The entire clock needs hundreds of football fields to hold, and on the clock, there are hundreds of meters of hour and minute hands, which are constantly walking! The momentum on the entire clock is enough for ordinary people to worship.

"Hehe, it seems that Dr. Manhattan is really a nostalgic person."

Because of his familiarity with the original work, Dr. Manhattan's father is a watchmaker. He has been repairing clocks since he was a child, and then he became a doctor of quantum physics. Finally, in an accident, he was quantized and became Dr. Manhattan, a god-like existence! While talking, Bai Ye stepped into the missing area, but just as he stepped in, Bai Ye's feet paused slightly.

"The realm of time! It looks like a really scary guy!"

Although Dr. Manhattan has not been seen, Dr. Manhattan built this clock with an extremely powerful realm! Time realm! When Bai Ye first stepped into it, an almost viscous force wanted to turn it into a clock. His figure is fixed, and even his time can be held on! Although it is said that Dr. Manhattan has quantum power and can see through time, even if he himself is here, he dare not say that he can stop the publishing industry, let alone time. What's more, this is just a toy he left behind! A loud bang! In the field left by this clock, there is no time to stop the shutter at 00001:[-] seconds.

Bai Ye's feet fell fiercely, and suddenly, this clock carefully constructed by Dr. Manhattan collapsed!

Chapter 355 So It Was (For Subscription)

With the powerful momentum and fluctuations, the surrounding earth within a few kilometers suddenly collapsed.

The aftermath of the collapse even spread thousands of kilometers away! "It's all like this, don't you dare to come out, Dr. Manhattan!"

The clock with tens of millions of tons slammed into Bai Ye's body, and it was slammed open at the moment when it touched Bai Ye's body, several meters above his head.

The runes on Bai Ye's body flashed, forming a protective shield, which firmly protected him inside, without even fluttering his hair.

"No...he's not here!"

Bai Ye's eyes were rarely serious, and at the same time, he let out a breath and sighed around, and the entire Mars was covered by it in an instant! "It's really not here..., Pharaoh shouldn't lie to me... ..Could it be that he has escaped to another planet..."

Bai Ye furrowed his brows, and thoughts kept flashing in his mind.

"No..., even though he has become a god-like figure, he still loves the second-generation Silk Ghost, who is now Ye Xiao's lover..."

And here is the best place to observe the ground. If he wants to change a new ball, there is no better choice than this.


Suddenly a blue bead rolled down to Bai Ye's side.

Bai Ye stared at this bead, and after 5 seconds, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It turns out..., it turns out that Dr. Manhattan is no longer in this universe... but in..."

......And at this moment, in the Bruce Wayne Building on the original earth, Batman, as well as Wonder Woman, Flash, Sea King and several other superheroes, are enjoying dinner in the Wayne Building.

"Bruce, you asked us for more than just dinner."

Wonder Woman turned to look at Bruce while enjoying the tender and juicy steak.

Hearing Wonder Woman's words, the others also turned their heads to look at Batman.

"Of course, but I think since we are already an alliance, I think it should be necessary to have dinner together from time to time. I am very happy that you are all except... Clark accompanying his girlfriend. coming."

Bruce picked up the red wine glass and took a sip of the red wine.

"Haha, I think this is ok, these...meat is much better than seafood. I almost vomit when I eat seafood in the sea every day."

Aquaman raised his glass to express his approval, and after he finished speaking, he grabbed a Tomahawk steak and chewed it with a big mouthful.

"I have no opinion, anyway... my family is poor, and I have this kind of big meal every week, and I am not at a loss."

The Flash raised his head and ate the big meal in his hands with a pale face.

"Bruce, if you have anything to say, just tell me, my meal."

Green Arrow is holding a red wine glass, and she is not as fast as Electric Man and Aquaman. After all, she is also a millionaire with a net worth of hundreds of billions, and she does not lack this meal.

"Okay, Bruce, go ahead."

Wonder Woman frowned and urged.

"Okay, since everyone asks, then I won't sell it. In fact, what I want to say is..."

Bruce Wayne sighed, then put down the knife and fork in his hand, wiped his mouth, and was about to speak, when suddenly, a burst of blue light bloomed in the hall, swallowing everything Bruce had to say.

"what happened!"

The strong light made these superheroes have to raise their hands to block.

This burst of light did not last long, but after a few seconds, the light gradually disappeared, and then, a strong man with a faint blue glow stood in the lobby of the Wayne Building.

"What is this......"

The Flash frowned at the scene in front of him.

"It looks like a person..."

Neptune said vaguely with beef in his mouth.

"Who are you and what are you doing here"

At this moment, Batman can also see that the creature in front of him is absolutely human, but the appearance of this guy is too weird.

It's just that Batman's words didn't get a response, he only saw the person in front of him, looked around with weird eyes, and then looked at the superheroes in front of him.

"Who are you asking, why don't you answer?"

After knowing that the thing in front of him was a human being, Neptune continued to reject the steak in his mouth, and walked over carelessly with the steak in his hand.

The person in front of him was none other than Dr. McHatton. Looking at the human beings in front of him, Dr. McHatton understood what they said, but he did not answer their interest at all.

"What about you, are you deaf?"

Aquaman frowned, stretched out his hand dissatisfied, and pushed Dr. Manhattan.

Just before I met Dr. Manhattan when it was over, I saw Dr. Manhattan frowning. At the same time, a piece of blue light was emitted from Dr. Manhattan and bombed directly on Neptune.

A scream came from Aquaman's mouth, directly bombarding Aquaman several dozen meters away. The hall of the Bruce Wayne Building was huge, but even so, Aquaman was directly smashed and passed through another room! "It's the enemy. attack!"

Batman shouted loudly, then he took out his bat belt from under the table, pressed the button, and suddenly, his newly developed bat suit covered his whole body like Iron Man's suit! And so did Wonder Woman He pulled out his sword of war and shield directly from under the table, and the one who took a stride was... rushed up first.

The Flash was stunned for a moment, then immediately.

Using his ability to finish the meal in his hand at the speed of light, he also ran to his room, put on his battle suit, and then ran back to the hall at the speed of light.

He directly picked up a golf club next to the hall and charged towards Dr. Manhattan at the speed of light.

And Green Arrow is much more troublesome, his equipment is kept in the room, although his reaction is fast, but slower than these superheroes.

With Victor, he quickly cut into battle mode, his hands directly turned into two laser cannons, full of energy, and the fiery energy was generated in its barrels, and then fired towards Dr. Manhattan! "Humble human.. …”

If the picture is frozen in this scene, you can see how amazing these superheroes responded in this magnificent second, either from the top, or from the delivery, from front to back, left and right to surround him! Just Faced with being surrounded by so many superheroes, Dr. Manhattan did not panic at all, but lowered his head, sighed slightly, and said such a sentence.

Then, the picture freezes, all these superheroes are frozen in the air, and only Manhattan walks gently towards them.


Chapter 356: A Complete Failure (Subscribe)

These superheroes are like in amber, even the legendary Flash, who can reach the speed of light, can only move his body slowly in such a space, like a snail.

Dr. Manhattan, on the other hand, shuttled among the superheroes, as if he was accustomed to the back garden of his own home, and then walked past Wonder Woman and flicked his fingers.

No sound came out.

But Wonder Woman seemed to be hit by a cannonball, her body fluttered backwards and slowly.

Afterwards, Dr. McHatton, always doing the same, stretched out his fingers and flicked on several superheroes, and they were like Wonder Woman, like they were hit hard, and generally floated backwards slowly.

Until Dr. Manhattan, walking through them to the other side of the hall.

As if some kind of switch was turned on, the superheroes who were floating in the air suddenly seemed to be accelerated thousands of times in an instant.

The artillery shells were ordinary, and the speed was extremely fast, and they were smashed into the wall, directly smashing through the rooms on several floors.


There was a loud bang, and all these superheroes fell into the rubble.

"what's going on"

Sea King, who was beaten up before, just ran in when the superheroes were beaten, and he saw this scene as soon as he entered the door.

Looking at the superheroes who have been knocked to the ground around him, he is still playing dumbfounded.

It's just that Dr. McHatton didn't answer his words, just stood at the door of the hall and slowly turned his head to look at him.

After being drunkenly watched by Dr. Manhattan, Neptune suddenly became hairy.

But then, the Atlantean bloodline in his body just... activated him.

"Bastard, the person who hit us still wants to leave!"

After speaking, Sea King picked up the Seagod Trident in his hand and rushed towards Dr. Manhattan! "Seagod thorn!"

With a whistling, the three-pronged sword was like a cannonball, and it stabbed Manhattan's head like a broken bamboo! "Stupid human being."

Dr. Manhattan, with a glimmer of pity in his eyes, faced Neptune's swift words, just raised his fingers gently, and then clamped them easily.

With a bang! Neptune's blow is as fast as a broken bamboo, and suddenly... Dr. Manhattan is lightly caught in his hand.

"how is this possible......"

Sea King's eyes froze for a moment, this blow of his was able to directly smash the foundation of a high-rise building! And this blue exhibitionist in front of him actually easily resolved his attack.

The most terrifying thing is that he can directly absorb the energy of such a shock! He didn't even move! Is this guy still a human? A trace of doubt flashed in Sea King's eyes.

But what followed was a wave of fear... When he reacted, then the doctor's fingers squeezed a little! Caracalla! Then, in the hands of Sea King, the Poseidon trident, which was comparable to an artifact, suddenly It bends violently and makes an unbearable sound.

Sea King's eyes glared, and then, the powerful force from the Three Forks Street immediately bounced him straight out.

Hit the wall hard, except... in the footsteps of other heroes.

"Green Hood, don't come here, go and inform Clark!"

Aquaman shoots behind the carpet, madly at Green Arrow against his chest.

And Green Arrow was in his room at the moment, putting on his equipment, and was about to go out when he heard Sea King's call.

"Damn, I'm not the Green Hood, I'm the Green Arrow!"

But Green Arrow still knew what to do now. When he wasn't acting out of anger, he immediately turned on his emergency communication button, and then pressed a button, that...that's...representing Superman's contact information.

Then, Green Arrow rushed out of the room directly.

"Asshole Arthur, I'm telling you, I'm Green Arrow not... Green Hood!"

After rushing to the living room, Green Arrow immediately saw the superheroes lying on the ground.

"What's the matter, why are you all down?"

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