It is estimated that soon, we will be able to see Apocalypse's actions to destroy the world.

"I don't know how many data points the Apocalypse can bring me."

Apocalypse destroys the world, and it is necessary to stop it in the white night because of love and reason. It is not a heart attack of the Virgin, but that Apocalypse has what he needs.

His data points come from special energy items, and mutants are one of them, which can bring him data points.

Apocalypse is the first mutant, and his ability is quite strange. He can transfer his consciousness to others, and then directly obtain the abilities of others, just like if he transfers his consciousness to Professor X, his The ability is not lost, and at the same time, the ability of Professor X will be obtained.

Because of this ability, Tianqi has obtained the ability of many mutants, and it is estimated that there are at least hundreds or even thousands of them. After all, the ability has been transferred thousands of times, and the ability should not be rare.

So many mutant abilities, if converted into data points, there should be quite a few

And he is currently lacking data points, after all, he needs to deduce the realm of the single universe realm.

"I hope it can bring me hundreds of thousands or even millions of data points, so I can confidently break through to the single-universe level."

Although I don't know if there are so many, Bai Ye thinks that there should be no less.

Speaking of this, Bai Ye's eyes showed a strange look.

In addition to seeing the Apocalypse, he also saw that Professor X would come to find him tomorrow, but he couldn't find it after looking for him for a long time.

Because he is no longer in Hawaii, but in New York.

As for the reason why Professor X was looking for him, he was quite clear. He just didn't believe he was a magician, but thought he was a mutant, so he wanted to come over and confirm.

For this, Bai Ye doesn't care, just meet when they meet. Anyway, the magician has been hidden for a long time, and it's nothing to be born this time.

It's too late anyway.

And for Professor X, he would also like to meet him.

It's just that if no one reminds him, it's impossible for Professor X to find him, so Bai Ye gave a reminder.


At this time, Professor X and Beast Logan were preparing to go to Hawaii, and they were almost on the plane.

At this time, Professor X showed a strange look in his eyes, directly calling Logan and the Beast who stepped into the plane with half a foot

"Let's go to New York instead of Hawaii."

Logan and the Beast were stunned.

"Child, what happened."

"Bai Ye just reminded me that he is not in Hawaii but in New York, and gave me the address."

"And he seems to know we're looking for him."

Saying this sentence, Professor X's face became even more strange.

When they went to Bai Ye, they decided to arrange it immediately, and no one knew about it.

But Bai Ye knew right away.

This ability is enough to make him feel terrified.

Logan and the beast looked at each other, this white night was really mysterious.

The mystery is invisible at all, as if there is a mist shrouded in front of him.

"But he told us to go to him again in the morning because he was going to rest."

Professor X said helplessly.

He wanted to see Bai Ye immediately, but it was obviously unrealistic, because if he passed by now, even if he wanted to see him, he probably wouldn't be able to.

"Then let's go first and visit him in the morning.

the beast proposed

"we can only do this."


The next day, early in the morning.

Bai Ye and Daniel sat at the dinner table and enjoyed breakfast.

The morning is very simple, just a few pieces of bread and milk, not so delicious, but it can fill the stomach.

Although the breakfast was rudimentary, the two of them ate alright. After all, the magician was an ascetic, and the food was destined not to be any better.

"Daniel, go and open the door, there are guests coming.

Hearing this sentence, Daniel was stunned for a moment.

The temple does not interact with people. He is the only one all the year round. How could there be guests?

"Come to me, go and open the door." Bai Ye explained.

It turned out to be a guest of Master Bai Ye, no wonder.

With a murmur in his heart, Daniel was not slow, and put down the food directly.

Go straight out and open the door.

At this time, the three of Professor X came to the gate and were about to knock on the door.

Suddenly, the door was opened.

The three of Professor X were stunned.

"Come in, Master Bai Ye is waiting for you."

Daniel glanced at the three of them and said lightly.

One of them was familiar to him, as if he had seen it there.

"sorry to bother you."

Professor X said politely, and then the beast pushed Professor X directly in.


in the hall.

The three of Professor X were crowded on a sofa, opposite them.

"Okay, now you should make sure I'm not a mutant, right?"

Bai Ye looked at Professor X and said lightly.

As he could see, Professor X hadn't gotten stronger, and he still had hair on his head.

No wonder he will be tortured to death by Apocalypse later, and there is still hair.

"It has basically been confirmed that Mr. Bai Ye is not a mutant."

Professor X's eyes were complicated, he pondered for a moment, and said softly.

Although Bai Ye said he was not a mutant, Professor X never believed it, but now that he met in person, Professor X finally believed it.

Because Bai Ye is really not a mutant.

"I don't know what Mr. Bai Ye's plans for Apocalypse."

They came for two things, one was to confirm whether Bai Ye was a mutant

And the other thing is to talk to Bai Ye about cooperation to deal with Apocalypse.

After all, Apocalypse is a big worry for them now. If Apocalypse doesn't die for a day, their hearts will be very uncomfortable. *

Chapter 1 The Power of the Phoenix [[-]]

"Apocalypse, I will take action, you don't need to worry.

He's missing data points right now, and Apocalypse is a great addition to those data points.

How could he just let it go.

You must know that Apocalypse has countless mutant abilities in his body. If he swallows Apocalypse directly, he can't predict how many data points he can get.

He guessed that there could be millions, and with millions of data points, he could easily crack the question he's been puzzling him now.

As soon as this word comes out.

The three of Professor X breathed a sigh of relief.

To meet Bai Ye in person, in addition to confirming whether they are mutants, the most important thing is that they want to get Bai Ye's assistance.

If they had Bai Ye's help, they would have a lot more confidence in Apocalypse.

At least not as desperate as before.

But now that Bai Ye was about to make a move, they suddenly felt that a stone in their hearts fell, and they were not as desperate as before.

"Mage White Night, on behalf of mutants and ordinary people around the world, I thank you for your assistance."

Professor X looked serious and said solemnly.

He couldn't imagine, if it weren't for the appearance of the white night, what the direction of the earth would be

Directly ruled by Apocalypse, still.

The ending was unpredictable.

"No need for that, Apocalypse has what I need."

Bai Ye replied calmly.

Speaking of which, he would like to thank Professor X for them, otherwise, he would not have known that Apocalypse had woken up.

Even he thought that Apocalypse had already been killed.

Although his eyes can see the past and the future, this ability consumes a lot. In addition, changes in the future may happen at any time, and he has been cultivating all the time, so he is not very clear about some things.

After that, a few people chatted for a while, and then Professor X left.

It was very heavy when they came, and when they went back, several people had smiles on their faces, as if they were relieved.

Several people agreed on a plan to go to Egypt the day after tomorrow to stop Apocalypse's conspiracy.

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