One of them is facing Daniel. Although Cyclops is the main force of the attack, Daniel is the one who binds the angel. If Daniel loses his fighting power and does not have the bound angel, he can play his own advantages.

However, it didn't take long for these steels to advance, and they stopped directly in front of Bai Ye and several people, as if time had stopped, and these steels stayed in the air very strangely.

It seemed as if it was frozen in the sky by some kind of powerful force.

Seeing this scene, Magneto suddenly squeezed his brows together and said in a low voice

"My abilities have failed, I can't control the steel."

Having said that, Magneto's gaze changed when he looked at Bai Ye.

His ability is also one of the best among mutants, because he can exist with magnetism. It can be said that unless there is magnetism, his ability cannot be limited. Of course, he has not yet achieved the kind of magnetism that can manipulate the world at will. But at this time, if you want to suppress his ability, there must be no metal around, otherwise, if there is only a trace of metal, his ability can be exerted.

Only this time, Magneto felt for the first time that his ability had failed.

Even with the presence of metal, his omnipotent ability has failed.

It seems that there is some kind of power that directly blocks his ability.

"Your ability is also ineffective"

Apocalypse looked at Bai Ye's eyes and became even more dignified.

Who is this person and what abilities does he possess?

Is it space capable?

Looking at the subversive scenes around him, Tian Qi was full of doubts.

Basically, he can confirm the ability of Bai Ye to control the space, otherwise it is impossible to reverse the space, but the ability of Magneto is limited, what is this ability.

Could it be that Bai Ye can still control everything in this space.

If this is the case, Bai Ye's ability is beyond his expectations.

It may even be the most terrifying ability he has seen since his birth.

Thinking of this, Tian Qi looked at Bai Ye with some longing.

At this point, he doesn't want Professor X's ability anymore, he wants Bai Ye's ability more.


"Mage Bai Ye is really unfathomable. Apocalypse's first attack was directly intercepted perfectly."

Looking at the situation in front of him, Professor X sighed a little.

I thought it would be a battle between dragons and tigers, but I didn't expect that now it seems that Bai Ye has perfectly suppressed everyone in Tianqi.

Although it seemed that Bai Ye didn't make a move now, Professor X knew very well that it was just that many of Apocalypse's moves were perfectly stopped by Bai Ye, and they were stopped in an understatement.

"I am now somewhat grateful to the people who chased me in the first place,":

Logan said with a sigh.

If it wasn't for those people chasing him back then, he wouldn't have encountered Bai Ye.

If they hadn't met Bai Ye, maybe he wouldn't have helped them.

It is even possible that the situation is so bad that Apocalypse may complete his conspiracy.

In this regard, at this time, Logan was grateful for those who were chasing him.

Cyclops didn't kill the angel, but was turned into a whip that flew to and directly chopped off Daniel by the spirit butterfly.

Losing the restraint of the whip, the angel broke free and flew back directly

However, although he was saved, the angel was also very embarrassed, and the armor on his chest was completely pierced.

The angel was rescued, and there was no fluctuation in the white night

Anyway, a character who will die sooner or later, even if he is saved now, he will only live a little longer.

Only this time.

Bai Ye's right hand is facing the Tianqi people, squeezed slightly, and said softly

"Quarterly Cages."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a ripple in the space, and invisible fluctuations spread, and the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse were directly caught and blocked directly above.

But Apocalypse is fine.

"Damn, what's the matter, why can't I use the strength."

The angel shouted loudly.

"Is this your ability? Control this space perfectly."

Compared with angels, Magneto is much calmer.

Too bad he guessed wrong.

Bai Ye shook his head and said with a smile

"The world you see is called the mirror world, it's not very useful, it's just used as a battlefield.

Having said that, Bai Ye looked at Tian Qi and said softly.

"To be honest, Apocalypse, I think you are really ugly, and are you really a person from Earth?"*

Chapter 3 Terrifying Soul Magic [[-]]

Bai Ye couldn't help but complain about a wave of apocalypse.

To tell the truth, Apocalypse does look like aliens.

Even Bai Ye doubted whether Tian Qi was a seed left by aliens.

Or hybrid or something

It's not impossible for such a thing to happen.

But Apocalypse's patience is surprisingly good.

Bai Ye was so provocative and complaining about him that he brought out his face.

Apocalypse's face can't see happiness and anger, as if he doesn't care at all

Even his four knights were blocked in the air by the white night, and Apocalypse's face just changed, and he didn't panic because of it.

"You are indeed very strong, and you are the most powerful mutant I have ever seen. Your ability makes me a little jealous"

Apocalypse said indifferently, making no secret of his desire.

As if everything was in the cards.

Seeing that Tian Qi is still so confident, Bai Ye has some doubts, will this guy sleep foolishly, and at this point, he can still be so confident.

Maybe he still thinks he can make a comeback.

In fact, in terms of the situation of double reverse, there is no possibility of a comeback. Apocalypse has been completely destroyed by Bai Ye, at least he is alone now without any help.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a mutant, this may disappoint you, and I know what you're thinking about, it's just that you want to transfer your consciousness to me, to be honest, even if you transfer it, you have to not within my capabilities"

"You're not a mutant? That's impossible."

Apocalypse directly did not believe that with this kind of power, how could he not be a mutant.

How could a mere ordinary person control such power.

In Apocalypse's mind, ordinary people are like ants, with weak limbs and no transcendent power like him.

"Isn't it, don't you feel it as the first mutant?'

Bai Ye sneered.

This apocalypse really slept for thousands of years, and the brain was sleepy.

And the arrogant look on his face made him feel a little ridiculous.

Apocalypse's face sank, and then he shot directly.

The whole person is like an afterimage, directly in front of Bai Ye, his hands flashing light, grabbing towards Bai Ye.

"Whether you are a mutant or not, I will find out by breaking your brain with my own hands now."

"You think too much."

Bai Ye sneered, and without waiting for Apocalypse to touch him, he kicked Apocalypse directly.

Apocalypse only felt a huge force swept in, and the whole person flew out dozens of meters upside down and slammed into the ground.

The long-lost pain swept from the nerves everywhere, making Tianqi suddenly in great pain, his face was not very good, and his face was full of cold sweat.

Bai Ye's kick is not an ordinary kick, but a special magic that can increase the nerve sensitivity of others by thousands of times, which means that ordinary pain will be increased by a thousand times.

Otherwise, with the recovery ability of Apocalypse, it is impossible for him to cause pain with a mere kick, because the pain is often eliminated by the various recovery abilities he has collected over thousands of years.

"You have to break my brain, but I want to see if you have this ability.

Bai Ye rushed up instantly, without waiting for Apocalypse to react, and suddenly punched Apocalypse in the face again.

Suddenly, Apocalypse's face twisted, and the purple face looked a little weird, like the undead in a horror movie, looking extremely weird and terrifying.

Bang bang bang.

Bai Ye showed no mercy at all, and didn't give Tian Qi a chance to react, so his fists and feet fell directly on Tian Qi's body like rain, directly destroying Tian Qi's body.

Not long after, Apocalypse screamed again and again, and the screams swept the entire space

And the voice of Apocalypse's screams is extremely weird, a bit like the cries of those scary children in horror movies, which makes people sound bland.


Laser Eye swallowed and said

"Is this really the apocalypse you said before that can rule the world? Why do I feel so weak, and was beaten directly by Master Bai Ye.

"It does look weak. Even a body like Master Bai Ye can beat him to death."

Nightcrawler scratched his head and said inexplicably.

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