"Nice weapon... If other superpowers were here, they would have died long ago..."

Bai Ye raised his eyelids slightly, looked at the weapon that was constantly firing hot white light above his head, and then flicked his fingers.

The weapons above were immediately scrapped, and as the white light stopped, the runes floating around Bai Ye gradually dissipated.

"What is this thing that can stop my weapon..."

At this moment, the Pharaoh can also see how powerful the rune mystery around Bai Ye is. With the strongest brain, she naturally has a very strong desire for knowledge, so she couldn't help asking.

"you want to know"

Bai Ye looked at Pharaoh with a frivolous eyebrow.

"Of course, such a thing also has value for my research!"

Pharaoh has calmed down at this moment, looking at the white night, his eyes are shining.

"Hehe, I won't tell you."

In the middle of the night, he smiled disdainfully, and then walked slowly towards the Pharaoh.

"You... young man, you will pay for your arrogance!"

The Pharaoh was speechless for a while, then took a deep breath, calmed down, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Bai Ye and said viciously.

There is only one person in the world who dares to play him like this in the middle of the night.

"Hehe, let's talk about it when you have a life to live."

In the middle of the night, without stopping, he walked straight towards the Pharaoh step by step.

"Why do you still want to kill me? Haha, in my territory, no one can do it."

Pharaoh smiled and knocked in front of him, and immediately, the protective cover he applied for began to ripple.

"I understand that you are strong, but even if you break such a protective shield, you will need a little time. By that time, I will have already run to the ends of the earth."

Pharaoh smiled slightly, then raised his watch and tapped it lightly.

With the roar of a machine, immediately below the floor where the Pharaoh was, a cool-looking, silver-white aircraft slowly rose.

As the door of the aircraft opened, Pharaoh lay down again after the noise, and immediately lay in the position inside the aircraft.

The aircraft is not big, and it is only a little taller than a person.

But its power is developed using the highest technology created by Pharaoh! The top speed is enough to reach 7 times the speed of sound! "Goodbye, my friend, there will be a future!"

After speaking, no waiting: when he opened his mouth in the middle of the night, the pharaoh pressed the button inside the aircraft:.

Immediately following the sound of the roar of the engine, hot yellow light emerged from the bottom of the aircraft! The powerful power immediately.

Take the aircraft, go straight to the sky, and smash the ceiling in the building.

Seeing the Pharaoh's flying machine soaring into the sky, it disappeared from sight in an instant, Ye Xiao gritted his teeth and patted the floor angrily.

"Damn, let him run away again!"

At this moment, Ye Xiao had gradually regained his strength.

After a while of frustration, Ye Xiao raised his head and asked.

"Mr. Bai Ye... What should we do now... Well, Mr. Bai Ye, where are you..."

Ye Xiao raised his head and looked left and right, Bai Ye was no longer in the room at this moment.

At this moment, inside the aircraft, Pharaoh was slowly taking off the gloves in his hands.

"Haha, the cunning rabbit three caves, no matter how powerful you are, what's the use of your brain?"

Pharaoh's face had a proud aftertaste, and he was holding the red wine glass he just held in his hand.

"Ignorance is often the most worthwhile, haven't you heard this sentence?"

A voice that made the Pharaoh's soul scare his soul sounded behind him.

The red wine glass in Pharaoh's hand shook violently, and the red wine inside spilled directly into the aircraft.

Subconsciously, the pharaoh slammed back with an elbow.

It's just that this blow was directly empty, and the powerful force made the Pharaoh's body stagger.

"Mr. wrong, ahead of you."

The familiar voice sounded in front of Pharaoh again, and Pharaoh was covered in cold sweat and turned back again.

Only now, in the sight of Pharaoh, a slap quickly enlarged, and then... a crisp sound! Inside the aircraft, Pharaoh's entire body was knocked into the air, rotated 180 degrees, and then fell heavily to the ground. .

"My face, my face hurts so much..."

The Pharaoh vomited blood, and beside him, all the teeth on his face were slapped to the ground.

However, the severe pain on his face was nothing compared to the humiliation of Pharaoh.

He is the pharaoh, the smartest person in the world, with an extremely high IQ. From childhood to adulthood, there is nothing worthy of his attention, and at the same time, no one dares to slap him in the face like this! Not even his father. He passed her! However, today, his face was directly slapped by Bai Ye! But more intense than the humiliation was a deep shock! "Impossible, when did you get on my aircraft!"

Pharaoh turned around and said vaguely.

And Bai Ye didn't answer him, and just walked around in his aircraft.

"I really should praise you for being able to use technology to achieve space-level power. It looks like a small aircraft from the outside, but it's a unique place inside."

Looking around in Bai Ye, the space inside the aircraft at this moment is almost equivalent to a large room, and the room is densely packed with instruments and daily necessities.

There are even toiletries. It seems that Pharaoh has already made a plan, and this aircraft is his last trump card.

"Hehe, that's natural, I see no difference between ordinary people and monkeys..."

Hearing Bai Ye praising him, Pharaoh immediately became arrogant.

"Yes, but no matter how smart a head is, in the face of absolute strength, it is still vulnerable. You see ordinary people as monkeys, but I see you as ants!"

After Bai Ye turned around and said this sentence, the endless pressure and terrifying aura suddenly burst out, and the tyrannical aura filled the entire space! The powerful aura made the Pharaoh involuntarily have a feeling of wanting to kneel. Impulse! Lou

Chapter 354 The Whereabouts of Dr. Manhattan (Subscription)

How is this possible! How can this guy's aura be so powerful, and Dr. Manhattan has never felt such an aura! Fa Lao Wang trembled, and at this moment, he seemed to be facing death.

His knees were trembling, and he was holding the table next to him, shaking all over, trying to keep himself from kneeling.

However, Pharaoh's legs did not listen to his orders and bent down a little... Finally! A loud noise! ​​Accompanied by a scream! Pharaoh's knees directly fell to the ground! Wang knelt on his knees, his hands trembled uncontrollably on the ground, and he was sweating profusely, as if he had been lifted out of the water.

Big drops of cold sweat dripped down his forehead to the ground.

"How dare you..., how dare you trample on my dignity!"

The pharaoh's face was full of blue veins, and he raised his head with difficulty, his flushed face was full of indignation.

With a smile on his face, Bai Ye walked slowly to his application, then stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at him and said.

"Come on, where is Dr. McHatton. If you don't speak, don't speak of dignity, you can't even guarantee your life."

The momentum on Bai Ye's body continued to strengthen, and gradually, Pharaoh's knees and hands couldn't support it, and he bent down little by little.

In the end, he couldn't hold it any longer and lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"I won't tell you even if I die. Since you're so strong, you can find it yourself!"

After the hair was done, Lao Wang opened his mouth and was about to bite the poison in his mouth.

Feeling the venom entering his body down his throat, the Pharaoh laughed wildly.

"Haha, even if you can subdue my body, you can't beat my spirit, hahaha!"

Only Bai Ye saw it but showed a sneer of disdain.

"If you want to commit suicide without my permission, you can even commit suicide as an extravagant hope!"

Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and immediately, the magic rune wrapped around his arm, and then, Bai Ye inserted his hand into Pharaoh's throat! A sharp pump! Bai Ye's hand suddenly has a 1, bitten pill.

Bai Ye's action made the pharaohs stunned. Then, they touched their throats and found that the throats were intact! "How is this possible! Who are you to do such a thing!"

At this moment, in the eyes of Pharaoh looking at Bai Ye, there is no joy and arrogance before, only a deep sense of fear! You can't even commit suicide to a person, you can only be played with by the other party, in applause!" Well, now can you say where Dr. Manhattan is?"

Bai Ye flicked it at will, and the pill was immediately sunk into the wall.

...after half an hour.

Bai Ye nodded contentedly.

"So that's all you want to say..."

Bai Ye is sitting on a chair in the aircraft at this moment, and the pharaoh is lying in front of him.

The momentum on Bai Ye's body has not weakened, so that he can only lie on the ground and answer.

Bai Ye nodded, and with a flick of his finger, the portal suddenly appeared beside her.

In the end... I stepped into the portal with great strides, and the moment Bai Ye stepped into the portal, the pressure on Pharaoh disappeared immediately.

Pharaoh got up sweating profusely.

"Damn, this killing god is finally gone..."

It's just that before the Pharaoh's words were finished, the portal was opened again, and then, Bai Ye's voice floated out lightly.

"By the way, this is your reward."

Don't wait for the Pharaoh to react, this feeling flashes before his eyes, and two runes hit him immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Pharaoh felt his legs empty, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

The portal was fleeting, and it took 5 seconds before Pharaoh realized what Bai Ye had just done.

A pair of severed calves appeared beside Pharaoh, and a steady stream of blood poured out from Pharaoh's wound.

Pain flooded his brain at this moment, it made his brain numb! "My leg! My leg, bastard, I won't let you go, Bai Ye, I remember you, and I won't even die. I'll let you go!!!"

Fa Laowang hugged his legs, pressed hard to stop the bleeding, and a heart-piercing cry broke out from his mouth! It's just that no matter how loud he did, the white night, thousands of miles away, couldn't hear it.

...at this moment, on a planet that is only a few thousand kilometers away from the earth.

A figure is walking slowly on it. If there is a satellite, if the camera can capture this picture, it must be a sensation all over the world! "This planet does have an aura of a strong man."

Bai Ye walked slowly on Mars, even under extremely harsh cosmic conditions, with his current physical body and physical strength, he was enough to walk on it wantonly.

At this moment, a magnificent clock appeared in front of Bai Ye.

The appearance of the clock is like an ordinary pocket watch, but it is as high as several hundred meters.

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