortality, I have the power of time, and none of us can do anything about it."

Bai Ye held the scythe of the God of Death, and took time to brush it a few times, looking at the Black Death Emperor in the distance with ease.

Bai Ye's words instantly silenced the Black Death Emperor. Bai Ye was right. He has the power to be immortal and swim back to the dormitory in the middle of the night. The two of them really can't help each other.

"What do you want"

The Black Death Emperor said simply and clearly, Bai Ye's strength is now enough for him to face it.

So he threw an olive branch.

"Hehe, I don't want to, I just want the alliance I just created to be less fragile."

In the middle of the night or the scythe of the god of death, looking at the black death from a distance.

Originally, he did not intend to help the Legion at all, after all, although the Green Lantern Corps of the 7 Lantern Corps is considered a righteous party, it can protect the earth.

But for Bai Ye, their life and death have nothing to do with him, but in the middle of the night, he knows that the only way to defeat the Black Death is to allow these seven legions to survive.

So he just started.

"Seeing that you have such strength, you are also a strong man who rules a star field. I can assure you that as long as you do not interfere, I can make the area under your rule safe and sound, and our well water will not violate the river water."

The Black Death soothed Bai Ye and said.

"Hehe, do you think I will believe these words? It's okay to lie to a three-year-old child, as long as you eliminate these... Legions, without their help, you will sooner or later stretch your claws. to where I am."

Bai Ye watched the Black Death mercilessly expose his conspiracy.

Make him strong and invincible, but on Earth, other superheroes have no means of fighting the Black Death.

Even if Bai Ye is stronger, it is still a little reluctant to protect those guys under so many black legions.

Although it is only now, it does not mean that it will be reluctant in the future.


Chapter 340 Conditions (for subscription, for full subscription)

Chris stared at Bai Ye with a terrifying look in his eyes. As one of the most powerful beings in the universe, he clenched his fists and said grimly.

"Then what do you want"

Bai Ye threw the death scythe in his hand very easily, played with it for a while, and said slowly when Chris was about to get angry.

"It's very simple, you retreat, and within 50 years, promise not to invade here, I will return the death scythe to you."

Chris narrowed his eyes and finally laughed.

"Boy, you are so confident, aren't you afraid that after returning the sickle to me, I will break my promise?"

After saying this, some powerful Black Legion monsters behind Chris just took a step forward and were ready to move.

"Hehe, since I can rob you once, the Death Scythe can rob you a second time. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Bai Ye also smiled slightly and looked at Chris, unmoved.

Chris was silent this time, Bai Ye was right, although it was only a few rounds with Bai Ye's feet, he had clearly felt Bai Ye's strength.

Even stronger than him, although it can't kill him at all, but with him here, it is completely impossible to defeat these legions.

This matter has to be considered in the long run.

"I can promise you, but not as long as 50 years, 30 years"

Chris still wanted to bargain, but Bai Ye's face turned cold.



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