However, although Apocalypse is not good, it is not bad to add more than [-] data points to him.

"The Apocalypse is over, then there's nothing else left."

Bai Ye turned around and looked at the four people in the sky.

Each of the four knights of the apocalypse has an ability, and the most awesome of them should be the ability of Magneto.


Bai Ye walked in front of the four with a calm expression and said

"You said how should I deal with you."

The angel looked grim and said in a cold voice

"Kill as much as you want."

"Okay, since you want to die, then I'll satisfy you."

Bai Ye nodded, and a ray of light popped out of his fingertips, directly piercing the angel's chest

At that moment, the angel's face changed slightly, and said in a shocked voice.

"Wait, I just said that."

However, all this did not regret taking medicine, the light directly penetrated his chest, the angel's eyes dimmed directly, and the whole person hung there directly and weakly.

"System, absorb his abilities."

As soon as the voice fell, the angel's body immediately burned, and it didn't take long for it to turn to ashes

"Congratulations on getting [-] data points."

Twenty thousand is not bad, although it is not too much, but thinking that the ability of angels is not too strong, Bai Ye is not surprised.

At this time, only three of the Four Horsemen remained.

Spirit Butterfly, Storm, and Magneto.

Seeing that the angel was killed in seconds, Lingdie and Storm Girl suddenly panicked, and the fear in their eyes was visible to the naked eye. ,

Bai Ye's decisiveness really frightened them, the angel just stubbornly said, Bai Ye really wanted to kill directly.

Even Lingdie, who has seen countless vicious people, is afraid.

She thought that Bai Ye would be the same as those people, and would adjust the price with them, after all, their ability is still good.

At least surrender is a good condition.

However, she never thought that Bai Ye didn't need their power.

"I can surrender to you."

Not long after the angel died, Spirit Butterfly chose to surrender without thinking too much.

Faced with the threat of death, few people really can hold on to it.

"With me, I can make you a cow and a horse."

Storm did not hesitate too much.

Apocalypse is dead, and it is impossible for her to follow in the footsteps of Apocalypse.

After the two women saw Bai Ye's means, they chose to give in without thinking.

Only Magneto closed his eyes, as if waiting to die.

Maybe it's bearish, it doesn't matter to these things.

"how about you."

Bai Ye did not answer the two, but looked at Magneto

To be honest, among the Four Horsemen, he is the most interested in Magneto.

This guy has the ability and ambition, and he can be regarded as one of the best characters in Marvel.

"I've been caught by you, and I'll be slaughtered by others, I'll do whatever I want."

Magneto's face was calm, as if everything was ready.

After the death of his family and the death of the weather, the revenge for mankind has been directly reduced.

Not even thinking about it.

With people like Bai Ye around, no matter what kind of plan they devise, it's useless.

Others can't see it, but he can see it. Against Apocalypse, even if Bai Ye was playing, he didn't show his real strength at all.

Just as monsters like Apocalypse are not worth mentioning in Bai Ye's hands, what use are they?

"Mage Bai Ye, can I say a word?"

At this time, Professor X and his party had already come over.

The beast pushed Professor X over, and the Mystique walked directly beside Magneto, watching Bai Ye vigilantly, as if to say, with me here, you can't do anything.

This woman is also strange. She is very obsessed with Magneto, but Magneto doesn't like her, and has always disliked her. Maybe it's because she is too ugly to transform into a Mystique.

Bai Ye glanced at Mystique, then looked at Professor X and said

"Tell me what you have to say."

Although he knew what Professor X was going to say, Bai Ye was happy to listen. *

Chapter 2 Magneto wants to surrender [[-]]

"Mage White Night, I believe Eric's character, he should be forced by Apocalypse, and Eric has not done anything beyond the bounds."

"So you're going to plead with him?"

Bai Ye sighed in his heart.

He really couldn't understand the relationship between Professor X and Magneto.

It is said that the two sympathize with each other, but in fact they are not the same, because Magneto rarely bird Professor X, but Professor X trusts Magneto very much.

However, in the movie Apocalypse, although Magneto has changed, it is not big.

However, he understood Professor X's mind. This person is a bit like his teacher. He trusts the people around him very much. Magneto is also the founder of the X-Men, so Professor X has an incomprehensible trust in Magneto.

"That's right, if Eric did something wicked, I'd definitely say nothing more"

Professor X nodded and said with a serious look: "It's just that Eric joined Apocalypse not long ago and did not do anything out of the ordinary, and I think Eric was forced to join Apocalypse because he was hidden long ago. , to live as an ordinary person.

Bai Ye glanced at Magneto in midair.

This guy really didn't do anything.

Speaking of which, Magneto was also miserable, because he saved his co-workers, which resulted in the death of his wife and daughter, and he was approached by Apocalypse not long after that.

And Apocalypse also helped him strengthen his strength. Originally, Apocalypse planned to make Magneto his right-hand man to rule the world.

It was just that the plan had just begun, and they were approached by Bai Ye and then killed.

Speaking of it, Apocalypse is actually quite miserable. There are a lot of plans, but GG has not started.

And Magneto was the last to join, only knowing Apocalypse's general plan, nothing else was done.

"I don't care if I want to let him go, but are you sure you want to let him go? Before he returned, the current Magneto is not what he used to be. Both his wife and daughter died. He now has a lot of resentment towards ordinary people in his heart."

As soon as this word comes out.

Professor X fell silent for a while, looking at Magneto with a heavy gaze.

He didn't expect Magneto to have such an experience.

He thought that Magneto was coerced by God's wife and daughter, but he never thought that Magneto's wife and daughter were dead.

For a while, Professor X didn't know what to say

Comfort Magneto, or something else.

And Bai Ye's remarks also reminded him that in the case of the death of his wife and daughter, can Magneto really let him go?

With Magneto's ability, once out of control, the level of terror produced is absolutely unbelievable.

"Eric, you."

Mystique looked a little shocked, and at the same time felt a little distressed in her heart.

She didn't expect Magneto to have such an encounter.

In fact, her idea is exactly the same as that of Professor X.

Compared with others, Magneto is surprisingly calm, he looked at Bai Ye and asked

"Who are you? It's only been a while since this happened. No one else in this world should know except me."

Bai Ye's face was calm, and he said indifferently: "Some things don't need to be seen in the eyes of others, and the world will record them. In fact, I think it's a pity for you. If it wasn't for an accident, maybe your daughter wouldn't have been accidentally shot with an arrow. Shoot to death."

As soon as these words came out, Magneto's pupils shrank, and he suddenly became excited.

"Who are you, and how do you know these things."

He really couldn't understand why Bai Ye knew everything about it.

The daughter was accidentally shot to death by an arrow. Only the person involved knows about it. However, all the people involved have been killed by him, so basically no one knows about it except him.

But why, Bai Ye is so clear, and it seems as if he is on the scene.

"As I said, the world will record this."

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

Professor X and several others were also shocked, although they were not very clear about the source of the matter.

But about listening clearly, it seems that Magneto's secret has been fully seen through by Bai Ye.

"Time magic, did Master Bai Ye also learn it? He is indeed an absolute genius who was designated to surpass the ancient one in the future."

I don't know how many professors X are, but Daniel is clear

From the discussions of several people, it was guessed that Bai Ye could use time magic.

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