This kind of time magic is absolutely taboo. In the entire Kama Taj, only the ancient one has learned it, and the rest have studied hard for many years, but still can't touch the threshold.

Daniel sighed very much in his heart. Although he knew the horror level of Bai Ye for a long time, after contacting him in the past few days, Daniel felt like an ant looking up at the sky.

However, under this huge difference, Daniel admired Bai Ye more and more, and at the same time almost became Bai Ye's brain-dumping fan.

"The world will record it."

Magneto kept repeating this sentence, and soon Magneto's eyes flashed, a flash of inspiration, as if thinking of something

"You can see the past and the future."

After saying this, Magneto is very sure

"Although my mind is very painful about that incident, and I don't want to mention it or think about it, but I know one thing well, that incident was known only to me in this world, and absolutely no one else."

"So you conclude that I see your past? Why are you so sure."

"Just based on your sentence, the world will record it, and you have told the story of that incident. What kind of white night are you? You have such power. If you can resurrect my wife and daughter, I can sacrifice my life for you. Just like the two of them, you can be a cow or a horse."

Saying these words, Magneto's eyes were very hot and hopeful.

The ability of someone who can see his past and future is absolutely terrifying. Perhaps such a person has abilities that he has never imagined, and at the same time his wife and daughter can be resurrected.

As long as his wife and daughter are resurrected, even if he is a cow and a horse for Bai Ye, Magneto doesn't care. *

Chapter 3 An Iron Man fell from the sky [[-]]

"You want to surrender to me?"

Bai Ye's face was extremely strange, and Magneto wanted to surrender to him.

You must know that this guy is notoriously rebellious. Basically, he is the kind of person who refuses to obey anyone, let alone surrender. There are only a handful of people who want his respect, even if it is Professor X, his old friend, Magneto Have been pitted countless times.

It can be said that this forced character is destined to be unlikely to surrender to others. Take Tianqi as an example. The reason why he belongs to him is that Yu valued Tianqi's ability, and his current mentality is not good, so he joined.

But according to the original plot, Magneto soon betrayed again.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the ability."

In fact, Bai Ye is quite interested in accepting Magneto.

Although Magneto has a bad personality, he has a way to rule Magneto.

If it's just resurrecting people, Bai Ye really doesn't have this ability at present.

Although his magic is bizarre and has various abilities, he really does not have the ability to cut off life and death at present.

You must know that the rules of this world are quite strange. There are many kinds of invincible objects that can destroy the planet, and there are even many people who are involved in the two laws of time and space, but not many people know the only law of life and death.

"Neither do you."

Hearing this, Magneto's face was full of disappointment, and then fell into silence.

Seeing Magneto like this, Professor X sighed in his heart.

With both his wife and daughter dead, he can understand Magneto's current mood.

After all, it doesn't feel good to leave the most important thing.

In the end, Professor X negotiated with Bai Ye for a long time, and at the cost of owing you five favors, Bai Ye, actually kept the other three of the four knights.

According to him, these three can still be saved, but it is only because of the bewitched by the apocalypse that they are like this

With their guidance, these three people will definitely stand by their side in the future.

Seeing Professor X's swearing, Bai Ye was too lazy to do it, and the five favors were replaced, and it was not bad.

After all, even if three people convert data points, they actually look like tens of thousands.

However, in order to ensure that the three of them do not get out of control, Bai Ye added a limit to the three of them.

"This is a kind of soul magic. If you kill people maliciously, my mental power in your mind will explode directly. As for the end, think about it."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye opened the door to the temple directly, and left Xavier Talent School with Daniel.

cough cough cough.

After Bai Ye left, Professor X coughed a few times and said

"You have also seen the ability of Master Bai Ye, so if you really want to learn it well in the future, don't have too many unreasonable thoughts. If you cross the line, I can't help you."

"Eric in particular, you know?"

The other two, Professor X, didn't care, but his friend Magneto, Professor X, didn't need to remind him.

He was really afraid that one day, Magneto couldn't control himself, and then caused Bai Ye's magic to turn on, and it went straight to GG.


Magneto's face was as calm as water, and he said softly.

Seeing the terrifying power of Bai Ye's strength, he felt a lot quieter in his heart, and it wouldn't be the same as before.

At the same time, because Magneto stayed, Mystique didn't leave either.

also stayed at school.

That's it, the first few founders of the X-Men got together once.

Your account has been terminated.

New York Temple.

After the two returned, they separated from each other.

Daniel seems to have a deeper understanding of magic because he has a feeling in his heart, so he went to Kama Taj to practice.

And Bai Ye became Kama Taj's temporary guardian mage.

It is said that it is a guardian mage, but in fact, no one will come.

After all, there is a magic circle, and ordinary people can't get in at all. ,

After solving the Apocalypse, Bai Ye returned to the fat house life.

Basically, they are lying in the temple, drinking fat house water and watching American TV dramas or something.

Life is comfortable and easy.

Because of this comfortable life, Bai Ye's anxiety mentality has recovered a lot before, and he will not fall into the state of madness before, madly wanting to break through the realm.

And Bai Ye found that this comfortable life gave him a lot of inspiration, and he seemed to have improved a little from the next realm. Although it was not much, he could clearly feel it.

This kind of life, unknowingly over half a month.

During this half-month period, Professor X has come here several times. In addition, Bai Ye is alone in the temple. As for Daniel, it seems that he is still in retreat.

at night.

High in the sky, two strange figures were flying, one large and one small, one seemed to be a weapon of war, surrounded by steel, looking shivering and a little terrifying.

The other figure is very petite, but it is more delicate than the former, with lines that reveal the beauty of technology.

As for the two figures, the small one is Iron Man, and the other is a crude imitation of Iron Man, but although it looks ugly, the decorated weapons are stronger than Iron Man's.

And the person who controls it is Iron Man Tony Stark's uncle Obadiah Stan.

A man who covets Iron Man's assets, intending to swallow Tony Stark.

Speaking of the birth of Iron Man, it has a lot to do with this person. If he hadn't wanted to kill Tony Stark, Iron Man would not have been born.

"You are like an ant in front of me now, and I can crush it to death."

Obadiah Stan laughed, his steel suit accelerated, came to the back of Iron Man at a very fast speed, and kicked Tony Stark directly.


Tony Stark wanted to speed up to avoid the attack, but Nai was too fast to dodge the attack. He only felt a force of gravity swept in, and the whole person fell directly towards the bottom.

"Is Jarvis okay? I'm going to crash into the house below."

Tony is impatient, if he falls directly on the house below without adjusting his body, and the gravity falls, although she will not die, she will be seriously injured. "

"Sir, the flight system still needs ten seconds."

"I fell in ten seconds."

Tony wailed for a while, and closed his eyes directly, not wanting to look any further.

At this time, in the night sky, it can be clearly seen that a straight line like fireworks fell down and smashed directly on a house, but the strange thing is that at the moment of falling down, Iron Man was directly shot fly. *

Chapter 4 Pick a way to die [[-]]

"What the hell is this."

Tony, who fell to the ground, froze for a moment.

He was actually shot out of the house just now.

As if it fell on a trampoline, it was directly ejected by some kind of elastic force.

It's just that Tony doesn't understand why the house has this kind of magic.

And at the moment of falling, he seemed to see a white sheen on the house, like a protective cover in a movie.

"Jarvis, scan the house in front of you."

Tony simply forgot that there was someone chasing him behind him, and immediately asked Jarvis to check the reality of the house in front of him.

Jarvis, Tony's artificial intelligence.

"Sir, the house in front of you is surrounded by an inexplicable force. As for what energy it is, I can't parse it out for the time being."

Jarvis replied softly.

"Is there no database?"

"No sir.

Hearing this, Tony was shocked.

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