Chapter 379

Hundreds of light balls flew out from behind, and flew directly towards the place where Mephitos fell to the ground, crawling on the ground, causing a violent explosion! The fierce competition between the two sides really made other angels Looking at all these things, they originally thought that they could help Bai Ye to take the opportunity to deal with Mephitos! But now they have discovered the power of Mephitos, and it is not them at all... ......What ordinary angels can resist...All of them also showed a trace of fear on their faces, and they all stepped back! At this time, Bai Ye was the one With a forward-looking appearance, he rushed forward quickly and completely pulled out Mephitos who had hit the ground. At the same time, Bai Ye's face was also full of joy.

"Alas, this is the mighty Lord of Hell, Mephitos, alas, it seems that all your demons have the biggest common problem, that is... as long as they leave the demon world!"

"Then your power will become smaller as time goes by. I should be right in saying that, but it's a pity you, if possible..."

"I even want to make you my subordinate, alas, but your thinking is not something anyone can control. Mephitos, can I give you some advice?"

"If you really want to live, then we will take this opportunity to fully apologize to me, and there will be no more conflicts between us about this!"

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, he hoped that Mephitos could understand his good intentions, but Mephitos still had that firm gaze, he turned his head and stared at the white eyes coldly! So saying He was so powerful that he was called the king of hell, but he was so vulnerable under Bai Ye's subordinates. Get up! "Let me tell the truth, okay? Your skill is nothing more than causing me some skin trauma. I'll treat all of your massages for me!"

"To be honest, there are some things that make me feel quite lonely in hell. After all, no one massages and beats my back. It's really uncomfortable. If you have one, just continue..."

"I want to see what other methods you can use to torture me. There is no power in this world that can cause me harm!"

"Even if it is a divine breath, look at the pitiful appearance of those angels! Haha!"

Bai Ye is really helpless, Mephitos is dying, and he is still so stubborn, so good, he also took this opportunity to come up with new tricks he developed to hit this guy! Let him experience it for this. Look at the power of all the angels, including the damage caused to him by the combined power! At the same time, Bai Ye threw Mephitos into the air, and his own energy completely bound him in a space of less than five square meters! The gathering of angels was directly suppressed... Mephitos burst into a frenzied roar, and the damage to his body by this power had indeed reached a very unimaginable state.

Mephitos was completely cowardly this time. He never thought that Bai Ye would be able to use such a fierce means to cause such a painful attack on him! At this time, Bai Ye's face was also more proud of this. Yang Yang's expression, he knows that this guy has been completely smashed to the ground by himself! Even if he tortures him again, I am afraid that he will not be able to make any changes for this. Thinking of this After that, there was a little helplessness on Bai Ye's face... He didn't know what method he should use to continue to tell what he should do, at least he has done what he should do now "How about Mephitos? Is this feeling very interesting to you? Actually, I have been thinking about something before..."

"Should I show you something that others can't understand in other ways, alas!"

"This feeling and this kind of thing are so familiar. Now I will use the most powerful method to bring you directly into my hands. You can understand..."

"It's very likely that you will be completely wiped out for this, but I'm.... You can also see the despair in your heart from your face, you are ready. "

After Bai Ye said such words, he directly twisted his power into a small ball, trying to keep it out of Mephitos' mouth.

Even if Mephitos was stubborn at this time, he probably wouldn't dare to say anything more in front of the White Emperor, and there were still various hexagram formations in the hands of the angels.

As long as they display such a formation at the same time, they can squeeze Mephitos directly and thoroughly! After all, Mephitos knelt down and stared coldly at Bai Ye with special eyes. I hope Bai Ye can be merciful, there is a kind of helplessness on his face.

These.... crazy looks, the things he wants to take this opportunity to change may never change... But Bai Ye and others must still be looking for something in this hell , instead of... saying that I'm trying to be brave, wouldn't it be better to explain to him the reason for all this? "Bai Ye, I admit it, no matter what...

What kind of way do you torture me, I'm all at ease now, I'll tell you..."

"The hell riot we planned this time has been fully implemented, and the reason why we and Fitos will play in person is also very simple, as long as we can teach you to completely subdue!"

Or resist those who... come here to trouble me, then all things will cease to exist! Originally I have imagined countless scenes, those angels were all killed by me Kill them, and some of the cowardly angels will become my subordinates completely! Bai Ye sighed helplessly after hearing his words! It turns out that what this guy Mephitos thinks is also very simple. Time he couldn't help showing a very happy expression, and continued to listen to what Mephitos said.

But I didn't think about it but ignored you, this feeling is very uncomfortable for me, but it's over, I really have no way to make other changes! "Hehe, Mephitos, you have the same boy today I am so sad about it, tell me the truth!"


Chapter 380 A little hypocritical

Now Mephitos is really scared. No matter how arrogant he was before, he has never been cleaned up in this way! He looks at the serious face now, and Bai Ye is also emotional in his heart. He quickly lowered his proud head.

In front of Bai Ye, he pretended to be very innocent. He knew that if he was soft now, he might still be able to live... But if he was still as tyrannical as before, I'm afraid except... There's no better answer than death! "Humph, Bai Ye! I do everything alone! If I lose, I lose... I hope you can give me a chance, okay? At least don't use that again. One way to treat me!"

"I think some things shouldn't be like that, and I can see now how you are thinking about this series of things in your heart..."

"There's no need for either of us to make this: it's very hard to do! Okay, I'll surrender to you on behalf of the forces of hell!! What do you think?"

"From now on, I will never pretend to be extremely powerful in front of you, and I will never show that kind of... indomitable appearance!"

This time Mephitos is really serious, but unfortunately Bai Ye didn't want to let him go like this! Left and right: Looking around, he also saw those angels, the power these days. It is falling slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye in Bai Ye! Bai Ye's big hand wave left a little space for Mephitos to ease, and at the same time stared at him coldly, because Bai also knew that this kid knew a lot of things. .

There's no slap him to death with a slap, now it's more important to get some useful words out of his mouth, which is even more crucial for Bai Yan.

After all, he also has some doubts about the world he is in now, but there is no way to investigate all these things in a short time, which may be the worst thing for Bai Ye.

"No other meaning, Mephitos, can you explain to me what kind of area this is?"

"You should know this place better than anyone... don't make it hard for me, my brothers are watching me too!"

"If you have to experience what it means to be tough in front of me, then you can rest assured that I will definitely put you to death. At that time, you may really have no chance. Have you thought about it?"

Bai Ye's words are simply...the most brutal and violent, after he just finished saying such everything seems to be even more terrifying. The guy in the dick is even more afraid... Bai Ye's way of talking, this is simply... a very big blow! Mephitos is also very entangled in his heart, if he said something at this time. These so-called truths, then hell will definitely not forgive him.

So he can be called the king of this world, but behind him there are many extremely powerful guys... so that Mephitos, who is comparable to him, is also very embarrassed, but in the end he I can see it clearly. If I don't say anything about the things in front of me, I will die... If I said it... I might have a chance to live, so why go there for those so-called evil people? Why don't you work hard and tell Bai Ye everything you know Tell you something responsibly..."

"This world is definitely not something you can control casually. Now this place still belongs to some other people. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Those people are from another parallel universe. After I thought about it, I suddenly felt a little sad about it. People who know this kind of secret are often very miserable!"

After Mephitos said these words and expressions, he became even more evil. At the same time, he looked around coldly, and there was naturally some madness in his heart that ordinary people could not imagine.

However, in Bai Ye's eyes, it was only the last words of a demon, and he did not intend to leave any more power to... Mephitos.

On the contrary! He inhaled part of the breath of Mephitos's body into his body at the fastest speed. When the angels saw this scene, their expressions became: super surprised! The angels never thought of it , the white night in front of you can actually do such a thing, but this is reasonable.

After all, Bai Ye covers the sky with one hand, not to mention dozens of worlds, and can absorb all kinds of power and completely convert it into a part of his body. From the side, this is enough to prove how powerful his strength is.

How could these angels be able to manage the white night? After all, they all bowed their heads in shame... At this time, Constantine stepped forward with a cigarette in his mouth and took out intelligence from his waist. With his mobile phone, he took dozens of photos of the guy in front of him.

His expression became more casual, but Bai Ye snatched his mobile phone and burned it to ashes.

"Friend, what are you doing? It's the phone I just bought. You completely destroyed it in this way. It really makes me a little uncomfortable..."

"But I want to explain the matter in front of you, you have to accompany me when he goes out, otherwise I will come to your door every day to look for you, and when the trouble comes, don't say anything to me, brother. nonexistent!"

After hearing these words, Bai Ye couldn't help turning his head to look at Constantine, who was not very sensible. He couldn't help but feel a little helpless in his heart! "It seems that you don't understand at all... the devil is through What kind of way to make yourself stronger, I know you are a professional exorcist, but don't forget that these things are hardly worth mentioning for... demons!"

"The camera is a replica of power for...most demons, which is why these...demons are so powerful!"

"Although I have completely absorbed their power now, it is precisely because of the photo you took just now that some of Mephitos' power has been preserved..."

"It won't take long for Mephitos to extract his power from the photo. By then, you will be in trouble. Do I need to tell me more about this?"

Chapter 381 Tyrannical Hulk

"I thought you should be a sensible person, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. You disappointed me so much!"

Constantine didn't directly confront Bai Ye to communicate anything. He felt that what Bai Ye said was reasonable, and at the same time, he stopped talking... And at this time, he has been watching everything coldly by the side. Mephitos, after all, also showed a very honest look.

He felt that Bai Ye had nothing to do now, so should he be able to let him go? At the same time, he also naively asked such a question! "Anyway... you already know that all this is true. Let me go, okay? I don't want to be stuck here forever, it's definitely not a good thing for me..."

"You can also understand the despair in my heart... After all, there are still many things that I need to deal with in the first place. If you continue like this..."

"Then I think all these things will have nothing to do with me. Once I can't control those... evil guys, they will directly come to trouble you!"

What Bai Ye has always hated the most is... the threat of others. Since Mephitos can say such words in front of him, it can also prove from the side that this kid has some weird ideas in his heart.

Bai Ye snorted, and at the same time let other angels come up to Mephitos, adding a few layers of crazy defensive stance. Although this defensive stance will not cause any damage to Mephitos... But it is exposed as a demon. Under the sacred aura, if he can still be indifferent, it really shows that this demon is indeed powerful.

At this time, Mephitos couldn't bear the torture of Bai Ye after all, and the whole person howled wildly, and his face became very embarrassed.

At this time, Bai Ye made an indifferent appearance, staring coldly at the guy in front of him. In fact, he was full of emotion in his heart.

"How about my friend...Is it very hopeless to be imprisoned in such a way? Before this, I tried my best to communicate with you a lot..."

"I want you to understand what I'm thinking about in my heart, but unfortunately you don't have any sincerity to communicate with me carefully..."

"After I didn't completely control it in such a way, you are now starting to glib in front of me, always avoiding the questions I want to ask you over and over again. Don't you think that you are really betraying you by doing so. your own personal life?"

Bai Ye's words can be regarded as hitting the heart of Mephitos directly. After thinking about it for a long time, Mephitos really realized that what he did just now was really worth it. At the same time, he raised his head and looked resentfully. Of course, Bai Ye , if you feel that it doesn't matter, then continue to let this divine power cause fiery damage to you! Bai Ye is indeed arguing with this guy, otherwise why would he torture him back and forth in such a crazy way This kid... At this time, Mephitos was howling in pain after all. He really accepted it this time. He never thought that one day he would be ravaged back and forth in this way.

"I said I will tell you everything I know. To put it in a nasty way, this is just a hell incident with a parallel Rubik's Cube..."

"You guys have all fallen into this parallel hell. We've been preparing you a very beautiful meal."

After Mephitos finished saying such words, his expression became quite evil, and this really made Bai Ye feel that something was wrong. At the same time, he stared at this guy coldly! He also knew that this kid would definitely be in the next Second, he said some other more evil words to himself, just like what Bai Ye thought, and this guy finally spoke up.

"Bai Ye, we've been together for so long, I think you should know Hulk too, haha, he always wants to fight with you like that, but unfortunately there's no chance..."

"It's not just today that I can give him a chance! I have a good fight with you, I want to see who is more powerful between the two of you!"

When Bai Ye heard his words, his expression became particularly angry. In fact, he should have expected this kid to be so cunning, and at this time, the angels in the distance actually made violent quarrels and howls. Crying, Bai Ye fixed his eyes and saw a crazy Hulk with three heads and six arms! "Bai Ye, you can think about it this way, why the Hulk is what he is now, naturally it was completely formed by my special transformation. of..."

"In fact, all of this is something that can be seen by both of us. This Hulk is in another universe and has despaired of real life!"

"And I plan to use another method to prove my guy, so I invite him to us mercilessly!"

After saying such words, Mephitos's face also showed a little madness. In his opinion, what he is doing now is justified! At this time, Bai Ye was extremely angry, I never thought that the Hulk from another parallel universe could be encountered in a different dimension world, and at the same time, Mephitos in front of him laughed frantically again, and said the following words that made Bai Ye's hair go horrified.

"Then...I brought him an all-around scientific feast, a gamma ray transformation of his elite body, and also gave him a fusion of Edman alloys...King Kong Iron Bone A furious Hulk!"

"My meaning is also very simple. I think you should like such a Hulk very much. After all, it will bring you an unprecedented feast of power. Enjoy this feeling!"

"A poor guy like me may never have the chance to guide the Hulk again, or to transform it with other methods!"

When Bai Ye turned around after listening to these words, the Hulk giant had already rushed in front of him, and burst into a very frenzied low roar! At the same time, Constantine had already found a place to hide. , in his opinion, facing things that are so eccentric and beyond his expectations, the things within the scope will just run away! At this time, Bai Ye also experienced the feeling of being a cannonball, and flew directly out more than tens of thousands of meters. , did not stop until it was engraved on a solid marble slab!

Chapter 382 The effect can be seen

The moment he got up and stretched his arms and legs, the marble slab was completely shattered! The mad Hulk exuded an evil aura from all over his body. His skin was originally excellent green, but he never thought that it had turned black now. Its eyes are burning with that kind of... green and faint dark flames! The atmosphere of the whole person is wrong! And the other party also broke out even more despair at this time, and suddenly roared! It seems that he wants to tear Bai Ye to pieces in an instant, But how could Bai Ye give the other party such a chance? The most important thing is to escape quickly! "I want to escape from my hands, hehe, are you kidding me? Bai Ye, I have been thinking about when I will be able to fight with a strong man like you. It seems that I finally got such an opportunity today, why did you leave!"

When Hulk said these words, he gave people a very warm feeling, but in fact, his expression could be regarded as extremely evil in the eyes of outsiders! At this time, Bai Ye was also relying on his The crazy counterattack against Hulk by special advantages! He originally thought that his power was able to destroy Hulk...Leave a little mark on Hulk! But such a fist's attack method is for Hulk, It can almost be regarded as harmless! "I thought you would become more powerful, but I never thought that your attacking posture would only make my body more comfortable. ..."

"My God, it seems that I have indeed met a suitable opponent, and then I will let you feel the power of hell I learned from Mephitos!"

"You will definitely like this feeling, believe me Bai Ye, you... people who are holy people like evil the most, otherwise you won't go to such a place. ah!"

The moment Bai Ye heard these words, he quickly shifted his body and wanted to escape the attack from this guy, but things were often more difficult than he thought... When fighting with this guy, Bai Ye still had a lot of wounds on his body, but these wounds were completely healed in an instant! At this time, Bai Ye stared coldly at the madman in front of him, and he was also in his heart. Quickly thinking, what kind of method should be used to get rid of it! "Oh, what are you doing, do you want to use this opportunity to escape my attack method? Bai Ye, hurry up and use your strength, Don't play with me in this place again, okay?"

"After all, our time is limited. If you continue like this, then everything will be completely lost. I don't want to be more slow for this, you rubbish!"

Now Mephitos is already on the side, and all those angels have been completely burnt out by Hulk's hellish breath! There are some lucky ones who escaped to the outside world, and Phitos was not in a hurry at all. Even crazier than Mephitos himself, seeing this holy power... They will try their best to devour them. Now the most important thing is... Bai Ye, if they can take Bai Ye in one fell swoop! Then Nothing will be resurrected these days, so Mephitos has put all the key nodes on the current Hulk, hoping that Hulk can help him realize this dream! Bai Ye also realized at this time, If you fight the Hulk with your own pure body, then the injured person must be yourself... No matter how powerful I am, I am afraid that I will not be able to accurately hurt the Hulk. Or detour! It would be better to try to give him such a real education.

At this time, Bai Ye circled behind Hulk again, and I don't know when there were more light balls in his hands!

After Mephitos, who was watching the battle, saw the mission, his face also became: gloomy, he prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that the current Hulk can dodge his attack... But it is obvious that Hiroshi Ke didn't know what to dodge at all, and quickly rushed forward to fight with Bai Ye! Bai Ye took this opportunity to stuff the white ball of light into Hulk's mouth, and at the same time there was a certain explosion sound. When it sounded, one of Hulk's head was directly blown to pieces! The Hulk made an earth-shattering howl, and he felt unstoppable for what was happening in front of him... ..believe, he doesn't want to believe himself no matter what... He was able to be attacked at this time, and at the same time he rushed forward again, trying to bring some huge damage to Bai Ye, but where is it now? Bai Ye's opponent! It was in such an environment that Bai Ye understood the Hulk's weakness and began to attack the West, just like playing with a monkey, and launched the craziest attack on the mutated Hulk! It is expected that this is just the Hulk of the parallel universe, so Bai will not worry about killing it and causing more damage to the Hulk in their universe... and Mephitos at this time. He also looked at the problem in front of him.

Suddenly, a look of fear broke out on his face. He turned around at the fastest speed... and fled backwards like the wind, and at this moment, Bai Ye kicked the only two left. The head of Hulk kicked on the ground, which was considered to be temporarily stunned.

At the same time, he came back to his senses, grabbed Mephitos, and dragged him in front of him, with a very weird smile on his face.

At this time, Mephitos knew that he was completely finished today... This time, Bai Ye ripped Mephitos's hand into pieces. I am afraid that such a crazy attack method is not something that everyone else can understand. ...why does it go crazy to such a state, the reason is very simple, he originally wanted to leave a chance for Mephitos to lead him to find the culprit behind this scene! Fitos was so clever that he caused great harm to Bai Ye in such a way.

Bai Ye turned his head and wanted to find the footprints of those angels again... but found that they had already fallen, and he had to waste his power to resurrect those guys. After thinking of this, Bai Ye quickly recited the incantation, followed by holy The power of the gods is getting more and more around here, and those angels are also alive! The first thing the angels do when they are resurrected is... they crowd around Bai Ye and tell Bai Ye about what they have suffered just now. Pain, of course, Bai Ye just smiled.

Chapter 383 Trying to Argue

"I knew it would be like this. You angels have indeed suffered a very big attack in this different-dimensional hell."

"But then... there may be more things to do about it! It will make you a little unacceptable."

"I hope you've put all your minds at ease, okay? Don't complain about it or hate it, because it's useless like that."

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, he turned his head to look at the angels who were still hesitant, and couldn't help feeling overwhelmed in his heart! But at this time, Constantine also came directly to him, from his It is not difficult to see on his cheeks, it seems that Constantine is also quite afraid of what is in front of him.

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