Chapter 346 What a cheap request (please subscribe)

How could he have a single machine briefly appear in Catwoman's brain here, and then he shouted to Bai Ye.

"Run, they are all prisoners who came out of the prison, killing people without blinking an eye!"

It's just that his voice was suddenly drowned out in the noisy environment.

Forget it, I have already reminded him... In my current situation, there is nothing I can do.

Catwoman lowered her head weakly, her beautiful eyes trembling slightly.

"Oh, beauty, is this guy your concubine? You are so sad, so look up and see how your concubine was ravaged to death by us!"

Another strong robber grabbed Catwoman's hair fiercely, forcing her to raise her head and look at Bai Ye.

It was only when a robber also raised his head with a cruel smile and looked at Bai Ye.

However, he found that his two-meter-high companion had already fallen to the ground, like a dead pig.

What happened "Jack, what are you doing? Did you spend too much energy on women last night? Get up, we're robbing!"

Several other robbers walked up to the strong man and kicked him a few times.

It's just that the strong man fell to the ground without the slightest reaction.

"Damn, what's the matter with this guy..."

One of the robbers crouched down, ready to check the specific situation, but suddenly, her body softened, and she fell to the ground like a strong man.

"what happened......"

"What are you doing..."

......The remaining few strong men fell one after another before they could speak.

"It's weird, what happened to this guy?"

The one in the distance liberated, loosened... Catwoman's hair, frowned, and walked towards this side.

Beside these robbers, Bai Ye always held his arms and looked relaxed.

Therefore, this strong man did not suspect Bai Ye at all.

"Don't go there unless you want to pass out like them too!"

The clown who had been silent for a long time finally spoke, looking at Bai Ye with interested eyes.

After all, the clown is the leader of their team, and he still has a bit of majesty. The foot of the strong man who walked over suddenly stopped in the air.

He didn't move, but Bai Ye moved.

"Sleep with your companions..."

Bai Ye suddenly appeared beside the robber, and with a wave of his hand, the... robber immediately fell to the ground.

Clap clap! The rhythmic applause sounded, and the clown walked slowly with a smile on his face.

"It's amazing, it seems that another superhero has come..."

Hearing that it was a superhero, the citizens and practitioners lying on the ground raised their heads excitedly.

"Save us, save us."

"Rent me out first, I'm the boss, I can give you a lot of money!"

"Save me first, I have a high position in the government to help you."

...the crowd just... boiled.

A loud bang! The violent gunshots sounded, and the crowd suddenly quieted down again. The clown held up the machine gun and looked at the surrounding crowd with disgust.

"Quiet ladies and gentlemen, here I am today's protagonist."

Seeing that the people around him were quiet, the clown carried his gun with satisfaction: he looked at Bai Ye arrogantly.

At the same time, one hand turned away.

"Superhero, come and hit me."

The clown looked at Bai Ye with a shy expression.

At the same time, the hand behind his back was clenched tightly.

Bai Ye frowned slightly, it was the first time he had seen such a request.

"Hehe, satisfy you."

Then Bai Ye strode towards He Joker.

Seeing Bai Ye walking towards him unguardedly, the clown's eyes suddenly showed joy, but he was deeply hidden in his eyes.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are still very kind, but your speed is still too slow. If you don't... come over, this chick's face will be shaved by me."

The clown grabbed Catwoman's hair and pulled it up fiercely. At the same time, a sharp dagger made constant gestures on Catwoman's face.

The icy dagger caused goose bumps on Catwoman's face, but his eyes were full of stubbornness.

"Let's go and leave me alone, save the people here first."

Catwoman yelled at Bai Ye.

"Do you think I'll listen to you?"

Bai Ye still walked towards Xiaochao with a calm expression.


Catwoman gritted her teeth hard, but only when she saw Bai Ye's eyes, she closed her mouth.

I don't know why, seeing Bai Ye's calm eyes, a sense of security arises from the bottom of my heart.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The clown laughed wildly, watching Bai Ye walk towards her step by step, counting silently in his heart.

3! When Bai Ye walked only 10 meters away from him, the clown just... pressed the button behind him.

At the same time immediately.

Squat down.

"Go to hell, unknown superhero!"

The clown covered his ears and squatted down, his eyes flickering with madness.

It's just that the sound of the explosion in the impression didn't come through.

What's the matter? The clown opened one eye and looked up slightly.

He saw nothing in front of him.

"What's wrong with that guy?"

The clown stood up and looked left and right, but a voice came from behind him.

"Are you looking for me again, Mr. Clown."

The clown had a rare cold sweat, turned his head sharply, and immediately saw Bai Ye standing behind him with a smile on his face.

And in his hand, he was holding a bomb quietly.

"How could it be that your abilities are more than hypnotic..."

A rare look of surprise appeared on the clown's face.

As a rare IQ-type villain, the clown is generally considered a last resort.

I didn't expect it to be planted in Bai Ye's hands this time.

Before the clown could speak, she only felt a silence on her neck, Bai Ye grabbed his neck and kicked him up.

"Hahaha...I didn't think of a new superhero, and the strength is not bad, but so what, after I got out of prison, I was still a good guy."

The clown looked at Bai Ye, although his neck was being strangled, there was still endless mockery in his eyes.

In this world, superheroes can't kill people casually, because killing them is no different from those... villains.

Superheroes and supervillains are just a matter of one thought, so if they kill someone, they have a hard time stopping and become supercriminals.

It is because of knowing this that super villains represented by clowns are so rampant, they know that superheroes will not kill them at all.

Chapter 347 Satisfy You (Subscribe)

until they met the white night.

"Who said I'm going to send you to jail?"

Bai Ye frowned and said playfully.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the clown was obviously stunned, and then he laughed again.

"Hahaha, do you want to put me in your private prison? It's useless, no prison can hold me!"

The clown's eyes were full of ridicule and contempt, and he looked at Bai Ye with disdain.

"Don't you dare to kill me, hehe, if you kill me, you will have inner demons and become like us! Then do you want to abandon your superhero status? Come on, kill me!"

The clown laughed madly, his eyes were full of provocation, and he pointed his finger at his head from time to time.

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you!"

Bai Ye laughed, it was the first time I had heard such a cheap request.

He raised his hand gently, and in Bai Ye's hand was a grenade in the midst of the intense fire.

The grenade had already exploded, but because Bai Ye's power suppressed the power of its explosion at the moment, it was only within the range of Bai Ye's fist.


Looking at Bai Ye's appearance, the clown's eyes clearly flashed a panic, but then he said tremblingly.

"Then you don't want to be a superhero. You are a crime and murder, just like us... villains!"

While talking about the clown, he patted Bai Ye's hand forcefully, but Bai Ye's hand was as motionless as iron pliers.

"Hehe, who told you that I'm a superhero?"

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