A snap.

When Dr. McHatton was about to go out, his fist was directly caught by Superman's hand.


Chapter 358 Broken

Then Dr. McHatton's hand was abruptly broken by Superman.

Clap! "Now what else do you have to say!"

At this moment, Superman has gradually adapted to Dr. Manhattan's time domain, and now his speed has gradually recovered to his usual speed.

In an instant, he grabbed Dr. Manhattan's hand, and then directly broke it with his super strength.

However, the screams of Dr. Manhattan that he imagined didn't happen, instead he looked up and saw the playful smile on Dr. McHatton's face.

"Haha, it's interesting, it seems that there are still people on this planet who can compete with me!"

Dr. Manhattan's smile gradually began to distort, and his left hand, under Superman's astonished gaze, slowly disintegrated, turned into blue smoke, and then shrank fiercely.

In almost a second, it actually recovered into a pair of intact arms! Then, when Superman didn't react, he grabbed Superman by the neck and pushed him hard in the air.

Superman firmly grasped Dr. Manhattan's hand. Those hands that were strong enough to crush reinforced concrete could only gently deform Dr. Manhattan's arm at this moment! "Hehe, why do you think your strength can match mine?"

Seeing Superman squeeze his hand desperately, Dr. Manhattan sneered.

At this moment, they had already reached the height of ten thousand feet, directly breaking through the five atmospheres, and actually slowly drove towards the sun.


Superman gritted his teeth hard, and then, gave up the method of holding Dr. Manhattan's hands, and directly kicked Dr. Manhattan's chest! The powerful force directly knocked Dr. Manhattan's arms, together with her body, directly. Tear! It was just thrown away before Superman ripped off Dr. Harton, but Dr. Manhattan just got a new arm.

He grabbed Superman's neck fiercely! Only this time, Superman was really on fire. His eyes were red, and hot rays of light shot out of Superman's eyes, hitting the palm of Doctor Manhattan. above.


This time, Dr. Manhattan finally let out a scream, and then his palm suddenly turned to ashes, but this time, Dr. Manhattan's speed in trying to recover his palm was significantly slower.

"So this is what you're afraid of!"

Seeing the appearance of Dr. Manhattan, Superman immediately.

He was overjoyed, and then his eyes glowed red, and the rays in his eyes became even hotter.

Then they headed towards Dr. Manhattan in unison.

"That's all I'm capable of, Superman!"

Covering his arms, Dr. McHatton looked at people with a sinister smile.

Then I saw him turn to the left, and Superman's red light suddenly failed.

"You can avoid this, then what about this!"

Once again, Superman fired an outdoor beam of light, only this time Dr. Manhattan was easily dodged on one side.

"Hehe, it's useless, you can't hit me!"

Dr. Manhattan sneered.

"A bluff is just a fluke"

Superman frowned slightly, and then he sent out a series of infrared rays again, and this time it didn't stop, a series of direct emission of hundreds of infrared rays! Boom! The infrared rays exploded in the air, but every time they were shot by Manhattan The Doctor easily escaped.

"Hehe, how do you know? You can't hit me. The first time was just a fluke. One of my abilities is... being able to see through your future actions."

After Dr. Manhattan finished speaking, the cold sweat of Superman who heard this sentence dropped.

If a person can predict your next move, or even your future, then you have no secrets in front of this person.

Seeing Superman's frightened look, Dr. Manhattan laughed again.

"It doesn't matter, don't worry, although I can see what will happen in the life of ordinary people, and even the whole earth in the next few hundred years, but I don't know why. For you, I can only see the scene 5 minutes later. ...,However, this is enough for the current battle!"

After talking about Dr. McHatton, he rushed towards Superman again, but this time, Dr. Manhattan faced Superman's attack, except... After dodging, he went around to Superman's back again and slammed it hard. Superman is holding on tight.

"Bastard, let me go, do you think you can kill me just by immobilizing me!"

Seeing Dr. Manhattan who was holding him firmly with both hands and feet behind him, Superman said with narrowed eyes.

"Hehe, you can't kill you like this, and there are very few things that can be killed in this world. Even me, if I want to kill you, I have to work hard. It's a lot of twists and turns."

"Then what do you want to say? You know that you can't kill me, so you dare to ask us for trouble. I can tell you now that as long as you disappear from this planet and don't appear on this planet, I can stop the war with you. , otherwise, it's just... perpetually dying!"

Clark has nothing else to protect except...the earth, because his girlfriend, the only love of his life, Louis, is on the earth.

"Hehe, I think too much about the truce. As a human being, the only thing that will not disappear is the eternal confrontation and struggle! I have understood this before in my world! I am tired of such human beings, so after nearly After 100 years of thinking, I have come to understand that only by destroying human beings can we eradicate this wickedness forever!"

Hearing Dr. Manhattan's words, Superman's pupils shrank.

"Then why don't you destroy your own world, come to our world to make trouble, our world doesn't need you to mess around!"

Superman is struggling like crazy, but Dr. Manhattan is also struggling like crazy.

Finally, Dr. Manhattan raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes seemed to have some nostalgia.

"Like you, because I also have the person I love in that world, although it is impossible for me and the person I love, but I still hope that he can spend this life completely, so I will come to your world to try tried!"

After speaking, Doctor Manhattan looked at Superman and showed an evil smile.

"You're a perverted fellow. People are not just inferior, they still have love, haven't you felt it too!"

Superman looked at Dr. Manhattan and gritted his teeth! "Don't you think I'm not as thorough as you are, but forget it, anyway... you don't have time, just enjoy these last few seconds."

Hearing Dr. Manhattan's words, Superman froze for a moment.

"What did you say"

Chapter 359 He is here

A bad premonition flooded Superman's heart.

At the same time, Superman's super hearing heard it, and there was a whistling sound from below the ground, which was a high-speed thing that was moving wildly towards them.

Superman lowered his head abruptly, and with the help of his extremely powerful force, he could see a blue dot in the distance clearly, and when he saw the real appearance of the blue dot, Superman felt cold all over.

That turned out to be another Dr. Manhattan, rushing towards them with a wicked face! The Dr. Manhattan who rushed over was holding a stone, a green stone! That stone is all too familiar to Superman. It's his only nemesis, even the only thing that can kill it! Kryptonite! "How could it be that you still have company!"

Superman's eyes widened and he looked up at Dr. McHatton.

"I'm unique, how could I have companions? However, I have another ability, that is clone."

Dr. Manhattan, who was rushing up, and Dr. Manhattan, who locked Superman tightly, showed evil smiles in unison.

As early as when he came to this world and knocked out these superheroes, he had already used his predictive ability to predict the arrival of Superman.

At the same time, it is also understood that Superman's nemesis is the stone of their planet.

Therefore, at that time, he had already separated a clone to find this nemesis, and then his body dragged Superman here, allowing his clone to find Superman's nemesis.

"If you are regarded as a god by the people of the earth, if you die, the blow to them will undoubtedly be the biggest!"

Dr. Manhattan couldn't even hold on to Superman's desperate struggle, but he knew that before Superman broke free, his clone could definitely kill him! "You can't do this, I still have my family, I still have Lover, you can't do this!"

Superman is not afraid of death, he is afraid of his family's sadness, and such a meaningless death, he is absolutely unacceptable! At this moment, his eyes are cracked, and he is struggling frantically. At this moment, the superhero of the past is like a dying little boy. General mouse.

It was just that Dr. McHatton's clone was fleeting, appearing dozens of meters in front of him in an instant.

For ordinary people, it only takes one second to reach such a distance. For a strong man like Dr. Manhattan, it does not take even a second! In the avatar of Dr. Manhattan, The moment Superman was about to be killed, suddenly, a portal opened in front of Superman, and then Dr. Manhattan's clone rushed into the portal.

Then grab Superman's Manhattan Bo.

Then I felt a pain in my back.

He turned around and saw his own avatar, putting the self-denial behind his back.

"This is......"

Superman seized the opportunity and directly opened the restraint of Dr. Manhattan, and then saw the scene in front of him.

He was no stranger to the scene in front of him, and was immediately overjoyed.

"Is that you, Mr. Bai Ye!"

As Superman's voice just fell, a young man stepped out from another teleportation door.

This young man is Bai Ye! "Mr. Bai Ye, this guy is injured, let's solve it together!"

Superman suddenly... with all his strength, he wanted to rush towards Dr. Manhattan, but Bai Ye grabbed Superman's hand and stopped Superman immediately.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you are..."

Superman looked at Bai Ye puzzled, but Bai Ye did not look at him, but looked at Dr. Manhattan in front of him seriously, and at this moment Superman also turned his head.

But the moment he saw Dr. Manhattan again, he found that Dr. Manhattan's avatar had disappeared, and his injuries were intact.

There is such a perverted ability to recover! At this moment, Dr. Manhattan has lost the initiative just now, and is quietly watching Bai Ye.

After a full ten minutes, just when Superman was about to hold back, Dr. Manhattan finally spoke up.

"You are strong, boy, but you shouldn't stand in my way, get out of the way, and I don't have to trouble you."

And Bai Ye said calmly.

"If you want to destroy the world, you can destroy your own world, don't come to my site."

"What if I want to destroy your world, can you stop me?"

Dr. Manhattan smiled, laughing that she could feel an extremely powerful aura from Bai Ye's body, even on par with himself, but if he wanted to stop him from destroying the world, even Bai Ye would be a little impossible.

"Hehe, if I want to destroy your world, can you stop it?"

Bai Ye also looked at Dr. Manhattan with a sneer, but after hearing Bai Ye's words, Dr. Manhattan was at a loss for words, and his calm expression completely froze.

"You can't find my world!"

Facing Dr. Manhattan's words, he just smiled slightly, didn't say anything, just took out a bead from his back, and then took out a ring.

The moment he saw the bead and the ring, Dr. Manhattan was furious, and rushed to Bai Ye's body, trying to strangle her neck.

In this white night, he did not show weakness, and his body was surrounded by runes. The runes and the magic sword suddenly unsheathed, and with a flick of his hand, he cut off Dr. Manhattan's arm! The last roundabout kick, infused with mana, kicked fiercely. In Dr. Manhattan's face, Dr. Manhattan suddenly flew out! "I want to kill you, what have you done to him!"

In an instant, hundreds of avatars of Dr. Manhattan appeared and roared together! "Do you still think that I can't find your world? If you can feel the breath on me, you will understand that I have just returned from your world. ."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Dr. Manhattan frowned, then closed his eyes, and felt the breath on Bai Ye's body. He did find a breath that did not belong to this world. It was brought over by the world, and this wisp of aura was very familiar, it was indeed the unique aura of his world.

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