"What I hate the most about this guy is... the guy who goes back and forth in front of me and pretends, I hope you can figure it all out for me, okay?"

"Don't let my heart add more complexity.... Annoying look, of course, I said this only to make you clearly aware of both of us. How big are the problems and contradictions between them!"

Doctor Doom knows that he has no way to make irresponsible remarks in front of Bai Ye now, since he has become like this now! Then he naturally wants to communicate with Bai Ye well, and at the same time he fully returns part of his power to him Bai Ye made Bai Ye feel something strong and irresistible.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ye felt unprecedented madness, and because of this, he also realized what kind of special state he was in. At the same time, everyone also felt unprecedented madness, because they never They didn't feel this, and their bodies swelled up for it! In general...they have never faced the damage done to their bodies by the madness.

The faces of each of them also seem to want to prove something! Bai Ye knows that the guy has arrived, and that kid is... the person who can appear beside him in this way! It's definitely not something Good thing, he was originally angry or used some other ways to prove himself, but somehow he couldn't show his temper, and he looked very happy! This made Bai Ye's heart a little more annoyed. , he knew the power of that guy, and he must still make all of them feel that everything in this world is very helpless and practical! But at this time, Bai Ye is ready for battle, and he is not afraid of anyone! He is more Don't be afraid that this guy will shout so loudly in front of him.

He just felt that the time had come for eternity, and once it appeared, then he would kill that guy in the craziest way! "I never thought that one day I would meet you in such a way, the original world can still be It's a part of me!"

"I didn't expect you, since you have taken away all the things that belonged to me in such a way!"

"It's better now, Doctor Destruction has also begun to blatantly want to rebel against me, you have succeeded, Bai Ye! But I suggest you don't act rashly, because the next thing may cause more damage to you!"

After hearing such words, Bai Ye's expression became quite cold. At the same time, it quickly gathered its own aura and searched around! The existence of that guy was indeed a bit strange to him. Difficult! I am lucky that Bai Ye is concerned about the series of things that are happening in front of me! The eternal power makes this guy completely unable to accept the series of reality in front of him! At the same time, he seems to I also started to think about it...the series of methods I should solve the problem next! Of course, Bai Ye is actually thinking about whether to give this guy some more crazy attack methods to make him realize his weakness. , but even the current Doctor of Destruction has shown a very reluctant look on his face! It seems that things have become easier for this reason, and at the same time, the current Bai Ye's face is... ...... also showed a very calm look, especially when facing the guy Eternal... He knew that if he lost to the other party in terms of momentum, then maybe all of this would happen next. For this reason, push it to an extreme state! He may not even have any chance to live in this place, but at this time everything seems to have become easier for this! Because now He knew that for him, all the things in front of him could only completely change the relationship between the two of them into a particularly painful and helpless situation! "Bai Ye, you are still in front of my eternity. That look is very annoying and particularly irritable, aren't you afraid that I will kill you completely?"

"Let me tell you that, now you don't understand anything in front of me? As long as I am willing to be like you, I can kill you dozens of times back and forth in minutes!"

When Yong Yong said these words, there was already a clear expression on his face that he didn't care about anyone at all! In his opinion, only he himself is the most powerful guy in the world, and he also Showing a very violent! And let all the angels destroy even if it is a painful attack method that such a powerful guy can't bear, I have to say that this guy is really too crazy! He will never allow it Such a person is so arrogant in front of him, and at the same time, Bai Ye's face has a very calm expression.

Facing such an arrogant guy like Eternal, not only was he not angry on the contrary, but his whole person became: very serious.

This is something no one else can do at all! Lu

Chapter 392

But after reaching such a state, the white night is now...also very sad.

If he really wants to completely kill the so-called eternity, then things may become more complicated for him. The main thing is that this guy will die in this place completely for this! At that time, he may also have to bear a bigger and more painful burden for this. After all, he is a generation of gods, and it was so easy to die in his own hands. It was indeed a little strange and peaceful. Very uncomfortable! "What are you joking in front of my friend, just relying on your strength, I look up to you now, and call you the God of Eternity, if I look down on you, you are just... one on earth. An ant, you know?"

"As long as I think I'm willing to kill you, you won't have a chance to live at all. If you dare to shout like this, I order you to let go of my subordinates and stop putting pressure on them in that way, okay?"

After these words are finished, Bai Ye's face is now.... There is also a little more pride, Yong Yong never thought that one day he would be used in such a way. Painful attacks back and forth! This is indeed unbearable for him, and now he is really aware of what he should do next, Eternal is naturally very unconvinced! Bai Ye's this Fan Shuo actually came out of his body, and a 1 star smashed directly towards Bai Ye. How can the power of perseverance be resisted by ordinary people! , the whole person couldn't help trembling, not to mention Mephitos, in his opinion, this is completely... driven to a dead end... After thinking of this, the faces of all of them The above also showed a very painful expression for this, but Bai Ye didn't think about anything more and rushed forward, and even took this thing in his hand! At that time, everyone understood what it was called. The real powerhouse, Hengqiang Bai Ye, doesn't have any special expression on his face at all, and he doesn't even have anything to be afraid of! Because he knows that if he shows the appearance of retreating, then everything may end up in the end. It won't make him any more comfortable.... Funny things, at this time he has also become: very serious! This star is actually in: his hands are already being It was completely absorbed. At this time, Bai Ye really showed his ultimate power to relieve worries, and at this time, Eternal only felt a little frightened! He knew that if he continued with this kind of guy. If he launches a crazy attack, then he will definitely pay a higher price for it. This is not a joke, but a real opponent! At this time, Eternal also understands something, if he continues If you communicate with this guy in that way, then the series of things in front of you are absolutely legal.

While explaining it completely, he quickly took out the star and smashed it into Bai Ye's face in a frantic manner, but there was a hint of happiness on his face.

In the face of such an attack, although he completely absorbed the power of the stars into his body, it was very easy for him! And he didn't waste any money at all. A way of time, at this time, the current eternity is understood, the person he offended is already beyond the scope of what he can bear! He wants to desperately recover his strength, or use a special method , Don't let this guy feel anything else about this again, but all this is so troublesome for him! Eternal has no strength at all to resist the attack from the white night, and at the same time his face There was even a crazy look on his face. He knew that he must be careful when facing such a thing! At the same time, it also made Bai Ye more stable, but how could things be as easy as he imagined? At that time, he had already forgotten everything, and there was a very arrogant look on his face! At this time, Bai Ye didn't want to continue wasting time with Eternity, no matter...

No matter how strong his power is...

How arrogant he is in front of himself! What awaits this guy will eventually be the greatest pain.

At the same time, Bai Ye quickly gathered some of his strength here! He pressed it completely in his hand, and his fastest speed rushed to Eternal's side, grabbed his neck, and showed a winner on his face. A special smile.

"Looking at what you look like now, it really makes me feel a little pitiful. I don't even know what kind of way and words I should use to tell you this regret in my heart!"

"My friend, Eternal, as such a powerful guy, why are you so arrogant in front of me? Do you know that your pretentious attitude is like a fool!"

"I can now determine what is in front of me. As long as I want, I can completely kill you in minutes. Have you ever thought about how it feels?"

Bai Ye's words are simply an insult to Eternal. It is one of the four creation gods of the creation god! To be insulted to the limit in such a way, his Naturally, there are some very painful thoughts on his face! "No, my friend, I don't want to tell you so much, you don't need to... Compete with me in this place, we don't Any reason to be so arrogant in one piece!"

"Don't you understand what I mean? But I still want to make it clear to you. In fact, we can continue to communicate on many things now!"

Eternal mouth actually said such words, when Bai Ye heard such words, there was a real seriousness on his face... He knew that this guy was afraid of him now, and he also began to think about it. , Are you going to give him some more vicious attack methods! So that he can bear to know what kind of thing he is? After thinking about it for a long time, Bai Ye finally laughed, and he decided to clean up Eternal. .

"You kid, it's really fun, come, tell me why you let Doctor Doom find Mephitos to create such a disgusting place to give us all such a manic blow, okay?"

Chapter 393 Eternal Confession

Eternal is now in a very honest state. He knows that ruthless people like Bai Ye despise him and are not his opponents at all! If the series of things in front of him continue to develop, it will be true for him. Pain... He also knows that he must rely on his special strength to resist all the series of crises in front of him! Otherwise, how could he be like this now? But all these things seem to be happening It became more stable at this point.

Moreover, Eternal even honestly told Bai Ye what he had been doing for a while.

"Now that you are honest, we can communicate well between the two of us, and my requirements are not particularly high..."

"I just think that your arrogant appearance in front of me now really makes me have very uncomfortable thoughts in my heart, friend, what you did just now!"

"Actually, my whole person has already become: very embarrassed and angry, if I hadn't used this special method to forcibly suppress the anger in my heart..."

"I'm afraid your kid would have died a long time ago. I didn't talk nonsense to you, you know?"

When Bai Ye said these words, his expression also became very serious. He stared coldly at Eternal in front of him, but Eternal looked very honest and pitiful at this time! People have used all kinds of methods to bully like that. In Bai Ye's eyes, this is just... something out of nothing, and I don't know what this kid is thinking about in his heart! Eternal is also honest at this time. He honestly said the most helpless and ignorant thoughts in his heart now... He began to tell Bai Ye very seriously about what he was experiencing now, and Bai Ye also took it as a joke and began to hear this. a series of things.

"Do you think I'll be able to make waves in this world by myself forever? I'll tell you so! If there is no other support behind me in the white night..."

"How could I do such detrimental things in the name of hell? If I do this, wouldn't I push myself into an abyss?"

"I think you should also know what I mean by these words. I can't possibly lift a stone and shoot myself in the foot. I think you should know better than me on this point, right?"

At first, Bai Ye thought that what this guy said might be a little bit convincing, but as time went on, Bai Ye felt that this kid actually has a deeper level of skepticism than ordinary people! I didn't tell the truth... At the same time, Bai Ye showed his power again! He hit this guy ruthlessly, and for this reason, he has made his current hard work. Bai Ye's actions are indeed extremely cruel and domineering. The... In order to make the guy in front of him understand... He is nothing in front of him, and he has indeed exhausted all kinds of powers now.

On some levels, Bai Ye is indeed an extremely fierce guy! "I've said it before, don't show off your power in front of me, and say so many unnecessary things, I think I know more than you about some things. ..."

"It's just that you kid wants to fool the mystery in front of me deliberately, that's why I look like this now, do you know what I mean?"

"And, having said that, in fact, now I can understand all the things you think about in your eternal heart..."

"It sounds ugly, you want to show your teeth and claws in front of me, but you also have to see if you have that kind of strength, right?"

Eternal felt the threat from Bai Ye. At this time, he was still very calm, because he knew that he would not have the opportunity to be so arrogant again in front of Bai Ye... Then his face was also more than that. With a frightened expression on his face, he knew that he was so arrogant! Sooner or later, he would suffer even greater destruction. Now is an opportunity. He must communicate with Bai Ye well, so that Bai Ye understands that he is not an alarmist and The guy who likes trouble help!"

"On the whole, our four gods are involved in such a thing! It is because of your existence that we have to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the entire universe!"

"To clean out you... guys who seem to be very powerful, and only in this way can the problem be solved, and all of us will not suffer from other people for this. hurt."

"As long as we can completely kill you, then we will have a little right to speak in this universe!"

"I don't know if you will be very angry and angry if I say this, but I hope you can understand that I am completely forced to do this!"

When Bai Ye heard such words now, there was an extremely calm expression on his face.

Eternal, this guy has completely spoken the truth in front of him, he dare not play tricks in front of him,,,,...so the whole person looks like a very miserable one, and At this time, Bai Ye snorted coldly after all, and at the same time he stared at this guy, and there was indeed a lot of fun in his heart.

It seems that this kid is really scared. If he is cowardly, then he should also deal with him and let him understand what kind of person he is. At this time, Bai Ye patted Eternal's shoulder! Take it out of his body again put dozens of stars into his pocket.

In fact, the moment he put it in his pocket, Bai Ye had already absorbed these...... stars into his body completely.

The angels also had surprises in their expressions, this was something they had never seen before, perhaps they had seen a miracle now.

At this time, Bai Ye was still smiling, and the other party naturally dared to be angry and dare not speak... No one has ever dared to play such a crazy move in front of him! He almost took away the new play in his body. It's been a little over half...but it's nothing to him. Soon his body will be able to make stars again.

"I trust you for the time being!"


Chapter 394

"Then tell me, what should I do next? Should you bring me those... troublemakers?"

"Don't ask me to take the initiative to look for them...because it's not a good thing for me!"

"Of course it's equally for you, do you know what I mean? You know what you should do for eternity, do you need me to repeat it?"

Bai Ye looked at Eternity with special eyes. At this time, Eternal's heart was full of turbulent waves. He didn't know what to do! So much so that he didn't know how to express the unique struggle in his heart now. Eternity has never been cleaned up like this today... and Bai Ye finally sighed at this time, forget it, after all, this guy has never suffered anything that belongs to him. .

If you take care of him properly, it is very likely to cause a lot of pain to yourself.

"No, my eternity is nothing more than a little more powerful, and I can use various methods to annex the power of others, but if you keep looking for trouble with me!"

"Bai Ye, don't you think it's a little inappropriate? After all, there are still those behind me... The real murderers behind the scenes are watching my jokes like wolves..."

"You make me feel very embarrassed by doing this. Now I suddenly feel that you are not a good person. You can only bully a weak guy like me, right?"

After hearing these words, Bai Ye suddenly felt that this kind of thing seemed to be very familiar. He had heard someone say such words to him somewhere! It's just that the kid later completely changed his mind. He was killed, and now it was Eternal's turn. He looked at Eternal, patted his shoulder, and said the following words very calmly.

"My requirements are not high. I just want to know who is the real murderer behind it. It should be fine if you bring him here. I hope you can do this kind of thing!"

"As long as you can bring people over, we can chat as we want, you won't have any problems and troubles, and I won't suffer any pain and sadness either!"

"Of course, other than that... don't blame me for being rude, after all, I'm quite violent in everything I do!"

At this time, Eternal also knows that if it is still like this, then the next thing waiting for him may be... real pain! At the same time, Eternal actually thinks so in his heart, and he completely hates his eyes. This guy, if the time permits... He even wants to directly summon his good friend! Star Eater and Death will teach Bai Ye a good lesson. After the test, he also thinks this idea is very good, and his face It even showed a very manic expression on it.

As if he was the... the real bullied guy.

At the same time, he began to honestly talk about his own past! But this was all nonsense in Bai Ye's eyes. At this time, Bai Ye restrained him and trapped him completely with his strength! "You boy Still don't understand what I mean? I gave you this opportunity in the hope that you will summon that friend of yours, and I will chat with him well!"

"Look at how holy he is, instead of deliberately putting on such a pitiful and sad expression in front of me like you are now, do you know that I don't eat this kind of thing?"

"Come on, I know, in fact, you have wanted to summon your fellows for a long time, but you have no chance to resist now, I don't know where to start, I will give you a chance to use it. !"

After Bai Ye finished saying such words, the current eternity is....... I also know what I should do next.

At least it can be seen from the eternal expression that he is actually fully prepared for the series of things in front of him! It means that all things are placed in a complete corner! Then he will start directly. At the same time, after Shi Eternal got the news of Bai Ye, he was naturally very happy, since the other party said so.

If I can't do anything by myself, I'm really sorry.. The other party! He used his power quickly, and in this place, he created a defense that is extremely strong and beyond everyone's imagination! Immediately after A door The dimensional door is completely open in front of them, and there are two extremely powerful.

These... The breath swallowing stars and death reflected by Superman directly descended on this area. Just now, Eternal was still a pitiful and sad look! But now, he has changed It has become a very arrogant and very tyrannical look. After all, my friend is here, and now there is no need to pretend to be a son here! "What did I say, after my people came here, you have no idea at all. How many times have I given you a white night that the law can bear, and I have madly hinted to you..."

"There are some things you can't do, but you don't know it. If you have to pretend to be so good in front of me, the next thing waiting for you is probably... death!"

"These angels of yours will eventually become the nourishment for these... super-powerful gods.

I really don't know what kind of anguish look will be on your cheeks when you get this news..."

"But I think you should have regretted it now, right, I will give you this opportunity to ease everything in your heart!"

When Bai Ye heard these words, there was a very painful and confused expression on his face. He didn't know what this guy was thinking! But he now understands a little bit. , there is still someone who wants to torture himself in this way, he will never give the other party such an opportunity... After thinking about this, his face also looks more comfortable for this reason, and at the same time He quickly used his special power to show a super aura in this place... Star Devourer and Death are of great strength, and they are not easily controlled by him, but they are also in the face of Bai Ye. He looked very surprised! At this time, Bai Ye also laughed. Facing the siege of three super-powerful gods, if it were anyone else, he might not be able to hold it now! But this matter is very important to... Bai Ye To say it is simply... a little tricky!

Chapter 395

It's no wonder he sees it! At this time, Bai Ye also began to use his personal breath... Slowly, the series of things in front of him became completely more relaxed, and at the same time he stared coldly at the person in front of him. guy.

There is also a little more benefit in the heart, especially when fighting against this kind of guy, Bai Ye knows that no matter what, he can't give up the slightest! "Oh, it's interesting, it seems that you are planning to call people now. One piece to besiege me!"

"I don't even know what words to use to describe the painful thoughts in my heart now. No, to be precise, it should be a special thought that is supreme and makes people feel extremely helpless."

"After seeing your appearance, I suddenly realized that many things seem to have become: very simple, if the three gods gather here, then I will definitely not be polite..."

"When I start to hurt you, I just hope that you can feel that I love you very much, okay?"

After Bai Ye finished saying such words, his face also had a very crazy, but also a serious look that people could not imagine at all, he began to use his power quickly! Live, and took out the power of the dozen or so stars in his pocket just now, and quickly threw them in front of the star swallower... Who is the star swallower who will naturally rush forward when they see the power, and It was completely in his own hands! At the same time, Bai Ye now also showed a very serious look.

Only Death was left to deal with it by himself. Seeing Death's moving figure, Bai Ye couldn't bear to do it now.

Because he knew that if he were to act ruthlessly, then this guy would definitely die. At that time, everything would be unbearable, but this is impossible! "Wow, this This kind of feeling is really comfortable, I don't know what tone to use to describe the thought death in my heart now, but after I saw you..."

"Suddenly I felt that everything seemed to be like that. It's not so charming. To be precise, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me..."

"But I hope you can honestly explain to me, what method should we use next to make everything in front of us become: very smooth, if I say this, you actually understand me Meaning, doesn't it?"

Of course, Bai Ye's expression also showed a special happy look, and death naturally still uses its power of death.

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