In fact, without going in, she recognized the buildings inside.

Definitely Hong Kong.

"If you don't believe me, you can walk in and take a look."

Bai Ye shrugged, and Black Widow's expression was exactly what he expected.

Black Widow gave Bai Ye a deep look, then walked over, directly across the threshold.


As if traveling through a world, there are noisy voices around, there are the voices of pedestrians talking, and there are the voices of merchants selling.

She didn't say much, her face changed, and she walked out of the alley directly into the street.

The gateway to Hong Kong, in an alley.

On the opposite side of the door is a street.

On the street, it was very lively, with people coming and going, wearing different clothes walking past Black Widow.

At the same time, there were many who saw Black Widow's costume, took a look and lowered their heads to talk to their companions.

Although many people wear maid outfits, most of the time, maid outfits are definitely a very conspicuous outfit. In addition, the appearance of Black Widow is not low, so it is naturally attracted by many people.

"What kind of ability is this, it's really a mutant."

People walking by, Black Widow is [-]% sure that this is Hong Kong.

Just one step, from New York to Hong Kong.

This ability is simply unbelievable.

Even the well-informed Black Widow was taken aback.

And she also doubted whether Bai Ye was a mutant.

Although mutants have strange abilities, they have a variety of abilities

But it was the first time she had seen and heard of such a terrifying ability as Bai Ye.

If she hadn't experienced it personally, she would never have believed that all this was true.

After feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Black Widow didn't stay long before returning inside.

Then close the door.

"Master, what is this ability, is this magic?"

After Black Widow came back, she faced Bai Ye with a look of amazement on her face.

This is a performance from the heart, not acting.

She wanted to say that there are mutants, but she felt that it was not right, so she said magic.

Because mutants are not a good ranking in this world, many mutants quite reject this name.

"You guessed it right, it's really magic."

Bai Ye said lightly.


Is it really magic?

Black Widow was stunned, she just said it casually, and she really guessed it.

"Don't worry, I'm not a mutant, so you don't need to worry about anything. What you experienced just now is indeed magic, a kind of teleportation magic, which you can understand as space magic."

Bai Ye shrugged: 'This kind of magic, as long as you want to go there, you can go where you want in a second. "

Space magic.

In other worlds, it may be a very rare magic.

However, in the Marvel world, most magicians do not, especially this kind of teleportation space magic, many magicians do.

It's just that the depth of each person's knowledge is different. Most people really want to use it. It's not as simple as Bai Ye, just open the space crack and it's over.

On the contrary, their casting will be very cumbersome, and they must engrave the teleportation magic circle in that place.

That is to say, both sides need the same magic array to achieve the effect of space teleportation, otherwise it will not work.

And like Bai Ye, a magician that does not need two magic circles and can then be teleported.

It is estimated that one hand can count on Earth.

"Then master, are you a magician?"

Black Widow seems to have no objection to the name of the master, and it is very natural.

"You can understand that."

Bai Ye shrugged: "By the way, remember to go to Hong Kong at seven o'clock tomorrow to prepare a breakfast for me, and buy a number to wake me up."

"It's getting late, I have to rest."

After speaking, Bai Ye didn't look back, and went straight to his room.

Only Black Widow was left alone.

Magic circle, magician.

What kind of world have I stepped into?

There is no doubt that what happened today is like entering a new world for Black Widow.

It is difficult to adapt in a short time.

Even now she is in a very trance state.

However, as a top agent, Black Widow's concentration is still very amazing.

Soon she came back to her senses and saw that she was the only one standing there, and the black widow went straight back to her room.

She did not immediately report to Nick Fury.

Because after all, she was in a magical world, so it was impossible to guarantee that there was no monitoring magic here.

To make sure there's no listening, she's going to buy breakfast at seven tomorrow morning and report to Nick Fury. *

Chapter 3: The first day of becoming a master [[-]]

On a street in Hong Kong, a black widow dressed in a maid outfit was carrying a bag and holding a mobile phone while talking to someone.

"Nick Fury, as incredible as this news is, it's all true."

Thinking of what happened last night, Black Widow still feels a little dazed.

All this is really incredible.

Magic actually exists in this world.

Opposite Nick Fury was silent.

To be honest, he thought about many possibilities, and thought about what kind of black technology the house might have, or the ability of mutants.

He even thought about aliens.

After all, it's not that you haven't seen aliens.

Just magic, he really hadn't thought about it.

Because magic has always been a mystery, with no proven existence.

In history, all events that were crowned with magic were finally revealed, which was caused by the ability of mutants

In this regard, for a long time, magic and mutants are equal, and many times they use the ability of mutants in magic.

And now Black Widow herself told him that magic exists, and it's not mutants

If it wasn't for the fact that Black Widow was his top spy, he would never have believed it

"Natasha, are you really sure about this matter? You should understand how much trouble it will cause if this matter is confirmed. I don't need to explain it."

Nick Fury said in a low voice

"Of course I confirm this, can you believe it, I was in New York ten minutes ago, and I'm in Hong Kong now? I'll find out when I send you the photos and videos, and I didn't believe it was magic at first yesterday. , after all, it's so incredible, just wait until I personally go from New York to Hong Kong in a second, and I have to believe it.'

Speaking of this, Black Widow paused for a while, and said in a deep voice, "At least I've never heard of that mutant's ability to bring me from New York to Hong Kong in one second, and without the help of others, Step through the door yourself, and you're there."

"By the way, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm at the door now. I want to give the master, not that person, breakfast."

After speaking, without waiting for Nick Fury to react, Black Widow hung up the phone directly.


SHIELD, Nick Fury looked strangely at the phone in his hand

If I heard right, she just called that person master?

Only one day?

Address the owner directly.

Nick Fury took a breath, what kind of magic does that person have, so that an existence like Black Widow can call the master

And it's quite natural

Nick Fury does not doubt whether it will be controlled, because Black Widow has something that shields the mental power, and this thing has a restraining effect on the mental power of mutants.

Black Widow will not be controlled by any psychic mutants.

Even Professor X

So Nick Fury doesn't feel that Black Widow is being controlled.

Jingle Bell.

Meanwhile, Nick Fury's phone rang, and it was what Black Widow had passed on to him.

There are a few photos and two videos.

He opened one directly, it was a video of Black Widow in the temple

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