"For the sake of your protection, leave this guy to you, Tony Stark."

"you know me?"

Tony narrowed his eyes and blurted out.

Others were in the battle suit, and he didn't say his name. Although Obadiah Stan called him Tony, it didn't mean anything.

And Bai Ye said his name directly, which surprised Tony Stark

"Don't be surprised, when you were forging the first-generation steel battle suit in Afghanistan half a month ago, I watched it from a distance."

Words are not surprising endlessly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Tony was stunned.

"You, how do you know these things."

Only a few people know about the prototype of making steel battle suits in Afghanistan, and it can even be said that only a handful of people know about it, and almost one finger can know it.

And listening to Bai Ye's meaning, he also saw the prototype of his own steel battle suit, which made Iron Man suddenly unable to calm down.

Even Tony Stark was thinking about it at this time.

I wondered if Bai Ye's identity might be an official person.

Or maybe it's the gods that exist in myths, or the wizards in the novels, who know everything.

In the case of wizards, Bai Ye is actually considered that, because it is called that in the West.

"I know a lot of things, so what do you do with the opposite one?"

Bai Ye shrugged.

Hearing this, Tony took a deep breath and calmed himself down a little, not as excited as before.

Then, he turned around and saw Obadiah Stan, who was being held in mid-air, with a complicated expression.

For Obadiah Stan's betrayal of Tony is still very sentimental.

Because Obadiah Stan has always been his assistant, helping him solve a lot of things, it can be regarded as one of his confidants.

Now that Obadiah Stan has betrayed, it's like being stabbed in the back. Tony's mood is not complicated.

"If you can, can you help me get him out of the suit? I'm going to take him back to deal with it."

Tony turned his head and said in a deep voice

"no problem"

Saying that, Bai Ye raised his right hand and pinched it slightly.

Suddenly, the steel battle suit on Obadiah Stan shattered directly, like sand and dust, and annihilated directly.

It didn't take long for the huge battle suit to disappear, leaving only Obadiah Stan in the air.

"What kind of ability is this? This ability is definitely a god in mythology."

Although he was prepared, Tony couldn't keep his calm after seeing the ability that science couldn't understand.

"The end of science is theology, so try it out Tony Stark."

Said softly in the night *

Chapter 6 The distress of Iron Man [[-]]

"The end of science is theology."

Tony Stark kept repeating this sentence, his eyes kept flashing

If it was before, he would never believe this sentence, and even laughed at the stupidity of this sentence.

But now, he can't seem to laugh.

At least the current scene is completely inexplicable in terms of science, and it also breaks his disdain for theology, at least theology exists.


As Tony continued to think, the surrounding environment quietly returned to normal, and Obadiah fell directly to the ground.

"By the way, Tony Stark, I'm very interested in your Jarvis. Help me get an artificial intelligence similar to Jarvis as my reward for helping you subdue this guy."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye went back to the temple, leaving Iron Man alone to mutter to himself.

When Iron Man turned around, Bai Ye had disappeared in front of him, and the temple in front had returned to calm.

"Who is this guy.

Tony's eyes were deep, and he said to himself.

Today's encounter is a bit dreamy for him, although the encounters during this period are very dreamy.

Betrayed, almost died, the birth of the steel suit, and the mysterious person encountered today.

All this is very dreamy.

The dreamy make Tony Stark a little dazed, because the experience of these days is like a novel, like a movie, something he has been incomparable to for decades.

Although he really wanted to know Bai Ye's identity, Tony didn't bother Bai Ye in the past, and there was no need to ask questions, but went back directly with Obadiah the betrayal.

He is not in a hurry now, if he wants to know Bai Ye, he still has time and opportunity.

After all, Bai Ye needs artificial intelligence. The big deal is that he is getting an artificial intelligence for Bai Ye, and then he will have a chance to find out.

And as long as he returns home, there is a high probability that he will get Bai Ye's information if he activates his own forces. As long as he has Bai Ye's information, he will not be so passive the next time they meet.


After Iron Man left, the alarm bell rang in this place soon.

Not long after, dozens of police cars arrived.

The damage caused by the battle between Tony and Obadiah was severe.

Not to mention anything else, the house near the temple was bombed a lot, and it was directly blown to the ground by Obadiah, leaving the house in Baiye fine, and the surrounding area was in ruins, whether there were casualties, this matter It is estimated that further investigation is required.

But most of them are not enough, because the location of the temple is very prosperous.

"Wat, what's the matter."

Officer Jack was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

The distance of hundreds of meters around, at a glance, it is all ruins, only to see a house sitting there alone, very conspicuous, people can't take their eyes away.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here."

"Officer, according to the information obtained by the survivors, two steel monsters were fighting just now, and one steel monster fired a missile and blew the surrounding area directly."

"I know this. It's just what happened to which house and why everything happened around. He was the only one who was fine."

"Uh, sir, we're not quite sure about this, maybe it's a matter of luck?"

"Do you believe this reason yourself?"

"Sir, although I don't believe it, there are always some lucky people in this world, right? And which house seems to be empty, we ring the bell and no one responds."

At this point, Officer Jack has no choice. Although it feels strange that this house is the only survivor, and it always feels that things are not so simple, but if there is no one inside, they have no choice but to investigate slowly later. .

And there are still many things about them, and the culprit responsible for all this, they will also be held accountable.

at this time

inside the temple.

Bai Ye drank a glass of Coke and watched the TV series quietly.

He seemed unaware of the noise going on outside.

This is natural, the temple has a magic circle that confuses people, and it is not something that ordinary people can decipher.

And there is a silent magic circle, this thing was just set up in the white night.

Due to the battle just now, the sound was too loud, making Bai Ye unable to watch TV series quietly.

Now because of the magic circle, everything is quiet, which is quite good.

At least no one bothered.


Back home, Iron Man Tony Stark took off his steel suit directly. As for Obadiah, he had already taught him to accept it. As a betrayal of him, for the sake of his old love, although Obadiah would not die, But most of the rest of his life is gone.

"Jarvis, check the information of the young man just now. I want all the information, no matter which country's secret files are, I will directly search them for the invasion."

"Okay sir, we are searching now.

After giving this order, Tony didn't stay idle, and directly started to create an artificial intelligence similar to Jarvis, while thinking about what to give Bai Ye as a reward.

Although Bai Ye said that he wanted artificial intelligence as a reward, but after all, Bai Ye saved his life, and Tony felt that an artificial intelligence was not enough.

And Tony is determined to befriend Bai Ye, so he wants to try his best to increase his relationship with Bai Ye through items the next time he meets Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's words, the end of science is theology, have a great influence on him.

"What is good for it, money is still a woman, or something else."

Tony fell into deep thinking. As the head of Stark Industries, he has unimaginable wealth and women, but he doesn't know Bai Ye, or even his name.

So he didn't know what to give, so he asked Jarvis to search Bai Ye's information, and wanted to get Bai Ye's preferences through the information he got. In this way, he would be able to have a conversation with Bai Ye the next time he met.

PS: Ask for a flower evaluation ticket.Big guy give a reward, let the data look better*

Chapter 7 The Arrival of the Black Widow [[-]]

Tony wants to get Bai Ye's hobbies through the information, so as to make the relationship between the two closer

Unfortunately, all of this is somewhat useless.

"Sir, I searched this person's information according to the previous photos, but the information is a bit small."

Jarvis's ability to handle affairs is still strong, and it didn't take long for Bai Ye's information to be searched.

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