Following the opening of the Black Death, many superheroes who had been resurrected from the dead under his seat also looked up to the sky.

Chapter 367

As the Black Death and his subordinates raised their heads, this black kingdom standing in the void seemed to have awakened, exuding a rolling terrifying aura.

It's just this kind of breath, but it doesn't have any effect on Dr. Manhattan.

"I didn't expect that when I just came back to this world, in addition to...that guy, I would meet a strong person again."

After feeling the powerful breath of the Black Death, Dr. Manhattan did not flinch, but smiled.

In his original world of watchmen, there were ordinary people, only he was like a god, which made him feel too boring.

Dr. Manhattan did not advance but retreated, and one moment was still there for a second: thousands of miles away, the next second appeared directly above the black kingdom.

"Who are you who dare to invade my territory, are you courting death..."

Just the second after Dr. Manhattan reached the top of the Black Kingdom, the figure of the Black Death appeared in front of him.

At the same time, behind the Black Death, there are endless black monsters, all superheroes who have come back to life.

"Interesting, interesting, if I'm not mistaken, the subordinates behind you are all dead guys, they have no mind and share a brain with you..."

McHatton looked at the monster behind the Black Death, touched his chin, and said with interest.

Seeing Manhattan, he revealed the secret of his subordinates so quickly, the Black Death Emperor looked bad, the scythe on the horse's back was pulled down, and he held it with both hands.

"It seems that my subordinates are going to add another one today... You have the breath of the earth on your body, no wonder, you are the helper found by that boy in Bai Ye."

The Black Death felt the aura in Dr. Manhattan, and immediately... thought of the white night that impressed him before, and he had an aura similar to that of Dr. Manhattan.

It's just that the aura on Dr. Manhattan makes him feel a little weird.

"Wait..., what did you say you said Bai Ye..., could it be that... Supreme Mage Bai Ye!"

Hearing the words of the Black Death, Manhattan immediately.

Open your mouth.

"What's the matter, listen to you, you don't seem to be the helper called by that bastard..."

Hearing the words of the Black Death, he was preparing to fight, but Dr. Manhattan suddenly laughed.

"Bastard is a good name, I think we can be friends...because the enemy of the enemy is his friend."

Hearing Dr. Manhattan's words, the Emperor of the Black Death was stunned for a moment, then immediately came back to his senses, looked at Dr. Manhattan, the two smiled at each other, and said nothing. is already night, darkness falls, and the metropolis is brightly lit.

Superheroes, even Superman, go to Amazon or Atlantis for training.

In the Bruce Wayne Building at the moment, there is only the butler, A Fu, beside him.

"Ah Fu, what time is it?"

Bai Ye stood with his hands behind his back, stood on the huge landing, looked at the metropolis below, and said lightly.

And standing next to him, Ah, with a straight waist, dressed in bright clothes and a meticulous suit, was holding a delicate silver plate with a crystal wine glass on it.

Hearing Bai Ye's question, Ah Fu took out his pocket watch, glanced at it, and then bowed slightly and said respectfully.

"Mr. Bai Ye, it's already 7:0 pm now."

Bai Ye nodded slightly and looked out the window.

"It's almost there, then I'll go first, you can take good care of the house at home."

After saying that, Bai Ye walked towards the huge floor-to-ceiling window. At the same time, at the moment when Bai Ye's body did not touch the floor-to-ceiling window, the space was torn apart, and Bai Ye's body stepped into the crack of the space and appeared in the next second. outside the building.

Bai Ye's body relaxed and let his body fall from the [-]-meter-high Bruce Wayne Building with gravity.

Bai Ye opened his arms slightly, used his body to glide in the air, and flew towards the vast night sky.

But in a small alley, a burly man with a knife was pushing a shivering blonde into a corner.

"Hey, little beauty, hurry up and hand over your wallet. If you cooperate with me, I can make you feel good!"

In front of this delicate-looking blond beauty, this sturdy burly man, his saliva is about to drip.

The blond beauty in front of her was clutching her chest and kept retreating in panic, but was quickly forced to the corner.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and kicked directly behind the blond strong man.

Puff! With the violent crashing against the wall! The head of this strong man was directly smashed into pieces, and his brains overflowed.


The scene in front of her was very bloody, and when the blond woman saw this scene, she immediately covered her hair and screamed.

"Okay, don't yell, I'm not a bad person, I'm here to save you."

Bai Ye looked at the already panicked blonde in front of him, frowned, and then waved his hand lightly, and the voice of the blonde in front of him stopped abruptly.

"Ah ah ah..."

The blonde looked horrified, covered her throat, desperately trying, but couldn't make a sound.

"After I snap my fingers, your voice will naturally recover, but you have to promise me, don't scream, you know..."

Bai Ye said lightly.

A blonde nodded desperately.

Then Bai Ye sounded softly, pointing to the blond girl gasping for breath.

"My God, you actually killed this man..."

The scene in front of me, blonde, couldn't believe it.

"This guy is a criminal on the run. His sins have long been enough to kill him. I just helped him to see God in advance."

After saying that, Bai Ye turned his head away.

Go to the next crime scene like he feels.

Because the superheroes have gone to training these few days, therefore, White Night is called by the other superheroes of the Justice League, please, during their absence, be chivalrous in the Metropolis.

And just after Bai Ye came to this world, he hadn't had a good experience of urban life, so he agreed.

"Wait...don't go hero, I'm afraid..."

Just living in the moment when Bai Ye turned around, the delicate-looking blond followed directly and hugged Bai Ye crying.

"This guy has been killed by me, what are you afraid of..."

Bai Ye frowned and was about to turn his head, only to see the blonde's face distorted with excitement.


Chapter 368 Luther

Seeing Bai Ye turn his head and look unprepared, a blond girl immediately became extremely excited.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a knife from his arms and stabbed a sharp knife into Bai Ye's back.

"Go to hell and avenge my man!!!"

At this moment, the clown seemed to see Bai Ye, who had already pierced her heart, and her delicate face was even more distorted.

It was just the moment when the weapon in the clown girl's hand stabbed into Bai Ye's body, suddenly a huge force came, and then the strong reaction force directly broke the bones in the clown girl's hand.

"Ah, my hand!"

The intense pain suddenly... swept through Harley Quinn's brain, and then, he rolled on the ground and covered his left hand.

"Haven't you heard that this is on the same level as Superman, you think you can kill Superman with a knife..."

Bai Ye glanced at the screaming Harley Quinn on the ground.

Just now, he saw that this blonde girl looked familiar, but he didn't remember it, but when he was about to leave, he remembered that the clown who had been killed by him before had always had a partner, Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn's crazy love for the clown, after the clown was killed by him, it is not unexpected that Harley Quinn will seek revenge for herself.

"Hehe, ordinary knives can't, but nemesis's knives can."

Harley Quinn was on the ground while covering his hand, and looked at Bai Ye with vicious eyes. Hearing Harley Quinn's words, Bai Ye glanced at the knife on the ground, and only then did he realize that the knife was actually used for Made of kryptonite.

"Who gave this to you"

Bai Ye frowned slightly, then with a light move, the knife fell into his hands.

"Do you think the old lady will tell you that it's Luther and give me this knife! It's impossible, you don't want to talk about it from me, hahahaha."

Harley Quinn laughed arrogantly, but Bai Ye had a black line on his face. Although Harley Quinn's combat power was not bad, his IQ was really worrying.

"It turned out to be Lycruther, Superman's nemesis, if it were him, he could indeed get such a weapon..."

Bai Ye nodded, and immediately knew what Lakruther was thinking.

It is estimated that he saw that his strength was comparable to that of Superman, so he thought that he was also a person from Krypton, so he felt that kryptonite also had an effect on him.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye made a move with both hands, and then Harley Quinn, who was constantly rolling on the ground in pain, was suspended in the air and floated towards Bai Ye.

"What are you doing, let me go, let me go!"

Harley Quinn struggled constantly, but inevitably drifted into the white night.

Just when Harley Quinn thought White Night was going to kill him.

Suddenly Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and then touched the broken bone, Harley Quinn only felt a warm current flowing through the fracture, and the pain disappeared immediately.

"My hand doesn't hurt anymore..., you... why are you doing this?"

Harley Quinn raised his head, he did not think that Bai Ye would not kill him, but healed his hand, but when he raised his head, he found that the scriptures in front of him had disappeared.

At this moment, in another... high-rise building in the metropolis, the space portal cracked open, and Bai Ye's figure suddenly appeared... here.

In addition to the figure of Bai Ye, there is a vast hall around, with dense metal walls above the hall, and on the top of the hall hangs the company sign of the visitor Luther.

"It's here..."

Bai Ye followed Lecluse's breath to find here, but did not see Luther.

As soon as Bai Ye's words fell, a mechanical voice sounded, and then, a row of machine guns suddenly protruded from the surrounding walls, there were hundreds of them.

At the same time as the machine gun sounded, there was a burst of flames, armor-piercing bullets, and a cloud of bullets shot towards Bai Ye! Boom! Countless bullets fell on Bai Ye's body, just touching the one meter in front of Bai Ye. At that time, it was blocked by all the runes that flashed out, and not even a little ripple appeared.

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