Yes, after all, death can't help but plan to say what's in his heart now. If they can't even understand these things, then they may end up suffering more than just this little trouble.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but let me tell the truth The problem at hand!"

"Come by my side, and want to deprive some of your own power from my hands, don't you think that this is really not good for me?"

"And I can tell you responsibly that all these things in this area have nothing to do with you, if you leave now..."

"You can still leave here completely. Of course, if you have some other ideas, I will definitely not tell you more in this way. If you want to leave, just leave."

When Bai Ye was facing such a thing, his face also had a very special but serious look, but then again, all of this is actually under Bai Ye's control now... He won't worry about it, this person wants to drive them away in a special way, what a joke, Bai Ye won't be someone they can bully casually! "It's really interesting, you think Do you completely drive us away in this special way, hehe, since we are here, we will never be deceived by anyone, you can rest assured."

"When things have reached such a state, I will naturally make you very aware of the difficulties and pains we have suffered in the future!"

Bai Ye knows that this guy's power is much more powerful than he imagined. If he can fully take it into a part of his body... then he can be regarded as getting a lot of things for this! But just See if the other three gods are willing to cooperate with him to deal with such a problem.

Chapter 405 Persevere to the End

"I hope you don't put on such a pitiful appearance in front of me, okay? It's as if I have made some very bad influences on you!"

"But then again, in fact, we are all very aware of this series of events in front of us!"

"In the end, why is it like this? You pretend to be crazy in front of me, so the result for you is very likely to be... completely destroyed by me!"

Bai Ye's words were spoken, and almost everyone understood it in the future, and now Bai Ye is really angry.

He doesn't allow anyone to use that kind of... special way to show off their power in front of him, of course, if this kind of thing continues... then for... Bai Ye, in fact, all of this will be for this. It became more comfortable and clearer.

At the same time, Bai Ye quickly stepped back, and his face was also full of that...regular and melancholy look. Of course, then again, once things reached such a state! In fact, Bai Ye knew, no There will be someone standing by his side, even his good friends will feel confused about this, because when they deal with these things together, something bad and troublesome will always happen. In fact, all this should have been controlled by Bai Ye in the dark. The death at this time has long been unbearable. The series of pain in front of him made his face full of madness! He knew that if he didn't use some special If you can solve the problem in front of you, then that guy will find his own problems and troubles again and again, this is not a joke! "You guy really makes people feel crazy, Have you forgotten how I treated you back then?"

"Death, you despicable villain made me think very crazy things, but you are really not right now!"

"If you really want to make everything look like this in a way like yours, then the next thing may really be impossible to do, I hope you'd better think about it and see Let's see how to solve all this in front of us!"

Bai Ye understands the meaning of this voice very well. It seems that there is indeed some connection with this guy before death, but suddenly Bai Ye also seems to realize something... If you let death come forward to deal with these things in person ...It is very likely that the series of problems in front of him will change to a state that makes him very uncomfortable and especially uncomfortable! But.......I want to see death and I have to say what this guy fights like! Bai Ye's idea is indeed crazy, but from a certain perspective, Bai Ye is actually excusable! If it is someone else, It may not be like this at all... Of course, things seem to be so moldy, and both of them will show a special situation beyond ordinary people for this in the future! This is still very interesting, No, in fact, Bai Ye has already controlled the audience, and now it's up to the rest of them to perform.

Death's face is full of madness and irritability, because he knows that if he really does it... It is very likely that some of their things will be ordinary people and there is no way to face the white night. I support death very much! To be honest, death is very curious, why does Bai Ye give his power to himself? But after he got tens of billions of power... The whole person has become: very interesting, just As if nothing happened just now, of course, this kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can't understand! When Eternal and Star Eater faced the series of things in front of them, they had already put all of this into consideration. I see, but they don't want to use that... special method to make these things more troublesome! "Isn't my death because I had a communication with your fantasy god? As a result, since you are using such a This is a way to forcibly take these things out of my hands! What are you kidding me, I would never allow something like this to happen in front of me!"

"You don't have to think about it. I will use the craziest method to make everything in front of me return to the void. At that time, you may really transform into..."

After Death said these words, the God of Illusion suddenly burst into a more powerful breath! He surrounded him, and I have to say such a series of ways, and the two sides will also have a relationship in the future. They were all tortured! And each of them also showed a very vague and sad atmosphere. This feeling is really unbelievable, and the more it reaches such a state.. .... everything is actually more and more unbelievable. When Bai Ye saw this series of things, there was already a hint of helplessness in his heart! It seems that even if it is, Death has gained his own power, but he still can't master these powers, but in the end, there is some helplessness in his heart. If this goes on, maybe all of this will really be transformed to a limit! No! Knowing whether it will be as easy as he imagined, at this time and now Bai Ye is eagerly watching the series of events in front of him, these things are actually very troublesome for him! "Hehe, death depends on your Ability, do you still want to find a card face in front of me in such a way? Do you think you have such a powerful power to change everything in front of you? Even if you have the ability to reach the sky!"

"You are nothing in front of me at all, as long as I am willing, I can make you die in front of me immediately, you know what?"

"Oh, what a pity, if you were really a person who understood and knew what to do, how could you be like this now? Well, let's not talk nonsense, then I will let you do it for this. Experience what true death is!"

Bai Ye knows that now, the God of Illusion intends to use his most brutal method to completely kill death, but how could Bai Ye allow such a thing to happen in front of him? After thinking about this, his face also looks more At the same time, he quickly thought about the thoughts in his heart! He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to think this way! Then it was just the idea of ​​the design that completely controlled the other party!

Chapter 406 Extreme struggle

Death is unwilling to believe that this is what really happened, but it was only at that moment! Everyone felt the strong power of Bai Ye, which is not something ordinary people can resist for them, and the more If they go on in such a way... everything will make them feel how troublesome everything is now, and Bai Ye will soon press the other party completely on his own. Under him... the god of illusion, he never thought that one day he would be completely pinched by someone in this way. This is simply too shameful for him, a strong man like him. How could someone be controlled casually? But what really happened was like this, Bai Ye's power was extremely strong, and he was domineering to a state that people couldn't weigh at all, and the more it happened in such a way. Things, the more people can understand... Now what will happen to them? Bai Ye has already controlled the God of Illusion. Since he controls the God of Illusion, then this area He was completely under his control. This is the most important thing! Bai Ye can't say how proud he is at this time, but he can't say how calm he is. In his opinion, things are nothing more than this. It's up to him to do what he does when he comes down! The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he is indeed a little too evil, but he can't help it, after all, this is his own. What he can do now, so why should he change it What is he going to do next... He knows that if he doesn't admit it, then he may be waiting for... the real death! "I now know what the predicament I am in now is like, I hope you don't torture me in such a way, okay? We both understand the cause of the problem, and you know why you are like this!"

"I also know what the reason for your coming here is. We don't have to... to entangle Bai Ye, you can leave if you want, and I won't keep you for this!"

"I won't embarrass you either, but I hope you can leave me a chance to live in this world, okay? I'm not asking too much, right?"

Bai Ye's expression became quite interesting after hearing what the other party said. Of course, if things were as simple as what the guy said, maybe he wouldn't do anything about it. ...But how can all the problems in front of me be solved? Bai Ye won't let go of this guy so easily now. In Bai Ye's eyes, this guy still has a lot of room to use... As long as he himself If used properly, then.

However, he was able to find a lot of useful things on this guy. The more he talked about it, the more Bai Yi's face became: he was happy! He knew that he thought so, but he couldn't make it. My whole person became more relaxed! The God of Illusion also felt a little wrong. If he continued in this way, wouldn't he be completely finished in this place one day? After all kinds of thinking.. .... He also showed a very tolerant look after all. He knew that he had no chance to communicate with this guy anymore. He didn't want to leave here completely, and he didn't want to die directly! This way Since then, everything has become troublesome, but Bai Ye will not let time stop in this area. On the contrary, Bai Ye has become a little more calm... let his own After the power has been fused back and forth in the opponent's body several times, he quickly injected his own breath into the opponent's body, and the two sides were entangled back and forth in a special way! I have to say that everything is also At this moment, it changed into a very comfortable appearance, Bai Ye was indeed successful, the other party was indeed changed, and the other party's body was almost out of control! When did Star Eater and Eternal ever see such a crazy person? Things, their faces have become: very embarrassed, this kind of thing they know is actually very troublesome! It can be said that the strength of the two of them is too strong, but when facing each other, there may not be any The way to completely overthrow it to the ground... Otherwise, how could they look like this? At this time, the star eaters are... ...... also realized some very strange Crazy things, he understands that he is not Bai Ye's own thoughts at all! "I finally understand what a real strong man is, it seems that we are nothing in front of him, hehe eternal, I don't want to say so many useless things now. Words, I know all the things in front of me..."

"If we can really continue to develop in such a way, it would actually be a good thing for us, I have now completely become Bai Ye's subordinate, no matter what...

Whatever Bai Ye says, I will always follow him by his side, and I will never abandon him!"

The star eater can actually say such words, just from this way, you can see what the star eater is thinking about, and the more you go in this way, even the Now Eternal also understands... What kind of way should he use to live in harmony with Bai Ye? In the past, he thought that Bai Ye was nothing more than a bum, nothing more than a bastard, but now in his opinion, , doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Everything is much more interesting than he imagined, and he naturally knows that this guy still has other ideas. In future exchanges, the two of them will definitely be able to figure out all these things.

At this time, the status of the God of Illusion was so embarrassing that he didn't know how to get rid of the series of things in front of him. It was not difficult to see from the special expression on his face... People have also entered a state of fantasy.

He never thought that one day he would be suppressed in such a way, but from a big perspective... In fact, he understands what all this is like better than others!

Chapter 407 A little confession

That is to say, in such a state, in the future, he will naturally be very clear and very aware of what he should do.

"I think now I should already know, what kind of state is all this put in, you can say, what do you want in the white night, I can figure out all the things I have done now Clearly and clearly..."

"But you kid is going to continue to steal and play tricks in front of me. I tell you I'm welcome. Don't think you've trapped me in this way!"

"I won't be afraid of you, thinking I'll make everything very clear in front of me, and I'll make everyone: very uncomfortable, have you ever thought about what such a thing is like Is it?"

The God of Illusion is actually here: Threatening Bai Ye in such a way is indeed a bit fun for Bai Ye, but in such a state, the God of Illusion is already at the end of the future! It is nothing at all. How to change the series of things in front of him, otherwise he would never be like this, and at the same time, the current Bai Ye has become more interesting! After he knew what this kid was thinking about in his heart, his expression changed. It also became very calm.

"You just talk big in front of me in this way, right? Well, do you want to prove something to prove that you are more powerful than I imagined? You don't even look at what kind of thing you are. .."

"Come on, I'll let you experience the feeling of this power revolving back and forth in your body. The reason why these three gods are like this is very simple!"

"It's because they have been completely conquered by me now, and the reason why you dare to be so mad in front of me may have already been made clear, because you are not afraid of me at all, that's why things have happened. Is it like this?"

After Bai Ye said these words, it was obvious that everyone present was completely silent, and they didn't even understand why Bai Ye had transformed so much! And said such words in such a way, and everything arrived After such a situation, everyone is now stabilized for this.

The God of Illusion also understood what he was facing now. Originally, he was extremely arrogant, and he was so domineering that even he himself did not want to believe it.

But now, even if he doesn't believe it, he has to seriously make the things in front of him a little quieter. At least he won't be particularly irritable like before... Because in that case, he is very After all, what he has to do now is... Listen carefully and see what Bai Ye wants to do with himself. If Bai Ye wants to let himself die completely, then the only thing he can do now is. .. Got it! Bai Ye wasn't in a hurry, and the relatives also became quiet, to a state that made people feel very strange, and it was precisely because of this that things suddenly became interesting! It's natural to be very curious, why is Bai Ye like this now? This is too inappropriate, is it possible that Bai Ye is also afraid of something because of this, but soon Bai Ye expressed his current inner thoughts, He very indifferently returned part of his power directly to the guy, and completely blocked the kid in the corner in a very special way, and naturally all the problems were solved.

"How about it, I don't know if this kind of thing and what I do is right for you, but I prefer to believe that all this is... what you want to have now. , isn't it?"

"I gave you freedom and let you live completely, I think you should know better than me how to treat me, please come on, how about you, can you tell me something about you? What I know..."

"In this way, the communication between us will become: a little easier, of course, if you don't want to, then I won't clean up you!"

"On the contrary, I will educate you more gently and well, so that you know that there is no such gentle and very honest person like me in this world."

After Bai Ye's words were finished, it seemed that everyone was quiet about it. They were very afraid that Bai Ye would make something bigger and more troublesome for this.

After all, a guy like Bai Ye... If he is crazy, no one will be able to understand how everything he thinks in his heart comes from, but now Bai Ye is really honest, he looks like Like a good man.

"Oh, I really didn't expect you to become like this, it really surprised me, but then again, I want to understand how you are thinking about this series of things now."

"Do you have any... good ideas to face me and my friends now, I think you have also seen the god of illusion, all of them have turned into a very evil look.. ."

"The question is what do you want to do? I can tell you responsibly. If you do it next, you will die for it!"

This time, Bai Ye is really honest. When he finished saying this, the other party, the God of Illusion, became more calm, and he realized that he might not have any chance to live at all. At the same time, he also told Bai Yi very seriously and actively the reason why they brought him to this world. When Bai Ye knew about a series of things that had happened here, he naturally became : Very happy... Of course he doesn't know if his thinking is right or wrong, but at least he is now convinced that he understands all the problems here! So he won't do it Worrying or being afraid of something, this is indeed a very fun thing.

"Okay, there is no way for us to continue to communicate in detail. Then you, don't be afraid of this, okay?"

"I think all of us can understand this, and you, of course, have to pay your own price for the pain you are suffering now, you will like this feeling very much, I say absolutely Yes, trust me!"

Chapter 408 Tired of everything

Bai Ye also knows that these things are nothing more than hallucinations. He knows that if he is still addicted to it, he is unwilling to find ways to change these things in front of him... If everyone understands the seriousness of these problems, they will Being completely controlled by more troublesome things, Bai Ye quickly released his own power! And started to influence everyone at the fastest speed, so that they can also understand the series of problems in front of them. In this way, these three great gods will naturally wake up completely! It's just that their faces are still filled with all kinds of unwilling expressions, as if they have already seen everything in front of them clearly for this reason, That half is indeed the case, Bai Ye will soon expose the matter in front of you! "Since you have completely seen through the series of events in front of you, then I don't need to be polite in front of you at all. Do I need to say more?"

"In fact, all the things in front of me are already beyond what I can bear or accept for this. I will tell you that, ha, in fact, I can completely destroy everything now. .."

"But only Bai Ye can't be destroyed. The reason is very simple. I, the predator, need you. As long as you can exist, then I will restore my power!"

"Into your body, huh, then I may become more powerful. In this case, you actually understand, how can all things resist my power? They are all suffering. It's just an impact!"

After the predator finished saying these words, Bai Ye really sighed, and the three gods next to him disappeared long ago. It's just a phantom! If you want to cause him pain in such a way, I'm afraid things are not that simple. Bai Ye is thinking. After arriving here, his whole person will become more relaxed and more comfortable! But He doesn't worry about this, he can still kill the guy in front of him, and now he is just a very ordinary warp... This kind of space camp is very important to It was nothing to him, but he never thought that after the three so-called gods had completely disappeared, a man with two swords and a very cold expression appeared in front of him. Isn't this the death knell? The death knell at this time is also a leisurely look and doesn't care about anything, as if he is also a leader, the whole person becomes: very crazy a little bit! He quickly displayed his own power He rushed forward and wanted to completely kill Bai Ye. Of course, those angels also looked very terrifying. He cleared up that the series of things in front of him was so crazy and made people feel like they were bursting. At that time... they all showed their positions one after another, trying their best to help Bai Ye create a defensive position to protect him, but things were not as interesting as imagined, or as unexpected as possible! The ultimate trouble It still happened in front of them. At this time, Bai Ye discovered that the other party was just a breeze, so these angels lost their weight and brilliance, and fell on the ground.

"Is this energy fluctuation something you can't understand for this reason? Bai Ye, I think you are actually smarter than anyone, you know better than anyone what I want to do in my heart, as long as I think about it, you will Completely died in front of me in an instant!"

"But I know that if I do that, everything will really lose momentum, and I won't solve you easily..."

"On the contrary, I will also use some gentle methods, slowly let you lose strength, and make your whole person become: very relaxed."

At this time, Death Knell's body is also full of the kind that some ordinary people can't find... special circumstances, this kind of power and things are also rejected by Bai Ye now, but he knows that no matter what happens It happened! Then he has to face it! Bai Ye just snorted coldly, and immediately stepped forward to control the death knell, but the death knell did not walk backwards for this reason! On the contrary, he is a person He also showed a very flustered and happy look.

It's a distorted expression to be inaccurate, he doesn't care that much at all! He just feels that as long as he can be punished and attacked by others, he is satisfied with him.

"Quick, continue to use your power to attack me, I want to see if you will be as powerful as I am thinking now, all of this seems to me to be so natural!"

"If you can do your best to teach me to kill it completely, on the contrary, I will be grateful to you. It is because of your method that I have become so powerful now. , which is so exciting for me!"

After the death knell was finished, after such words, it seems that everything has become for this reason: it stopped, and each and every one of them has a special toughness in their eyes! Expression, the predator manipulated the faces of the three gods and reappeared in front of Bai Ye. He thought that he could use such a mental attack method to make Bai Ye completely sluggish... or to make Bai Ye completely crazy, But things were far more difficult than he imagined. Instead of showing any fear or worry, Bai Ye stood there with great interest! Watching the guy in front of him perform back and forth in front of him, Bai Ye knew this The kid must want to use a more extreme way to clean up himself, but the time is not yet ripe, and he doesn't know how to start now! The combination of Death Knell and Marauder is really interesting for... Bai Ye Yes, at the same time, Bai Ye directly crushed the possession in his own hands, which was beyond the predator's expectations! The predator is now completely panicked, so that his attack method has become even more unrealistic. , at this time, the battle between the two sides can be regarded as entering a situation of inseparability, and Constantine, who is hiding in the corner to watch the battle! Understand that this series of things is not something that he can control now. Yes, after all, his power is only a little of what ordinary mortals have.

Chapter 409 All villains

"Bai Ye, you won't be my opponent. Hmph, I think you should understand my name. Can't you see why I can exist in this world with such a powerful appearance?"

"It's because I have a unique way of looting and getting into other people's bodies that I am called such a name!"

After the predator finished saying such words, he has become very suspicious now, because he really understands, the more he goes down, the more clearly he can see such things. Come out! What you have to accept.

It is precisely because of this that he cherishes Bai Ye's body even more. If he can directly bring Bai Ye into his hands, then he will be less confused! But just in the next second, the guy in front of him regrets his series of operations. , he even understood that he might just be... a fool in front of Bai Ye, this is indeed true, and Bai Ye... is indeed playing in his own special way, the guy in front of him , he did things in such a way, there is no other reason, just to make it easy for the other party to understand that he is not someone who can be bullied casually! This guy lost to the White Night Marauder like this, Originally thought that with his own strength, he could invade Bai Ye's body, but now he realizes that he is so naive, as long as Bai Ye wants to change the troubles in front of him, he will change it casually, and Bai Yu's face is also very naive. It's full of sincerity! The predator never thought that he would be directly suppressed in a corner. This is indeed too scary. He looked at the serious white night, but in his heart... ...and a little more peace of mind.

Since he is not the opponent's opponent, he is indeed convinced now that he has lost. At this time, he finally understands that no matter what method he uses to usurp other people's bodies, in the end he will meet on the way. The kind of pain that ordinary people can't believe and resist! Bai Ye knew that if he gave... the other party another chance, he would not care...

How, in the end, he may still be a guy who will make people feel particularly weak in his heart, he will not do this! Killing the predator is the best thing he should do now. After some of the power was exhausted, it was directly compressed, but only at the moment of compression, there was a strong explosion behind him... Mechanical Superman and General Zod appeared at the same time, and of course they were followed by Luther, these three. People are no fun! Bai Ye knows better than anyone that he is facing big trouble, and once these guys show up in front of him! Some, and he has to suppress his own power tightly! But obviously, the plunderer was not affected by this, on the contrary, with the help of some breath at this time, he completely escaped here in a flash! "Plunderer I didn’t expect you to have a day too, sigh, in my opinion, you still have your way of doing things, it’s really not as comfortable as I imagined! Eternal Evil is now under your control, so you still want to do something more..."

"Well, are you telling me to use your own skills to abuse others? I really don't understand how you think, as long as we can fully control the evil and eternity, I should be right to say so, you should also know better than me!"

The words of the mechanical superman made Bai Ye understand something. Could it be that their ultimate conspiracy is to control the evil eternity? After hearing this, Bai Ye has become a little more stable! General Zod is a very powerful pair. For him, the problem is not a big problem at all, so he is such a fluke and fun appearance.

He naturally looked at Bai Ye with that... special look! It was like looking at Bai Ye as a fool. Naturally, he knew exactly how this kid was thinking, and he didn't feel any panic about it. On the contrary, , he feels that the more the other party treats him in such a way... it can prove that he attaches great importance to the kind of battle he wants to have with himself, and the white night at this time has become more relaxed. A little! Luther stepped forward, as if nothing had happened, and flashed to Bai Ye's side in an instant, patted Bai Ye's shoulder, and looked at everyone and couldn't help but laugh at what happened now! "I really can't help it. As expected, sigh, but then again, look at your appearance, the White Night Predator just wants to add a little breath to him!"

"It's most important thing is actually... to completely transform Evil Eternal into a 1 plaything in his camp, just like a very small 1 piece, as long as this piece can be used in place to control the limit ..."

"Then all the questions are not particularly troublesome, and we can even be happier and more concise about it, and what I'm telling you, do you have a little bit of .. what I'm saying now of comprehension"

At this time, Luther didn't look scared. On the contrary, he even showed a very happy expression on his face. This feeling was as if he was saying to Bai Ye that a rubbish like you is not me at all. But Bai Ye doesn't care so much. Everything he thinks at this time is actually easier than he imagined. Bai Ye just wants to hear it, or he wants to see what these people think about it. What are you going to do in front of him! Bai Ye naturally intends to communicate with them in a mocking tone, because these guys don't think of themselves as an evil and troublesome existence at all. After thinking of this, Bai Ye also Naturally, he laughed... His expression was as if he was mocking these guys, he didn't even pay attention to these guys, and at the same time he snorted coldly, his cheeks There is also a look of embarrassment on the top! He knows that he really needs to teach these guys a good lesson, and let them really understand what kind of existence he is! Maybe this is the only one It looks like they can now understand all this and what it is like in the end. After thinking of the child, Bai Ye turned around and quickly pulled the plunderer back with his own power!

Chapter 410 Everyone has their own fears

Because he had buried some of his power in the predator's body before, as long as the series of things in front of him are in place! Then the series of crises in front of him can't be regarded as a specific crisis, and Bai Ye knows that he has done so... ...It must be a little risky, but he succeeded, the three people are still talking and teasing, at the same time as Bai Yi, the predator has already appeared in Bai Ye's hands, as long as Bai Ye is willing, the predator will surely die.

"Hehe, is it very painful how you feel? I have already told you, some things are not as simple as you think, but if you have to show me in front of me that you seem to be very powerful ..."

"Then I'm welcome, I'm not a guy who is easy to be bullied in Bai Ye, and now I will directly give you some more exciting and fun ways to cause harm, maybe you will be more accepting of what I say to you... Attitude isn't it?"

"Come to me and play some more interesting things next. Let me see what other ways you can resist the power of me. There is nothing wrong with what I say."

At this time, Bai Ye's whole person has become more gentle and considerate, but in the eyes of others, this is completely the craziest and the most mutated! So much so that they don't know how to describe it. The problem at hand is now, they are afraid that they will suddenly be overwhelmed by Bai Ye's way of treating people! The eternal existence of evil is also known to Bai Ye, so they naturally have no way to seriously talk to Bai Yexi again. The only thing they can do now is... I hope Bai Ye can calm down and learn something together with them... In this way, everything will become simpler and more interesting, but if If the clothes are still very exaggerated, everything in nature, including the things in front of them, will be more difficult to deal with.

But it was obvious that General Zod wanted to strike first, and a crimson unknown laser shot out of his eyes, hitting Bai Ye's body, but only 0 away from Bai Ye.

0 mm! However, a very special defense net was formed, which blocked this power directly from the outside. It was precisely because of this that they understood clearly... Bai Ye is more powerful than what they had. It was even more powerful in the imagination, but naturally all of them also realized some problems! At this time, Bai Ye waved his hand and completely transferred his power to another place. General Zod also understood this. What is the pain that he is facing! He wants to change quickly, but how, this kind of thing is not what they can do now! I don't know much about... Evil Eternal White Night, but the name of light, Bai Ye can understand what kind of existence the other party is! The predator is convinced in front of him. This is something he has already done, but he doesn't know what will happen next... The more he thinks about it, the face of Bai Ye's face The more excited he became, the more he didn't know what to do, the reason was very simple, it actually made everything more stable! And it was more interesting, then The three people also became very indifferent at this moment, the reason is very simple, but because they knew the pain they suffered next, or they knew the moment they saw the white night, the next Things can get a little confusing for this.

"What's the matter, um, why are you suddenly silent one by one? It's not according to your... routines and methods, should some other battles break out now, don't pretend to be in front of me, okay? "

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