As the first agent, Black Widow has an ability that is different from ordinary people, and does not need to evacuate the magic circle in Baiye. With her own experience and feeling, she directly cracked the magic circle, but the surrounding magic circle was arranged by Daniel, and it was not a profound one. The magic circle, so it is normal for her to crack it.

Soon, through intuition, Black Widow found that it seemed as if she had passed through a world and came to the screen she had previously displayed with the remote control plane.

It is very bright inside, and the decoration is very simple with the atmosphere of the years.

It's just that Black Widow discovered the man who was sitting on the sofa before.

At this time, standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at her with interest

"You are very powerful, and you can actually crack the surrounding magic circle with intuition."

The magic circle, the black widow was awe-inspiring, and then showed a weaker look, looking at Bai Ye and said

"Someone is chasing me outside, can you help me?"

Black Widow is indeed a strong person beyond the level of a movie king. She can control all kinds of faces of women, directly showing the weaker appearance of women, which makes people look very pitiful.

But all this is of no use to the white night

"It's okay to help you, but I don't have a maid at home. I don't know if you're interested."

"If you can help me get through this, I can be your maid for no pay.

Black Widow agreed without thinking.

Just kidding, this is the best, no other reason to stay here. *

The twenty-ninth chapter calls the master to listen to [1]

The two negotiated for a while, and Black Widow Ruyi became Bai Ye's maid.

Let the black widow be the maid, it's just a whim in the white night.

Daniel went back to Kama Taj. He was boring in the temple alone. It's good to have someone to talk to, and it's also good to have people serving. For example, if you want to eat something from Huaxia for breakfast, let the black widow buy it back, etc. When he wakes up, he can eat it directly, and as for French food for dinner, Black Widow can also serve.

Anyway, there is one more subordinate, there is nothing wrong.

And Kama Taj will be born sooner or later, and it will connect with S.H.I.E.L.D., so even if Black Widow and S.H.I.E.L.D. know about Kama Taj's existence, it doesn't matter.

After all, the strength of Bai Ye and Gu Yi is there, and even if S.H.I.E.L.D. thinks, it can't hide the two of them.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you have a medical kit here. I was injured by a gunshot and would like to be treated temporarily."

Black Widow looked at Bai Ye with a pale face and said.

Although her physique is amazing, she is not superhuman, and it is quite painful to be shot by a gun.

"You don't need this. I'll fix it for you. By the way, you go to the bathroom to wash. Your body smells very bad."

Bai Ye's face showed a strange look. This woman was also very hardworking. In order to win his sympathy, she shot herself directly and ruthlessly.

This kind of mentality, it is estimated that few men can do it.

Women are still cruel

Help me heal?

Black Widow was stunned. This is a gunshot wound. How can you help me heal it? If it doesn't go well, the bullets left in it will bring her endless sequelae.

Only the next moment, Black Widow was stunned.

I saw that Bai Ye Baiye walked in front of her, stretched out her right hand, and grabbed towards her wound.

A white light lingered, Bai Ye's right hand passed directly through her body, and in her eyes, directly took out the bullet in her body.

And she didn't feel the slightest pain, not the slightest feeling, as if all this didn't happen in her body.

Then, Black Widow saw an unforgettable scene in her life, and her wounds began to heal on their own.

After a while, her wounds healed directly, without any trace of wounds, as if none of this had happened.

"What kind of power is that?"

Black Widow's heart was filled with turbulent waves, and she was stunned by the scene in front of her.


Bai Ye crushed the bullet directly and said calmly, "Okay, your injury is all right, take your clothes to wash, your body stinks."

Saying that, Bai Ye seemed to be doing magic, and a black and white maid outfit appeared out of thin air.

"My body stinks?"

Hearing this sentence, Black Widow was embarrassed and angry. If she looks very embarrassed now, it's not too bad.

And there are many people who are rushing to drink my mother's bath water.

Because of what Bai Ye said just now, the black widow snorted, without saying anything, she took her clothes and went to the bathroom.

Bai Ye had already told her the location of the bathroom, so she searched for it and found it.


There was a loud sound of falling water in the bathroom.

at this time.

Inside the bathroom, Black Widow is showering with hot water, her eyebrows huddled together

"Bai Ye, who are you, a mutant?"

Mutants are not a big secret. Many people know the rumors of mutants. As the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow even knows about real mutants, so for the abilities Bai Ye just showed, she thinks it should be mutants.

When she came in, her plan was very smooth, and there were hardly any obstacles.

But Black Widow always felt weird, because it was so smooth, and it made her hesitate.

You know, in order to come in this time, she thought a lot about her identity, and then let Bai Ye agree to her entering

However, she came in, but Bai Ye didn't ask her identity at all.

Just make her a maid and it's gone.

This made Black Widow feel a little baffling. When a person with a gunshot wound came in, shouldn't it be the first time to ask for his identity?

And let strangers come in so carelessly, this is too confident.

It went too smoothly, making Black Widow suspicious.

She even thought about whether her identity was exposed, so it was so smooth.

As a top-notch agent, Black Widow's intuition is quite powerful, and she quickly noticed it.

But Black Widow never thought that Bai Ye didn't ask about her identity, but just lazy to ask, because for Bai Ye, Black Widow was just a short-lived maid, and when Daniel came back, Black Widow would be kicked out.

And even if Daniel Black Widow has to leave sooner or later, it is somewhat unnecessary to ask her identity.

Although it is possible to ask, it is not necessary.

Women's baths are very long.

After about an hour, the washed black widow came out with her wet clothes.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I sleep there."

"As a maid, you must have the mentality of a maid, and call me master in the future."

Bai Ye didn't look back, and the voice came from the front.

Black Widow gritted her teeth, this little devil will take advantage of her.

"Okay master, I'll sleep there in the future."

Although she was unhappy in her heart, for the sake of planning, Black Widow shouted out that sentence in shame.

To tell the truth, she didn't seem to have said that as a secret agent for many years.

Maybe even the first time.

"The one on the left of the stairs is your room. By the way, at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, you go to Hong Kong to buy some breakfast for me. I haven't had breakfast in Hong Kong for a long time. I miss it."


Going to Hong Kong to buy breakfast at [-]am? ? ? ?

Black Widow was stunned.

When it comes to going out to buy breakfast, this is nothing.

It's just that this is New York.

It takes at least ten hours to travel from New York to Hong Kong, and a round trip takes a day.

"Master, this is New York. Even the fastest flight will take more than ten hours."

In order to explore more secrets, Black Widow held back her anger and said in a deep voice.

At this time, Bai Ye returned his head, looking at Black Widow as if he was mentally retarded.

Looking at Bai Ye's eyes, Black Widow instantly understood it, and she almost scolded her words before she could hold back.

"You don't see the two rooms next to you."

Bai Ye pointed to a corner on the right hand side, and there were two portals standing there.

"The first is the place to go to Hong Kong. Open it and you can go directly to Hong Kong without taking a plane."

As soon as the voice fell, a door suddenly opened.

In the eyes of Black Widow, an unfamiliar and familiar scene appeared. It was a lively street, full of feasting and feasting, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

You don't have to go in, Black Widow can see that Hong Kong is on the opposite side

Because the scene is too familiar. *

Chapter 2 Welcome to the world of magic [[-]]

Black Widow has been to many places, it can be said that it may have been all over the world.

In this regard, she is no stranger to the scene outside the door

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