He had never seen this thing.

"You'll find out later."

Apocalypse gave a cold drink, and the purple energy light group rushed out directly, like a beam of light, directly covering the white night.

Seeing the light group covering Bai Ye's body, Tian Qi showed a successful smile, and his face gradually distorted.

"Now I'll let me experience the pain I just experienced."*

Chapter 5 Apocalypse Death [[-]]

Endless clusters of light spewed out, directly covering the entire space.

Apocalypse directly suspended in the air, looking at the white night shrouded in purple light below, the corners of his mouth gradually became abnormal, like a person who had been tortured for a long time, and lost his usual calmness.

"I said about the white night, you will regret it too much. As a god, I have a power like you that mortals can only look up to. Later, you will be slowly tortured to death by my spiritual power, and you will taste hell. The pain, any torture in the world will be photographed on your body."



Apocalypse seems to be the soul magic directly contrived by Bai Ye, and he is a little insane, as if he has lost his mind, and keeps yelling at Bai Ye below.

Seeing Bai Ye's look of pain in the purple light group, Tian Qi laughed, as if he was satisfied.

This mere ordinary mortal, with a little strength, dares to show off his might in front of him.

Really don't know how to live or die.

After tasting the painful experience just now, Tian Qi lost his mind, and he didn't even want Bai Ye's ability. Now he just wanted to blow Bai Ye's bones to ashes and let him have a good taste of what it means to regret.

regret coming to this world

Regret coming here.

"A group of ants, the fate of Bai Ye is yours, kneel down and tremble"

Apocalypse turned his head and looked at Professor X's group in the distance, his face distorted, and his tone was full of killing intent.

Feeling Apocalypse's murderous gaze, Logan frowned and said in a deep voice

"Things don't look good, Master White Night seems to be under control, Charles, what should we do now.

Things went a bit beyond his expectations. He thought that Tian Qi would be directly destroyed by Bai Ye, and Bai Ye solved Tian Qi directly, and this matter was over, and they could go back in peace.

But now things have happened unexpectedly. Apocalypse actually controlled Bai Ye, and Bai Ye's current state doesn't look very good.

"Something's wrong."

Professor X's pupils froze, looking at the white night shrouded in purple light in the distance, his heart was full of puzzlement.

What kind of power can he feel in the purple light group, it is the spiritual power that is materialized.

It can be understood as the ability like a spirit butterfly, which can materialize one's own spiritual power or thought power, and then can form anything.

It's just that Lingdie can only be weapons, and Apocalypse looks more comprehensive, as if it has other effects.

But even if it has other effects, Professor X doesn't understand why Bai Ye is being controlled.

Because this spiritual force is very strong, but it is not unmatched, let alone Bai Ye, even if he has a chance not to be controlled by Apocalypse.

The reason why Professor X didn't understand was because he knew that Bai Ye's mental power was definitely several times stronger than his. Definitely not comparable to him and Apocalypse.

"Rescue Bai Ye Mage first."

Although his heart was full of doubts, Professor X gave an order immediately.

After all, Bai Ye is their first combat power here, and it is also the backer they rely on to defeat Tian Qi. If Bai Ye can't do it, then it will be difficult for them to deal with Tian Qi.

"no need."

Just when everyone was about to start, Daniel suddenly spoke up and stopped everyone.

"Master Bai Ye sent me a message just now. He was just teasing Tianqi. He is fine now."

Facing everyone's confusion, Daniel explained with a bitter face.

Bai Ye Mage is really bold, and he can still play in the face of Apocalypse.

However, for Bai Ye's practice, Daniel guessed that Bai Ye figured out the depth of Apocalypse's strength, so he would play Apocalypse like this.

"is this real?"

Roger asked

"Of course it's true, don't worry about Master Bai Ye, with his strength, few people on this planet are his opponents."

It should be said that no one is his opponent, and it is estimated that the ancient one is not good enough.

Daniel muttered in his heart.

Although he didn't know the depth of Bai Ye, he had learned one thing from Master Gu Yi before. Even Dormammu in the dark dimension might not be able to help Bai Ye.

Dormammu can't do it anymore, and Apocalypse probably won't do it anymore.

After all, the two are not on the same level at all.

Daniel's voice was consciously suppressed.

But Apocalypse and others, who have seized countless abilities for thousands of years, naturally have the so-called thousand-mile ear, and they know it as soon as the voice comes out of Apocalypse.

Suddenly Apocalypse's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"How dare you play me."

Between the words, a light group that was several times more terrifying than before spewed out and directly swept Bai Ye's body.

"Hey, I wanted to play with you, but you found out, so let's stop."

In the light group, Bai Ye opened his eyes with a relaxed look on his face, and at the same time he was a little regretful. He wanted to see more of Apocalypse's arrogant appearance, but unfortunately Daniel was heard by Apocalypse.


Bai Ye gently spit out a word, and the surrounding light group suddenly dimmed

It didn't take long for the surroundings to return to calm.

"What the hell are you?"

Apocalypse's pupils shrank, his whole body trembled, and he was no longer the arrogant look just now.

The purple light group just now is his ability to press the bottom of the box. With this ability, he has swept the earth for many years, but now he has been cracked by a word from Bai Ye.

Like a real god, he speaks according to the law.

This ability is beyond his imagination.

"Is nothing there?"

white night smile

"It's okay to tell you, I'm an ordinary person, but I prefer you to call me a magician."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ye stretched out his right hand, as if an invisible gravitational force spewed out, Tian Qi couldn't resist it directly, flew over, and was directly grabbed by Bai Ye's neck.

Tian Qi's eyes were frightened, and he wanted to beg for mercy directly for his thirst for life.

It's a pity that Bai Ye didn't give him this chance and directly cut off his neck.


Immediately after, a voice sounded, Tian Qi's body exploded directly, and at the same time an invisible flame wrapped around his body, burning his body directly.

In this way, Apocalypse completely disappeared in this world.

In order to prevent the resurrection of Apocalypse, Bai Ye directly used magic to annihilate him, leaving no dust left. *

Chapter 1 Within expectations [[-]]

At the same time that Apocalypse's body was annihilated, a ray of light that only Bai Ye could see flashed past.

That is the special energy that belongs to Tianqi's body, and it is also his mutant ability.

"System, how many data points does Apocalypse's ability count."

Killing Apocalypse is just by the way, it mainly needs Apocalypse's ability to supplement data points.

"Ding, 865100 data points."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, and there were more than [-] data points. He still remembered that there were only more than [-] data points before.

More than [-] data points, not too much, but not too much.

It's just that Bai Ye was a little disappointed, because at the beginning, he felt that Apocalypse could provide him with at least millions of data points. ,

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be that many.

"System, what's going on? I remember that there are quite a few Apocalypse abilities, at least thousands, and it's impossible to have as few as more than [-]."

The ability of the general mutants is like counting money and [-], and the more powerful ones are estimated to be tens of thousands.

And Tianqi has thousands of abilities, but there are only hundreds of thousands, which makes Bai Ye very puzzled.

"Host, although Apocalypse has many abilities, most of them overlap, and these abilities cannot be counted, so there are only so many."

"In that case, although Apocalypse's abilities are strange, most of them belong to the same category?"

"Well, that's about it. Although Apocalypse's abilities are complex, many of them are the same. As far as the ability of physical recovery, there are more than [-] kinds of Apocalypse, up to [-] kinds of spiritual ones, and some other small categories. It’s all about one or two hundred, so overall, it’s not too much.”

the system explained.

After listening to it, Bai Ye was also relieved, to put it bluntly, Apocalypse blowing is powerful, but there is not much real power.

In fact, the apocalypse was really blowing, and Bai Ye had just experienced it.

I wanted to let Tianqi show some cards and let him see if he could threaten him.

Did not think that there was nothing but some spiritual abilities.

It's kind of sloppy.

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