The rest nodded subconsciously.

When they first assembled, Professor X told them that Apocalypse was a very terrifying opponent, and they might even die, and they had prepared for the worst.

But now that they have encountered it, it is completely crushed, and they don't even need to shoot.

"This shouldn't be, according to our information, Tianqi has absorbed the ability of thousands of people, and has an unknown amount of recovery ability. Generally speaking, ordinary fists and kicks will not have any effect on him. Look at his skin. Just know, there is no damage, just why Apocalypse screams so miserably."

Beast is also very puzzled.

According to common sense, Apocalypse, who has countless recovery abilities, will be very strong in his heart, and even these pains can be recovered in an instant.

"You may not know the mystery of magic if you haven't come into contact with it. It seems that Tianqi was beaten by Mage Bai Ye and screamed again and again, like a parent teaching their children, but you don't know the reason. If I am not wrong, Mage Bai Ye should Using a kind of soul magic, this kind of magic can increase the pain a thousand times, even a thousand times.”

Daniel explained.

"The pain has increased thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times?"

"Well, this is the most basic, but it is rumored that Master Bai Ye can increase by a million times, but I don't know if this is true.


It's kind of scary to hear.

Ordinary fists are very painful by themselves. If they are increased by a million times, it is estimated that a person can be tortured to death by pain.

"Logan, can you handle a million-fold punch?"

Professor X turned his head and asked Roger.

Wolverine has an extremely terrifying recovery ability, and even if his body is destroyed, he can recover directly.

It can be said to be almost immortal.

"Don't say a million times, even [-] times I can't bear it."

Logan smiled bitterly and said, although his recovery ability is very strong, it is only physical, and the pain comes from nerves, from the soul, he can't recover from this thing.

PS: Give some flowers, big guys*

Chapter 4 The gradually perverted smile [[-]]

"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that Apocalypse seems to be weak, and why is the White Night Mage so strong in hand-to-hand combat? It is reasonable to say that Apocalypse has survived for so long, and the proficient fighting techniques should be more powerful."

Seeing Tian Qi being beaten by Bai Ye in the distance, Qin Ge Lei couldn't help asking.

When they came, Professor X told them a lot of rumors about the apocalypse.

The first mutant in the world, with countless abilities, is a very terrifying creature.

Moreover, the gods in the Bible are only the incarnation of the apocalypse.

When they heard this, Qin Ge Lei and the others almost came over with the determination to die.

But when they really faced it, Qin Ge Lei and a few people found out.

They don't seem to have anything to do, they don't need to take risks, they don't even need to use their abilities, they just need to stand by and watch.

It's like watching a crushing movie.

"Professor, is this what you call the apocalypse?"

Cyclops was even more straightforward, and his tone did not conceal his contempt.

This apocalypse was so weak, so weak that he felt a little sleepy.

Professor X and the Beast have black lines on their faces.

The Apocalypse they learned from the literature is indeed invincible, otherwise it would be impossible for Magneto to belong to him.

You must know that their old friend Magneto is a rebellious person, and his strength is extremely terrifying, and it is absolutely impossible to surrender to others at will.

If it weren't for Tianqi's ability to be superior to him, Magneto would never be willing to be accepted under his command.

After thinking about it, Professor X felt that it might just be that Bai Ye was too powerful.

That's why it seems that now, Apocalypse seems to be very useless.

"It's not that Apocalypse can't, but his opponent is too powerful.

Professor X didn't know how to answer, so he could only sigh.

What can he say now, after preparing for so long, he has taken out all the background of his X-Men.

However, none of them played, and the opponent was almost wiped out.

The four of Magneto were directly held in mid-air and unable to move. Obviously, there was no room for them to exert their strength. Tian Qi was brutally killed by Bai Ye throughout the whole process, and he didn't seem to struggle at all.

at this time.

In mid-air, the four knights of the apocalypse.

Magneto, Lindie, Angels, and Storm.

The four people saw that Tian Qi was beaten without any possibility of parrying, their mouths were slightly opened, and their hearts were shocked.

I don't even know how big a commotion was thrown.

The apocalypse they regarded as a god seemed so weak.


Magneto closed his eyes, he no longer had any hope, since they were limited by four, this seemingly fierce battle was destined to be crushed.

Although Apocalypse is not dead now, Magneto can see that it is just that the opponent is releasing water, as if he is warming up.

Since the Four Horsemen were in the air, Apocalypse was taken by Bai Ye to warm up again. The rest of Professor X breathed a sigh of relief and sat aside to watch. There was no anxiety on his face.

At this time, Mystique stepped forward and wanted to walk in the direction of Magneto.

However, before taking a few steps, Daniel stopped directly in front of her.

"Ma'am, that's not where you can be involved, if you don't want to die, go back.

Bai Ye is fighting, and he does not allow anyone to disturb him.

It's the same no matter who.

The Mystique stopped, her face changed, she thought for a moment, and said

"The man across from me is an old friend of mine, and I want to chat with him, and that man, Charles and Hank, both of them know each other.

After speaking, Mystique gave a color to Professor X and the Beast.

Suddenly, the Beast and Professor X showed a wry smile.

Ruiwen still pursues Magneto so much.

This is the case, and I still think about the past.

"Master Daniel, the person opposite is indeed our old friend. If possible, let Ruiwen go over and talk."

Professor X said.

Daniel shook his head with a firm tone

"No, if you want to talk, you can wait until after the battle of Master Bai Ye is over. No one can leave now."

As soon as these words came out, Professor X looked at Mystique helplessly and said

"It's almost over, wait, Ruiwen."

Mystique's brows knitted together, her eyes twinkling.

But in the end, Mystique still didn't stick to it and didn't say anything.


"Apocalypse, do you have this strength?"

Bai Ye punched Tian Qi flying, a little disappointed.

Apocalypse is too weak, so weak that he has no way to get excited.

"Damn mortal."

Apocalypse hit the ground, and the astonishing pain swept through his body, making him tremble all over, as if something was numbing his nerves, making him tremble all the time.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Tian Qi was furious in his heart, but he couldn't help Bai Ye.

Because the pain was so painful that his will was almost disintegrated, it was very difficult to speak, and it was even more impossible to exert any ability on Bai Ye.

"My strength is unfathomable. If you give me a little time to prepare, I will make you regret it."

Apocalypse shouted angrily, his eyes red.

Bai Ye smiled, "You are really interesting. Since you said that I regretted it, why should I give you a chance."

Saying that, it was another kick, which directly kicked the apocalypse out.

Now Apocalypse is almost like a football, kicked around by Bai Ye.

"I don't need time to prepare, as long as you unlock this damn ability, we will face off equally, and you will not be disappointed.

The severe pain made Tian Qi's arrogance unconsciously let go, and he began to seek demands from Bai Ye.

Don't dare to speak harshly.

"Come on, I'll give you a chance."

With a right hand of Bai Ye, a magic circle appeared, and a green light shot out, directly shrouding Tian Qi's body

For a while, Tian Qi felt comfortable all over, and he no longer felt the excruciating pain he had just now.

It was like returning to heaven from hell.

No pain, Tian Qi smiled coldly

"Stupid mortal, disarming this magic is the stupidest decision in your life, and I will make you regret it today.

Between the words, Tian Qi opened his hands, and a purple energy light group condensed.

"What kind of power is that?"

Bai Ye asked with no worries on his face, blinking his eyes.

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