You must know that Jarvis is not searching a database, but a global database. It can be said that he knows all the energy names that have appeared in the world, but he can't parse the energy of the house in front of him.

This made Tony a little unacceptable, and Tony's eyes showed a fiery light.

The energy that even Jarvis can't decipher, then it is obviously some kind of new energy.

Thinking of this, Tony suddenly became excited

As a scientist, I am most excited about new things.


At this moment, a voice sounded in the air

Immediately after, the missile dragged the tail of flames and bombed in Tony's direction.

"Damn Obadiah."

Tony snorted lowly, spread his palms directly, flew directly into the sky, and avoided the missile.

Although he really wanted to analyze the house in front of him, Obadiah Stan was what he wanted to solve now.

If Obadiah Stan doesn't get rid of it, he'll probably have a hard time.


The missiles landed around indiscriminately, and immediately lifted the surrounding area, the house collapsed, and the air waves rolled.

"See the power of my weapon? Tony, you have no chance of winning. Surrender obediently. For your father's sake, I won't embarrass you."

Obadiah Stan shouted excitedly, driving the steel battle suit, he was confident now.

It's like owning a world.

Let me go?

If you let me go, the sun will come out of the west.

Having been murdered once by Obadiah Stan, how could Tony believe Obadiah Stan's nonsense, and Tony himself could not surrender to Obadiah Stan, and would rather die.

This is his pride.

"Hey, what is this."

Obadiah Stan originally wanted to track Tony, but he squinted and saw a house below with a slight sheen, and there was a mess around him, only this house was sitting there alone, intact.

Seeing this scene, Obadiah Stan stopped immediately.

"What's up with this house and why my missiles don't work against him."

Obadiah Stan couldn't figure it out. Although his missiles were small, their power was extremely terrifying. Not to mention hitting a house, destroying an area would be easy.

But only this house was fine, and it radiated white light just now, as if it was a protective cover, which made him extremely concerned.

"Tony, do you know what this is?"

Obadiah Stan asked directly, as if wishing to kill Tony just now was fake.

Iron Man was also stunned by Obadiah Stan's appearance.

I just wanted to kill me just now, but now I come across something I don't understand, and even ask me about it.

Sure enough, only the cheeky people can walk the world.

Regarding Obadiah Stan's thick skin, Tony could only helplessly twitch the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say in his heart.

This face is just so thick.

"Do you think I'll tell you? Don't take it too seriously."

Tony snorted coldly and choked directly.

"Hahaha, it seems you don't know either."

Obadiah Stan laughed and said: "But it doesn't matter. If you don't know now, it doesn't mean you won't know later. Just blow up here and everything will be understood."

As he said that, the palm of the steel battle suit on his body opened, and a laser shot out, hitting the house directly.

Suddenly, a protective shield was raised in the house, which directly blocked the laser.

"What the hell is this."

Tony frowned. It's not that he has never touched the energy shield. It's just that the shield of the house in front of him is somewhat incomprehensible.

At this moment, Obadiah Stan's other hand quickly rose, and another laser shot out, only this time in the direction of Tony the Iron Man.

"Obadia, you really are very insidious."

The speed of the laser was very fast, but Tony was vigilant in his heart, so he quickly avoided it.

"It's called conspiracy, Tony, you're too idiot to understand this, only idiots would think it's insidious."

Obadiah Stan was not ashamed, but rather proud.

Suddenly, Tony refreshed Obadiah Stan a bit.

Obadiah Stan's thick-skinned, he couldn't even describe it.

However, due to the problem of the protective cover of the house.

The two did not fight much, but stood aside, as if they wanted to study the protective shield in front of them.

Tony didn't shoot, but Obadiah Stan was born very frequently. Missiles, lasers, cannons, and many other weapons were shot one after another.

However, the sound was very loud, but it did not pose any danger to the house.

Directly blocked by the protective cover.

For a moment, Obadiah Stan's face turned dark, and his proud weapon was useless.

And this time.

The door of the house suddenly opened

A young man with black hair and black eyes suddenly came out.

Looking up at the two people in the air.

"Wake me up in the middle of the night, you can choose one, how do you want to die.

This person is Bai Ye, and he is sleeping.

I was suddenly awakened by the sound of an explosion outside.

At this time, I was in a very bad mood. *

Chapter 5 The end of science is theology [[-]]

"A mere kid who dares to yell in front of me, come here for me."

Seeing Bai Ye come out, Obadiah Stan was overjoyed, and directly drove the steel battle suit towards Bai Ye.

The huge iron palm grabbed directly towards Bai Ye

"Stop Obadiah."

Seeing this scene, Iron Man Tony cried out subconsciously, and then the speed was very fast, he came directly in front of Bai Ye, and kicked Obadiah Stan away with one foot.

"Tony, you are looking for death, if you give you time to go, if you don't go, then you can die now and see your father in the afternoon.

Obadiah Stan snorted coldly, the suit opened a few holes, and the missile shot out, heading towards Bai Ye and Iron Man.

Tony's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously stopped in front of Bai Ye.

"With your current character, you would even protect a stranger like me."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and looked a little weird.

Iron Man is definitely a big hero in the later stage, but in the early stage, he is no different from an ordinary person, and he doesn't care about the lives of others, but this time Iron Man took the initiative to protect him, and I don't know why.

It stands to reason that Iron Man would have walked away when Obadiah Stan attacked him just now.

"I don't know why, but I just came over subconsciously, and it's useless for me to leave now, and sooner or later I'll be found by that old guy, you hurry back to the house, as long as the old guy is there, he won't help you. "

Tony smiled bitterly, and then shouted to Bai Ye.

He has seen the ability of the protective cover of the house with his own eyes. The protective ability is absolutely invincible. Although I don’t know if it can stop large weapons, but for the weapons in Obadiah Stan’s battle suit, the protective cover of the house is absolutely invincible. The protection should be more than rubbed.

"Why should I go in, that old guy can't help me."

Bai Ye smiled with a very relaxed tone, as if he was not worried at all about the danger of Obadiah Stan.

In fact, don't worry, Obadiah Stan is just a trash fish and doesn't have much ability.

"What's the meaning."

Tony is puzzled

"You'll know if you turn around and take a look."

As soon as these words came out, Tony turned around suddenly, his pupils shrank, and his expression was a little shocked.

He actually saw the missile in front of him stagnating in mid-air.

And the surrounding environment did not know when it changed directly, it was turned upside down, and Obadiah Stan was directly stuck in the air, and he could see the blurred cross directly supporting Obadiah Stan on it. .

"Did you do all this?"

Tony was so shocked that he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

Because as a scientist, the picture in front of him has broken his world view

It directly subverted the vision he had accumulated over the decades.

The world turned upside down, and the missile solidified in mid-air.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed these things.

"What kind of ghost power is this, is this science? Is it true that there are myths in this world?"

For a while, Tony couldn't calm down, and even the knowledge he had always learned was not very useful at this moment.


Bai Ye nodded, and then his eyes fell on Obadiah Stan, saying

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