Batman, who is known as the smartest existence, sighed helplessly at this moment.

With the help of Batman's company.

The building that was destroyed in the battle between Dr. McHatton and Superman was quickly repaired.

Meanwhile, the superheroes also returned to the Bruce Wayne Building to continue the dinner and celebrate the return of White Night.

Soon, in the happy atmosphere, these superheroes all ended the dinner, and all of them were drunk.

After arranging the housekeeper to send these superheroes back to the room, Batman came to the center of the living room. At this moment, Bai Ye was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, quietly looking down at the night scene outside the window.

"Mr. Bai, I have already sent them back, won't you go to rest..."

Batman stood behind Bai Ye and said respectfully, although this is his building, Bai Ye looks like the owner of this building at the moment.

"I want to be alone, go and rest.

I don't need a break"

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he just... continued to look at the night outside the window, not knowing what he was thinking about, but after Batman heard this sentence, he stopped talking, and then returned to his room.

After a long time, Bai Ye looked at the night outside and spoke again.

"If you want to ask, just say it directly... You don't need to hide there."

As soon as some words fell, a sound of high heels was heard.

Immediately after, the graceful figure of Wonder Woman came out of the darkness.

At this moment, Wonder Woman was only wearing a thin pajamas, her smooth and fair skin was faintly revealed from the pajamas, and under the moonlight, she looked so elegant and bewitching.

It's just that Bai Ye, who saw this scene, didn't have the slightest fluctuation in his eyes.

"Why don't you sleep when you're done?"

Bai Ye looked at Diana, although she had a beautiful face and a graceful and sexy figure, but for him, it was not enough to make it fluctuate.

"I've been through so much this time, I can't sleep, Mr. Bai Ye, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing Diana's words, Bai Ye raised his brows and said.

"Do you mean what I'm going to do next tonight or ask me what I'm going to do in the near future, but the meanings of these two sentences are completely different."

Hearing Bai Ye's words and the look in his eyes, Diana suddenly blushed slightly, and then let out a slight anger.

"Don't make trouble, Mr. Bai Ye, I'm serious."

He tightened his nightgown, and then added.

"I wore it like this since I was a child, but I didn't wear it in front of other men."

After speaking, Diana walked to Bai Ye's side again.

"The future is simple, it's just getting stronger."

When Bai Ye said this sentence, his eyes looked into the distance.

"It's just getting stronger..."

After listening to this sentence, Wonder Woman's expression was obviously lonely.

It is said to the white night.

"Since it's like this, then I'll go back to rest first..."

After Wonder Woman finished speaking, she bowed slightly, and then returned to her room, while Bai Ye looked into the distance with an indifferent expression from head to toe.

"It's the hardest to endure the grace of a beauty."

After a long time, Bai Ye looked at the night sky outside the window, shook his head, and said with a slight sigh.


Chapter 362 Mother Box Fusion

Bai Ye continued to look into the distance, but from the outside, he looked calm, but in fact, Bai Ye's body and mind were absorbed in absorbing the energy of the mother box.

Because Bai Ye was surprised to find that after he returned from the world of the watchers, the energy in the mother box was no longer repelling, but had the effect of attracting each other.

This is also the reason why he did not start with Dr. McHatton, and chose to negotiate, threatening Dr. Manhattan to withdraw.

Because the absorption of the mother nucleus cannot be delayed! At this moment in Bai Ye's body space, the three 3 mother boxes are slowly approaching, almost all of them have been integrated into one, only a small part is exposed outside, not overlapping.

However, the spiritual power transformed by Bai Ye forced the three 3 mother boxes to fuse together. Under the influence of Bai Ye's powerful spiritual power, the three 3 mother boxes slowly approached and finally overlapped together! Boom! A loud bang! The spirit of Bai Ye, the world actually set off a trace of waves.

"I didn't expect that the combined power of these... Mother boxes would be so powerful!"

Bai Ye is also a little surprised. After all, as a supreme mage, the most powerful thing is his spiritual power. Even if his spiritual power capacity is the sum of all the mages in the Marvel world, it is not as much as his spiritual power.

Bai Ye's current mental power is equivalent to the vast and boundless sea.

At this moment, the power of the fusion of the three 3 mother boxes was able to make a small wave in his spiritual consciousness.

This force is enough to see that it is very powerful.

"Wait..., it seems that something more interesting has happened..."

Just when the three 3 mother boxes were reunited, finally all the information contained in the mother box was like an explosion, filling Bai Ye's mind at once.

This information goes from ancient times to the present, and there are even predictions about the future. This information is extremely huge. If it was an ordinary person's head, it would have been blasted long ago! But Bai Ye didn't even frown, but, in the When receiving this information, the corners of his mouth evoked a playful smile.

Because Bai Ye found that there is not only a huge amount of information in the three 3 connections, but at the same time, there are other things hidden in it.

At this moment, in Bai Ye's spiritual consciousness, a tall and mighty figure appeared in front of him with a giant axe.

"Humble mortal, I ask you, did you wake up this mother box?"

Facing this huge figure, Bai Ye's incarnation in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness looked at him calmly and did not speak.

"What's the matter, is this guy fooled by the shock wave of the mother box? Does he even recognize my great god of war Ares?"

Ares looked at the one in front of him with a confused look in his eyes.

"So you are Ares"

Seeing that Bai Ye could speak, Zhan Si regained his dignity.

"Hehe, that's natural, I am Ares, the unparalleled God of War in the universe, and Ares, the invincible God of War! I am myth, I am war, I am blood and... steel, I am... "

As if he hadn't spoken for thousands of years, Ares, the god of war, said a lot of impassioned words in one breath.

"Didn't you get defeated by Wonder Woman, why did you appear here?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ares, the god of war, made an impassioned speech, braked immediately, and then lowered his head with disdain in his eyes.

"Diana, what the hell is he, he's just a demigod.

And I am the real god, and the god of war, the most powerful god! What he defeated was just a clone of me!"

Hearing the words of Ares, the God of War, Bai Ye nodded, but the information of Ares, the God of War, was not displayed in the three mother boxes.

"So what is hidden in the mother box, is the current you your body?"

Bai Ye looked at Ares, the god of war in front of him, and the corner of his mouth evoked a hint of an imperceptible smile.

"Hahaha, this is natural. My body is a pure energy body. As long as my body is there, the body will be destroyed. Anyway... I can find someone else to take the house, or reshape the body myself."

After the wild laughter, Ares, the god of war, looked at Bai Ye, and his eyes showed evil eyes.

"But it's too troublesome to reshape the body yourself, and it takes a long time, so it's a bit faster. You are lucky, boy, you are about to become the new host of the uncle Ares, the god of war! Feel honored! Haha Ha ha!"

Ares, the god of war, burst out laughing wildly. In his eyes, this young man who was not squeamish, although he did not know what method he used to fuse the mother box together to release it.

Don't care for now....

There are so many, now there is one, now there is a physical body here, as long as you talk more and cultivate well, you will soon be able to restore its original strength! At that time, he will be the all-powerful god of war in the ancient times. Ares Thinking of this, Ares, the god of war, looked at Bai Ye, his eyes showed strong greed, like a hungry wolf seeing a white rabbit! And Bai Ye, looking at Ares, the god of war, didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart at all, and even thought a little. laugh.

However, Ares, the god of war, saw Bai Ye's expressionless face, motionless, and did not react at all, but thought that Bai Ye was frightened by his wise and martial appearance.

Immediately, the smile became more and more hideous! "I will give me your body, if you have any girlfriends or wives, I will take good care of them for you, hehe!"

After speaking, the god of war Ares burst out with evil light in his eyes and then opened his big hand and grabbed it towards Bai Ye.

At this moment, the body of Ares, the god of war, is as big as a building, and the body of his open palm is like a mouse! He can easily hold it! Just a mortal, weak and powerless, destined to be swallowed up by a strong man like me! Hahahaha!"

Just at the moment when Ares, the god of war, was about to exert his strength, suddenly, he only felt the hand holding Bai Ye, and suddenly it was empty.

Then, before he could react, the giant hand of Ares, the god of war, turned into pieces.

" is this possible..."

Ares, the god of war, didn't understand what happened. Why did his hand suddenly disappear? This is his body! Afterwards, when he defeated Ares, he saw Bai Ye, with a smile that was not a smile, and a calm expression. .

"Bastard, you dare to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

At this moment, I see Bai Ye's eyes, but Ares still doesn't understand what happened.

Chapter 363 Ares, God of War

"Boy, it seems that you are not a simple character, but, when you meet I agree with Ares, today is your death date. I underestimated the enemy just now, and now prepare to die!"

Although Ares lost one arm, his pride in the past did not make him feel fear, but the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

He raised the axe in his hand high and slashed towards Bai Ye fiercely! The huge axe, with a howling wind, galloped fiercely towards Bai Ye, and the strong wind pressure directly blew Bai Ye's hair up, even in the Small ripples in the calm sea of ​​spirit.

If it were in real life, this blow from Reis would be enough to destroy half of the country! But where she is now is Bai Ye's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, when this huge axe reached Bai Ye's body only a few meters before it, Stop instantly.


Ares, the god of war, gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to split, his muscles bulged all over his body, and his blue veins couldn't stop shaking, but no matter how hard he tried and how frantically he struggled, just a few meters in front of Bai Ye's body, it was like the weather. He's insurmountable! "Enough is enough"

Bai Ye looked at Ares, the god of war, and gently stretched out two fingers, then clamped the disproportionately huge axe in front of him.

Is it enough? Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ares, the god of war, was dumbfounded.

That was Ares, the god of war in ancient times! Even Zeus, the father of the gods, did not dare to say such a thing to him, and he was afraid of him! And now this young man dared to say such a thing to him! Saying that to yourself! It's just...don't take him seriously.

However, what made Ares desperate was that, although he was angry, although he tried his best, but even so, he couldn't help Bai Ye.

Seeing Ares' struggling appearance, Bai Ye sighed, and then pinched his fingers lightly.

With a loud bang, Ares' axe exploded into pieces and fell into the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.


Before Ares made another move, he only saw the originally calm sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, and suddenly a huge wave was set off. The tentacles formed by countless waves directly bound Ares, the god of war, in it.

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