When he opened the door, he saw Bai Ye's half-smiling face.

"You... when did you come up..."

Luther was shocked, he didn't know that White Night had space gems.

"Hehe, before, I didn't bother with you when I created the Doomsday Resurrection Zod in the Metropolis, because a weak person like you has no value in front of me at all... but you Now you come to provoke me, it's really courting death!"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Luther, the visitor who was in a panic at first, calmed down now, and then Bai Ye said with a sneer.

"Hehe, Mr. Bai Ye, I know you are very powerful, so I want to test your ability, and I don't mean to kill you. I am very rich, and I can get you anything you want!"

Luthor opened his hands in a friendly manner.

Only Bai Ye sneered.

"Hehe, I know you are rich, you are the richest man in the metropolis, even Batman is not as rich as you, but do you think you can buy me with money?"

Bai Ye smiled, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and then walked slowly towards Luther.

"Mr. Bai Ye, let me ask you one last question, do you really want to kill me?"

Seeing Bai Ye walking towards him, Luther didn't have the slightest panic in his eyes, but said with a smile.

"what do you say"

"Hehe, Mr. Bai Ye, do you think Doomsday is my last trump card... Constantine, what are you waiting for, who will pay you when I die!"

Seeing Bai Ye getting closer and closer to him, the colorless cold sweat finally subsided, no longer... unable to maintain the previous smile, he shouted fiercely to the side.

As soon as Luther's voice fell, a lazy voice suddenly came from the side.

"I know, I know, when I finish this glass of wine..."

In the shadows beside him, a man who smelled of alcohol walked out drunk with a bottle of wine.

This is a tall and handsome man, but his face is full of stubble and a bit decadent. He is the famous Constantine in the world! With the appearance of Constantine, Bai Ye stopped and turned his head. Looking at this man with magical power with interest.


As if he didn't hear Bai Ye's question, Constantine supported the wall next to him, lifted the bottle leisurely, took a sip of wine, and then looked at Bai Ye with a slack look.

"Yeah, I'm Constantine... What's the matter? Are you my fan? But even if you're my fan, I'll beat you. After all, I took this guy's money."

Standing pointed to Luther and said.

"Really, but I'm afraid that you have no life to spend after receiving the money."

Bai Ye squinted his eyes at Constantine, and an invisible breath burst out.

Chapter 371 Hell

The powerful momentum burst out, and it immediately blew Konstantin's hair and clothes into a chill.

"Damn it, Luther, this guy you provoked is really incredible, I have to pay more!"

Constantine's eyes widened immediately, and then he shouted upstairs, and while shouting, he quickly retreated to the shadow of the corner.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Bai Ye sneered, and then stepped out with one foot, shrinking into an inch, and appeared behind Constantine in an instant.

At this moment, Constantine, as soon as he turned his head, collided with Bai Ye in front of him, and suddenly it was as if he had collided with a... steel wall, and he fell into a dog and ate shit.

"Damn, is your chest made of steel? It hurts me..."

Constantine was bruised and bruised, wiping the nosebleed from his face while looking at the white night.

"However, things went more smoothly than I thought. I didn't expect you to actually step into this place..."

After saying that, Constantine smiled and threw the powder in his hand on the ground. Suddenly, with a burst of light, at the feet of Constantine and Bai Ye, a large array of 6-pointed stars with a diameter of dozens of meters. Suddenly it rang.

Immediately afterwards, a quaint and vast atmosphere filled the entire formation.

"Dear Mr. White Night, welcome to hell..."

Konstantin smiled and bowed, doing a gentleman's manner, if his face wasn't so bruised, it would still be quite handsome with his appearance... "Hell"

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and grasped it in the void, and the rune magic sword appeared in his hand. He wanted to split the magic circle, but after hearing Constantine's words, Bai Ye frowned slightly. Then, with a slight shake of his hand, the rune magic sword in his hand suddenly Disappear.

Immediately after that, the hexagram's magic circle shone brightly, and for a while, after the first turn of the sky, Constantine and Bai Ye were directly teleported out of Luther's building.

"Master..., are they gone?"

The hot girl shivered while holding Luther's arm, said tremblingly.

"It should be..., it's not wrong to prepare the trump card of Constantine..., it scared me to death"

Luther looked at the magic circle that had been scorched by the 6-pointed star in front of him, the floor was burnt clean, and wiped the cold sweat from his body.

Boom... But the sound of violent footsteps behind him made Luther's heart hang again... "Doom... Damn, why did we forget about this monster?" Hurry up..."

Luther looked back, and suddenly found that the wall behind him trembled slightly, he raised the monitoring watch in his hand, and immediately saw the moving walls in the building, all of which were smashed by the destroyed body, and were galloping towards this side. .

Luthor and hot girls immediately.

Take a step and run towards the helipad on the roof, where the most advanced Apache helicopters lie flat.

So at the moment when Luther and the hot girl just stepped on the Apache helicopter, there was a loud bang, and the big iron gate on the roof was directly smashed open, and the huge body of Doomsday appeared in the in front of their eyes.

"Luther..., grab Luther and dedicate it to the master..."

The sun of destruction in front of him has grown to a height of more than 10 meters, and his body is covered with bone spurs. The blood basin is wide open, and the mouth is full of saliva, which drips on the ground, and suddenly exudes acid. Rotten odor.

"Fire the cannon, fire the cannon, buy us time!"

The pilot of the Apache helicopter immediately pressed the gun trigger in his hand.

A full 78 missiles suddenly poured out towards the Doomsday. This was the first time the pilot saw such a monster, and he was so frightened that he directly poured all the missiles on the helicopter.

Out! Bang bang bang! Several loud noises exploded on the roof, directly smashing the concrete on the roof, and dust was scattered everywhere. At the same time, the entire body of the Luther Building was shaking violently. The glass curtain wall, the glass curtain wall flew everywhere, and suddenly smashed into the crowd below, causing the crowd to scream! And after the smoke dissipated, the body of destruction actually rushed out of the smoke, with 4 holes all over the body, but these ............The hole is slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it has become the fuel for the destruction of the sun! There are bone spurs 78 meters long in the hands of the destruction, and they are pierced fiercely. The interior of the Apache helicopter was like a scalded tofu, and the Apache helicopter was suddenly broken in the middle.

At the same time, Luther and the hot girl fell directly from the downstairs without any accident! Under the screams of the two, just as they were about to fall to the bottom of the building, Doomsday reached out and grabbed the two of them. The Apache helicopter jumped violently and immediately returned to the Luther's building.

And that Apache helicopter was kicked straight away, went a few hundred meters, fell heavily to the ground, and then exploded! "...Master..., Doomsday caught it, hey, where's my master? …”

Doomsday looked at Luther, who had been frightened into a coma in his hands, and the hot girl, who was about to ask Bai Ye for credit, but her head shook from side to side, and she did not see Bai Ye's figure.

In the end, I could only stay dumbfounded, standing on the roof of the Lusher Building, not knowing what to do.

And at this moment, in the space above another dimension away from the earth.

In this space, there are mountains that are several thousand meters high, and lava fields as vast as the ocean! At the same time, this place is full of blood and strange appearances. The monster! Even the sky is blood red! This is what the earth calls hell! This is a forbidden place for mortals, even the angels of heaven, some low-level angels, dare not set foot here! Except... .... There are no other creatures here except the devil, but today, suddenly two figures flashed into this demon's carnival! With the appearance of the six-pointed star formation, two figures flashed into a town in this hell. , at the same time, immediately after one of the figures appeared here.

They ran away, while the other figure stood there dumbfounded, as if they were frightened.

"Is this hell? It doesn't seem to be any different from the hell in the Marvel world..."

Bai Ye stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the surrounding environment, not like a human being who came to hell, but like watching it in the back garden of his own home.

At this moment, with the appearance of Bai Ye and Constantine, the demons of the surrounding hell all gathered towards them.

Curious at first, and then after discovering that Bai Ye and Constantine were human, they immediately showed their coveted eyes.


Chapter 372 The Ruler of Hell

Then one by one, they all ran towards here at a faster speed.

"Hahaha, who am I supposed to be, it's Constantine, what are you trying to do in hell this time?"

Among the many monsters in hell, one of them was a chubby, three-headed monster with a height of more than 10 meters, who walked towards Constantine with a laugh.

Constantine is a detective in hell. He has been to hell many times. Although it is said that there are many demons in hell who want to kill him, there are also many demons who have a good relationship with Constantine.

The demon in front of him is one of them.

"Haha, I brought you a fresh human this time, and I shared it with you. You can enjoy it first, and I have to leave beforehand!"

After saying that, Constantine ran away, and then... turned into a small alley.

And after hearing Constantine's words, the mountain top demon and the other demons turned their heads and looked at the white night in the hexagram circle.

When I saw Bai Ye's thin skin and tender flesh, and when he exuded a strong fragrance.

Immediately... a large amount of saliva flowed out.

"Haha, that guy Constantine, come as soon as you come, what gifts are you bringing..., but this human being is a little too young, it's not enough for us to share!"

While complaining, the three-headed demon walked towards Bai Ye with a smile on their faces.

Before the three-headed demons took their steps, the other hundreds of medium-sized demons with a height of 56 meters had already taken steps and rushed towards Bai Ye.

These... Demons, although there are only a few hundred, are huge in size, but when they gather together, they are surging like a tide.

These... Demons have different shapes, some are like insects, some are like a combination of several animals, some are like big birds, all of them are drooling After all, the size of Bai Ye is not enough to put them between their teeth! Whoever grabs it first is who! They don't even realize who is the hunter and who is the prey! "Oh, so this is hell, it seems A hell of a Marvel universe is no different? Wherever it is, the demons are so stupid and greedy!"

I didn't look at the world around me, and I made some disdainful remarks about my previous location in the Marvel world.

"Haha, what an arrogant boy, dare to say that we are stupid and greedy! Wait for you to say this in my mouth!"

"Don't rob me, he is mine, and I haven't eaten human flesh for several days!"

"Go away, this kid is my kid, hurry up and run over, I'll eat you in one bite, so you don't have the slightest pain!"

These... Demons are like crazy, but when they are 50 meters away from Bai Ye's body.

I saw Bai Ye smile slightly, and then his fist, a burst of purple light burst out from Bai Ye's fist.

Then, tens of millions of lightning bolts were formed, and the lightning was like a finger, but it instantly spread over a distance of 50 meters in the white night.

Crackle! It seems like the day has passed by in a flash! Under such purple light, the surrounding monsters and demons are like puppets whose switches have been pressed, and they stand still! "Why don't you stand in front of Lao Tzu!"

Seeing that the hundreds of demons in front were motionless, and the three-headed demons were panting behind them, their chubby body suddenly knocked away a demon in front of them.

But when these three demons collided, the other demon turned into powder.

"What's the matter with me!"

The three-headed demon was startled. The one he hit was his neighbor. Although he wasn't as strong as him, he wasn't so weak that it turned into powder when he was touched! However, he didn't wait for this mountain. The demon thought about what was going on, and saw that hundreds of demons around him suddenly collapsed in unison, turned into powder, and floated in the air.

In an instant, the whole scene was deadly silent, and the three-headed demon was directly frightened... "This... what's going on here, what's wrong with all of you, don't scare me... .."

In front of the scene in hell, it also became unbelievable.

The three-headed demon looked at the scene in front of him, and a long-lost feeling emerged in his heart... That feeling is fear! "It seems to be a group of low-level demons, and they can't even withstand the blow of the power gem. …”

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