Bai Ye tilted his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

" let me go, let me go!"

The clown panicked, completely panicked, and began to struggle desperately, constantly slapping Bai Ye's arms with his fists and feet, but Bai Ye's hands seemed to be rooted and did not move at all.

Moreover, Bai Ye slowly brought the grenade close to the clown! Feeling the hot temperature coming from the grenade, the clown went completely crazy.

The roars and threats in his mouth could not stop him. He had no idea that Bai Ye would not play cards according to the routine! At this time, the clown has already finished his calculations!


The clown was completely speechless from the sun, looking at Bai Ye's shaking his head, his eyes were full of pleading.

"Don't look at me like that, I've fulfilled your request, remember that in the next life, don't make such a cheap request."

After speaking, Bai Ye's hand gently released.

In the clown's desperate eyes, hot energy burst out in the clown's mouth.

A loud bang! The clown's head was directly blown open.

Immediately, flesh and blood flew! This lifelong enemy that plagued bats was directly wiped out by Bai Ye.

The whole place was silent.

The girl's eyes widened, her sexy mouth opened slightly, not looking at Bai Ye.

Originally, he thought Bai Ye was just a flower, just like Bruce Wayne, but he didn't expect Bai Ye to be so powerful, and even the most troublesome criminal clown with high bombs did not resist in front of him.

Even heroes like Harley Quinn, let alone ordinary people.

"Don't you want to leave yet?"

He looked at the people around him and smiled.

It's just that the smile on Bai Ye's face disappeared in the next second, and at the same time, his hand made a slight noise, and he immediately clamped the bow and arrow.

"The next shot should be on target, and if you shoot from behind, the success rate will be higher."

Bai Ye flicked lightly, and the arrow in his hand was... squeezed into two halves.

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at the figure standing on the top of the beam on the height of the bank.

It was a green, hooded figure.

In his hand he held a bow and arrow.

"I didn't expect that I just came to Gaotan to do some things, and I could meet robbers. Leave it to me here, you can go."

Last night, Green Arrow took out three bows and arrows, aimed directly at Bai Ye's eyebrows, and shot them away.

Three arrows, fast as lightning.

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

This time, he didn't even make a shot, and an invisible barrier suddenly lay in front of Bai Ye.

The three arrows stopped directly one meter away from Bai Ye.

"It's all said, don't be on the front."

He waved his finger lightly, and the three arrows were immediately in the air, turning 18 degrees, and then Bai Ye flicked his finger lightly, and immediately, the arrows shot towards Green Arrow at a faster speed than before! How is that possible! Green Arrow's pupils shrank, and his body instinctively dodged to the side.

Green Arrow's response was fast, but Bai Ye's attack was faster, only three ding dings were heard.

The strong impact went straight through Green Arrow's clothes and pinned him to the post.

"No, how could it be impossible to break free."

At the moment, he was struggling desperately, but these three seemed to be pinned to his lifeline.

"No way, it can't fit the physics."

Green Arrow's pupils were full of wonder.

"Of course it's not physics, it's magic."

Bai Ye walked towards Green Arrow step by step.

And just as Bai Ye walked towards Green Arrow, the people in the bank finally reacted, and then rushed to the outside.

Seeing that everyone around him had rushed out, Green Arrow's eyes showed a trace of reassurance, and then he looked at Bai Ye with an expression like home.

"Go ahead. If you want to kill or slash, you can listen and respect."

Behind him, he closed his eyes very hard.

"Why did I kill you, did you misunderstand something?"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbly.

"Do you take me as a prisoner for robbing this bank?"

"Is not it"

Seeing Bai Ye's expression, Green Arrow was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

I got the news that a group of people were robbing a bank, and this guy was the only one when I came in.

What's the matter?... "Where's the real bank robber?"

Bai Ye smiled and pointed to the clown's corpse lying on the ground behind his back.

"It's the Joker, Gaotan's most notorious criminal!"

Green Arrow is horrified, he has already sent the clown's appearance many times, he knows it when it turns to ashes, the body of this most notorious and most troublesome criminal, the body is actually there: there! "It's the clown's body The clown died"

Green Arrow looked at Bai Ye, his eyes widened.

"How did he die..."

Bai Ye smiled and told Green Arrow the Joker's request.

After listening, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

"I've never seen such a cheap request, so I'll have to satisfy him."

Hearing Bai Ye's description, Green Arrow was dumbfounded.

Looking at the corpse of the clown was full of emotion.


Chapter 348 The Death of the Clown (Subscription)

At this moment, there was a roar of cars outside the bank, and the next second, the door of the bank was slammed open.

A cool black chariot drifted on the floor and slid directly into the center of the hall.

"The clown is ready to catch, I'll catch you."

Batman flipped and bounced out of the chariot gracefully, raising the hook gun in his hand:! He just drew the gun and looked around in a daze, only to find that there were only a few comatose guys lying on the ground.

"What's the matter, Joker, wait..., Green Arrow, why are you here?"

Batman was stunned when he saw Green Arrow and Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye, why are you here and how did you meet Green Arrow? Where is the Joker?"

Hearing Batman's words, Green Arrow showed an embarrassed smile, and then pointed to Batman's feet.

Following the direction of Green Arrow, Batman slowly lowered his head, and suddenly saw a headless corpse, which was pressed under by his chariot.

"Why does this dress look so familiar... this is... a clown"

Batman's eyes widened, he rubbed his eyes desperately, then opened them wide again, and observed them carefully for a few minutes before staring blankly ahead.

"Arrow..., you actually killed the clown"

Green Arrow spread his hands and shook his head helplessly.

"Do you think I have this ability?"

Then Green Arrow raised his chin and gestured to Bai Ye next to him with his eyes.

"That's right, if you meet Mr. Bai Ye, even a clown can only drink hatred..."

Looking at the Joker's corpse on the ground, Batman seemed to sigh with some melancholy.

This old enemy who had been fighting with him for most of his life was killed by someone else, and he didn't know whether to regret or be happy.

"Okay, don't sigh, Bruce, won't you introduce me to this gentleman?"

Green Arrow came over and patted Batman on the shoulder.

"I almost forgot that this is Mr. Bai Ye, the current leader of the Justice League! At the same time, he is our leader, a mage, and a very powerful mage!"

Batman grabbed Arrow's hand and immediately introduced her to White Night.

"Of course, I have already experienced it, and it is indeed a very strong opponent! But what's going on with the Justice League?"

Hearing Green Arrow's words, Batman just... explained to him what Bai Ye had done in the past few days and the process of establishing this alliance.

A few minutes later, Green Arrow looked at Bai Ye with a look of admiration.

"My God, I didn't expect Superman to be in there, as well as Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, how did you do it, Mr. White Night!"

In Green Arrow's mind, superheroes like Superman are all orders of magnitude greater than him! "It's nothing, just because I'm stronger, by the way, aren't you in the new city next door? came here"

Bai Ye smiled slightly and then asked.

Hearing this sentence, Green Arrow only had one bag, and he looked suddenly realized.

"I almost forgot about my business after talking to you guys. By the way, do you know what this is..."

As Green Arrow spoke, he took out a 1-ball from his pocket. This 1-ball looked very smooth, and the whole body was blue.

That blue color doesn't seem to be painted by paint spray paint, it seems to be... in a sphere, it can flow.

"I have verified it with the instruments in my family and the laboratory. This thing does not belong to our earth."

Green Arrow frowned and handed the ball to Batman.

"So what is it that is not on the earth, it may be a meteorite, what can such a thing mean?"

As Batman touched it, he didn't feel any difference in the ball.

"What if this ball appeared out of nowhere in my house, and it kept appearing."

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