Apocalypse's base camp is also his hometown.

Whether now or in the future, the apocalypse has always been in Egypt.

"Is this magic?"

Professor X's eyes flashed.

Although I have seen Bai Ye come directly, but when I really see the magic that Bai Ye casts

Professor X was still shocked.

Because this kind of ability is something they have never understood, or have never seen before.

Mutants have all kinds of abilities, but few have the ability to space.

Mystique's son, Nightcrawler, is one of them.

But compared to the white night now, it's still a little worse.

Because the night walker can only lock the things he grabs to make space jumps, and the distance is not too far, unlike Bai Ye, which directly opens a space crack.

"go in."

Bai Ye said a word and walked in directly.

Daniel followed closely behind.

It didn't take long for the others to enter.

"What kind of ability is this? We actually came to Egypt from the American Empire."

Qin Ge Lei looked at the towering pyramid standing in front of her, her right hand covering her mouth, and her eyes were full of shock.

She had thought about the process of space jumping, but she didn't expect it to be so easy

It's like walking from one room to another, without any discomfort.

"Hey, Daniel, do you all magicians have this ability?"

Logan said hello to Daniel very spontaneously

Maybe I think the two have met three times, and they are familiar with each other.

Daniel glanced at Logan as if looking at a fool.

This kind of magic, how is it possible that everyone can do it.

However, Daniel explained it and said with a proud expression.

"Of course it's impossible. The magic of this space transmission is very profound, and only experienced mages can learn it."

"Then will you? Daniel."

"I know a little bit, but I'm not as skilled as Master Bai Ye."

Daniel scratched his head, a little lack of confidence.

Although he is considered a very strong mage in Kama Taj, but such space teleportation magic cannot be perfectly grasped, at least not like Bai Ye, where he wants to go, he usually opens the space It's all random and basically unsatisfactory.

"Then you are really amazing, you have such an ability.

Logan exclaimed, a look of envy in his eyes.

How many people don't want the ability to control space.

And this ability is very convenient, you can go wherever you want, which saves time and energy.

"so so."

Daniel laughed. Although his tone was normal, it was obvious from his raised mouth that it was not that normal. ,

And this time.

Bai Ye's footsteps suddenly stopped and said softly.

"Our goal is here."

This word just fell


Not far ahead, purple light and shadow appeared in the space of about twenty meters.

Not long after, five figures appeared in front of everyone.

And these five people are Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen.

The Four Horsemen are Angel, Psylocke, Storm and Magneto.

An angel is called an angel because he has a pair of wings. Originally, his wings had no attack ability, but because of the apocalypse, the wings waited until they evolved and turned into steel wings, which directly improved his wings by several levels. , while also increasing a lot of defense.

The Storm Woman lives up to her name, and her ability is the power to control the wind.

Spirit Butterfly has the ability to change its mind power into various weapons, and it can also understand the solidification of mental power, which can change into what it wants.

As for Magneto, he is the strongest being among the Four Horsemen, and he is also the most awesome.

He can control all the magnetic forces, and even in the later stage, he can even control the magnetic force of the earth and directly control the world in one fell swoop.

Apocalypse took a step forward, his face was very indifferent, looking at Bai Ye and his group, his tone was a little puzzled

"I'm a little surprised by your giving up."

Professor X and his party came over and made Tianqi think that Professor X and the others had given up resistance and surrendered directly to them.

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye suddenly laughed.

"What exactly makes you think, we gave up."

"With your current strength, coming directly here is not surrender, it is hard to resist."

"And do you think you have the strength to resist?"

Bai Ye smiled and walked directly ahead.

With every step, the world suddenly turned upside down, as if a spiral had been created.

The battle turned and the stars moved, and it was directly subverted.

Mirror world opens

"You think too highly of yourself, Apocalypse. You think we are ants, but in my eyes, you are just an ant."

Speaking of this, an unparalleled momentum suddenly erupted.

At this moment, Bai Ye was like a god, so everyone present could not despise it.

Even Apocalypse and Magneto's faces changed dramatically*

Chapter 2 Apocalypse, you are so ugly [[-]]

"who are you."

Tian Qi frowned, looking at Bai Ye with some seriousness.

He didn't pay much attention to Bai Ye just now, but now Tian Qi has to pay attention.

At least after four weeks of subversion.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you're going to die anyway."

Bai Ye shrugged and said indifferently.

Although the expression looked very relaxed, the tone of voice made the people on Tianqi's side suddenly become angry.

"court death.'

The first angel couldn't help it, he spread his wings and rushed over.


Daniel rushed forward, facing the angel, the golden magician with his hands floating directly into a golden whip, and quickly stopped the angel at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.


The ground shook, an astonishing sound rang out, and the angel was thrown directly to the ground by Daniel.

Boom boom boom.

The violent hurricane let out an astonishing roar, as if it was destroying the world, it swept away directly towards Daniel.


Bai Ye softly spit out a word.


The space seems to be like glass, leaving directly, and the amazing hurricane is shattered directly.

"how can that be."

Storm's eyes widened with disbelief.

Only since her ability has increased, she has never encountered such a thing.

And what made her even more incredible was that the storm was not shattered by anything, but shattered like glass, as if it shattered that piece of space.

"Go ahead, although Master Bai Ye is our helper, we can't stand still."

Professor X said in a deep voice to the mutants behind him.

As soon as these words came out, Cyclops took off the sunglasses directly.

At that moment, a fiery light burst out, and two lasers shot out instantly.

"Master Daniel, pull that person up.

Hearing that, Daniel nodded and directly pulled the angel into the air.

Almost at the same time, the laser light of Cyclops immediately aimed at the angel and bombarded it fiercely.

Apocalypse nodded to Magneto.

Magneto frowned, then raised his right hand, the magnetic force exploded, and the surrounding steel was like a manipulated puppet, with a strange arc, lasing towards the Cyclops.

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