And Hulk, who fell to the ground at this time, also wrote in a special way. He looked around, and there was a trace of anger on his face. He never thought that one day he would be used in such a way. knocked to the ground.

At the same time, he rushed towards Bai Ye again, wanting to use this as an opportunity to completely tear Bai Ye to pieces, but it's not that simple, there is no way to compare the current Bai Ye with the previous one! Just in an instant Bai Ye He threw Hulk on the ground again, and this time Hulk really understood a lot of things for this! This time Hulk was completely convinced by Bai Ye, and Bai Ye continued to use his kind He taught this guy well in a special way! Bai Ye's sympathetic gaze stared at Hulk, who was now on the ground again, and he couldn't help but have a little doubt in his heart. Is this Hulk really not afraid of death? He rushed in front of him again and again, trying to use this as an opportunity to prove something to himself. At this time, Bai Ye seemed a little hesitant, whether to kill this guy... It depends on the audience. What did the angel think? At the same time, he also informed the other angels about what happened now. They naturally felt that Bai Ye should completely kill the Hulk! At the same time, they all worked together. , creating a giant energy cage.

Bai Ye directly picked up Hulk and threw it into the cage! Considering it to be temporarily closed, Hulk was still...very unwilling, and the whole person also burst out with more extreme silk for this. , In his opinion, all this is very unfair now! At this time, Hulk's body has also undergone some subtle changes, and he has begun to shrink at the fastest speed. At this time, Bai Ye is considered a I understand.

This guy said it was ugly, and now he has lost his magic power, so his whole body has begun to become more sluggish! At this time, Bai Yi's face was full of pride, "How does this feel?

Ke, don't you still want to use this special method to provoke my authority, I suddenly feel as if you are the one who is pitiful among the heroes..."

"I don't even know if it was used by others. It seems that I want to use my so-called super aura to change something. Come on, I will let Mephitos take a good look at it all!"

The Hulk at this time can be regarded as returning to the normal state as quickly as possible, and at this time, on the cheek of Mephitos, who was severely pressed on the ground, he couldn't help showing a little bit. Disappointed look.

He never thought that one day he would be reduced to this level again, and naturally there was a trace of annoyance in his heart, and many things could not be changed by him now... After all, he burst into tears. , A giant demon lord actually cried under the coercion of the angels and Bai Ye, which is really unheard of! Hulk degenerated into a humanoid state, and he looked like he was going to cast mana on him! Suddenly, Bai Ye also felt a special crisis. He planned to break free from the cage in a special way and escape directly from here! But he found that with his own strength, it seemed that there was no way to change the situation in front of him, which was very painful for him. And it was even more difficult! His face was full of anxiety, and at the same time, he shouted in a hurry, hoping that Bai Ye would stop attacking him in this way! If I kill it, what kind of benefits can I get? If you kill me directly in that special way, then you will miss a lot of opportunities!"

"There are a lot of things that you should know, and you will not know it directly. You should think about it carefully and see what I said... that is right or wrong, okay?"

Bai Ye's face became quite serious after hearing such words. Hulk was able to say these words to him at this time, which also proved from the side that he was actually very afraid of the series of things in front of him. However, in his opinion, the things in front of him actually still have the opportunity to be changed for this reason, and Bai Ye did it on purpose, to stop his own power explosion, and his face was filled with a particularly calm expression.

"You've returned to your normal state now, hehe, this is indeed a very good thing for me, but I still have to prove to you one thing, whether or not you were controlled by someone to become what you were just now. Like that!"

"Will you be honest with me, please don't put all of this on a very high point, because then..."

"It's useless for you to say those words to me, on the contrary, I will only think that you are talking to me like this because you are afraid of something!"

At this time, Hulk stared at Bai Ye again, and he really had a lot of ideas in his heart that were different from ordinary people... He also knew that he mainly didn't have any chance to complain about it... But he was still Wanting to prove something to Bai Ye, this kind of proof is really useless in his opinion, but this is the end, he must show some special expressions again, and only in this way can Bai Ye be able to spare him One life.

"Alas, anyway... I also know what my fate is like. If you use such a method to torture a very poor person, it seems to me that it is completely unnecessary..."

"You know what I mean, right, you know what to do and what not to do!"

"In my opinion, this series of things in front of you should not be deliberately trying to change something, don't bully him, okay, you will get a lot of things and information from me, trust me! "


Chapter 384

At the same time, Bai Ye felt helpless on his cheeks after hearing Hulk's words.

Yes, this guy is a bit too pitiful, not to mention being used back and forth, and now he has ended up like this! No one is going to help him, after thinking of this, the current Bai Ye has also shown Si is very helpless, and also has a very special opinion... This is naturally a very interesting and very interesting thing for him, but these... It doesn't matter! Anyway... it's already like this, so let's just let this series of things go on.

"Haha, Hulk, although I don't know what medicine you sell in your gourd, but you can say such words at this time."

"It can really prove that you are actually a very poor fellow now, right? I don't know how to describe this feeling..."

"Anyway... in this hell, you should have been used by Mephitos for a long time, but if you can easily tell me the transaction between you and Mephitos!"

"I think I should be able to leave you a way out, and this series of things are not troublesome for us!"

"But if you don't want to say those words to me now, then don't blame me for what happened next, okay?"

Bai Ye's words really made Hulk's face look more frightened! In fact, he can understand, after all, he has already entered such a state.

Being cleaned up in such a way is indeed beyond what ordinary people can bear, but it has already become the situation... Then when the teacher is supposed to be honest, it should be honest. At the same time, Hulk told Bai Ye all his... Bai Ye can be considered to understand, all this is deliberately arranged by someone behind the scenes, otherwise, how could Hulk be trapped in this place? "Bai Ye, what are you joking about, do you think I might become like that? The guy? Will I be controlled here casually?"

"I'll tell you that, all of this is deliberately supported by someone behind the scenes, otherwise I would never be like this now!"

"In fact, I've already seen it, those guys... who want to kill me are even crazier than I imagined!"

When Bai Ye heard Hulk's words, he became very serious. At the same time, he also knew that he might face more pain now! But Bai Ye still felt that he should listen to what Hulk would say next. What to say, Mephitos on the side also showed the appearance of distrusting Bai Ye! He always felt that if Bai Ye wanted to say all these words, then everything would be very unfavorable for them in the future. That's it! But there is no way. After all, Hulk also seriously and seriously recounted everything. "They have been trying to do these things, but I just didn't take precautions in time, hum... just It was completely cleaned up by them in a special way!"

"Of course, I also have to bear more pain for what happened in front of me, but after getting to this point, I want to say more useless things for this, and it will be too uncomfortable. Unforgettable!"

After hearing such words, Bai Ye couldn't help laughing now, even if Mephitos on the side was too jerk and too crazy! He also understood what happened next to him, he Now he has completely lost his right to speak! And what people say is what it is. After thinking of this, he now has a very extreme expression on his face! "Bai Ye, listen to my explanation, if Hao If he doesn't come to me, I won't let him become: so crazy, to be precise, all these things have a lot to do with him..."

"Do you understand that it is because of his blending that everything has been transformed into such a state!"

"And now all of us have to suffer a lot of pain for this, even I am the same, I am forced to be helpless, I hope you can understand me!"

Bai Ye suddenly felt that all of these things had become: very troublesome, what's going on... Could it be that there are also a lot of troublesome and unthinkable things in this hell? It doesn't matter anymore, and at the same time, he quickly gathered his strength and scanned the entire purgatory world that he could touch now! He didn't find anything that bothered him again.

At this time, Bai Ye can be considered to understand, it seems that some of these tricks may be more complicated than what he thinks now! But he............ did not feel it. what trouble.

On the contrary, there was a hint of happiness on his face! Anyway... he also came to another dimension world. Since he came, he had to toss and toss. Why did he leave so fast? It's not like Bai Ye's style.

"Haha, it's alright, it's alright, anyway... things have already reached such a state, there is no need to say anything more about it..."

"Then I'll tell you again about my current plan and understanding, okay? I hope you can make everything clear in front of you for this."

"I'll tell you so responsibly, hum, since I've come here, this place is now... belongs to me, Bai Ye, alone. I'll do what I say."

Mephitos still felt a little bored at first, or Bai Ye was just doing it deliberately, saying these words and punching his head in front of him! But he soon realized that the problem was wrong.

If a person can speak such crazy words in such an honest way! There are really two possibilities, one is that he is really strong, and the other is that this kid has a problem with his head, but it is more inclined to the first one.

The white night at this time really made everyone present feel a little scared for this! So that they don't know what to say now... But the good thing is that the Hulk soon swelled up When he clapped his hands, in those days, they all naturally applauded inexplicably!

Chapter 385 Internal Contradiction

However, some angels' faces are still full of helplessness and special annoyance. They don't know what method to use to describe the series of events in front of them! If Bai Ye really wants to do this, then for the angels It's just an insult.

Lilith's expression has become: very annoyed, he doesn't know how to persuade next, Bai Ye don't say such nonsense, but now everything has become a fact! What ability does he have to change his eyes? After all, he really sighed helplessly, and at the same time his expression became more normal! "Brother Bai Ye... Isn't it a bit bad for you to do this? You clearly belong to the sacred faction. , but you chose to join the environment of those... demons, we naturally feel that the things in front of us have become: very difficult!"

"You'd better think carefully and see how you can arrange these things, and don't make us completely sad about it!"

"After all, we have a sincere love for you now. If we can stand on the same front with you, it is absolutely vital to us."

After hearing these words, Bai Ye's face naturally became: it became interesting, and at the same time, he also carefully thought about everything he was thinking about now! Yes, it is indeed very useful to do so yourself! At least No one will continue to make trouble in front of them. What these angels think in their hearts is exactly the same as what they think.

These angels originally wanted to resist, but after they further understood the situation, their expressions naturally became: they became honest, because they knew that even resistance would be of no use... Anyway... Now that everything has become like this, it's better to continue to listen to the current words and make these things more fun step by step according to Bai Ye's method... Isn't it over, why bother... make it for yourself Pain, after thinking about it for a long time, their expressions also changed: they are quite serious! In their eyes, everything is just like this. Become: Be honest.

After Bai Ye was convinced that these angels would not disobey his orders, his expression became very serious, so naturally the things in front of him became simpler! At the same time, he is now beginning to use such a special way , make everything in front of you more extreme... but this can be regarded as a relatively universal thing in Bai Ye's eyes, at least in some respects! In many aspects, this place can be regarded as a strong man, of course, Bai Ye always thought that he was just a low-key guy and had nothing to do with strong men.

But his way of speaking and the law, in the eyes of others, it is completely pretentious, of course, this is not important! At least Bai Ye can show his special attitude of doing things, in other people's words, It may be impossible to do such a thing at all... At the same time, Mephitos has finally recovered to a state of being able to move. He looked at Bai Ye with a little more seriousness in his heart. He knew that now Maybe I still have a chance to communicate with Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye... It seems that things won't be as troublesome as we thought, I can provide you with a shortcut to get you out of here quickly!"

"Of course, all these premise are that we have to take care of each other, otherwise I wouldn't tell you so much. Of course, you can also think carefully!"

"Look at my words to see if there is some news you want to get.

After all, as your friend..."

"I can say so many words in front of you in such a way, and it can also prove from the side that I really want to get back with you, don't I?"

After hearing these words, Bai Ye's face naturally became: he was bored, and he didn't know what this guy was thinking... But he looked at Mephitos' magical expression, It is natural to understand a lot of things, but in fact, it is completely under his personal control now, so there is no need to worry too much about it! "Haha, it's alright, it's alright, anyway...the relationship between us. They have also become more honest because of this, in fact, all of this will also become: it is simpler, if you talk to me earlier, boy!"

"How can you end up like this now, but in fact, I'm also thinking, what kind of transformation will you become for this!"

"Oh, it's a pity to die. I'll ask you now, the last point, Mephitos, do you plan to resist me in other ways, if you are really so arrogant..."

"Then I can assure you that you will surely die without a place to be buried next.

But if you can honestly communicate with me, then I think this series of questions is not too many for us!"

Mephitos chose the latter to follow Bai Ye's words and follow Bai Ye's ass honestly, isn't it good? After thinking about this, Mephitos carefully told Bai Ye all the words he wanted to say in his heart now... At first, Bai Ye always felt that something was wrong, but later he became more and more The more terrified I felt when I heard it, maybe what this kid told me was really that troublesome.

"I've been able to tell you everything I know. If you're going to embarrass me in the middle of the night, then I really can't think of a better way to communicate with you..."

"But I can tell you responsibly now, if we can make an alliance with David at this time..."

"We should use hell as a springboard to another universe where we can find the mastermind behind it all, and I think you'll love it!"

After hearing these words, Bai Ye's face also showed a crazy look, and he never thought that someone would say such words to him directly and so directly... But after thinking for a while, he There was also a very funny and serious look on his face.


Chapter 386 The New World

Then just play with this guy and see what dangers and troubles will come in the end.

"Mephitos, I hope all of what you're saying now is true, please don't play your stuff in front of me... Be careful, because that kind of operation doesn't work for me Any use!"

"On the contrary, it will push us all into another endless state. If I say this, I hope you can understand everything that happened at night, okay?"

After Bai Ye's words were finished, Mephitos, like a very well-behaved chick, began to nod his head frantically, and his expression also showed a lot of seriousness! In his opinion Now that he really has the opportunity to have a serious conversation with Bai Ye, he will become: very comfortable, at least not like before... Make all these things such a mess , At this time, what Bai Ye was thinking about in his heart and what this guy was thinking were actually quite in place! Both of them have already made it all clear, and Mephitos is still there at the same time. This place has displayed a huge lack of defense, and opened a door here! Mephitos is also a master of playing with energy, but in front of Bai Ye, its portal is like that, without any novelty Here! Bai Ye sighed helplessly, looking at the portal, and at the same time Mephitos also saw that the relationship between Bai Ye and Bai Ye became even more uncomfortable.

"Boy, why is your strength so weak in my opinion, huh, you should have left a path for yourself, you are afraid that I will directly kill you completely!"

"Simply reduce the energy to such a range, and make me look like you are very weak and very pitiful."

"Hey, this feeling of yours really makes people feel that something is not right, but I won't say anything more about it, it's all brought about by you!"

That's right, Mephitos suddenly felt a burst of pressure, and at the same time he stared at Bai Ye with sincere eyes, and there was indeed a lot of helplessness in his heart! Could it be that he will be beaten by Bai Ye one day? Do you clean up back and forth in this way? Then he smiled, and at the same time deliberately made an indifferent look for it.

"Hahaha, it's nothing... nothing, this is my strength, and it was almost done by you just now. If I can really change the series of things in front of me..."

For a while, Mephitos didn't even know what to say, because he really understood that there was something in Bai Ye's remarks... If he wanted to be pretending , I'm afraid that it won't take long before they will be completely killed by Bai Yi.

Now this situation is still honest! It is good to answer the question one by one, and I have pushed the shortcut for this. After thinking of this, Mephitos's face is...  ...Before there was a little more distress, he understood how to solve the problem! Bai Yezai was convinced that the person in front of him would not talk nonsense in front of him, and his face also showed more anger for this in the future. Love! He intends to teach Mephitos a good lesson! At this time, Constantine walked in front of Bai Ye, raised his finger in front of him, and sighed coldly at the same time.

"Do you see the road ahead? There seems to be something very unsafe in the portal. It has been staring at us with special eyes, and they seem to be waiting for an opportunity!"

"Bai Ye, I don't know what you think. If we can, should we speed up and leave here directly?"

"Waiting too long will be a bad thing for us, and we might even give our lives for it!"

Bai Ye didn't want to waste so much time in this place now, he quickly charged forward with all his subordinates! The best way for him solve the whole thing in front of him directly, and Not procrastinating in this place, this is definitely not a good thing for him... and it will add more trouble to him, that's right, Bai Ye really did everything in this series of things. Very clear and understandable.

At this time, all of them also became: very impatient and restless, and Bai Ye put a layer of defense on those angels! Let them pass through this gate without being punished for this. A lot of damage, and at the same time, he started to move forward at the fastest speed! Bai Ye held Mephitos with his left hand and Hulk with his right hand. This feeling is very strange, but all this is to make them understand themselves. I will never let anyone who deceives me casually let go.

At the same time, Mephitos finally became: despaired. To be precise, this kid is now accepting his fate... He knows that he may not live for long, but someone can use such a seed The way he treats him is actually a blessing to him.

In the heart of the two people, the former is very afraid, while the latter seems to enjoy it very much, because he believes that Bai Ye is not a person who will do something to those guys casually! On the contrary, Bai Ye is a very person in his eyes. A reasonable guy who knows how to communicate with people. Otherwise, how could Bai Ye take them out of here together in such a way? When Bai Ye stepped into this world, he was all for it And become: very comfortable, this place is indeed a little too unfamiliar to him! However, the power here requires him to become: very comfortable, at the same time, but I looked again, convinced Without any other things, my heart became more comfortable! The sky in this place was also crimson red. After seeing this thing in front of Mephitos, there was a hint of disbelief on his face. Look! Even he doesn't know what to say now, because he knows that if he says so much nonsense at this time, it will definitely make Bai Ye feel that his problem is very big... think of it After here, Mephitos even showed a helpless expression. In his opinion, this place seemed to have undergone tremendous changes, and it became like this! "This place... is indeed better than imagined. What a thrill, Mephitos, you're such an interesting person, hehe!"

Chapter 387

"My God, this world is completely different from what I thought, and I had no intention of bringing you here!"

"If all of this is going to be like this, we're all going to suffer a lot more for it, and it's a really uncomfortable feeling..."

"I, Mephitos, have never seen such a bizarre picture, oh my god I want to get out of here..."

"I hope you give me this opportunity in the middle of the night. As your friend, I can see everything clearly now!"

After hearing such words, Bai Ye's face became quite serious, and he naturally understood what this kid was thinking about... But he really didn't think that this guy would take Things were so complicated and chaotic, and at the same time he was staring at Mephitos seriously! There was a very interesting look in his heart, and he knew that this guy definitely didn't talk nonsense in front of him! Mephitos is really embarrassed now, whether he wants to follow up or not depends on what he wants to do now! "It's so interesting that you dare to come to my world, Mephitos in the white night. To be completely enslaved by you, do you know how it feels to me?"

"I even feel that all the things in front of me are so false, and it is not impossible for me to happen at all.

But after watching this episode, I suddenly couldn't help but sigh!"

"What is impossible among all the things that are happening right now, but I still have to be very responsible and tell you a little..."

"Everything will make us pay a huge price for this, especially among these angels you brought, no one can escape my control!"

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