"It doesn't matter if it's less, open the data."

Soon, in front of Tony, a screen appeared.

Just a few photos and one of the names listed below.

Name: White Night.

Age: Don't know.

Ethnicity: Asian Chinese.

Source: unknown.

In the photos below, there are only photos of Bai Ye at the temple and photos of Hawaii, and nothing else.

"Jarvis, is that all there is?"

Seeing the information in front of him, Tony frowned. Although he knew that Bai Ye's information would not be too much, it was too little.

He even thought that this might have been written by someone else.

"Sir, this is the most information I have obtained through the entire network search, and there is no other information, and the name was learned from the memory bank of an intelligence company. It seems that someone is also searching for his news."

Jarvis's voice was flat, without any emotion.

"Then what happened to these two photos, the first ten minutes were in Hawaii, and the next ten minutes went directly back to New York, Jarvis, are you sure about the accuracy of this information?"

Tony was a little helpless, but did he question Jarvis' credibility.

It's just that this information is too nonsense. Hawaii is such a long distance from New York, even if he uses the steel battle suit, it will take nearly half an hour, and Bai Ye shuttles between the two in ten minutes.

"Sir, these photos are screenshots I took from the surveillance video. You might as well have a look."

After that, two videos opened.

I saw that the time was marked inside, one was filmed at a hotel in Hawaii, and the other was filmed by roadside surveillance of the house he came back to yesterday.

The time marks of the two are very clear, and the two are similar, only ten minutes.

And Tony found a problem, Bai Ye did not return to the house from the roadside, but walked out of the house, which means that Bai Ye did not know how to go back to the house directly from New York, so that the surveillance could not capture him. time to enter the house.

"Jarvis, do you think these two videos are real?"

Tony rubbed his head, his face a little helpless.

He was a little suspicious of the authenticity of the video, after all, science could not explain the difference between the two.

At least with the science he knew, it was impossible to travel back and forth between New York and Hawaii in ten minutes.

"Sir, according to the face recognition, the two videos are indeed the same person."

Jarvis has confirmed it, so it's [-]% true.

Bai Ye has an ability that he cannot understand.

But when I think about it, the way the world turned upside down, plus Bai Ye's words, the end of science is theology.

Tony had a flash of inspiration, as if he understood something

"Perhaps, he should be a person in mythology, or a person with special abilities.

Tony also knows that some people in this world have special abilities, but these abilities are not too strong, and they have not completely surpassed science, and most of the abilities can still be explained by science.

It's just that Bai Ye's ability cannot be explained by science.

"But he has so little information. What should I give him? Is there only a copy of Jarvis?"

Iron Man Tony Stark was walking around the room, and he was going to get the information on White Night.

Then you can give Bai Ye something through the preferences of the data, and then the two sides can enhance their relationship or something.

But now there is very little information, and she doesn't know Bai Ye's preferences at all, and she doesn't know what to give.

Although Bai Ye only needs a clone of Jarvis, Tony feels that these are not enough.

"This should work."

After thinking for a long time, Tony had a flash of inspiration and seemed to think of something.

That thing, even if Bai Ye's identity is very strange, he should still be interested

After all, there is human nature, and there is no denying that kind of thing.


SHIELD headquarters.

Chief's Office.

A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent walked in and put a document on the table

And the person sitting in the center is Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

A black man with no hair on his head and a one-eyed dragon covering his left eye.

"Chief Nick, this is the information submitted by the police station. We think it's weird, so we want to give you a look."

The agent who came in was a white man.

"Oh, something weird?"

Nick Fury whispered, opened the information directly, and read it directly

"It was bombarded intensively by missiles. Only one house remained in a radius of several hundred meters. It was still in the center. At the same time, there was no one in it. The police did not find anything when they went in."

After reading it, Nick Fury put down the document and touched his chin

"Although this matter is very strange, but there is no one in it, it should be a coincidence."

The white agent smiled bitterly: "In the beginning, we had the same idea as the chief, but later we asked the police who entered, and found that when they entered, they seemed to be in a maze, and they walked out in a daze."

"And most importantly, they accidentally shot at the house, and the bullet was bounced off without causing any threat to the house."

Nick Fury's pupils shrank, and he said in a deep voice, "If you say that, this house is unique, and it's not a lucky coincidence."

"We think so too, but this thing is too weird, so we want the director to decide"

Nick Fury was lost in thought.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has been exposed to a lot of strange things. Although he was a little surprised by this, he was not too surprised.

After thinking about it for a long time, Nick Fury said

"Let me handle this matter, you go down first."


Upon receiving the order, the white agent left immediately.

Not long after, Nick Fury made a phone call and said

"Black Widow, there is a special mission to perform. Come to my office."*

The twenty-seventh chapter of the magic circle [8]

Soon, Black Widow came to Nick Fury's office

Black Widow looks like she is only in her twenties. She has red hair and a beautiful face. The black tights make her flamboyant figure perfect, making people unable to look away directly from her eyes.

I have to say that Black Widow is a deadly stunner, and ordinary men would be stunned when they saw it.

However, Nick Fury has seen a lot, and his concentration is not comparable to ordinary people, so the extra Black Widow has no feeling.

"It's your job to investigate the depths of this house."

Nick Fury didn't talk too much nonsense, he went straight to the point, and threw the information that the white agent had just given him to Black Widow.

Black Widow took it directly, opened the file, and glanced at it.

"I understand this task, but this task seems to be a bit simple. It's a bit overkill for me to be dispatched."

Black Widow glanced at Nick Fury, full of style.

Her agent level is the highest in S.H.I.E.L.D. She can be said to be the first agent. Generally, the missions dispatched are extremely secret or dangerous missions.

And although this mission is weird, it's not a big deal.

And Nick Fury let her go directly, which made Black Widow a little puzzled.

"You have been idle lately anyway, so this task is regarded as a distraction, and my perception tells me that this house is not that simple, so you still don't have to despise it."

Nick Fury thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

The level of this task is not high, and dispatching Black Widow is indeed a bit overkill.

It's just that Nick Fury always feels that this house is not as simple as he thought.

In addition, the top agents in the bureau all have tasks, and only Black Widow is left without a task, so Black Widow takes the shot.

At the same time, he did not worry about handing it over to some middle and lower level agents.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a message in two days. This kind of task is too easy."

Black Widow waved her hand and left the office with the information.

Although this quest looks quite weird, Black Widow doesn't take it seriously.

After all, she has encountered many strange tasks.

There is no shortage of such a one.


Leave Nick Fury's office.

Black Widow prepared for a while, and then she was ready to start.

But this time, she didn't go to her destination.

After all, the surroundings are in ruins, and she is a bit noticeable in the past now.

As an agent, everything must appear natural. If it is unnatural, it will be discovered very quickly.

As the top secret agent, Black Widow couldn't possibly make these little mistakes.

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