Bai Ye muttered.

"Master Bai Ye, how do these four people solve it?"

Daniel pointed to the four men in black who were frozen in the air by the cross.

"How can we solve it? Since you are tempted to kill us, then you will suffer the consequences." Bai Ye said indifferently, his voice was calm.

After listening to Daniel, he walked out slowly

He already understood what Bai Ye meant.

He is ready to do it himself, he doesn't need to pollute Bai Ye's hands.


A shattering sound rang out, and the four black-clothed men seemed to be like shattered glass.

The whole person shattered directly.

A violent sound sounded, and the four people exploded directly, turning into glass fragments, and then dissipated in front of the two of them, without any blood or clothes left.

"Space-time mirror!"

Seeing this scene, Daniel's pupils shrank, his face full of surprise.

Space-time mirror, this is a kind of magic in legend, this kind of magic can turn time into a mirror, it is a kind of space magic of the highest level, this kind of magic is rumored to be not even practiced by the ancient master, because he The requirements for talent are too high, and it is not something that ordinary people can learn.

There are even rumors that no one has learned this kind of magic at all.

However, this kind of magic appeared in front of him now, and it was still such an understatement.

Bai Ye ignored Daniel's shock, but asked in his heart

"System, how many data points do I get."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 15200 data points."

Only more than [-], it seems that the ability of the four mutants is not very strong. *

Chapter 7: Professor X, who has not become stronger [[-]]

"How many data points do I have in total now."


"It's only over fifty thousand, so it's still a bit small."

Bai Ye said to himself in his heart.

The deduction system is his golden finger, and his function is actually quite simple.

It is to deduce the evolution of things through data points. For example, sand can be deduced to change into pearls, or to evolve into diamonds. These are the results of evolution and transformation of a small sand through various methods.

Just like humans, millions of years ago, they were just a monkey.

Rather than deduction, Bai Ye thought it was evolution.

Of course, his golden finger is not the only one. Through the success of the system deduction, he can directly accept it. For example, the mirror magic has been deduced by him into a space-time mirror. As long as he receives it directly, he can instantly learn this magic and can use it directly.

It's just that the golden finger is very powerful and needs energy support.

And this energy is a data point, and this thing can be obtained in many ways, such as some rare treasures, or some treasures with special energy, and the ability of mutants can also be regarded as one of them.

At the same time, the magic of this world is very wonderful.

Because there are many things he is suspected of, time, space, soul, mind power, as well as various elements of time and the rules of existence between heaven and earth, all belong to the magic here.

It is not like Western magic in the eyes of ordinary people at all. In the eyes of most people, Western magic will drive various elements to enhance their strength, and the spiritual power may be very powerful, but the physical body is not suitable for it.

But in this world, that's not the case.

In addition to all kinds of magic, the mages in this world are not bad at melee combat, and the more the mages reach the top, the stronger their bodies are.

In fact, Bai Ye thinks that the mages in this world are not quite like the Western magicians in the eyes of the public, but are somewhat similar to the oriental cultivators. Of course, it may also be because the ancient one is from the east.

"Let's continue to rest."

Bai Ye presses his right hand, and the whole world revolves, as if a kind of time backwards, the sea returns to the earth, the sun rises directly, and there is a burst of laughter around.

The people around didn't seem to know anything, as if they couldn't see the battle just now.

And this is the power of the mirror world, which directly pulls people into a mirror world. Although people don't move, they no longer belong to the original world, but the opposite world.

After that, Bai Ye put on his sunglasses, lay directly on the chair, bathed in the sun, and fell asleep directly.


Daniel swallowed his saliva, and the whole person froze there, the shock on his face has not faded.

In fact, it is inevitable that Daniel will do this.

After all, the magic of space-time mirror may be just an ordinary horror ability to others.

But for a mage like Daniel, it's not as simple as a terrifying ability.

Instead, it represents the realm of a mage.

At least a mage who can learn the mirror of time and space, he has not heard of it yet, anyway, he has never heard of the ancient one who knows the mirror of time and space.

"No wonder many people say that Master Bai Ye will surpass Master Gu Yi sooner or later."

"No, this is beyond that.

Thinking of the use of the mirror world and the space legend gate in the white night before, and the space-time mirror, these are already three extremely terrifying space magics.

You must know that the three magics here are not something that ordinary people can learn, and it will be extremely laborious to perform.

And he saw that Bai Ye's face did not change, as if he just cast a very ordinary magic, and there was nothing at all.

Perhaps sooner or later, Dormammu of the dark dimension will be destroyed by the White Night Mage.

For this, Daniel is convinced.


Xavier School for Gifted Boys.

In a room, Wolverine Logan, who was thrown out by Bai Ye, followed a man in a wheelchair and looked at each other.

A man was standing behind the wheelchair.

And these two people are Professor X and the Beast of the X-Men.

If Bai Ye was there, he would definitely be surprised, because Professor X didn't have a bald head, which means that this guy hasn't gotten stronger.

"My good friend Logan, congratulations on your safe return here."

Professor X patted Logan on the shoulder, his eyes full of relief.

Logan had an accident not long ago, and he was a little worried that Logan would be in danger

I didn't expect to come back here safely so soon.

"By the way, Logan, didn't you say you were in the Pacific Ocean? Why did you come back here so fast?"

Professor X asked with some doubts.

He still remembered that yesterday, Rogan also said that he was attacked by mutants in Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, and most likely there was no way to go back in a short time.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for this to happen, and Logan came back directly.

"Charles is a bit complicated."

Logan twisted his hair embarrassedly, thinking of the previous picture, he was very embarrassed

He was thrown out directly. If he said it out, although he was thick-skinned, he still couldn't hang on.

Hearing this sentence, Professor X immediately became interested.

"Then let's make a long story short, just say the central point directly."

Professor X said that complex is complex, and it is OK if you can simply say it.

Rogan thought for a moment, then said directly.

"Charles, maybe I've found someone who can deal with Apocalypse."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Beast and Professor X changed drastically. *

Chapter 1 The Powerful Mysterious Man [[-]]

"Are you sure? Logan"

Professor X was so excited that he almost stood up from the wheelchair.

And the Beast Beast behind him looked excited.

Apocalypse, the first mutant on the earth, with unfathomable strength, has always been a problem in their hearts. In order to deal with this mutant, they do not know how many brain cells they thought died.

Logan, who has not seen him for a long time now, suddenly told them that they had found a way to deal with Apocalypse. Can they not be excited?

You must know that the apocalypse is a threat to the existence of the world.

"Actually, it's not too sure, but that person's ability is very terrifying. Like the gods in the legend, the world is turning over in his palm."

Logan hesitated for a moment and said softly.

He actually doesn't know Tianqi's strength, but from the descriptions of Professor X, it can be heard that Tianqi is actually a god in legends, so he does not dare to judge whether Bai Yeji is stronger than Tianqi.

But what he can be sure of is that even if it is not stronger than Tianqi, it is similar.

"God? The palm of the world flips?

Professor X and Beast looked at each other, what this Logan was saying.

cough cough.

The beast coughed and said

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