If he remembers correctly, Iron Man is now working on the prototype of Iron Man, but it will take a while to get it out.

It's not clear how long it will take.

"Forget it, let's see when the plot develops."

Thinking about it, a colorful luster appeared in Bai Ye's eyes, and the pictures flickered like a movie.

Eye of Time.

"There are still two weeks, come back then."

After taking a look, Bai Ye realized that the prototype of the steel battle suit would take another two weeks, and Bai Ye didn't have the desire to watch it any longer.

He wanted to see the first battle of the first-generation steel battle suits, not the boring appearance of making steel battle suits by constantly beating iron sheets.

Afterwards, Bai Ye waved his right hand, a golden light circle appeared in the space, and he walked in directly.

Before long, the whole person disappeared directly in place. *

Chapter 3 Get Ready [[-]]

Xavier Gifted Junior School.

in a hall.

Professor X waited in the room, staring at the empty field in front of him, as if waiting for someone.

Before long, a light suddenly appeared in the space.

The golden light flickered, and a circle appeared in the space, directly opening a hole, as if connected to the other end, and a scene completely different from here appeared.

At the same time, two figures came out. ,

And these two people are Daniel and Bai Ye.

Daniel was wearing Kama Taj's mage costume, while Bai Ye was wearing white short sleeves and jeans. The whole person looked very simple.

Seeing Bai Ye and the two coming over, Professor X's eyes lit up and smiled.

"Welcome, Bai Ye."

Bai Ye nodded and said, "You may not know this. He is a magician like me, called Daniel."

"Hello, my name is Daniel."

Daniel saluted and said softly.

The three of Professor X are not surprised, because they have known it for a long time.

But the people standing behind them looked surprised.

Mystique stepped forward and asked Professor X

"Charles, who are they?"

Because of Magneto, she found several people from Professor X, and wanted to find Magneto through Professor X's brain waves.

However, this request was rejected by Professor X, because this time period was the time when Bai Ye came.

So Professor X wants Mystique to wait.

At this time, after the arrival of Bai Ye and the two of them, Mystique only asked this question.

"Ruiwen, this is Bai Ye and Daniel, they are magicians, and I invited some helpers to deal with Tianqi."


Hear this.

Mystique and the mutants behind her eyes flickered.

They are not unfamiliar with the term magician, because these are occupations that exist in myths or novels.

However, it has always been confirmed that this is all fiction.

Some people even imagined that the magicians who came out before may be mutants, so many times, they think that the so-called magicians in the past are mutants.

And now, there are two living magicians in front of them

Several younger mutant students were suddenly full of curiosity.

"Magic, Charles, are you sure they're not mutants?"

Mystique frowned and said coldly.

"Lady, I may be presumptuous, but magicians are not mutants, and you don't take your fixed thinking as correct"

Daniel's face was very bad, and he choked directly without waiting for Professor X to explain.

Although he looks very docile to Bai Ye, he is actually not very good-tempered.

And when Mystique believed that magicians were all mutants, Daniel couldn't help it.

Although the reason for all this is that Kama Taj has been hidden for too long, so basically no one except Kama Taj knows about the existence of the mage.

The Beast explained: "Ruiwen, these two are indeed mages, not mutants. I personally confirmed this with Charles. Although it is amazing, it is indeed true."

At this time, Logan also said: "This is indeed something that subverts our world view, but it is indeed a thing, and their abilities are very powerful, not weaker than our mutants, you should have seen the space teleportation just now."

Professor X also nodded and persuaded: "Ruiwen, what Logan and the others said are true. This world is too mysterious, and there are many things that we don't understand."

Seeing that the three of them said that, Mystique's brows were squeezed together.

Is there really a magician in this world?

To be honest, Mystique is still a little unbelievable, because all this is so unbelievable.

"Raven, apologize to Bai Ye and Mr. Daniel."

Professor X advised.

Although I don't know what Bai Ye thinks, if Bai Ye doesn't cooperate with them because of this, then he will cry.

You know, without Bai Ye's help, they would have no chance against Apocalypse at all.

The demon goddess changed color, looked at Professor X's expression, then took a deep breath, looked at Bai Ye and Daniel, and said apologetically

"I was sorry just now, I was too ignorant."

Daniel looked at Bai Ye.

"Small things don't matter."

As soon as these words came out, the Beast and Professor X breathed a sigh of relief, everything was fine.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Professor X talked to Professor Bai Ye about who they were going to deal with Apocalypse this time.

These people basically know each other at night.

They are the Phoenix girl Grey, Nightcrawler Kurt, and Cyclops Scott and his brother Havoc.

These people basically have the background of Professor X, and also the background of the X-Men.

After the introduction, Professor X proposed to use the brain wave enhancement machine to find the location of the apocalypse.

However, it was directly rejected by Bai Ye.

"This is not needed. I know the location of Tianqi. I will take you there directly."

Bai Ye waved his hand and said softly.

He remembered that when Professor X used a brain wave enhancement machine to find Magneto, he was locked by Apocalypse, which directly caused the entire school to be bombed. *

Chapter 1 You Overestimate Yourself Apocalypse 【[-]】

"fair enough."

Professor X thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Bai Ye's opinion.

Bai Ye's ability can be teleported at will, apparently countless times faster than their normal actions.

"Charles, are you going to deal with Apocalypse? But what about the old horse?"

Hearing that Bai Ye and the others are now looking for Apocalypse, Mystique is a little anxious.

She has finally found the trace of Magneto now. If Professor X and the others go to deal with Apocalypse together, it will be difficult for her to find Magneto in the future when Magneto leaves.

With Magneto's method, it's not too easy to hide.

"Magneto is right there with Apocalypse."

Bai Ye glanced at the Mystique and said softly.

Sure enough, like the original book, Mystique was absolutely dead set on Magneto.

He still remembered that in the future, Mystique was also injected with the antidote for Magneto, and lost her ability directly.

Then unfortunately, Magneto saw that Mystique was incapacitated, and was very decisive and directly abandoned Mystique.

As for what happened to the incompetent Mystique, he wasn't quite sure.

But Mystique is quite in line with that sentence.

Lick the dog and lick it to the end and die with nothing.

Mystique fits this sentence very well, because she is the female licking dog of Magneto.

"You'll know when you're there."

Seeing that Mystique still wanted to speak, Bai Ye interrupted directly.

He doesn't have that much time to spend here.


With a wave of Bai Ye's right hand, a golden aperture appeared in the space, which immediately covered the entire room.

Inside the golden aperture, a huge pyramid can be seen.


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