"After all, in such a world, only I am the real master, and you are just an ordinary little bastard!"

He couldn't help laughing after hearing this in Bai Ye, he had not heard such threatening words for a long time, and at the same time there was a playful look on his face! Mephitos and Hulk Although this guy didn't show any fear on his face, he could tell from their behavior and behavior! They were really panicked, and they didn't care about what's happening right now. I know what kind of way to solve these things, but now.

However, Bai Ye is still very serious and super in place. He knows that he can suppress all the troubles, and will not let them be afraid of it. After thinking about this, he finally became: a little happier.

Bai Ye also knew that if he didn't give this guy a blow, I'm afraid he wouldn't think he was a very powerful person. After thinking of this, Bai Ye quickly showed his power! Follow all of these things according to his own ideas. Formed and refitted, he knew that Mephitos just brought himself here... Mephitos also has a lot of things that ordinary people don't quite understand, and he doesn't even know what kind of one to use. This is a way to tell himself what is going on in front of him! But this is also the reason why he can make himself more powerful.

The power released this time by Bai Ye made all the angels realize the existence of real gods... Naturally, they all became very pious, and some people were even very flustered. Because they really didn't expect Bai Ye to be there: to release all the power in an instant, this is simply... the most supreme and most unbelievable for them! At the same time, Bai Ye himself A man rushed forward frantically and dealt a huge blow to the other party. He seemed to want to completely suppress the other party in a range that he could control in this way! But Bai Ye knew that doing so would make others I feel like I'm just pretending in this place! After thinking about this, Bai Ye's face naturally has a very unhappy look. This is not a joke, but it's true... those angels They all worked hard one by one, and called out very seriously. All of them looked very, very happy and crazy! And the guy who used that... special way to shout in front of Bai Ye also appeared in the In front of them, to be precise, he is a crimson guy! Compared with Mephitos, it is exactly the same, which makes Bai Ye a little curious, what's the matter? Is this guy the brother of Mephitos After thinking of this, his face also showed a very interested look.

"You look like a very funny guy, but I don't want to kill you completely in such an extreme way. I prefer that we can communicate with each other seriously, do you understand what I mean?"

"I can see what's in your heart from your face, and I know what this kind of thing looks like, you don't need to be so pretentious in front of me!"

"Okay, I'll take this opportunity and let me have a good communication with you. I think there is no problem between the two of us. You brought these people to the core of my body, hum, it really made me a little bit. Feeling hopeless!"

After Bai Ye heard these words, he looked at each other coldly at the same time. That's right, isn't this guy Doctor Doom? I understand, but Bai Ye didn't have so many ideas at this time. After all, he also knew that it would not be of any use to deal with such a guy and communicate with him well... So sometimes it is natural to have to put some more The crazy things have been completely improved, and only in this way can the problem become simpler! Of course, Bai Ye was right in thinking, this guy actually started to be serious and honest, and naturally he would not At that time, when there was a bigger conflict, the angels originally fought even more fiercely! In the end, they never imagined that after reaching this point, everything would stabilize in the future. They were even a little unwilling to believe it. it's true... lou

Chapter 388

But what is there to question, Bai Ye became very interested at this time! He stared coldly at what he saw now, and the Doctor of Destruction was also very serious with Bai Ye Telling about this series of things that he is thinking in his heart now! "I, Doctor Destruction, gave Mephitos a lot of strength support, and it was with the help of my strength that he became: so powerful , I don't know what you're thinking now!"

"I can tell from your expression that it is very likely that a bigger and more intense battle will break out between us."

"I don't want this kind of thing to fully develop in front of us, you know what I mean"

Bai Ye still understands Doctor Doom relatively well. Although he had had a lot of contacts with this kid before, he never thought that since he is also emerging in this incident! But this is normal, after all, he can be regarded as a person now. Very interesting guy, who wants to show his strong strength in such a way, other people may not be able to do it at all.

"I still have my own things to deal with. After all, all kinds of weird and messy things have erupted in my fighting world, and it's not something I can handle right now!"

"So if you're all right, it's the most important thing at least to get out of here, don't delay me dealing with everything in this place, okay?"

"Please, this is the only thought in my heart right now, I think you should be able to recognize pain like me..."

There are many things in Doctor Doom's words that ordinary people don't understand, but now it can be seen from the expression on his face! In what way is he changing these things, at least now he can believe it , he was able to solve these problems according to his own method... Bai Ye patted Doctor Doom on the shoulder, and at the same time, Doctor Doom also put everyone into a very comfortable state in an instant! Of course, one of them The grievances and grievances between them can be considered to be completely put aside, and now Bai Ye has begun to instill his own thoughts into Doctor Doom.

"Alas, this feeling will actually make us turn everything into this in the end: very annoying, but I hope we can all actively communicate together!"

"What kind of trouble your world has suffered, I think you should know better than anyone else! Come on Doctor Doom, what exactly is in your world?"

"Tell me, let me listen, I can help you deal with reconciliation, and I will naturally use all my methods to help you, but if this kind of thing is something I can't do now, then I hope and get angry, okay?"

After Bai Ye said such words, the current Doctor Doom can be regarded as serious. He naturally started very normal communication with Bai Ye, and told Bai Ye about some terrifying things that finally happened in his fighting world. "I'll tell you that. I've always been a very honest guy who wouldn't hurt anyone. Of course, at least that's how I see myself..."

"But one day, I had a very big argument here, and I lost so much that my world became: unstable!"

"Of course I won't let things like this continue to happen, so I quickly looked for a solution, and at the same time, I got two meteorites from the other-dimensional space!"

After Doctor Doom received this, he took out what he got, alas, after looking at it again, he was convinced that the power contained in this thing is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle!" Your boy's fate is not bad, you didn't let these two stones completely swallow up your power, if you are a little careless..."

"These two stones are likely to absorb you completely in the craziest way, do you know what I mean? As your friend...I'm afraid there's only so much I can say to you now. now!"

"I don't want to see one of the best people just disappear in front of me, because that's going to be the biggest blow ever for me!"

Bai Ye quickly squeezed the two stones into his hands, and absorbed their power into his body completely. In this way, it seems that the crisis can be considered as a direct solution! But it is really like him Now what is in my heart is so simple, it's not that there is a very comfortable look on Doctor Doom's face at this time.

In his opinion, what Bai Ye is doing now is completely helping him resolve the various crises in front of him, and it was only at this time that he revealed his true skills! He is really an interesting person, what can I say? You believe it, the two stones I mentioned were just made by me for decoration, and you nod your head and believe it! You are such a fool, so good, now let me tell you what those two things are for , To put it bluntly, this is a special vehicle that I use to detect your physical strength... Now they have exerted the necessary strength, in front of you, I can indeed feel your heart Despair in the middle, come in the white night... You can try to show your own strength, you can see if you are still as strong as before, I'm not... I'm bragging, I just feel that you are really very pitiful Bai Ye didn't feel anything. In fact, when he was about to absorb these two stones into his body, he had already discovered that this was a matter of coexistence of crisis and opportunity.

If you can become stronger, it really means that you are lucky.

But this Doctor Doom tried to slander himself again and again in this way, which really made him angry! At the same time, he shook his head helplessly, looking at Doctor Doom, Naturally, all these powers were fully displayed in front of him! This destruction is not honest, and at the same time he looked at Mephitos who was hiding in the deep white night, and there was more anger in his heart! It's really not kind, what I said at the time, and now I have provoked this guy, it seems that there is really no need for us to communicate well together..."

Chapter 389 Good Education

"Mephitos, you owe me a debt, and I will fully recover it today. I hope you don't be afraid of it, because you brought it all on your own!"

It was Bai Ye, but he quickly exerted his power and blocked it. The guy in front of him at this time, Doctor Doom, still had that very evil, but also very frightening look on his face! He knew Doing this by himself is actually nothing more than a constant tossing, and he can't escape Bai Ye's palm at all.

I admit it, can I admit it Let me say more? Doctor Destruction can directly say such words, he is indeed very happy now, since this kid now completely knows what kind of bad things he has done! Then...now There is no need for Bai Ye to torture this guy anymore, on the contrary, Bai Ye has become: very serious.

"Tell me how your fellow has become like this now, sigh, I really don't know what kind of way I should use to continue to communicate with you properly."

"I always feel that you are more uncomfortable than I imagined. When I give you a suggestion to do something, it is best not to be so arrogant in front of me, okay?"

"And then, I have to tell you one more thing, I have already found some problems in your world, if you need my help, I can help you restore everything to a very serious state!"

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, Doctor Doom's face also had a very interesting and playful look on his face, but then again, he did see it, this guy is really There are some very interesting things in his heart, and this kid is indeed unbelievable, and Bai Ye continued to tell his own words.

"Doctor Destruction, after listening to Bai Ye's words, his expression became more serious, and he really knew that he could only be like this no matter what!"

"Although there is still some reluctance in his heart, but in the real sense, he has no way to completely solve it now..."

"So the only thing he can do now is... listen to Bai Ye's words and change everything according to Bai Ye's way. Perhaps this is the most stable for him, and it is also the most stable for him. of."

"I tell the truth, Bai Ye, you guessed it right, I have indeed suffered a great crisis, and I have indeed discovered a lot of things now!"

"It's not too much for the two of us to be able to figure it out. There are many things that are confusing and should not appear in my world, so I am very helpless..."

"I have thought of many ways to do these things, but in the end I found that all of this is not as simple as I thought!"

My world has already been polluted. If I say this, you should be able to understand now, right? Doctor Doom has a painful expression on his face. All of this was repeated again. After Bai Ye finished listening to what he said, there was a happy look on his face. This kid was finally willing to talk to himself and talk to him. That said, it's just fun and entertaining.

"You kid realizes how weak he is. In fact, in my heart, I see these things very clearly and amusingly..."

"But I still want to make it clear to you that I won't change everything because of some of your ways!"

"Of course we're both going to suffer a lot more for this, it's not a joke, but some things really end up like this!"

At the same time, Bai Ye began to quickly exert his power to inquire about everything that happened here, just as he thought... A lot of bad things really happened here, and at the same time, it was on the cheeks of Doctor Doom now. ....and a little more pain! Only then did he realize that everything that Doctor Doom told him was true, but he also showed a very funny look now. And he is also very serious.

In any case, he will not change all of this, on the contrary, he will believe his own feelings more, he looks at Doctor Doom, and hopes that Doctor Doom can tell the truth in front of him... But This kid is... not telling the truth, and there are many more uncomfortable expressions on his face.

"What else did you ask me to talk about, I have already said what I should say, and I have done what I should do, all the things I see now are like that, which makes people feel painful. ."

"You still don't understand what I'm thinking about in my heart? Forget it, you can't solve it, and I haven't completely forced it on you. It's not something ordinary people can change..."

"A strong man like you has already achieved this level of things, you have actually paid a lot, you don't have to... Continue to show such unaccustomed to me in front of me. Comfortable side... now!"

"Leave here, I plan to do my own thing, and I'll simply let this place be completely destroyed, so that no one will be affected more by it."

After hearing these words, Bai Ye's face also showed a look of amazement. He never thought that this guy would be able to put his words in despair! It seems that he really suffered a lot for this. At the same time, Bai Ye looked at him seriously, and began to tell him what he had experienced.

"I don't think it's necessary for you kid... to make all these things so sad in front of me, and I can also understand what you are thinking in your heart..."

"I'm not here to help you solve the problem? Mephitos told me that you are the mastermind behind this!"

"So I don't believe that it was all true after I came here! You really disappointed me a little too much. In this case, what kind of benefits can you get, my friend, I think you should know better than me how this happened. thing, isn't it?"

Chapter 390 Still want to quibble

Mephitos has now become: more honest than anyone, and now he really knows.

Bai Ye may have changed a very impatient look for this. If he is still so arrogant... Then what awaits him next may be... The real death, he is not a fool Well, what he has to do next is very simple, that is... After telling these things, look at Bai Ye's reaction.

At this time, Bai Ye looked like he had nothing to do with him and was hanging up high, as if this series of things had nothing to do with him... The main reason was that people felt that something was wrong when they looked at him. , At this time, Mephitos also became a little helpless... He understands that this guy can express this attitude in such a way, which is enough to show how troublesome the next thing is.

"Dr. Doom, you can communicate with me in such a detailed way, which is enough to prove that there will be no special disaster and pain between the two of us..."

"I think you should be the same person as me, right? Otherwise, why would you look like this today? But I have to tell you the ugly things before."

"In fact, we didn't talk about everything very openly between the two of us. I'll just tell you that."

"There are many things in my heart that you can't understand and understand now, you know?"

Bai Ye was just bluffing, and this guy naturally became: very honest, getting up, Doctor Destruction has always understood the kind of things and things in front of him... If it broke out, what would it mean to him? Yes, the only thing he can do now is...to make himself more honest! At this time, Mephitos also knew that he was at such a critical moment at this stage, and naturally he had to say it properly. Yes, he is talking about some things that happened to him... To be precise, he wants to tell Bai Ye everything he understands now, and don't let Bai Ye know his heart for this. Everything I thought about... "Bai Ye, it's too late for me to explain so much to you now. If you are willing to listen to my words, then everything that follows will become the most real words..."

"And some things that you and I can't believe at all, but if you want to still be the same thing that you think you know!"

"If you have more expressions than others, then I am speechless, and I can tell you more responsibly that many things will cause us greater damage.

Do you really want to listen to me?"

After hearing these words, Bai Ye's face also became quite... But in his eyes now, it seems that all this is just an illusion that Mephitos deliberately created for him, which is also true It made him show a very normal and helpless look.

"Don't tell me such things, if you really know something, you should tell me directly, instead of being so fussy, you are clearly... delaying time!"

"Do you want to take this opportunity to wait for your teammates to come over, and then inflict serious injuries on me, and finally take away everything I have now!"

"Interesting guy, I've already seen such little tricks, so why do you bother to act like this in front of me?"

"Well friend, come and let me see what's in your head, I think I should be able to get a lot of what I want from it!"

After Bai Ye's words were finished, his face also became very arrogant. Mephitos is really honest now! He doesn't dare to say more about it. Some other words, and more importantly, he also knew that he must be honest now.

At the same time, he took the initiative to share some of the information he knew with Bai Ye. Only then did Bai Ye understand that he was not the only one who did evil! After thinking for a while, his face also had a hint of it. Very troubled look, yeah, all this makes him angry.

At the same time, Doctor Doom has become more honest and serious, and the communication between the two sides will naturally become easier! This is a good thing, at least the communication between the two sides has become: special Interestingly, he also began to tell the truth a little at this time, and naturally, it was easy to understand.

What is this kid thinking in his heart, but then again, things are still in such a state, at this time the destruction format and Mephitos also began to tell him everything .

"I don't need to say more about other things. I think you should now understand what I'm thinking about in my heart, right, in this world, except for you, Doctor Doom..."

"There should be other guys who are stronger and stronger.

It's just that they haven't had a chance to appear in front of us now, but if these guys are going to make a move..."

"For us, it is a catastrophic disaster. I have always been very serious when I talk at night."

"Of course I've reached a state at this stage, and in the future, I will naturally be able to tell you everything that is in my heart again!"

"You actually have a lot of things that you didn't do on purpose, indicating that you want to take this opportunity to deceive me in front of me, but you can't deceive me at all to call me that... hidden guy, okay?"

"I think this should be a fairly simple thing for you. You should know better than me in your heart, what are these things going on?"

Of course, after Bai Ye expressed his inner thoughts in such a way, the guy in front of him can be considered to be really honest, because he knows that many things are not something he can handle casually now... Besides, all of this has already reached such a state, if he wants to be so arrogant again, then the next thing waiting for him will be death.

"You're right, my Doctor Destruction is... I have hidden a lot of information from you... I think you should know the four gods. These guys can be regarded as the craziest in the world..."

"Especially eternity, all of us have been completely controlled by him!"

Chapter 391 Extremely Special

"He can extract a lot of things and things that ordinary people can't imagine!"

"That's why I'm like him now. Of course, I hope you can help me solve all this for this..."

"As long as Eternity can be killed, then everything will not be troublesome for me after all. My Doctor of Destruction can even directly swear allegiance to you!"

After Doctor Doom finished saying these words, his face was filled with excitement beyond the imagination of ordinary people. He understood the series of accidents in front of him better than anyone! What does it mean for him? What, otherwise, he would definitely not be this rigorous now, and at this time, all this is so unquestionable in Bai Ye's eyes.

After all, he is determined, no one can do such a thing, and especially a guy like this always makes people feel extremely strange when he says something, so at this time he also becomes: very arrogant stand up.

"Just tell me, Eternal, why can't it be okay to trouble you? Why do you go back and forth in front of me, I think you should also understand what kind of person I am!"

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