"Let's go, Logan, tell me roughly what happened to you, who exactly did you meet."

Roger, what you said was so confusing that they couldn't understand it.

Or talk about things in general, maybe they can understand.

Seeing this, Logan didn't talk too much, he just made a long story short, and told the general things again.

However, in the way of telling, the description of Bai Ye is a bit exaggerated.

Almost regarded Bai Ye as a god.

After Professor X finished listening, his eyebrows wrinkled.

"According to what you said, Logan, you can quickly get back here from Hawaii. Is that because of the ability of that mysterious man?"

"That's right, I don't know how he did it. A circle of light appeared in the space behind me, and then I was thrown out directly and came to the vicinity."

"And all I said was the truth. The man turned his hand and turned the world upside down. The sea was suspended in the air as if it had no gravity, but the sun was below."

Logan was excited, afraid that Professor X and the beast would not believe him, and explained very hard.

To be honest, he now feels a little unbelievable, turning the world upside down. He has never heard of this ability, almost like a god-like ability.

"Don't get excited about Logan, we all believe what you said. What you said about turning the world upside down should mirror the world."

Professor X said softly

"Mirror World, what is that?"

Logan looked puzzled.

"Someone once imagined that in the world we live in now, there should be an opposite world, and that world is called the anti-world, also known as the mirror world. In that world, everything is the opposite."

Speaking of this, Professor X paused for a moment: "But this is just an idea, and no one has implemented it, so many people think that this idea should be false, but after hearing what you said, this idea is probably true, you The person who encountered it should be a mutant who is proficient in space ability, and he threw you here from the Pacific Ocean is also a use of space ability."

"So powerful and can manipulate space, then you think he is more powerful than Apocalypse."

Rogan asked.

Professor X pondered for a moment, and said softly: "Space is very mysterious, that is where humans cannot be suspected, and Tianqi, as the first mutant, is also extremely terrifying, and I don't know how much ability he has, but the two If we really want to fight, who will win and who will lose, I don’t know that.”

"Perhaps the strength is similar."

Beast added a sentence after it.

If it were ordinary people, they might be able to see the depths, but the Space Capable and Apocalypse were too mysterious, they couldn't predict the details of the two, and naturally it was impossible to see their strength.

To put it bluntly, the strength is not enough.

"That's easy, let's go to that person for help. That mysterious person plus us, shouldn't have much problem dealing with Apocalypse."

Logan said.

As soon as these words came out, Professor X and the beast moved in their hearts.

Yes, if this mysterious space capable person can be with them

Then there is a chance of winning against Apocalypse, and it will not look like there is no chance of winning at all like before.

"Logan, do you know who that mysterious man is?"

asked the beast.

They don't have much time left, and they need to contact the mysterious person quickly, so that they will have time to plan, and they can press the death apocalypse directly.


Logan was stunned, and turned his head around awkwardly.

"I don't know that."

It's embarrassing to say, Logan didn't know what happened, so he was thrown out by Bai Ye.

Naturally, he didn't know Bai Ye's identity and name.

"Then do you know his face?"

Professor X asked, it's okay not to know the name

However, as far as his face is concerned, through his enhanced mental power, he can also search for mysterious people.

"I do know that."

Logan nodded. Although his ability is not strong, his memory is still top-notch, and he basically remembers it at a glance.

"Draw it down, I'll search for him with a brainwave booster later, and he should still be in Hawaii by now."

Professor X said.

After speaking, several people started to act.

Logan quickly described Bai Ye's appearance, and after knowing the appearance, the three of Professor X went directly to the basement. *

Chapter 2 x Professor, you are just a frog in the well [[-]]

Came to the basement, Professor X sat in a chair, and then put the silver voyeur next to him directly on his head

This is a brain wave enhancement machine, this thing is something that Magneto helped to create

His ability is very powerful, which can strengthen people's brain waves, that is, spiritual power

Moreover, the extent of his strengthening is very terrifying, as to how much it is not clear.

However, with the addition of this brain wave enhancement machine, Professor X can cover his spiritual power on all beings around the world.

It can be said that a very terrifying weapon, of course, this is only for Professor X

If Professor X is selfish, it is not impossible for this thing plus his ability to directly rule the entire earth.

After all, Professor X's ability is also extremely terrifying, and he can manipulate people's memories.

Zi la la,.

The brain wave enhancement machine was activated directly, and scenes like a movie flashed in Professor X's mind.

Soon he crossed the Pacific and came to the island of Hawaii.

He seemed to be pervasive, and the faces of the people on the island flickered in front of him.

Soon, he found his target, Bai Ye.

"I found him."

Professor X said excitedly.

As soon as these words came out, a touch of excitement appeared on the faces of Beast and Logan.

"I will contact him now."

Professor X said, condensing his spiritual power, and directly connected to Bai Ye's mind.

But at that moment, Professor X's face suddenly became frightened.

"Professor X, it's not a good thing to invade other people's minds casually."

An indifferent voice sounded in Professor X's mind, like a supreme emperor, with an amazing sense of oppression.

At this moment, Professor X felt that the huge spiritual power that has always been unfavorable is like a small boat in the sea, full of powerlessness.

"You know me, Mysterious Man."

"Of course I know you, but these are small things. What do you have to do with me?"

Bai Ye said indifferently, with a hint of unkindness in his tone.

The mind is invaded, no matter who, will not like such a thing.

Although Professor X's ability has no effect on him, it does not mean that he will not care about these things.

If it weren't for the fact that he had a good impression of Professor X, Bai Ye directly shattered Professor X's mental power, and at the same time, he could use soul magic to directly inflict heavy damage on Professor X.

As the most powerful mage in history, Bai Ye is proficient in countless magics. It is not too easy to damage Professor X.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time."

Professor X quickly apologized, and then said: "I do have something to look for you, but before that, I don't know if you can tell me your name, so we can call you."

"white night.

In a hot spring in Hawaii, Bai Ye soaked in the hot spring with a calm gaze.

Beside him, Daniel was also enjoying himself.

Almost groaned.

Bai Ye glanced at Daniel, and then continued to talk to Professor X.

Professor X was looking for him, which was somewhat unexpected to him.

"Hello Bai Ye, I don't know if you know Apocalypse?"

Professor X asked.

"The world's first mutant apocalypse? Has that guy been sleeping in Egypt?"

Hearing this, Professor X was stunned.

Bai Ye actually knew Tianqi, and he seemed to know more than theirs.

At least, when Apocalypse woke up, they never knew that Apocalypse was sleeping in Egypt

I don't even know, Tian Qi is the number one.

And Bai Ye seems to know everything and knows that the apocalypse is in Egypt.

Seeing the shocked look on Professor X's face, the beast frowned and asked

"Charles, what happened."


Professor X swallowed and said in a deep voice

"Bai Ye knew about Apocalypse, and he always knew that Apocalypse was sleeping in Egypt, but he didn't seem to know that Apocalypse had woken up."

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