Although it is said that the present are all high-level demon-level powerhouses, but all of them know Constantine.

"Why do you look down on me? After all, I have saved the world, okay?"

Constantine rolled his eyes, and then... took out a cigarette from his pocket, and took a deep breath on it leisurely.

"You dare to show up, it seems that you are ready to die."

Without waiting for Lilith and the other high-ranking demons to say anything, Bai Ye's mouth flashed behind Constantine.

"Damn it, this eldest brother, don't get excited, don't get excited!"

In the song "White Night", Constantine jumped for a long distance in fright, and then a wall of fire rose between Constantine and White Night.

"Tips for carving insects."

Bai Ye snorted coldly, stepped out, an invisible energy burst out, and the wall of fire was immediately crushed and disappeared.

Constantine was taken aback by this scene, and hurriedly said to Lilith.

"You're going to stop him, no, no matter what...


It seemed that Constantine and Lilith were also very familiar with each other, and then Lilith sighed and stood between Bai Ye and Constantine.

"This gentleman, although I don't know who you are and what kind of grudges you have with Constantine, but the battle is imminent. Constantine is a foreign aid who has successively photographed others. I don't want you to hurt her..."

Lilith Baiye smiled when she saw Lilith standing in front of her.

"Are you sure you want to be my enemy because of this guy?"

Bai Ye smiled, and the momentum from his body continued to exude, becoming stronger and stronger.

Feeling the momentum on Bai Ye's body, Lilith's brows became tighter and more dignified.

Because he felt that the guy in front of him was very powerful and was under him! "Don't be afraid, Lord Lilith, we will help you!"

After the dozen high-ranking demons finished speaking, they turned directly to Lilith's side.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, at this moment, Constantine immediately.

speak up.

"Wait, let's not fight, is there anything you can't talk about."

Constantine ran to the middle, then turned his head to look at Bai Ye and said.

"Luther's deal with me is only to prevent you from killing him, and now I have taken you to hell, so my contract with him has expired, so I have no conflict with you..."

Just after hearing this sentence, Bai Ye sneered.

"You said that there is no conflict without conflict? I live well on earth, but you suddenly brought me to hell for no reason. Do you think I will let you go..."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Tan Ding seemed to want to understand, and then he touched the back of his head with a shy smile.

"There's a reason for this... You know, even though I'm a superhero, I also want to eat right? I can't do anything but... magic, I can only accept this kind of bounty quest..."

However, Konstantin's words did not shake Bai Ye in the slightest.

"Are you going to offend me because of a mortal?"

Bai Ye turned his head and looked at Lily as them, with a cold expression, while Lilith only frowned when she heard Bai Ye's words.

The other dozen high-ranking demons were also looking at Lilith. The strength of Bai Ye in front of him was undoubtedly very strong, and he might even have reached the level of the Great Demon King. Now he is... fighting with Xila.

Originally, the chances of winning against the Slaughter Angel were not high, but now in the venue of Ping Tian Bai Ye, their chances of winning are almost...very small.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and at this moment, Constantine came out and said to Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye, look at it like this, I know you recently formed a Justice League, if you can let me go, I can introduce a few powerful people to join the Justice League! For example, the name of Dr. Destiny you have you heard of it"

Doctor Fate! Hearing this name, Bai Ye frowned, and at the same time, Lilith and the others also looked at Constantine.

"You even know Doctor Fate!"

Dr. Destiny lives in a different dimension, not only in heaven, but also in hell for a period of time. Although the main place of life is still in the human world, his ability is strong, and he is heard in the three worlds! If Constantine If you don't even know fate, then it's no wonder that Lord Lucifer sent him to help here.

But Bai Ye shook his head gently.

"not enough...."

This was unexpected to Constantine, the confident look on her face suddenly became: embarrassed.

"Hungry..., what if you add the Celestial Superman Kong Kenan..."

"It's still not enough."

"This..., then I really don't have it..."

"No, if not, let's settle the account between us..."

Bai Ye rubbed his fists and walked towards Constantine.

"If you have something to say, say it well in a conversation, then add another Eagleman, it's really gone, not a drop..."

"It's a good deal. If you can't convince them to go, then you can apologize yourself."

Hearing Bai Ye let him go, Constantine finally exhaled a long breath and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

And Lilith and the others were secretly relieved, if they could, they really didn't want to fight Bai Ye.

"It's not too late, from the sound of footsteps just now, Xila's army must be here soon."

Lilith spread out, her wings on her back, and soared into the sky, and more than a dozen other high-ranking demons also followed Lilith and rose into the air.

Only at this time, a violent shock wave suddenly burst into the sky!

Chapter 377

At the same time, the manpower on Bai Ye's side has already been assembled, and Bai Ye didn't think about it any more... In his opinion, this is nothing more than a battle, and he doesn't need it at all... .Worrying too much about this! As long as you rely on your own excellent skills to operate the things in front of you, then everything will be very simple! Everyone is just a foil for him, dealing with these... ......As a real demon, Bai Ye has already made another plan... These guys are just playing tricks in front of them, and they look extremely powerful.

But if they were really asked to do something, maybe they weren't as good as themselves. After thinking about this, Bai couldn't help but snorted coldly.

At the same time, he also looked at these guys with moving limbs, and he was quite helpless in his heart... But no matter...

How, everything now has reached such a state, and they all have to take this opportunity to show their most powerful strength.

At this time, Bai Yi also gathered everyone together again, and at the same time began to communicate with them according to what he had envisaged in his heart.

"Since all of you are here, I won't save any more things and ideas..."

"Maybe the next battle is very life-and-death. Another world has long been eyeing, and they have been trying to use various methods to completely kill us!"

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, the gods also made an appearance of listening carefully! For them, what Bai Ye said now is... If the imperial decree can be done seriously, they should be carefully Listen to him go on! "We have to give our all, no matter what...  

What will happen in the future, I just hope that you can all be on my side, this is the collision of two worlds!"

"It's a tit-for-tat confrontation between the two forces. I think you should all understand what I mean by now, right? It's not too late to do good things. Get everyone ready, and I'm going to start!"

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, he quickly showed his breath, and reopened a huge portal in this place! It also made people feel a little excited.

He completely transmits these powers away! With the support of this portal, they only need to step on the portal step by step and directly teleport to another world... Then everything will be there At the end, what awaits them will be a very grand battle.

At the same time, these guys also showed a very excited look.

It's as if they had never experienced such a thing before! Bai Ye also knew that this operation would definitely die, but he didn't care too much, anyway... those angels are protected by the main messenger behind them, even if they The animal can also be completely resurrected in an instant! Constantine on the side was full of a particularly relieved look after seeing this series of things.

He didn't know what method to use to describe his current inner feelings, but he also understood... This kind of thing is not sure that he can do it completely, or it would be better to follow Bai Yi closely. it is good.

Bai Ye led Constantine through the gate of this Yuan, followed by an unknown world where the wind whistled and exuded all kinds of evil aura.

Constantine has been fortunate enough to have been to hell three times, but the scene in this place is crazier than he imagined, and it is not just as simple as hell! "Bai Ye, this place is really daunting, I don't know. Why, but I think there may be some more powerful creatures that will appear in front of us..."

"At that time, we may pay a higher price for this, you can be sure, all this is within your control!"

After Constantine finished speaking, he quickly took out his metal equipment from his waist and assembled it quietly. Bai Ye naturally understood... This kid must have seen such a big shock. , still felt a little scared, otherwise he wouldn't have such an expression, and at the same time those angels had already fought with the monsters in this area! Knowing what Bai Ye had vaguely discovered at this time, he felt He seems to have teleported to a wrong place, but facing an unknown enemy, he has no way to stop now! He can only fight back. I have to say that these angels are indeed very powerful in combat. They were completely wiped out by the light they radiated almost instantly.

And Bai Ye has not even started, these guys have completely died here! Now Bai Ye, it seems that everything has become easier... As long as you can set your heart, let These angels deal with the problem, then it won't take long before everything will become very easy! At this time, the crazy breath can be seen by his side, and he feels unprecedented pressure in the middle of the night. At this time, Constance Ding also made a very strange expression.

It was something he had never seen before.

Constantine looked at the breath floating in front of him, and not only did he have a look of fear in his heart, he turned his head and looked at Bai Ye... "Bai Ye... It seems that all of this is beyond my weapons. The range that can be controlled, have you seen the sacred weapon I just formed: it completely lost its power in an instant..."

"It seems that this is a higher dimension. I am afraid that it is very likely that my life will be completely buried here. If it is convenient, can you give me emotional help to make me stronger for this? This is The only thing I need now!"

After Bai Ye heard these words, his face became a little helpless, but at this moment, a very loud voice, which was beyond his expectations, rang in front of him! "I didn't expect it.. .There is still divine breath and mortal strength here...I don't know if your strength is as strong as I thought!"

"However, I can tell you responsibly that in front of me, what you are doing is completely... seeking your own death, anyway... you are also delivered to your door!"

"Then why don't I, Mephitos, have no reason to? Come on, I'll let you all feel what it's like to be home!"


Chapter 378 Meeting an old friend again

After hearing these words, Mephitos Bai Ye also showed a hint of disbelief on his face....... The look of disbelief is impossible! This guy is talking about himself. There has been a little intersection............, but he will not suddenly appear at this time! Go against yourself, is it possible that this kid has become someone's now? A puppet or a minion, not this guy, it is more likely to be the real murderer hiding behind! At the same time, Bai Ye also forcibly absorbed those powers into his body, and gave it to every angel and every person who came to this place. His own added a layer of defensive stance! After he focused on protecting Constantine, he flew directly towards the source of the voice, followed by the pair of angels, and the sight of Bai Ye made him unforgettable for the rest of his life. At first, he thought that the red object in the distance was a big mountain, but he didn't expect to find out that it was a huge person after leaving the country! An angel felt a little pressure, and some angels couldn't even bear it at all... With such a strong force, they simply fell directly, and Bai Ye also knew that once they fell to the ground, the possibility that was waiting for them was. .. is dead, but it doesn't matter, he stared coldly at the guy in front of him! "Mephitos, we have never had any communication between the two of us, and I came to this place just for the sake of Find the guys... who were just pretending to be in front of me before..."

"As a result, you are using such tricks on me now. I think you don't know how to spell the words death and pain at all, right?"

"If you don't know, don't worry, I'll let you understand, but the premise is that if you want to go back now, you can leave this place instantly, I won't do anything!"

Bai Ye's remarks can also be regarded as very domineering, but in Mephitos' view, this kind of remark seems to be hitting his face! Could it be that they all shook their heads helplessly, and their expressions became more He won't leave this place so casually when it becomes evil. After all, this is his bottom field... At the same time, it has also become more evil, and the lack of qi completely tore those angels into pieces, which is simply It's too crazy, these... All the high-level angels just dissipated here like this, and Bai Ye didn't even think of it! "What kind of skill is it to use my little brother to operate? You rubbish!"

Bai Ye was already prepared, and quickly took out a paper suit from his waist and ignited it, followed by an incomparably powerful divine aura that erupted in this area.

Those angels had already fallen to the ground, but in an instant their power returned to their bodies again, and they became more tenacious! This made Mephitos feel a humiliation! He never thought, You can actually change all of this in front of him! I haven't communicated with Bai Ye for a long time... He already feels the true power. If this kind of thing continues, then it is impossible for him to be in front of Bai Ye. After winning any victory, after thinking of this, Mephitos's face is also a little more crazy! "Bai Ye, I don't know what you are thinking now, but I can tell you responsibly, all this is I'm behind the scenes! I can tell you responsibly..."

"High-level demons like me operate their...low-level guys like a duck to water. If you say that, you should now understand what kind of role I am!"

"Or what kind of existence is it? I just never thought that your sudden appearance would disrupt all my plans. This is simply a very bad thing for me..."

"You tell me what method should be used to let you leave this place directly, there is no need for us to... conflict, go back to your world!"

When Bai Ye was helpless and easy to use, since Mephitos just cast spells in an instant and completely killed his people... At this time, he told him to leave this place quickly, and there was no connection between the two sides, After thinking of this, Bai Ye suddenly felt that this guy was... deliberately playing tricks on him.

Otherwise, how could things be like this, he wouldn't say anything about it! Or wait for something, and at the same time, he snorted coldly in the middle of the night, and his face darkened! "This guy ...It's really interesting, it's just a matter of time, right? Well, Mephitos, let's see who is more powerful between the two of us, you say you are a demon of a high space dimension!"

"Look, I don't believe it. You have played against me now. If you are really strong, then I won't say anything, but if you are in my hands..."

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, he simply moved his body gently! At the same time, Mephitos also realized what the rapid shrinking, and finally became as big as Bai Ye! The two sides collided with each other , the pure white light and his new red aura burst out together beyond the imagination of human beings or gods... special energy fluctuations... these angels can't help but spit out blood, so they have He used all his strength to protect himself, but such a shock wave also caused them a lot of damage! Bai Ye raised his fist and smashed it on Mephitos' face, and Mephitos was not to be outdone. Simultaneously waved its fist... and summoned dozens of ghost knights again to make it difficult for him to turn his eyes.

Seeing this, the other angels also joined the battle, fighting against these... Ghost Riders, it may not be a big deal for these angels! But if they are allowed to fight with... If Mephitos fights, then all this is too difficult, and there may be no way to win this victory with their strength.

At this time, Bai Ye had already hit Mephitos with tens of thousands of punches in the sapling, but Mephitos had no turbulence at all! On the contrary, his meaning was... that kind of... very tough The expression on his face, as if he had gritted his teeth and wanted to continue the fight with Bai Ye! Sometimes Bai Ye took the opportunity to knock Mephitos to the ground! Mephitos was shot on the ground like a cannonball, making a violent explosion. , Hell also trembled with it... This time, Bai Ye was not merciful and waved his arms quickly!

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