At the same time, he became happier looking at Bai Ye's cheeks, so after he sighed helplessly, he took out a square box and handed it to Bai Ye. At first, Bai was also very amused. Constantine could have any treasures, but after he got the box, he realized that the contents in it were more violent than he imagined. To be precise, it was a seal box of the evil god.

"Brother, I still can help you with the old saying, I will try my best to help you with this thing, I used to... a demon before, but I thought about it, this demon is actually bigger than I imagined. The kind of lunatic is stronger and stronger..."

"After all, we don't have any way to use it anymore, we have to use this guy completely for you, but you must be careful!"

"This devil is even more powerful than what you have seen now. I am afraid that you will be killed by him instead of being entertained for a while. This is the most worrying thing in my heart right now."

After hearing these words, Bai Ye looked at Constantine's serious look, and couldn't help but snorted in his heart! This kid really knows how to play moths in front of him, after squeezing in and thinking, he He also showed a very worried look helplessly... That's because Bai Ye knew that this thing was still somewhat useful to him, as long as he could completely hold it in his hand and use it... It didn't work. How long can he become a strong guy, and can transform the power of the devil into a part of his body.

"Well, Constantine, I didn't expect you to have such a baby, in fact, this can be considered a very troublesome thing for me, especially when I manipulate these things.. ."

"I suddenly felt that the things in front of me seemed to be getting a little more bleak. Even if these three gods were in front of me, I'm afraid they can't say any number!"

"If I release this demon, the three of them will definitely have a headache for a while, then we will directly travel to another world, and then I think we should be able to get back on track."

To be reasonable, what Bai Ye said was actually very serious and serious, and at the same time, the three gods all showed their appreciation because they had stayed in this place for a long time. .. If they stay longer, it may have a greater impact on their bodies. If you can leave, it is the best thing to leave as much as possible! At the same time, Bai also opened a super strong door at the fastest speed, bringing everyone away. Go in, but this power is also extremely powerful for everyone to be destructive.

But then again, all these things are under Bai Ye's control, so he didn't show a very angry look for this, but it also made people feel sad.

At least these things seem to him to have been completely under control, and the communication between the two has become easier for this! A very happy look.

"I think you should have seen a series of situations here by now, don't you need to ask me to say more!"

"There are a lot of things that you and I can't figure out right now, but so far everything seems to have become like this..."

"There is no need for us to worry too much about this. Come on, tell me what kind of person controls this world!"

"Why do I feel so many weird things in it that I can't believe?"

Bai Ye's words are quite meaningful, but after he just finished speaking, Yong Eternal actually knelt directly on the ground! His eyes were full of madness, and his whole person was tyrannical for it, as if he had already been because of This series of things became: very angry.

At this time, the heart eater looked at the vast surroundings, and felt a little more annoyed in his heart. He also began to think about what he should do next, but this series of thoughts in his heart... It is true that ordinary people cannot understand themselves, but if they are in such a state, then in fact, he also understands this matter now, and must obey Bai Ye's words... As long as he communicates with Bai Ye seriously, Maybe the two of them can see some things more clearly. At this time, he has no chance, so naturally he will honestly explain the matter of his eyes to Bai Ye.

"Friend, what do you want me to say more about this? Our views on this series of events..."

"Actually, it's more clear and clear than anyone, isn't it? It's precisely because of this that everything becomes: very atmospheric, and makes people feel comfortable. I should be right to say so. Bar."

"But there's always something weird going on around our bodies..."

"If it's convenient for us, do you want to find ways to solve these problems instead of letting things go on, which is really not very friendly to us."

After Bai Ye felt the series of weird things here, a look of shock appeared on his face, yes, this was indeed a little uncomfortable in his opinion.

But now it's all in this state! Even if he can make some earth-shattering transformations, I'm afraid this is also in it for him, it's just a useless time It's just an improvement. After thinking of this, Bai Ye really sighed.

"Look at you, what this guy looks like, do these things need to be so scary? I know there may be something, but it just makes you feel a little uncomfortable for me or something else..."

"But in my opinion, it seems that these things are actually more interesting and simple than imagined, right?"

Bai Ye's remarks are full of prejudice, but from a general attitude, he actually has doubts about what's happening in front of him now!

Chapter 401 The Enemy Appears

This is more troublesome than anyone else, otherwise how could he be like this now.

But then again, once things reach such a state, then everything actually becomes more relaxed! Especially when Bai Ye was dealing with these things, his face Don't become a lot easier than anyone else, it's not because he's afraid or worried! It's because he can rely on his own strength and sincerely handle all the series of crises in front of him. , this is the nature that a truly strong person should have.

At the same time, the current Bai Ye finally brought everyone in this place to change some things they never thought about, although it may have made people feel a little troublesome for this at first! But the good thing is now All of this, he was able to press it on a very easy point entirely by his own strength! While dealing with such things, it will not cause them more but more trouble Hurt! It's true, Bai Ye is indeed a guy who is very willing to protect his friends, but then again, is such protection really a good thing for termites? No, maybe, this is actually a good thing for termites It's also a very fly in the ointment. After all, if they are overprotected, they won't use their power to attack and hurt people, then the things in front of them may really change.

Ruthless people like you can come to such a place.

But it really made me feel so emotional, I didn't even know what to say.

But having said that, once everything is in such a state, even if it is a little troublesome, it will become even more unbearable, and they can now rely on their own skills! Let everything become: very comfortable, of course, the words come back, in fact, everything in front of them is real, in fact, what they can't accept for the time being is right! It is because of this, so now The face of Bai Yi read a trace of unbelievable but very troubled look for this reason.

But he was still able to rely on his own strength to make the eternal self simpler. At the same time, Bai Yi also looked at 4 coldly, and naturally there was a little more pain in his heart than ordinary people could imagine. Look! Everyone also looked around, and I have to say that this place really brought them a painful and very uncomfortable look! Otherwise, how could Bai Ye look like this now? There was also a trace of restlessness in his heart, because all the things in front of him were really not something he could understand right now. Sometimes things are like this! The more you want it to become: simple, the more it becomes: troublesome, so you can't bear it at all, at the same time, in the white night now, look around at the kind of... strong force going back and forth in his body Circulation! I have to say, that guy's power is the most harmful to him, otherwise he would never have such an attitude! But on such a level, the current Bai Ye is It is still that very rich and very serious look, and these things may go further for him! The more he will be able to clearly realize how big the trouble in front of him will be.

"Bai Ye, my request is very simple. I think you can see this very clearly now. I don't want any huge conflict between us!"

"That's not a good thing for you, and it's the same for me, because I have indeed been urged and attacked by many ordinary people, alas, this is indeed unbelievable..."

"But it's already in such a state, and I don't want to change anything for it. I just think that letting you continue to suffer such pain and torture is what I want most now."

After hearing these words, Bai Yi's face was full of anger. The way this kid speaks really makes people feel a little uncomfortable! However, in such a situation, he can't do anything about it in the future. To completely change something, anyway... This series of things have become like this... The other party wants to be so arrogant in front of you, then you must find ways to educate the other party well, the other party understands I'm not a bully guy.

"Of course, such an operation is actually not easy for him, and once everything is done, the four of them will be greatly attacked and affected..."

"So they can now rely on their own strength to make everything in front of them a little warmer, but there is no way, the four of them will stay warm after all..."

"There is no way to change the things in front of you, on the contrary, everything has become: more unacceptable, more accurately, the kind of... very painful things, of course, Bai Ye will not do it for This is terrifying."

"I really don't know how powerful your power is, and even in some respects, I think this should be regarded as a very special thing!"

"I don't know if this way of speaking is right or wrong, but when I say it, I really want to help you do something..."

"After all, both of us are friends. Since it is a friendship, there are many things that can be explained clearly and clearly, right?"

After Bai Ye heard these words, he just felt that his body's breath was being controlled by someone, and at the same time his face was full of madness. He didn't know what language and behavior to use to describe what he was seeing. This series of things! More precisely, because there are many things in his body that ordinary people can't believe, and this is also the reason why they are like this.

But Bai Yi is still as steady as an old dog, it doesn't mean that he is afraid of anything! His expression is also very crazy and makes people feel evil! Anyway... When facing such a thing, he wants to He is more cautious than anyone else, after all, he has seen people like him a lot.

So he wouldn't be afraid of anything.


Chapter 402 Really Suspenseful

"It does seem that I have made a lot of things: very complicated, and there are actually many things that are not as troublesome as we think!"

"I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I'm facing everything in front of me in a special way..."

"I know better than anyone else what this series of things means to us. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I think there should be no other People can change something for this!"

After Bai Ye finished saying these words, it was obvious that his face was at least a little more amusing, and it made people feel a little different! Of course, he also knew some things. Such a limit is fully revealed, even if he can change anything in the future! I am afraid that there is no way to resolve it for the time being. These series of things are more stable than others, and the kind of thing that is displayed on his face Miraculous, it is not something that ordinary people can understand at all! In fact, Bai Ye didn't want to make the series of things in front of him become this: it is so tormented, but in the current state, even if you are listed on the market, you can Change something, you may have to pay a greater price for it in the end... All of this is not alarmist, but really when this series of things happens, you can only use this special Face it in a way, want to change but find that there is no power at all! Or the way to make these things more stable, this is the real trouble, but the good thing is Bai Ye, in fact, it is more difficult than others Everything is more stable! As for him, he never likes to let these guys pay for himself or others, especially after reaching the current state... In fact, Bai Ye is already doing it for this. After discovering the things in front of him, how complicated is it for him, or how could he be like this now? "I think the rest of you have understood the things in front of you now. Now, don't you? Actually, you know better than me what the pain we are suffering from now, of course, when things get to such a state..."

"I hope you can seriously understand how I am thinking about these things right now. To put it rudely, although you three beings are extremely powerful, you are in front of these guys!"

"It shows a very helpless state, as if you will be bullied casually. I don't know if it is right or wrong to say that, but I hope that you can treat me well for this. Have a deeper communication!"

"Perhaps this will make us understand a lot more than what anyone has seen, but it doesn't matter anymore, whether you choose to continue to move forward together, or have your own ideas... "

"Of course, I hope you can help me understand all these things before I can change everything to a state that can be changed to extremes!" People's views on this series of things in front of me are actually more clear than me, understand?"

After Bai Ye's words are finished, it seems that everyone can see clearly, what are they talking about now! Of course, they can be so clear! Become: When people feel stable, then they all show a very serious look now. At first, Death always felt that he was being played with, but he heard what Bai Ye said. With these words, he suddenly felt as if he could become more powerful in front of Bai Ye! But he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to say so, but the series of events in front of him were completely revealed to him. After being in front of him... He has actually discovered now that Bai Ye is more in place than they thought, and they sometimes do things that are really not as interesting as Bai Ye.

That's why they are doing the same now, facing Bai Ye seriously! "Bai Ye, although we think that what you say is actually very disgusting to us, but we suddenly feel that you are a very reliable person. Guy, to be able to work with a guy like you, it seems like all of this is going to be: more comfortable, right?"

"I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I can tell you responsibly that I'm still different from other people, and I can understand that you don't want to destroy us deliberately, right! "

"As for me, I promise that you are willing to stand on the same front as you and do things. Of course, I hope you can also see what is in front of you. This is very important to us, isn't it?"

This guy can say such words at this time, and there is a very happy look on Bai Yi's face, so that Bai Yi now understands what happened at night better than anyone! In fact, this god already understands what all the things in front of them mean to them... It is precisely because of this that everything seems to be very interesting and special. It makes people feel helpless, of course it doesn't matter.

At the same time, the passerby has become more serious, as if he has now felt what the series of events in front of him mean to him! They began to think about these problems quickly, and they didn't know what it was It's not what method should be used to make Bai Ye more stable, but after thinking about it, they all changed after all, and they are a little more serious! "If you had imagined that you would be like this today, I think You guys won't change into the same appearance at all, the pitiful appearance of each one is really pitiful, but in the hands of me Bai Ye..."

"One by one, you will exert your greatest strength, and I assure you, there will be no more ... other people will attack you in the next step, or something else, I can still do this. Yes, I think you should be able to understand what I mean by now, right?"

Chapter 403 Rare and confused

Bai Ye's remarks are actually very comforting to them. If these guys don't even understand such things...then it can only show that they are true one by one. They are all fools with problems in their brains, but after some running-in at this stage, Bai Ye found that these guys are actually very pitiful.

There are a lot of thousands of words in their hearts, and they want to say them completely in a moment, but they find that they can't have that kind of strength, so when they do certain things, their faces are full of expressions. It is a very helpless and sad look! Bai Ye can still understand this kind of thinking, but at the same time, there is a little doubt in Bai Ye's heart, why are these guys like this? The problem may still be A lot... but at this time in such an area, he actually has no way to ask these guys what to say, the only expression left on his face is... a pair of With a very helpless and overly serious look, he stared at these guys with a little more comfort in his heart.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to look like this in front of me, I think you should have the same understanding and views as me about the series of things in front of you in your heart. In some cases..."

"You may not have figured it out at all. You will figure out this series of problems. Come on, let's move forward and move forward..."

"I want to see what will happen next. With your help, I think all problems should not be big problems. We should be able to work together to solve everything. ."

Bai Ye's remarks are still very considerate and close, and after he finished speaking, the faces of the three gods also showed a very sad look on their faces! Even they themselves don't know why Things will be like this, but then all of them have a serious look on their faces at the time. It is indeed like this, and now both of them are starting to play games with each other! Some of them have already I began to believe Bai Ye's words, but it was obvious that the Star Eater still had a huge opinion on... Bai Ye! He also knew that at this stage he might not be able to fully express it in any special language.

Otherwise, he would have tried his best to make it all clear. At such a key node, they all seem to have suffered the same problems and troubles! Maybe this is what they want now Let's face some things, but then again, Bai Ye also knows what the three gods are thinking! But now there are no more troublesome contradictions, even if he wants to take this opportunity to do something, It must also be under the strong contradiction, only in this way they seem to have reached a united front.

But what Bai Ye didn't expect happened, and the power of a powerful but very mutated guy quickly spread around them! No, this time is completely different from the last time, if those guys used to be If they don't have such strength at all... Then everything is like that now, which makes him feel weird. To be precise, someone did it deliberately and planned this series of things. That! "Bai Ye, I know that you really want to find some traces of me in this place, but according to the current situation, if I gradually appear in front of you, it may create a lot of confusion for you. Great difficulty!"

"Even so that you can't even understand what the series of events before the night will look like to... our impression, but the words come back!"

"Actually, there is something in my heart that other people can't believe or can't imagine. In my opinion, you guys are nothing more than just wanting to come to this place or maybe more power, right?"

Bai Ye couldn't help laughing after hearing this. He never thought that the other party would tell him what he knew now in such a way! At the same time, Bai Ye also smiled and recalled that guy , at least it can be judged from the style of Bai Ye's speech, he really wants to communicate with the other party seriously, otherwise it will never be like this.

"Okay, okay, I know what you are thinking about in your hearts, and the more you progress in this way, the more you want to reflect on it. Get the power of these three gods and see if you can completely devour them, right?"

After Bai Ye's remarks were finished, it seemed that all a series of things became for this reason: to make it simple, that... secret guy didn't even know what to say for a while! Just let him go. There is no such thing as existing in this world, but soon Eternal stood by the termite's side. He looked at the rather chaotic scene, and there was a little more turbulence in his heart. At the same time, he seriously sighed. He breathed and said the words in front of him.

"It's not normal, Bai Ye! It seems that this matter cannot be handled by our three major gods together. If it is convenient, you should help us solve these problems together with us, right?"

"We're not the kind of... ungrateful people, and being able to do something with you... It's just... glory of glory for us, but we'd rather you understand that too. Everything we all think together now!"

These three gods also seem to understand their current situation. Otherwise, how could they say such words? After hearing this... Bai Ye is actually very happy, according to the general situation. , these guys will definitely have nothing to do with themselves, and from some specific state... they will definitely have a bigger relationship with themselves, which is beyond what ordinary people can imagine. kind of conflict.

At the same time, Bai Ye also snorted coldly! He quickly let his power spread in this place, and at the same time he began to look for the existence of that guy. None were found, which was really not a good thing for him.


Chapter 404 Finally Appears

To be honest, Bai Ye always feels that there is something more troublesome than ordinary people imagine, but there is no way, since the things in front of you have happened to such a state... Then everything seems to be the same. For this, it will become more interesting, but it is too much more comfortable than it looks..., Bai Ye is very arrogant to fully concentrate these powers in his own hands! And quickly make his own The brothers were also calmed down. Of course, in such a state, in the future, he will not consume any more things for this! On the contrary, he began to quickly change his whole person. Got: Calm down, and very comfortable.

The other party is also very curious. He originally thought that Bai Ye could not find himself. He never thought that Bai Ye would use some kind of power at this moment, and his original form appeared in front of him, which was really uncomfortable for him. And it really made him understand why the crisis at night was like this! To be precise, it is also the void of power! And all of this is more than they imagined. The firm, the other party just wanted to gain their physical strength, so they used that kind of... special way to eagerly compress all these things into a small: the corner! They are now facing this The series of crises is actually more troublesome than others, but it is also very important, at least now each of them can feel at ease! The three gods still stand by Bai Ye's side in a special way, they know that if At this time, it is impossible to face such a crisis with Bai Ye! Then for them, the immediate situation may become worse for this, or it will make them feel more unbearable.

"It's so interesting, you guys are actually disrupting the series of things I've got now in such a way, I really don't know why you are so powerful, just say it, what you think in your heart what is it!"

"In my opinion, this may be... not at all, but in fact, I've been thinking about one thing, when we came to this world, we were already targeted by you, right? In fact, it has always been: waiting for me in a special way..."

"Or you've been trying to get something from me in some special and eager way, I should be right in saying that, my friend!"

"Then since we have reached such a position, it may be easier for us to chat now. I think you should also see what the strength of the three 3 first is!"

Bai Ye's words were quite intimidating, and after hearing such words, the other party's face also showed a very annoyed look!

Of course, in fact, it will also become more fun among them... Yes, everything in front of you can actually be regarded as deliberately arranged by Bai Ye, in fact, in the face of the other guy time of power.

Ye can completely kill it in an instant! But Bai Ye didn't do it at all. He has always been very benevolent and righteous. When faced with such a thing, he didn't think much about it at all. On the contrary, There was even a happier look on his face.

And it also looks more comfortable, yes, when he is doing these things, he is actually happier than anyone else, and the more he is in such a state, the more comfortable it is for him. Ultimate.

Every time I thought that things were like this, Bai Ye's face hung a particularly warm smile for this, at least it was more appropriate than others.

Yes, everything has actually come to such a scene, so when they deal with some troubles and things, it should become easier.

Bai Ye has always been very stable when he is doing things, but the death on the side, after seeing this series of situations in front of him, he can't stop the question in his heart, why Bai Ye does this, he always feels that Bai Ye is now deliberately And for that.

I want to trouble them, but I don't know how to speak for a while. Of course, once in such a situation, the things they are facing and dealing with in the future may be even more disturbing. Extremely unbearable.

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