"Charles, do you mean that Bai Ye knew about the existence of the apocalypse a long time ago?"

exclaimed the beast.

"That's pretty much what it means.";

Professor X said in a deep voice.

Through this matter, Professor X's heart is very heavy.

The existence of Apocalypse has been known for a long time, so who is Bai Ye who is now connected with his spiritual power to talk to.

What kind of existence is he?

Professor X took a deep breath and said in a deep voice

"Mr. Bai Ye, you already knew about the apocalypse, which surprised me, but I have something bad to tell you now.

"The bad news you said is that the apocalypse has awakened."

"Mr. Bai Ye, this is indeed the matter. You should know better than me the danger of Apocalypse. If you let Apocalypse develop, it will be at risk for mutants, humans, and even this earth."

"Then what are you looking for me for?"

"We want to join forces with Mr. Bai Ye, and only if we join forces will we have a chance to stop Apocalypse.

"And Mr. Bai Ye should also know the ability of Apocalypse. He can transfer his consciousness to others and gain the ability of others at the same time. As a mutant, you have the ability to control space, and Apocalypse will never let you go. Therefore, it is possible for us to stop him by joining forces, and this is also for your personal safety."

Professor X persuaded bitterly.

On the other side, Bai Ye was a little speechless, it seemed that Professor X was thinking too much.

Just relying on Apocalypse's ability, do you want to threaten him?

As long as the apocalypse just came over, he would be able to drop it in seconds.

"Professor X, you think too much, the apocalypse is not a threat to me, and I am not a mutant.

Bai Ye said lightly.

For a moment, Professor X was stunned.

Bai Ye is not a mutant, how is this possible, you must know that he has never heard that not mutants can control the ability beyond common sense.

In fact, most people with special abilities in this world are classified as mutants, so Professor X thinks that Bai Ye can control space and must be an extremely powerful mutant, but he does not know that this world is too mysterious, except There are other things in this world besides mutants

For example, the magic controlled by Bai Ye.

"This can't be Mr. White Night, you can't be a mutant."

"Professor X, you've lost your way, this world is more mysterious than you think, not all people who control supernatural abilities are mutants, even ordinary people can control supernatural abilities, and I am one of them. Ability'

"And I advise you Professor X, don't look at the world with your own fixed thinking, or you will become a frog in the well"

Bai Ye is an ordinary person.

Now Professor X really can't keep his composure. *

Chapter 3 The world is very big, go out and see more [[-]]

Is Bai Ye an ordinary person?

Professor X, who has been calm for a long time, seems to have set off a storm in his heart, and he can't calm down for a long time.

In his worldview, there are only two types of people in this world, one is mutants and ordinary people.

Although mutants have powers that ordinary people do not have, most mutants have uncontrollable abilities and often hurt people around them, so mutants have always been unpopular and called weirdos, and Professor X taught these mutants in order to , so a school was created to bring these mutants together and teach them the ability to control themselves, so that they can be integrated into the group of ordinary people in the future.

It can be said that Professor X has always felt that people with strange abilities can only be mutants

So knowing that Bai Ye has the power to control space, Professor X is convinced that Bai Ye is a mutant.

But now Bai Ye told him that he was just an ordinary person, a special ordinary person, not a mutant.

For a while, Professor X was a little unacceptable.

Since Professor X communicated with Bai Ye through brain waves, the Beast and Logan became a little nervous when they saw that Professor X was suddenly so excited.

But this time, it didn't bother Professor X.

Professor X said, "Mr. Bai Ye, are you really an ordinary person?"

"This is of course. Professor X's world is very big. If you have time, you can go out and see more."

"This is amazing, Mr. Bai Ye, I don't know if you can tell me what kind of ordinary person you are, because in my heart, only mutants have special abilities, so me.

"You can call me a magician, by the way, I'm going to rest, please don't disturb me again, as for the apocalypse, I will go there when I have time, and next time I don't want you to invade me through a brain wave enhancement machine otherwise, I don't mind taking your head off directly."

The cold and stern voice fell, full of astonishing murderous intent, which surprised Professor X, as if he was facing the battlefield.

It didn't take long for Professor X's spirit to be expelled directly as if it was subjected to some gravity.

And Professor X in the basement came back to his senses, as if he had encountered some kind of fear, the whole person was panting violently, and his eyes were terrified.

"Child, what's wrong with you?"

The beast was in a hurry. It was the first time he saw Professor X using the brain wave enhancement machine in such a state. You must know that Professor X who used the brain wave enhancement machine was no different from the gods, because there is no such thing on earth. The spiritual power of the creature is stronger than his.

"I am fine."

Professor X waved his hand, then took off the brain wave enhancement machine and put it aside, lying directly on the chair

"You don't know what I'm talking about, but Bai Ye told me that he is not a mutant, but a magician."

Logan and the Beast were stunned for a moment.


The magician in the novel.

how can that be.

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't believe it, and I don't really believe it, but he did tell me that."

To be honest, Professor X doesn't really believe that Bai Ye is a magician.

Because he has never seen a magician, and people with special abilities are mutants, this kind of thinking has been deeply ingrained in Professor X's mind, and it is difficult for him to change for a while.

"I think what Bai Ye said is true."

Logan touched his chin, thought for a moment, then raised his head, looked at Professor X and the Beast, and said softly.

"Why do you say that."

Professor X was stunned for a moment, then asked

"I think there is no need for him to lie. After all, there is no need for a person who has reached his level of strength to be taboo about his identity."

Rogan explained

"Like Child, if other mutants asked you, would you say you're not a mutant?"

"of course not."

"That's fine, you won't be taboo about this matter, Bai Ye is so powerful that he won't be taboo about these things.

"Then what you mean is that Bai Ye is really a magician, and there are magicians in this world."

The beast froze.

This is too crazy.

The magician, the magician that exists in the novel, still exists.

"We mutants can exist, why can't magicians exist, this world is so mysterious, it is not surprising that there will be mystery."

Logan shook his head and said.

"Perhaps, if I visit Bai Ye in person, all this will come to light."

Professor X felt that what Logan said had some truth, so he planned to meet Bai Ye in person.

As long as the two met, he could tell if Bai Ye was a mutant.


At the same time, Bai Ye and Daniel Hot Springs had soaked and had returned to the New York Temple.

In a room, Bai Ye was suspended on the bed, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, in his eyes, like a movie, countless scenes flashed past.

I probably don't know how long it took.

The light in Bai Ye's eyes dissipated, and his whole body slowly descended directly from the air, sitting directly on the bed.

"It's interesting, Tian Qi was not killed, but has been sleeping until now, and Professor X has no bald head."

What he used just now was a kind of time magic, which he called "The Eye of Time and Space."

This magic has only one ability, that is, to see through the future, you can see the future, and you can see the past.

This kind of magic is actually not very useful, you can only look at the clips of the long river, and this kind of magic is not unique to him. In the Avengers IV, Doctor Strange used similar Magic sees the only end.

And Gu Yi also used similar magic, and saw the Hulk's intention to cross over.

But the two of them use this kind of magic, and it takes time gems to do it.

And Bai Ye doesn't need a time gem, you can watch it directly, but it consumes a lot of mental power. *

Chapter 4 Points Extractor Apocalypse [[-]]

"It seems that the plot of the X-Men has just begun."

He actually always thought that the X-Men had long since passed, and that Apocalypse had been dead for many years.

But while chatting with Professor X, he learned that Apocalypse had woken up, and after returning, he probed some past and future through the pupil of time and space.

After watching it for a while, I got a lot of information he wanted.

The plot of Apocalypse has begun, Apocalypse has gathered the four apostles, and this guy is about to start his own plan to kill humans and turn the earth into a world of mutants.

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