Green Arrow lowered his voice and said these words, and after hearing Green Arrow's words, Batman's pupils shrank, and he immediately grabbed Green Arrow's hand and said.

"What did you say, it appeared out of thin air."

"Yes, it appeared out of thin air, and now on my side, a 1 pops up every few hours. It's very weird, so I'm here to find you!"

Green Arrow also said seriously.

This thing has filled the basement of his house. If it is not contained, the basement of his house may be crowded.

"Is my previous inference true..."

Batman immediately.

fell into contemplation.

"What inference Bruce does you know something?"

This time it was Green Arrow's turn to get excited and grab Batman's hand.

But Batman fell into deep thought for a long time and did not answer him.

"I think you're talking about a parallel world..."

Beside, Bai Ye suddenly said.

And Batman suddenly shuddered, like waking up from a dream.

"Yes, it is... Parallel world, Mr. Bai Ye, how do you know this?"

Facing Batman's question, Bai Ye just smiled without saying a word, then turned his head to look at Green Arrow and said.

"Take us to your house."

Regarding Bai Ye's words, although Green Arrow and him have only known each other for a short time, they did not dare to do any harm, immediately.


"My family's private jet is near here, I'll be right away.

take you there."

The Green Arrow took a step forward, but Bai Ye held him back, and then his hand slammed back.

Immediately, Green Arrow was... pulled in front of Bai Ye, at the same time Bai Ye stretched out a finger and tapped on Green Arrow's forehead.

Green Arrow's body was about to fight back instinctively, but before he could react, Bai Ye's fingers left her forehead, and at the same time he felt as if something was missing in his mind.

"Okay, I already know the coordinates of your home, come with me."

Bai Ye turned around and gently drew a circle, and suddenly a portal appeared in front of him, and one side of the portal was the basement that Green Arrow was familiar with.


Green Arrow was stunned, looked at Batman, Batman just shrugged, indicating that he was used to it.

Then the three people stepped into the portal, and at this moment, it happened to be another place in the basement, which was full of dense beads.

And just at this moment, a crack suddenly flowed out in the middle of the basement, and then a bead just... jumped out.

"Yes, it is... this bead!"

Green Arrow immediately.

He opened his mouth, and Bai Ye responded quickly, and then, with a slight tick, the bead came directly into his hands.

Chapter 349 Weird Beads (Subscribe)

Batman and Green Arrow, and the other two, gathered beside Bai Ye and looked at the bead in his hand intently.

"Mr. Bai Ye, have you seen any clues?"

Batman didn't see anything else after looking at it for a long time, and looked up at Bai Ye.

It's just that Bai Ye didn't answer him, staring at the beads in his hand, silent for a long time.

"It seems that even Mr. Bai Ye doesn't know what's going on with this bead..."

Green Arrow sighed, waved his hand, and walked away.

"This bead is made of pure energy."

Bai Ye was silent for a long time and said this sentence.

"It's made of pure energy, so what does that mean?"

Bai Ye's words gave Batman an idea, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't come up with a reason.

"This shows that there are huge changes in other worlds, and the energy of their worlds has begun to overflow into our world."

Bai Ye clenched the beads in his hand, and suddenly, a burst of energy burst out in Bai Ye's palm.

At the moment of the explosion, a golden rune suddenly appeared next to Bai Ye's palm, locking the explosion range inside like a chain.

In the end, the chain composed of runes was suddenly withdrawn, and the energy was immediately... received, in Bai Ye's body.

"This small bead, when released, generates energy, a Sidewinder missile, enough to blow up a [-]-meter high-rise building."

Bai Ye clapped his hands and said calmly.

"What is this little bead, it can actually blow up the [-]-meter building"

Batman was startled at first, looking at the marble-sized beads in his hand, and then a green light erupted in his eyes.

With such a huge amount of energy and such a portable size, if you can study it well, you can definitely develop new weapons for it! "Damn, I have to ask someone to clean up the things here!"

As for Bai Ye's words, Green Arrow is now convinced and almost scared to pee.

You must know that he has been training here for the past few days. According to the amount that Bai Ye said just now, there are thousands of beads in it, enough to destroy the entire city.

"Don't act rashly, this bead is the energy of another world, and it has to be returned. If the energy is not returned to that world within a certain period of time, then it will definitely cause a catastrophe in that world, and even affect us. this world!"

The night was unusually serious.

"It spills over to our world..., this..."

Batman and Green Arrow are all faces, and their faces are dazed.

"But Mr. Bai Ye, even if you say so, how can we exchange energy back?"

Batman and Green Arrow are looking at the white night at the moment.

Even a genius brain like Batman has no thoughts at all when he experiences this kind of thing for the first time.

"It's not you, it's me, you are no longer able to intervene at this level..."

Bai Ye showed no mercy, then walked to the beside of the pile of beads, holding his hand in the air, and suddenly a box appeared in his hand.

Slowly opening the box, a strong suction force rushed out of the box, and all the energy beads in the basement were sucked into the box.

Although Bai Ye's words are ruthless, Batman and Green Arrow also know that although they are rich and extremely smart, they are just ordinary people, and they don't have the kind of power like a god.

"Mr. Bai Ye, can you pass through? Although I don't know what it is like, according to physics, it is extremely dangerous to go from one world to another, and if there is a little carelessness, the machine may fall into the turbulent void. Among them, two worlds are added to it!"

Batman said with concern.

"Don't worry, I've done things like crossing the world more than once."

Bai Ye smiled at them, then grabbed an energy bead, held it directly with his hand, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the flow of energy in it.

"Mr. Bai Ye, what are you doing?"

Seeing that there was no movement in Bai Ye for half a day, Green Arrow glanced at it, and Batman said.

"Don't be arrogant, if I guess correctly, Mr. Bai may be looking for the coordinates."

"How is it possible for the coordinates, how big the universe is, and from what you just said, it seems that there are countless parallel universes. Find one among countless parallel universes, how is this possible!"

Green Arrow is directly stunned, such a probability is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

"Before, I also thought that many things were impossible, but after meeting Mr. Bai Ye, I changed my view..."

Batman sighed, somewhat self-deprecating and somewhat helpless.

"It's rare, Bruce Wayne, who is known as a genius, will have times when he can't do anything..."

Green Arrow sneered at him, then turned his head and stared at him.

"What's the matter, Mr. Bai Ye, he was still here just now..."

Batman also observed the scene in front of him. In the basement at the moment, only he and Green Arrow are here, and Bai Ye has long since disappeared.

"It seems that Mr. Bai Ye has once again turned the impossible into a possibility... I just don't know what the other world is like. I really want to go with Mr. Bai Ye..."

Batman sighed eagerly.

"Forget it, since Mr. Bai Ye has dealt with this matter, I have to go back and deal with my own affairs. Let's get together another day..."

Batman turned smartly and walked outside, leaving behind a stunned Green Arrow... At this moment, in the sky above another world metropolis.

In this world metropolis, everything in him is exactly the same as in the Metropolis of the Superman world, except that in this world, he does not have Superman nor Batman.

At this moment, in the night sky above the metropolis, a spaceship is flying steadily.

The second generation of Ye Xiao is holding the hamburger in his hand, as well as Coke, and eating it.

At this moment, he is finishing his task and is preparing to return to his home to have a good night's rest.

Just when Ye Xiao was about to go home safely, suddenly, like a heavy object hitting the spaceship, the spaceship shook violently.

"How is this going!"

Ye Xiao climbed up from his vest and put it on the stool, and then there was... a burst of panic. This was at an altitude of several thousand meters. If he fell, he would be fine. After all, he had a parachute, but the spaceship would hit a big Yes! Ye Xiao was unstoppable, suddenly there was a violent tearing sound from the spaceship, and then Ye Xiao looked up and saw a big hole appeared on the spaceship.


Chapter 350 Night Owl (Subscribe)

In the center of the big hole, a figure appeared.

A thin figure.

"I asked you if this is the Metropolis"

As soon as a person spoke, and at this moment, Ye Xiao was still immersed in incomparable shock, how could someone be on his spaceship at an altitude of several thousand meters.

No one can do it except... Dr. Manhattan.

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