But I didn't expect Bai Ye to be so presumptuous, to raise the price directly.

But seeing Bai Ye's cold eyes, Chris could only grit his teeth.

"The year is 50 years!"

"I'm talking about 60 years, are you blind?"


Chris was furious, and the monsters behind him... the Black Legion were also filled with righteous indignation.

And today, this side is also like a big enemy, looking at Bai Ye, my heart is like walking a tightrope.

What does this young man do? He is one of the most powerful in the universe.

How dare he bargain with such horror, isn't he afraid of Chris jumping over the wall! Just when the legion members thought that Chris couldn't bear such humiliation and was about to fight, Chris closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After the violent ups and downs.

"Okay, 60 years is 60 years! Hurry up and return the scythe to me!"

Before Chris could finish speaking, Bai Ye threw the death scythe in his hand.

The scythe was as fast as lightning and flew towards Chris.

Wherever they passed, hundreds of death legions were wiped out, and finally fell into the hands of Chris.

Feeling the huge energy coming from above, Chris stepped back slightly, then looked at Bai Ye viciously and said.

"Boy, you can remember that in 60 years you will be dead!"

After speaking, he waved his hand with Chris, and the death army behind him gathered behind him, but the unwilling eyes gave Bai Ye a vicious look, and then walked away.

Seeing Chris and his Death Legion go far, all the people in the... Legion breathed a sigh of relief, and then, looking at Bai Ye's eyes, an incomparable explosion erupted. worship.

This guy is simply too powerful! Facing such a Chris, he even dared to bargain with him. In the end, he even killed hundreds of his subordinates in front of him. It was just... terrifying.

"Trash, you trash, you actually let them go, so if you let them go, hurry up and chase them, trash!"

At this moment, I saw that Bai Ye had let Chris and the others go, and there was no obstruction at all.

Originally, the guardian who had been watching from behind without stepping forward to help, but now it was immediately.

He jumped out and scolded Bai Ye arrogantly.

It was as if Bai Ye had done something monstrous.

In particular, the leading guardian rushed directly to a place [-] meters away from Bai Ye.

He pointed directly at Bai Ye's forehead and said! "You bastard, I order you, hurry up and chase them now. If you don't catch them back, don't come back to see us!"

After speaking, this guardian raised his head high and looked down at Bai Ye.

Seeing all the actions of the guardians, even their loyal subordinates, the Green Lantern Corps, are a little despised.

After all, when the Black Death Legion came, they hid behind, but now they are gone, they jump out.

It's just... brother behavior.

And just as these......the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, Kyle, was about to come out to dissuade him.

Only seeing Bai Ye, there was a rare trace of disgust in his eyes, and then he flicked his fingers gently.

The guardian leader, who was arrogant and wanted to say something, suddenly his body... froze, and then.

A loud bang! The guardian's head suddenly exploded like a watermelon.

His brain overflowed, and at the same time, his figure suspended in the air fell directly to the ground.

Bang! A headless dwarf corpse fell straight to the ground.

And as the corpse fell to the ground, everything seemed to have turned on the mute switch, Kyle and the others who had wanted to go forward to dissuade them.

The figure in the air was stunned, staring at the headless corpse underground in disbelief.


The body of the guardian lay quietly on the ground, while the hearts of the others were turbulent.

The guardians have always been high above and cannot be violated. Even the strength of the Green Lantern Corps can already crush the strength of guarding themselves.

However, because the Guardians created them and gave them strength, the Green Lantern Corps remained in awe and did not dare to surpass them.

Now they are regarded as the guardian of life-like existence high above the ground, and now he fell to the ground and died "How dare you, how dare you shoot at us, Green Lantern Corps, let us catch it, I want him to die, I want let him die!"

Because he looked like a highly respected guardian, he immediately ran to the corpse and hugged her tightly.

Raised his head and watched the guardians roaring at the white night.

But the people from the Green Lantern Corps stayed there quietly, looking at Bai Ye and the guardians, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Are you all deaf Kyle, go and catch him for me..."

Hearing this sentence, Kyle reacted, looked at Bai Ye, but did not dare to move forward.

After all, the strength that Bai Ye showed just now was too terrifying, and it was not something they could resist at all.

Chapter 341 New Visitor (For Subscription, For Full Order)

"Trash, you are all a bunch of trash! Since you can't join, then I'll do it myself!"

The guardian was furious, soaring up, holding the ring in his hand, a beam of light was about to slash towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't even look at it, just bent his finger and flicked it! A mana was suddenly ejected and the laser collided with the mana, without the slightest strength of resistance being directly broken by the waist, and then directly into the The brain of a guardian.

A loud bang.

The guardian's brain also exploded like a watermelon, and the headless corpse fell directly to the ground.

"Who else!"

Bai Ye raised his brows slightly, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked around.

Originally, the other guardians had to rush forward, but they were startled by Bai Ye's attack, and then they all took a step back when Bai Ye's eyes looked at them, not daring to look directly.

The surrounding Green Lantern Corps and other legions all lowered their heads, as if Bai Ye's eyes were enough to kill people.

"Since there is no one, then listen to me carefully."

Bai Ye took a slight step, and the people of the legion and the guardians all stepped back in fear.

"There will be no Green Lantern Corps in the future, and there will be no more Corps members. You will all be members of the Justice League in the future."

"Justice League, what is that"

A member of the surrounding legion asked... "The Justice League, now an organization on Earth, I will choose some of your strong men and bring them into the Justice League on Earth. You don't need to ask more about the others."

Bai Ye gave the member a cold look.

"No, how can the Green Lantern Corps belong to us and cannot be loyal to other forces..."

Another guardian wanted to stand up, but before he could finish speaking, Bai Ye flicked his fingers, and suddenly, his head exploded into a watermelon like the previous two guardians.

"Any other questions now?"

Bai Ye retracted his fingers and clapped his hands lightly.

The surrounding guardians shook their heads in unison.

"Very good, the rest of you will continue as usual, Hal and I will go back to Earth."

After Bai Ye was done, he waved his hand, and a portal appeared beside him.

"This is what Chris does 60 years later, isn't he making a comeback. Although 60 years is a long time for... human beings, it is only a short time for us."

asked some of the Green Lantern Corps.

"Hehe, do you think he will really obey for 60 years? Stop kidding..."

Bai Ye smiled disdainfully.

"But what you said..."

"Hehe, I was just a tactic to slow down the army. Any promises to strong strength are false. As long as the strength on our side is weaker than theirs, they may attack at any time.

After he finished speaking, Bai Ye was the stunned Hal and walked directly into the portal.

Leaving behind the members of the legion who were confused and looked at each other.

...Earth on the Bruce Wayne Building.

A portal opened, and Hal walked into the luxurious room at the top of the building.

And here, Batman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman are walking here.

Seeing White Night appear, Batman immediately.

went up.

"Where have you been, you'll be gone as soon as we get back."

Wonder Woman walked up and handed Bai Ye a cup of coffee.

Bai Ye nodded lightly, took the coffee, drank it in one gulp, and then said casually.

"Nothing, just to save another galaxy."

Hearing this sentence, Batman was taken aback.

"How about another galaxy, and who are you this guy dressed in green?"

Batman turned his head to Hal, who looked embarrassed.

"Yes, Mr. Bai Ye has indeed saved our galaxy, but also the earth. If Chris doesn't leave, the earth will fall into the clutches of the devil sooner or later."

Batman was dumbfounded, and when he saw Batman like this, he explained the ins and outs to them.

It took him more than an hour to finish talking about these things, and Batman and Wonder Woman were all dumbfounded when they heard it.

They only had a dinner time, and Bai Ye did so many things.

On the other side, Bai Ye was counting his dinner.

"Okay, now that we're done, let's go back. This guy will join our Justice League from today."

After Bai Ye finished explaining, he opened a portal, and after putting Green Lantern in, he returned to his bedroom.

Seeing Bai Ye like this, Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman looked at each other, sighed, and told Superman and Aquaman the news brought by Bai Ye.

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