
After Professor X left, Daniel came over

"Mage Bai Ye, those people are mutants.

"Well, you know them?"

"Looks familiar, like I've seen it there, but I forgot the name."

Daniel scratched his head and laughed dryly.

"By the way, Master Bai Ye, who is Tian Qi, I heard from you, it seems that this guy is going to destroy the earth, why don't you bring me too, I can help."

Although he didn't know who Apocalypse was, Daniel could hear from the conversation of several people that this Apocalypse seemed to be a very serious accident.

So Daniel volunteered and wanted to help. Although he was not the top mage of Kama Taj, as the guardian mage of the three temples, Daniel's strength should not be underestimated.

"You want to go?"

"I think in the past, Master Bai Ye, although my strength is not as good as yours, it should still be possible to help."

Daniel nodded sharply, there are not many opportunities for rare trials.

"Then you can go together, it's just a small matter anyway."

It doesn't matter to Bai Ye, Professor X and the others are very afraid of Apocalypse, that is because they feel that the strength gap between them is a bit big, but for Bai Ye, Apocalypse is nothing.

It can even be said that Apocalypse's strength is not actually strong, it can only be said that it is average, one or two levels lower than the powerhouse of the Heavenly Father level, not to mention that he has just woken up now, and his strength is very weak.

But Daniel wanted to go, he felt that it didn't matter, as long as he saw the world.


Professor X, who came out of the temple, was sitting in the car and was about to go back to school.

the beast driving aside said

"Charles, do you think we have several chances of winning by joining forces."

"I'm not too sure about this, because we both say that the strength of Tian Qi and Bai Ye is unknown."

Professor X shook his head, if only he knew.

The legend of Apocalypse is too amazing. As the first mutant in the world, his strength must be unfathomable.

As for Bai Ye being a mage, he doesn't know much about mage, and he didn't see Bai Ye's shot.

Therefore, it is difficult to measure Bai Ye's strength, but the only thing he can know is that Bai Ye's pressure on him is very great. This feeling has never been seen before. Even his old buddy Magneto did not bring him such a lot of pressure.

"Would you like to bring the piano with you too."

The Beast hesitated for a moment and said softly.

Jean Grey, a mutant student at their school.

There is a very terrifying power hidden in her body, the power of the phoenix.

This kind of power is very terrifying. If it erupts, it can easily smash the planet.

And Qin Ge Lei's strength in the follow-up development is also extremely terrifying, even Thanos with infinite gloves can be hanged by her casually.

The power of the phoenix can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in the universe, but it is so powerful that Qin Ge Lei cannot control this power, so Qin Ge Lei's power will often get out of control.

The reason why the beast wants to bring Qin Ge Lei is also because of the power in Qin Ge Lei's body, and feels that if this power is used properly, if they can't deal with the apocalypse, or the power of the phoenix can save them.

"Who is Qin?"

Rogan asked.

It wasn't long since he came back, so he didn't know something about Professor X's establishment of the school, and naturally he didn't know about Qin Ge Lei.

"That's a student from our school, and there is a very terrifying force in his body"

Professor X explained it, and then said

"Bring a qin, although Bai Ye's strength is unfathomable, but in order to be safe, when necessary, you need the strength in the qin body."

After thinking for a while, Professor X agreed to the Beast's proposal. *

Chapter Thirteen Iron Man [2]


In a steel mill, a man who appeared to be in his thirties walked in.

The moment he entered, all doors and windows in the factory were closed, and the entire factory was directly locked down.

The man looked at the man who had been together for many years, and his brown eyes flashed with sadness and resentment.

If he didn't have compassion and didn't save these bastards, his wife and daughter would not have died.

If it weren't for these people, he would still be alive like a normal person.

"You guys have told the police what happened yesterday. You want to know my abilities, who I am, and what I will do. I will tell you now."

"Your family, your mother, your daughter, will suffer the loss of you and suffer forever."

Speaking of this, the man's tone had a hint of sadness.

"Henrik, don't do that."

A worker took a step forward and said softly

The man's expression remained unchanged, and he said softly, "I'm not Henrik, I'm Magneto."

The voice fell.

Suddenly, the expressions of all the workers in the factory changed.

They have heard the name too many times.

And at this time.

Behind Magneto, ripples appeared in the space.

Four figures appeared behind him.

Two men and two women, dressed in strange clothes, one of the men had blue skin and blue lips, looking like an alien.

If Bai Ye was there, he would probably be able to recognize who this person was.

Because that's what he's looking for.


It is also the culprit that has been troubled by Professor X for a long time, the first mutant on earth.

Magneto turned around and looked at Tian Qi and his group, and said with a bad expression.

"You came from there."

Apocalypse takes a step forward.

Suddenly, Magneto motioned Tianqi not to move, and said coldly

"Don't move, no matter who you are, no one can stop you today."

Apocalypse's eyes flashed, and his eyes rolled directly.

At the same time, all the workers in the factory fell directly into the ground, only a few hands were left on the top, and the rest were all sunk into the ground.

"We are here for you."

Tian Qi said softly.

Magneto looked at all this and was a little puzzled.

Apocalypse ignored Magneto, opened the space directly behind him, looked at Magneto indifferently and said

"come on."

Magneto hesitated for a long time, and finally walked over.


After Professor X left, the white night life returned to normal.

There wasn't much turbulence.

If I really want to say, I also have a little more time to teach Daniel.

Although Daniel's strength is not weak, he is still far from Bai Ye, as if the difference between heaven and earth.

So living in the New York Temple by Bai Ye, Daniel worked hard to ask Bai Ye for advice.

Basically, if there is any difficulty, I will ask Bai Ye for advice.

After all, there are not many such opportunities. In the entire Kama Taj, Bai Ye and Gu Yi are the only ones. The two are proficient in countless magic and their strength is unfathomable. However, Gu Yi wants to suppress the dark dimension and does not have too much time to teach. them.

But Bai Ye is ready-made, and he doesn't know when Bai Ye will leave, so he has been practicing very diligently during this time, and he will ask Bai Ye when he encounters problems.

Bai Ye is also willing to teach a lesson. After all, he is also a member of Kama Taj, and what Daniel asked is not a problem, and he is also very smart, and it is almost done with a little bit of advice, so Bai Ye asked Daniel's question, Basically talk about it.

at this time.

In a middle east valley, white night stands above a

"This should be where Iron Man was born."

Bai Ye's gaze penetrated the overlapping valley, and he saw an extremely embarrassed man beating steel with a hammer below.

As if tempering something.

"It's really nice to watch the movie live, but unfortunately I can't fast-forward."

Bai Ye sighed in his heart.

Before crossing, he was considered a Marvel fan, but he was not too senior. Among them, his favorite hero was Iron Man.

But after years of practice, these things have faded away.

It's just that due to his previous thoughts, he wanted to watch it live and take a close look at the development of Iron Man.

Looking at the scene from the first perspective, Bai Ye still feels good, but the time is a bit long and I can't fast-forward.

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