"What do you want!"

Dr. Manhattan stared at Bai Ye and asked.

"I've said it very clearly, you take care of your world, I'll take care of my world, well water does not violate river water, as for what you want to say about destroying human beings, even if you destroy your own world, you can't control my world. !!”

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, although this world is not the world he first came to in the Marvel World, but there are still many things he needs to explore in this world.


Chapter 360 Dr. Manhattan's Compromise

To be honest, he doesn't care about the life and death of people in this world, but he doesn't care until he drains the value of this world.

Right now, the world still has a lot of treasures that he needs to dig. If it is destroyed by Dr. Manhattan at this time, it is absolutely unacceptable! The two strong men looked at each other in the air, their eyes were So serious that it can almost create sparks in the air.

The temperature seems to have dropped to 00 below zero.

And the superman next to him looked at it, and Bai Ye looked at Dr. Manhattan.

He is already exhausted and ready to go. As long as Bai Ye gives an order, he will cooperate with Bai Ye to kill Dr. Manhattan! After a long time, Dr. Manhattan looked at Bai Ye and the Superman next to him before slowly speaking. .

"Hehe, I hope there will be Superman by your side to help you next time."

Hearing Dr. Manhattan's words, Bai Ye was not to be outdone.

"Hehe, if you have a helper, you can call it out too, but what you teach is just cannon fodder compared to the quality of your world."

Bai Ye sneered.

In fact, this is just Dr. Manhattan, and it's just a matter of losing face, because both of them know that in the battle between the two of them, a strong man like Superman can't intervene, causing a reversal decision to the battle. .

Because not only him, but even Dr. Manhattan can have the ability to teleport for thousands of miles. As long as they move the battlefield, no matter how fast Superman is, they can't keep up.

"Then get out now, do you want me to invite you?"

Seeing that Manhattan didn't want to do anything for a long time, Bai Ye's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Very well, you remember!"

Dr. McHatton laughed angrily, then nodded bitterly, and also waved his hand to open a blue crack, and then disappeared into it.

"Mr. Bai Ye, is this all right?"

People looked at Dr. Manhattan who had disappeared, and let out a long sigh of relief. If Mr. Bai Ye hadn't come to help him, he might be dead now.

"It can only be like this for the time being. Dr. Manhattan is indeed a very formidable opponent."

Bai Ye slowly looked at the place where Dr. Manhattan disappeared, and stood with his hands behind his back.

It can be said that so far, Bai Ye has met the two most powerful opponents, one is the Black Death, and the other is the former Dr. Manhattan.

"I don't know which of these two guys is stronger."

Bai Ye thought silently, these two guys are all one of the top beings in time, it's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

"Mr. White Night, Wonder Woman and the others are still there: Next, I think we should go back and check their situation first."

Superman looked at the ground and said.

Bai Ye nodded, said nothing, stepped directly into the portal, and Superman followed closely behind.

Right now, on the ground.

Wonder Woman and Batman are healing their wounds. In the battle just now, they have exhausted all their strength and energy until Superman arrives. "That guy is so scary, can Superman solve it... ."

The Flash, while dealing with his wounds, asked the other superheroes.

"I don't know, it would be nice if Mr. Bai Ye was here at this time..."

Wonder Woman............ didn't suffer any injuries, he was covered with artifacts, which could help him resist most of the damage, but he was a little out of strength when he escaped just now, and he is recovering now. among.

"I think it's a little suspicious. If Mr. Bai Ye doesn't come back, I think Superman will be in trouble, so we have to do it right away.

Contact him, I'll go back to the building to see if there is any contact information to contact Mr. Bai Ye..."

Batman said, call his Batmobile.

Only this time a hand clapped on Batman's shoulder.

"No, I'm back"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this voice, and when they turned their heads, they saw Bai Ye's unfazed figure.

"Mr. White Night!"

"Mr. White Night!"

"You're back!"

...these superheroes are all at once.

Standing up, Jurong came to his side.

"Let's keep everyone waiting."

Bai Ye nodded to them.

"Mr. Bai Ye, have you come back from another world? Did you see that blue exhibitionist before?"

Hearing The Flash's question, Bai Ye turned his head to look at Superman.

"You better tell them yourself."

Since Bai Ye said so, naturally Superman will not disobey, and then he told other superheroes what happened to him just now, and the scene where Mr. Bai Ye saved himself at a critical moment.

"If it wasn't for Mr. Bai Ye, maybe I would really die this time..."

There was a rare flash in Superman's eyes, sorry.

"It's nothing, Clark, I'm also partly responsible for this matter... If I guessed correctly, the kryptonite that the blue exhibitionist brought should be kept in my laboratory... .."

After hearing Superman's description, Batman immediately thought of the ones he had kept in the laboratory.

"What, Bruce, why are you saving that kind of thing! Then don't you trust Clark! Aren't we companions!"

Wonder Woman grabbed Bruce's hand and asked with a serious look.

At this moment, Batman nodded, and although he said he felt a little guilty, he still said with a serious face.

"It is because we are companions that I keep these things. To tell you the truth, not only Clark, but also the countermeasures of the guys with superpowers, I also keep them."

As soon as Batman said this, the other superheroes all suddenly looked shocked and looked at Batman in disbelief.

"Bruce, how can you be like this and we trust you so much!"

The Flash said! "And how can you say that it's good for us, if you want to kill us, it's good for us!"

Sea King Arthur took the three-pronged sword in his hand and walked up with a bad face.

"Don't get excited, let's listen to what Bruce has to say first."

Wonder Woman, quickly stop the other superheroes, then turn to look at Batman.

"Bruce, you must have your own reasons."

Seeing Wonder Woman make a clearance for him, Batman nodded gratefully to him, then took a deep breath and said slowly.

"I really didn't lie, it is because you are my companions that I initiated these plans and methods against you."

Chapter 361

After taking a deep breath, Batman spoke again.

"The world is getting more and more strange now, and all kinds of discussions are emerging one after another. Just now there was such a blue exhibitionist who made us unable to resist. Who can guarantee that in the future there will be that kind of... superpower to control people's minds. appear"

"At that time, if everyone here is under control, and we have no ability to stop you, causing a large number of casualties, is this what you want to see?"

Batman's words silenced these superheroes, as Batman said.

The current super villains are getting stronger and stronger, and maybe there will be powerful mind-controlling powerhouses in the future. If at that time, let them be controlled by their minds and hurt many people, it will definitely be more uncomfortable than killing them.

After a long silence, Wonder Woman spoke slowly.

"Ruth is right, indeed..."

And when they heard Wonder Woman's words, other superheroes didn't speak, even Superman, they were silent, because they knew that Wonder Woman's actions were not wrong, and Batman's actions were not wrong.

But emotionally, letting them go and accepting Batman's decision is still a bit difficult, after all, it's hard for anyone to feel like their friends are always ready to kill you.

When it was silent, Bai Ye suddenly spoke up.

"So, are you going to plan for me again?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, these superheroes all raised their heads and took a fancy to Batman.

They also want to know if a being as smart as Batman has any countermeasures in the face of Bai Ye! "Impossible, Mr. Bai Ye is so powerful..."

The Flash is unbelievable.... said incredulously.

Facing the other superheroes, Batman, looked at them and nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I also prepared a plan for Mr. Bai Ye..."

As soon as Batman's words came out, it immediately... aroused the interest of these superheroes.

"Really, what can you do against Mr. Bai Ye!"

Seeing the expected gazes of these superheroes, Batman just smiled wryly, then spread his hands and said.

"It's very simple, in the face of such a powerful existence as Mr. Bai Ye, what else can we do except... run..."

As soon as these words came out, these superheroes immediately gave him a blank look.

"Isn't it the same if you said it...I don't know if I want to run..."

"But what I'm saying is that in the face of such a powerful existence as Mr. Bai Ye, not running is no different from courting death."

Sea King Arthur smiled, shook his head and sighed.

"Come on, Mr. Bai Ye can teleport, let alone you, even if I want to escape, I can't escape..." The Flash sarcastically said to them... Soon, these superheroes, because Bai Ye of this sentence.

Your sentence and my sentence restore the previous atmosphere.

Seeing this scene, Batman couldn't help but cast a grateful glance in Bai Ye. He did not expect that such a stalemate would be resolved by Bai Ye's words. This young man is really too terrifying. Intellectually, they are unmatched.

Other than... escaping, there might really be no plan to deal with this young man.

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