"I ask you, is it a fool?"

The man murmured and jumped down.

This is Ye Xiao only when he can see the figure clearly, this is an East Asian man, he looks beautiful, he can only say that he is handsome, but he has a different kind of temperament.

"You are......"

Everything in front of him is too surreal, Ye Xiao said dully.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I am here to save your world."

Bai Ye replied lightly, and then looked around.

"This is your ship"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ye Xiao nodded subconsciously, but he quickly reacted.

No, this guy invaded his spaceship, how could he still talk to him well.

It is possible that this guy is a super criminal. If you can't, you have to subdue him first! At this point, Ye Xiao suddenly still made a full attack. The strength and speed of this blow have brought his training results to the extreme! No one can beat him. Under this blow, he was able to stay awake! On the opposite side of Bai Ye, he was still looking around, unaware of Ye Xiao's attack at all.

Good! Ye Xiao's hands increase the strength! There is a loud bang! With a scream! It's just that this scream is not the scream of Bai Ye in Ye Xiao's imagination, but his own.

"My hand, my hand, my hand is broken!"

Ye Xiao kept rolling around on the floor, covering his hands and crying bitterly.

He never imagined that his attack, which was sure to win with one blow, could be blocked by Bai Ye.

No, this guy didn't block at all.

From now on, this guy was defenseless, but when his fist hit his neck, a powerful force bounced back! Is this kid's neck made of steel? No, even if It's steel, under the attack of a superhero of his level, it has long been broken.

You must know that even if it is the legendary pharaoh of his limit, his attack just now, if he hits, can definitely cause the opponent to be injured, and now this kid is the same! "What's the matter with you?"

Looking at Ye Xiao who fell to the ground, his face was calm.

"Damn, you still ask me why I don't know what I'm doing!"

Ye Xiao endured the pain, clutched his arm, and said as Bai Ye gritted his teeth.

"I didn't move, it was you who wanted to attack me, what can I do?"

Bai Ye spread his hands helplessly, not expecting that when he first came to this universe, he would carry such a pot on his back.

Hearing this sentence, Ye Xiao just wanted to cry without tears, after all, what Bai Ye said was not wrong.

"Forget it, put your hand out."

Bai Ye said.

"You have to kill or slash what you want to do, just listen and respect."

Ye Xiao stared at Bai Ye, he had completely regarded Bai Ye as a super villain.

"so troublesome."

Bai Ye's hand shrank slightly, and Ye Xiao's body floated in front of him.

Immediately after Bai Ye held Ye Xiao's arm, he saw a flash of white light, Ye Xiao only felt a heat flow into his arm, and then, the severe pain disappeared without a trace.

"This...what's going on in my broken hand: it's healed"

Ye Xiao's eyes flashed incredulous, then he grabbed his arm and watched desperately, but there was a familiar feeling in his hand, as if his fracture just now: it was like a dream.

"How did you do it"

Bai Ye's skill has made him completely stunned, and his hostility to Bai Ye has disappeared.

"Just simple magic."

Bai Ye waved his hand and threw Ye Xiao towards the trash can on the ground.

"Is there really magic in magic?"

Ye Xiao immediately became excited. In their world, they were just ordinary superheroes, and there were no magic or superheroes, except...that perverted Dr. Manhattan.

However, before Ye Xiao could finish speaking, there was a sudden and very violent vibration.

"No, the spaceship is about to fall, and below is a metropolis with a population of 100 million! If it is very fragile, it will definitely cause a large number of casualties!"

At this moment, Ye Xiao couldn't care about Bai Ye anymore, immediately.

He ran to the operating instrument and operated frantically, but no matter how he operated, the spaceship did not work at all.

"Damn, why can't you move at all!"

Ye Xiao was so anxious that he was half dead.

The spaceship is already less than [-] meters away from the ground. Such an impact force, even if the spaceship can be restarted, will definitely cause huge losses on the ground.

At this moment, through the glass of the spacecraft, you can see the scenery outside from the ground.

At the place where the spaceship fell, this is a bustling street, and at this moment many ignorant citizens are still walking happily.

But the faint sound of wind in the sky made them look up, and then they saw the spaceship falling towards them.

Immediately, they panicked and fled the world! But the spaceship at this moment was very close to the ground, and if they went to scouring again, they could not avoid being affected! Seeing that the spaceship was about to fall to the ground, at that moment, it was only 20 meters away from the ground. , stopped suddenly.

The huge impact made Ye Xiao slammed into the wall of the spaceship! Suddenly, he was hit hard! But after all, it is a superhero's physique, and there are protective measures in the spaceship.

Just a few seconds later, Ye Xiao regained consciousness, and then immediately.

He got up and looked out the window.

"It stopped...what's the matter...by the way, it's you!"

Ye Xiao seemed to remember something, immediately.

Turning his head, he saw Bai Ye floating in the air.

"Where is your home"


"I don't want to ask the same question a second time, where is your home?"

At this moment, looking at Ye Xiao with indifferent eyes, Ye Xiao felt an irresistible feeling.

Then Ye Xiao pointed to the direction of his home, and then he felt the spaceship shake violently, and in the next second, the scene at home appeared in front of him.

A loud bang.

Bai Ye directly threw the spaceship in the basement, making Ye Xiao's basement a mess.

Chapter 351 Pharaoh (Subscribe)

"Go down you."

Bai Ye ruthlessly kicked Ye Xiao directly.

He threw a dog and ate shit, and before he could scold him, Bai Ye grabbed a bead and rose in front of him.

"Do you know what this is?"

Ye Xiao looked at the blue bead in front of her with a confused expression, but the aura on it made her a little familiar.

"What is it"

Night Owl immediately.

Picked up a fresh high-tech scanner, immediately.


"This thing contains very high energy, where did you get it"

Seeing Ye Xiao's high-tech equipment and the appearance of his home, Bai Ye immediately understood, as expected in the comics, Ye Xiao himself is another existence equivalent to Batman in the world.

Afterwards, Bai Ye, directly explained the ins and outs of the matter to Ye Xiao, and also directly frankly confessed the fact that it came from another universe.

It took half an hour for Ye Xiao to digest this reality.

"How could there be another world, my God, is what you said true?"

"Do you think your world can be magical?"

Bai Ye smiled disdainfully, and then Ye Xiao lowered his head and accepted the reality.

"If what you said is true, then, I should know what happened to this little blue bead."

Nighthawk continued.

"Since you came to our world, then you should know that Dr. Manhattan is the most powerful existence in our world, and it can even be said to be a god that surpasses human beings!"

Although Dr. Manhattan used to be a member of the Watchmen, Ye Xiao had a good relationship with him, but when he mentioned this guy who transcended human beings, he still had a trace of awe.

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Bai Ye nodded, after all, Dr. Manhattan is a familiar existence in the world.

He was originally just an ordinary person, but in an experiment, after quantum transformation, he became Dr. Manhattan.

And it has infinite energy, and can even change the operation of molecular molecules! It has become a nearly god-like existence! Therefore, Dr. Manhattan is almost omnipotent, quantum clones, infinite power, infinite magic and source power.

It doesn't matter to him.

Even more powerful than Superman! "This energy is very similar to the energy it released when I fought Dr. Manhattan before..."

Ye Xiao lowered his head and said thoughtfully.

"Then where are the others now!"

Bai Ye asked with a frown.

However, hearing Bai Ye's words, Ye Xiao sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know either, since Dr. Manhattan broke up, he left Earth and doesn't know where to go."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye fell into deep thought.

This is another life form. If he leaves the earth and enters other places, he can spend some time searching, but if Dr. McHatton is, he may have to spend some other efforts.

Seeing Bai Ye frowning, Ye Xiao could only sigh, but then he seemed to remember something, and immediately said to Bai Ye.

"But if there is one person in the world who will know the whereabouts of Dr. McHatton, it will be that one."

"Did you mean Pharaoh?"

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