Ares, the god of war, has a huge body, but he is only a drop in the ocean for Bai Ye's spiritual consciousness.

"Let go of me, do you know who you are facing, I am the god of war Ares..."

A loud pop.

The tentacles formed by the waves directly slapped Ares, the God of War, and immediately took off the helmet on Ares' face, his face swollen high.

"You dared to beat the great Rhys..."

Another loud bang.

The tentacles formed by the waves were again slapped by the fierce god Ares, and this time the other side of Ares' face was slapped high and swollen! Surrounded by lightning, as the son of Zeus, he naturally inherited part of his ability to save.

Just doing some lightning, when he wanted to get up around him, more endless waves directly devoured Ares, the god of war, including the lightning around him, but in just a few seconds, the god of war Ares. The surrounding lightning disappeared without a trace! "You..."

Before he could say the word bastard, he stood on Ares' mouth, and was directly beaten frantically by the tentacles formed by the waves, but this time was different from the previous two.

Instead of being beaten once, it ended. Instead, it was beaten continuously, dozens of times in one round! At first, Ares, the god of war, could hold back and wanted to fight back, but then, Ares, the god of war, was directly beaten. Now, go to the back and start begging for mercy... "Please..."

There was a crisp snap! Ares was interrupted again before he could finish speaking.

After dozens of times again, Bai Ye didn't stop until Ares, the god of war, didn't even have the strength to groan.

"Say what you are..."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ares, the god of war, was like a frightened chicken, raised his head and glanced at Bai Ye, and then shivered and said submissively.

"I am Ares, the god of war..."

A crisp sound! Victory over Ares was slapped in the face again, and his head was about to be knocked off.

"Ask you again what you are"

Bai Ye looked calm, smiled, and said amiably.

It was his smile that seemed to defeat Ares, but it was like a devil's smile, and a terrified Ares, the god of war, spoke quiveringly.

"I'm Ares..."

There was another slap in the face, hitting Ares in the face.

At this moment, Ares, the god of war, was slapped in the face, and the aggrieved person was about to cry. Looking at Bai Ye, he wanted to resist, but he couldn't beat this guy.

"I ask you again, what are you"

Bai Ye's smile is more gentle, but this smile makes Ares feel all over his body, and it is estimated that this smile has a shadow.

"I am a dog, and I am your dog, master!"

At this moment, when he saw the tentacles transformed from the waves that were staring at him beside him, Ares was instantly shocked.


At this moment, he has also given his life. He doesn't want the glory of the God of War or the son of the gods. He just wants to live. In front of an extremely powerful person like Bai Ye, he is like an ant facing human beings, unable to resist the slightest. Power.

Hearing Ares's words, Bai Ye nodded lightly at this time, and then said with cold eyes.

"Very well, remember your identity..."

Then Bai Ye waved his hand, and directly... dispatched an image.

Another tall figure appeared above the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, and when he saw this figure, Ariston's eyes showed fear.

"Darkside, why are you here!"

Seeing this figure appear, Ares was almost scared to pee.

"You said this guy is... Darkseid"

Bai Ye looked at the projection in front of him. This was the image recorded in the mother box. He didn't expect it to be the super villain Darkseid in the world.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong. I know this guy even if he turns to ashes. I had a fight with him before the ages. That battle was shocking and weeping ghosts and gods, and I fought him on the same level..."

Hearing that Ares, the god of war, was about to start talking again, Bai Ye immediately.

She sealed her mouth with mana, and as soon as she saw the reaction of Ares, the god of war, when she saw the projection of Daksay, Bai Ye knew that this guy was definitely done badly by Dakseid.


Chapter 364 The Resurrected Ares

Just when Bai Ye was thinking about it, Darkseid's phantom eyes just started to move.

As if conscious, this phantom image of Darkseid was alive, and he began to look around, and then he looked towards Bai Ye.

Originally, Ares, the god of war, who was planning to talk rhetorically, was shivering with fright when he saw this phantom shadow of Darkseid.

"Isn't this Nima the phantom of Darkseid, how can it move..."

Ares, the god of war, was almost scared to pee, but Bai Ye stared directly at Darkseid's phantom without fear.


Seeing that Bai Ye was not afraid of him, Darkseid's phantom laughed.

"Interesting, really interesting, on this little planet, there are people who are not afraid of me, hehe, he really didn't let me down... God of War Ares, you're still the God of War, you even have one Not even a child!"

Looking at Bai Ye, Darkseid finally turned his head to look at Ares, the God of War, and from Darkseid's eyes, he could see that Ares, the God of War, found the huge body behind Bai Ye, like a small boy. Children in general.

"Looks like you're on your way..."

Bai Ye looked at Darkseid, and after thinking for a while, he said to Darkseid's phantom.

Although the projection in front of him is just a mark of Darkseid, because Darkseid itself is too powerful, even one of his projections has its own consciousness.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Darkseid's projection froze for a moment, and then immediately.

Laugh out loud.

"Not bad, it's really interesting, I'm looking forward more and more to the situation after reaching the earth..., I don't know if there are those people here... worthy of my pondering, it seems that You should count as one."

Darkseid's projection laughed, and after seeing the power of Bai Ye, he was not only not afraid, but also very happy.

"You will regret your decision..."

Looking at Darkseid in front of him, Bai Ye said indifferently, then waved his hand, and before Darkseid's projection said anything, he was wiped clean.

" actually obliterated the Darkseid projection, aren't you afraid of his revenge?"

Ares, the god of war, who was trembling in front of Darkseid's projection, saw that Bai Ye was so quick to erase Darkseid's projection.

Although it is only a projection of Darkseid, but this is undoubtedly... hitting Darkseid's face! In the universe, the person who dared to hit Darkseid's face, the god of war Ares, is alive, I haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years! Even he dared to challenge Darkseid tens of thousands of years ago because he was young, ignorant and arrogant, and he wouldn't dare to give him 1 courage now! And the young man in front of him actually said that he would slap him in the face! It's so terrifying! "It's just a projection, and even the projection doesn't dare to obliterate it. How can you fight him when you get there?"

Bai Ye was indifferent, standing with his hands behind his back, and when he heard Bai Ye's words, the god of war Ares's eyes were about to pop out.

This young man is still planning to fight with Daseth's body! Let's be funny! "Boss, I advise you to run away! Really! Although you are very powerful, Darkseid is really terrifying. Extremely, that guy is... the god of death! Do you know how many planets have been destroyed by it?

Ares, the god of war, panicked. He is now living in Bai Ye's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness. If Bai Ye dies, then he has no hope of seeing the sun again! "You are afraid of Ares, the god of war."

Bai Ye raised his head, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Stared at by Bai Ye's eyes, Ares, the god of war, said with an unnatural smile.

"I'm not... afraid, as Ares, the god of war, I call this a strategic retreat, and it's really for your own good!"

Ares looked loyal and loyal.

"Hehe, I think it's for yourself. You're afraid that if I die, you will die too."

Seeing through Bai Ye's thoughts, Ares, the god of war, smiled awkwardly and touched the back of his head.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will give you a body before Darkseid arrives, and you can just be on that body..."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he waved his hand and said indifferently.

"You mean it!! Since you are willing to give me a body!"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ares, the god of war, was elated, and at the same time had some doubts.

"Aren't you afraid that as soon as I have a physical body, I will immediately.

ran away"

The words of Ares, the god of war, made Bai Ye laugh disdainfully, and then said contemptuously.

"You can try it out, run once, and I'll chop off one of your arms... run twice, and I'll chop off two, if you run more than 4 times, I'll cripple you as a whole... .."

Bai Ye's words were very calm, but it made Ares, the god of war, shudder, because he knew that Bai Ye really had this ability.

And although it can regenerate his severed limbs, it will hurt his own strength, if his own strength is exhausted.

It will become no different from ordinary people, which is more uncomfortable for him than killing him! "You are joking, I am loyal to you, how could I escape? Hehehe..."

Ares, the god of war, looked at Bai Ye with a flattering smile on his face.

Ignoring the words of Ares, the god of war, Bai Ye turned around, and then, Bai Ye in the hall opened his eyes.

At this moment, it was already daytime, and when Bai Ye opened his eyes, he found Wonder Woman and other superheroes beside him, looking at her with concern.

"How long have I been like this"

Seeing the concerned expressions on the faces of the people around him, Bai Ye immediately knew that he was in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness this time, and he probably stayed for too long... "Thank goodness, Mr. Bai Ye, you are finally back to normal, scared to death. I'm..."

The Flash patted his chest with lingering fears.

"You've been like this for two days and two nights, what's going on..."

Batman breathed a sigh of relief, though he seemed a lot calmer than the others.

"Mr. Bai Ye, what's wrong with you..."

After that night, Diana's attitude towards Bai Ye was a little different, she looked at him and said with a little dodge.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have completely absorbed the energy and information of the mother box."

Bai Ye looked around at the people around him, then walked to the table in the center of the hall.

Chapter 365

I found the most central seat, sat down, and when Bai Ye checked in, other superheroes also stepped into their seats one after another, looking at the most important Bai Ye with a look of anticipation.

It's just that Bai Ye didn't say anything, but turned his head to ask and said to Batman.

"In Arkham Prison, is there anyone who should be executed..."

Hearing this sentence, Batman was stunned for a moment, and then there were some inexplicable, but he still answered honestly.

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