After a full 5 minutes, the barrels of hundreds of guns were bubbling: hot white smoke, and then slowly retracted into the wall.

"Hehe, if you want to kill me with this, then you really underestimate me..."

Countless dense warheads scattered around Bai Ye, braving: the white smoke almost piled up into a hill.

Seeing the warheads around, you can see at a glance that this is the most advanced armor-piercing projectile of the US military.

It's based on making a full one meter thick steel plate completely transparent! "Papapa, it's amazing, it's really amazing, I didn't expect that such an advanced weapon would not cause any damage to you, but this is just the beginning, enjoy it. , Mr. White Night!"

Suddenly there was a burst of broadcast sound, and at the same time, Luther's voice came from the broadcast accompanied by a burst of applause.

Luther spoke very quickly, and after he finished speaking, only to see the floor that Bai Ye was facing down, and suddenly a big hole opened.

Immediately after the table top of 4 rose, the front floor slowly opened several passages, and inside the passage, bursts of sadness came.

At the same time, the sound of dull footsteps came from the passage.

Boom! The powerful voice is accompanied by unparalleled momentum, and the scarlet eyes are very eye-catching in the dark passage.

In a few minutes, several monsters with a height of seven or eight meters, with strong muscles all over their bodies and with barbs on their arms, came out of the passage.

Every time they took a step, the floor cracked, and every step they took, hot air spewed out.

Their eyes were evil, looking at Bai Ye, showing cruel smiles.

In a secret room of Luther Building, Luther was lying on the boss's chair, looking at the screen in front of him comfortably, while behind it, a graceful secretary was watching quietly with her.

"Boss, these... are elite monsters cultivated with Doomsday genes. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to use it on this guy? Shouldn't we use it on Superman? …”

Facing the secretary's question, Luther just smiled slightly.

"Hehe, who do you think is stronger or weaker than Superman and this guy?"

After hearing Luther's words, the secretary thought for a while, then frowned and said.

"I don't think this question needs to be asked at all. It must be that Superman is stronger, super speed plus super strength, and other such powerful supernatural abilities, he is already a god!"

Hearing the secretary's words, Luther smiled and said disdainfully.

"What are you talking about, like God, you exalt Superman too much"

Chapter 369 Little Destruction Day

Luther gently shook the red wine glass in his hand and said proudly.

"Which god have you seen that would be afraid of such a broken stone?"

Luthor picked it up, and there was a faintly fluorescent kryptonite beside the table.

"As long as you give me a chance, I can kill even Superman here, but I'm really not sure about this guy in front of me."

Luther looked at the white night on the screen, and a rare solemn expression appeared.

It seemed that he felt Luther's gaze, and Bai Ye on the screen turned his head sharply and looked here.

"Master, you said he wouldn't find us..."

The girl next to her shuddered when she saw Bai Ye's eyes, and said with some fear.

"How could it be possible... This place uses super-military-level shielding facilities, as well as a secret room made of materials. Even superman's perspective light can't penetrate here..., you can rest assured. All right."

Although he said that he was at ease, as a woman who knew Luther best, he rarely heard a trace of panic from his master's mouth... The hot girl turned her head and looked at the screen carefully. In the white night of the night, when I realized that I turned my eyes away from them and stopped looking at them, I patted my plump breasts with lingering fears... It should be just a coincidence... At this moment, in the center of the hall, The 4 Little Destruction Suns that came out of the 4 passages seemed to have cooperated for many years. With a shove of both feet, the 4 huge bodies were like cannonballs, rushing towards the white night! "It's good to come!"

As if seeing some interesting toy, Bai Ye smiled slightly, then stood with his hands behind his back.

A little Doomsday in the forefront, grinningly stretched out a sharp claw, mixed with a stench, like lightning, and stabbed towards Bai Ye's face fiercely.

Bai Ye turned sideways slightly, and the sharp claws of the little destroyer suddenly passed by, but, following him, the other 4 monsters came at the same time! "It's great, he can't hide!"

The hot girl looked at the monitor in front of her and jumped up happily. He naturally knew how powerful these 4 monsters were.

Their claws are strong enough to tear the US military's toughest new tank to shreds.

There was a loud bang! Then, three screams sounded! When the claws of the three monsters touched Bai Ye, the rune barrier flashed! The powerful reaction force directly divided the claws of the three 3 monsters. The three monsters hit the wall, and the wall sunk in.

All the scenes only happened in a split second, the hot girl who was still elated, was stunned by fright at this moment.

"I thought it really had the strength of Doomsday, but it seems, it's just a failure."

Bai Ye sneered, took a step, and came to the side of the three 3 monsters.

One of the monsters shook his head, his head was dizzy, and before he could react, Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and the void grabbed the rune magic sword and immediately.

Appeared, followed by a loud bang.

The head of a little Doomsday smashed to the ground and splattered blood on the spot.

At the same time, a powerful aura erupted from Bai Ye's body, and the two hands that had just reacted to Doom Sun, seeing this scene, immediately understood that the human being in front of them was not something they could afford.

At this moment, they stared at Bai Ye, slowly retreating step by step, like a mouse that saw a cat.

"Hehe, weren't you arrogant just now? You want to go now?"

Bai Ye Bai Ye sneered again and stepped out, and at this moment, the two Little Doomsdays, knowing that Bai would not let them go, looked at each other, and then suddenly opened their mouths, at the same time, violent energy gathered on them The blood spurted out of his mouth.

Destruction Light! Destruction Day's ultimate move! Destruction Day at its peak, this ultimate move can almost raze half of the city to the ground, although these two little devils appear, they do not have Doomsday's true strength.

But these two rays of light are sprayed out, and it is enough to turn a high-rise building into powder! Just as they were about to launch, the flick of Feijianmen in Bai Ye’s hand directly inserted into one of the Doomsday’s bloody mouth! With a scream, the head of the Doomsday was split in half.

At the same time, Bai Ye stepped out, the distance of tens of meters was fleeting, and came to another Doomsday, and at this moment, another Doomsday had a grin in his eyes! The hot light had already been launched towards Baiye, and the powerful The power of the light has distorted the surrounding air! It's just that Bai Ye can't dodge or dodge! Swipe out with one hand, followed by a slam! Clap! The light of destruction that can destroy a building is unexpectedly in: Bai Ye slaps the palm of his hand. Go down, just shoot it away! Seeing this scene, another name wants to destroy the sun, and immediately.

Turn around and run, run away! "Give it back to you!"

The purple light in Bai Ye's hand was prosperous, and the power of the power gem wrapped the light of destruction just now, and was reflected again by Bai Ye! The Doom Sun didn't run a few meters before he was directly penetrated by his own light of destruction and fell to the ground.

The body of the Doomsday was split in two, and the wound already emitted a barbecue-like aroma.


The last Doomsday saw the scene in front of him, and was so frightened that all the souls of the dead were trembling, and his limbs trembled.

Without waiting for Bai Ye to speak, he ran to Bai Ye's side like a pug, shook his head, his eyes were flattering, and finally he stuck out his tongue to lick Bai Ye's feet.

Bang kick.

"You can't lick a dog, you know that!"

Bai Ye kicked out a kick, and the Doomsday was kicked out a few hundred meters away, hitting the wall heavily.

He directly broke the sternum of that Doomsday, it was that Doomsday, but he couldn't even raise his anger, and ran to Bai Ye again like a pug.

Only this time, he bowed his head in front of Bai Ye and begged for mercy.


Seeing this scene, Bai Ye frowned slightly.

One Doomsday is faster than the other three. The first one just arrived in front of him, and he can speak some human language. It seems that his intelligence is also developing... "With Doomsday's genes, maybe In the future it can develop into a real day of doom..."

Thinking like this, Bai Ye looked down at the destruction sun in front of him, and then said with a dignified expression.

"You want me to be your master"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the destroyer immediately.

Nodding fiercely, then said intermittently... "... strong... master..."

Immediately afterwards.

He raised his head, rubbed his hands, stuck out his tongue, nodded and bowed to look at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye raised his brows, this day of destruction is still real.


Chapter 370 Constantine

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye nodded and then stretched out his hand.

Immediately, the golden rune lingered in Bai Ye's hand, and then, pressed onto the head of the Doomsday.

Immediately, countless golden runes densely sneaked into the head of that Doomsday.

Immediately after, another Doomsday screamed and rolled all over the ground. However, the screams only lasted for a few seconds, and Doomsday returned to its original appearance. Looking at his body, it was as if he had discovered something novel. Face full of shock... "Master... I am..."

But just as soon as he opened his mouth, this name Doomsday found himself able to speak! "What's going on... Master, what did you do to me?"

Doomsday is still a bit jerky at the beginning, but becomes more fluent as it progresses.

"I use the power of the time gem, combined with the power of the Supreme Mage, to make your growth faster, I ask you where Luther is"

Hearing Bai Ye's answer, Luther and the hot girl on the other side of the screen all looked at each other with surprised eyes.

"Is this magic? It's incredible."

Luther looked at the white night on the screen with a frenzied gaze.

The destruction on the other side of the screen nodded.

"Master is asking the right person, I was bred with Luthor's blood to accompany the elites of Doomsday, so, Luthor's position, I can smell it with my nose, so I'll catch it to Master !"

After finishing speaking, Doomsday set off directly, rushing towards the passage like lightning.

Seeing this scene, Doomsday on the other side of the screen was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat, and immediately followed.

Running to the side of the control room, the one who cracked at a button was... a meal: operation.

DiDi! In the hall, a rapid alarm sounded, and at the same time, the door of the 4th passage rose slowly, trying to put the sun of destruction and the white night light in it.

But Doomsday laughed horribly, and then opened his mouth sharply. The scorching rays of destruction gathered in his mouth and shot out. Before the door of the passage was closed, it directly bombed the door to slag! A passage! "Damn, get my other cannons!"

Following Luther's order, several forts the size of a house were immediately opened in the passage, and inside there were missiles that were 10 meters long and more than two meters thick.

"I can't believe that the Sidewinder missile can't kill you!"

When Luther pressed the button, dozens of missiles exploded directly in the channel, and the intense fire directly enveloped the Doomsday.

However, the shadow of Doomsday quickly broke through, and Doomsday's body was covered with scars, and all the energy in the middle of the three horizontal lines was flowing like magma.

In the end, it quickly recovered to its original state. Therefore, Doomsday's figure was...a little bit taller because of the absorption of these energy! "Hahaha, energy, energy!"

Doomsday ran out, and then the huge body ran wildly, smashing metal walls one after another like lightning! "Master..., Doomsday is running towards us, let's go!"

The hot girl, holding Luther's hand, looked nervous.

Luther was also in a panic at the moment. He originally cooperated with Harley Quinn, and originally wanted to lead Bai Ye to him to test Bai Ye's combat effectiveness, but he didn't expect that, instead of... exhausting all his cards, Bai Ye also returned He killed three of his most proud Doomsdays, and even subdued one! Not only that, but now his original pet will also kill him! Luther panicked and took the elevator directly to the building. On the top floor, I want to escape by helicopter! Just the moment when Luther reached the top floor of the building and the elevator door opened.

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