Green Arrow glanced at the fallen superhero with a bewildered expression, but then immediately.

He reacted, drew his arrow and bowed his bow, and waited: he shot at Dr. Manhattan.

Dr. Manhattan didn't lift his head, just stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow that was shot.

"Hehe, stupid!"

Seeing Dr. Manhattan, Green Arrow sneered and grabbed his own bow and arrow, and then... Immediately.

Pressed the button in his hand.

There was a loud bang, and suddenly, the sword that was caught by Dr. Manhattan exploded.

Immediately, there was smoke and dust! "This is a blasting bomb that I carefully developed, and its power is equivalent to a 1 missile! No matter what monster you are, you will be seriously injured if you don't die!"

Green Arrow sneered, and then... immediately.

Run to the sea king, and other superheroes.

"Are you all right!"

Green Arrow immediately.

Put on the sea king Arthur.

"Be careful!"

It's just that the moment Green Arrow just lifted Sea King Arthur, Arthur immediately widened his eyes, and then pushed Green Arrow to the side.

Before Green Arrow could react, he heard the scream of Sea King Arthur, the whole person was hit by a blue lightning, and flew out again! A loud noise.

Sea King Arthur directly smashed a steel bar, and the steel bar inside was exposed naked.

In the end, I saw Sea King Arthur comatose in the center of the ruins, and his chest was black and bloody.


Green Arrow shouted! Only then the picture that made him terrified appeared, and he saw Dr. Manhattan floating out of the place of the explosion intact.

"How is it possible that my bow and arrow can directly blow up a super building!"

Faced with an ant like him, Dr. Manhattan didn't even look at him, he just stretched out his hand.

The arc bloomed in the hands of Dr. Manhattan, like a poisonous snake, and charged towards Green Arrow! Just as it was about to hit Green Arrow, a shield appeared in front of Green Arrow.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Wonder Woman put her hands on the shield, and with all her strength, she used her shield to block Dr. Manhattan's arc.

It didn't take a second for Wonder Woman's shield to heat up, and even show signs of melting! At the same time, Wonder Woman was also pushed back slowly by the strong driving force generated by the arc, leaving a deep trail on the ground. deep ravines.

"Go Green Arrow!"

Wonder Woman took the time to stretch out a hand, pushed Green Arrow away fiercely, and then the whole person also tilted to the other side, and the arc suddenly brushed over Wonder Woman's shield and hit another place, Wonder Woman. Xia also flew to the other side because of the powerful force.

Chapter 357 Superman Action (Subscribe)

"Go, go! This guy is a monster!"

Wonder Woman was in a cold sweat, and then... immediately.

Climbed up and ran towards the door. At the same time, Batman and the others also responded quickly, ran directly to the side of Sea King Arthur, set up the unconscious Sea King Arthur, and fled frantically.

"What kind of monster can be so terrifying!"

Wonder Woman asked Batman next to her while running wildly.

"how do you know......"

Batman was also confused, it was the first time he had seen such a monster.

"Only Mr. Bai Ye can deal with such a monster, right? Bruce contact Mr. Bai Ye, we can't stand it!"

The Flash fled in front, turned his head and said.

"I'm sorry to tell you that what I was interrupted just now is what I want to say. Mr. Bai Ye is no longer in this world."

Hearing these words from the bat, the other superheroes suddenly widened their eyes.

"What did you say!"

"Impossible, are you saying that Mr. Bai Ye is dead? How could he be so powerful!"

Hearing this news, The Flash immediately.

Eyes widened, Diana was immediately.


"It's true, but Mr. Bai Ye didn't die. She just went to another world. I heard that it seemed to be a parallel universe. I was there at the time."

Green Arrow, frightened by lightning, immediately.

speak up.

"What's going on like this, it's just this time..."

Wonder Woman gritted her teeth and panicked.

"It's here, it's over, that guy is catching up!"

At this moment, The Flash, inadvertently turned his head, immediately.

His eyes widened, almost jumping out.

He finished his sentence.

Numerous superheroes at once.

I felt a flower in front of me, and then a blue figure appeared in front of me.

When the indifferent Dr. Manhattan appeared in front of them and looked at them blankly, the superheroes such as Wonder Woman were suddenly scared into cold sweats and pale, and involuntarily took a step back.

"It's over, why do I feel that this scene is so similar, is it the same when we met Superman..."

The Flash immediately.

I remember the scene when they fought against Superman together when they resurrected Superman.

"Shut up..."

At this moment, Sea King Arthur also recovered in a daze, raised his head, and said hoarsely.

"It really doesn't work, I can only fight with him..."

Wonder Woman tightly held the sword of war and the shield in her hands.

At this moment, Dr. Manhattan is getting more and more. But at this moment, suddenly, a whistling sound came from the sky in the distance, and then a red red dot appeared at the end of the sky. This red dot was fleeting, less than a minute. In seconds, it appeared in the sky above the crowd.

"Stop me!"

Seeing the appearance of this figure, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and the others all showed gratified smiles! "Superman is Superman!"

"Clarke, can you be a little more timely next time!"

"It's a close call..."

...Seeing the appearance of Superman, these superheroes all showed their happy eyes.

After all, when Superman was resurrected, they were not all enemies of Superman together! "Oh, it seems that there is an interesting person this time."

At this moment, Dr. McHatton saw the appearance of Superman, and immediately stopped his floating footsteps, then raised his head and smiled at the Superman in front of him.

"Are you doing all this just for fun!"

Clark slowly fell from the air with an upright face, blocking the... superhero in front of him.

"Sorry everyone, I'm late."

Turning his head, he looked apologetically at what these superheroes said.

He was just at his home and was about to make out with his girlfriend, but a phone call from Green Arrow called, although he said he had some regrets and couldn't make out with his girlfriend.

But Superman is still there.

He rushed over without stopping, and finally caught up.

"Oh, yes, it turns out that this person has no way to satisfy me, and I also accidentally discovered your world, which really surprised me."

This is Dr. Manhattan slowly smiling, looking at the worlds around him. The buildings in these worlds are almost the same as his, and even a few high-rise buildings are exactly the same, but there are people in this world that are as unique as him. Functional superheroes.

Although their abilities are not as strong as their own, they are far more interesting than the bunch of superheroes with ordinary human limits in their original world.

"What do you want! What is your purpose?"

Clark, frowning at the blue exhibitionist in front of him, did not act rashly.

He can feel that this guy in front of him has a special aura! This is the aura of a strong man, far different from any super villain before! "Hehe, I want to say it, yes, to prove you Have that qualification."

Dr. Manhattan watched as Superman's blue light bloomed brighter and brighter.

And Clark is no... nonsense, although he is a superhero and has a strong sense of justice, but in the face of these guys who hurt his partners, he is not soft at all.

In an instant, Superman collided with Dr. Manhattan.

However, at the moment when Superman Kuai and Dr. McHatton collided, a sneer appeared on the corner of Dr. Manhattan's mouth, and then he gently moved a piece of incense paper.

A snap.

As if some kind of switch was turned on, the surrounding time slowly stopped.

"what happened!"

Superman, his heart jumped, a bad premonition flashed in his heart, and he found that all his movements were slowed down.

However, before he could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his face, and it was just... a solid punch.

At the same time, the frozen state was lifted... Superman's body flew out into the sky like a cannonball, directly smashing through a building, and the floor collapsed suddenly.

However, the moment Superman flew out, the blue figure of Dr. Manhattan followed closely behind, directly reciting Superman's voice all the way, and bombarded it all the way.

Boom! Terrifying voices spread throughout the city, and Superman's steel-like body was directly beaten like a metal crazily by Dr. Manhattan.

"What's going on depends on your ability is not weak, how can you be so capable!"

Dr. Hatton sneered while beating Superman.

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