Just when Bai Ye wanted to make other explanations, he discovered that the evil eternity has become: very anxious and uncomfortable.

At the same time, he also quickly groped back and forth in Bai Ye's body, as if he had seen something, and his expression became even more uncomfortable! To be more precise, he is actually It has become: very uncomfortable, and he is also conveying his inner thoughts to Bai Ye in his own way, obviously he is more afraid than others! "My brother's affairs are often more than ours. What I imagined is even more unacceptable, it is absolutely impossible, they even completely controlled Captain Cold!"

"And I think you should also know what kind of person Captain Cold is, right? Well, I'll tell you that..."

"If these... all things in front of me are made for this: if it is not smooth, Captain Cold will directly appear in this world, I don't know this kind of thing. Will things go the way I think..."

However, in Bai Ye at this time, after hearing the words of evil and eternity, there was a little bit of disbelief in his heart. He couldn't even believe it. All this turned out to be like this... In his opinion, the problem at hand often needs to be more inappropriate than he imagined, but he can't think about it so much, and the green in front of him has become very desperate. It's a little bit, but he seems to feel something like this! It's not something ordinary people can understand. At this time, both of them are also changing everything in front of them. This feeling really makes Bai Ye It's not very comfortable! Luther's face-changing method is very fast. After he saw Bai Ye seemed to understand something, the whole person laughed very painfully, and at the same time, there was a more serious feeling on his face! He I also know! After all, in the real world that belongs to them, they took the lead in fooling Bai Ye, and let Bai Ye lead him directly to hell. Now Bai Ye reacted, but when he came back, he also felt that some things were not very easy to deal with. It is this kind of operation that makes him so arrogant! "Bai Ye, I just arranged for you to do some other things in advance, why did you do this in front of me? Fan appearance, you should actually understand!"

"I have already changed all the series of operations to a state that makes people feel very appropriate, so don't feel sad in front of me!"

Luther's words were outrageous and really uncomfortable, but it didn't do much for him! He began to quickly look for those things on this guy...  .. it belongs to the breath he sees, he doesn't know what method to use to be mad at this guy! And he is even more irritable to clean up him, of course, these things are not particularly important! "Quick, Bai Ye Control this guy, you know, if you control him, then everything will be easier, do I need to say more? Well, you must be able to understand this!"

"As long as the two of us can solve all the problems well and interestingly, then naturally we can be regarded as very sincere. You should know better than me and do it my way quickly!"

This person, Evil Eternal, has entered a state of impatience, and his whole person has become: very uncomfortable. When he got up, he seemed to want to make the other party completely in this way... He was convinced or killed, but how could this matter be so simple? Obviously, what he saw in front of him was very disproportionate to what he wanted Bai Ye to do now... But this is something that can't be helped, after all They are all dealing with everything in such a serious way, of course, if it could have been solved earlier, they would not have been deadlocked for so long now.

After all, Bai Ye now wants to completely kill the furnace color at the fastest speed, but it is not so simple. At this time, the furnace is already a serious and very happy appearance. When I paid attention... I quickly took out a 1 white crystal ball and smashed it directly on the ground. The surrounding ruins became even more weird because of this. Yes, this feeling is like There is something on the ground! It exploded completely, so quickly, Bai Ye also felt that something was wrong, and his body became: much more rigid than before, such a feeling, For him, it is... a kind of injury! At this time, Evil Eternal roared wildly in the white night, and then he saw clearly that what was in front of him was even more wrong than he imagined! The surrounding weather also Under their visible state, it became: extremely cold and cold! At this time, Bai Ye realized the seriousness of the problem, but when he wanted to make any other...changes for this, He has already found that everything in front of him is laughing for a long time! Such a wild, yet despairing language, as if he has understood the human nature of everyone! "How does Bai Ye feel like this? Hehe, I know you will like it, right, but what I hope more is that you can see everything in front of you, sigh, if you can understand the thinking in my heart now."

"You won't treat me in such a cold way at all. It is precisely because the two of us don't understand each other that this series of things develops. You are actually more than I thought. Simple right!"

"But it's too late. To be precise, it has no effect. I just used a special method to summon Captain Cold!"

"Hehe, so he is... a very mediocre but also very crazy guy, but, don't forget that he is a man with a gang, understand he has his own subordinates!"

After Bai Ye heard these words, his expression became even more sighed. He understood what this guy wanted to express, but in Bai Ye's eyes, all this was very inattentive! So he Don't worry about it, or take some things too seriously!

Chapter 418 Rogue Gang

Now he just needs to seriously and seriously deal with all the problems in front of him in his own way... Bai Ye immediately felt an extra breath behind him. Although Constantine was a first-class mortal, he was in That's what it's like when dealing with guys like Captain Cold: so happy as if it's all so easy! "Let me see who's around here, I didn't expect it to be so With such a fast speed, I actually saw something that should never have happened in front of me before, and to put it bluntly, all of this actually makes me very happy..."

"The further back we go, we will make everything in front of us: more and more comfortable and fun, Bai Ye, I think you should be able to try the power of our rogue gang now."

"But what does this rubbish Constantine want to do in front of me? Maybe he wants to prove something with your help?"

Bai Ye's expression became very serious after hearing such words. At the same time, he quickly flashed backwards, the evil and eternal breath spurted out of Bai Ye's body, and he quickly swept between Bai Ye's body. On! There is a very special comfort, something that people can't imagine, yes, this feeling is actually something that people can't think of or can't face.

Of course, this kind of thing has actually become a food above a state. It is much more interesting than imagined. Why do you say this? The reason is very simple. , This is very crazy for Bai Ye! "Look at what I said, these... rubbish has completely appeared in front of us. It's not like you didn't know what Wulaibang was like before. After fighting with them, you can still be so naive now..."

"I really don't know what you think of Bai Ye, but then again, the rogue gang is indeed a hot wave of some talents, the weather wizard, the piper, these three guys can be regarded as ruthless characters, you do well Get ready..."

"Anyway... I already know what your result is like. If you really die at their hands, I will leave here as quickly as possible!"

"Let you also understand the thoughts in my heart for this. I am a person who likes to be strong, not a guy like you who is casually bullied by others. Do you understand?"

After Bai Ye heard the words of Evil Eternal, he suddenly seemed to understand something! However, in his opinion, all this was very interesting, so to say that now he has become a very It's interesting, and it's also very interesting. Bai Ye knows the things that have ideas. It seems that it's fun to plan everything and everything to a limit! And now he is very clear about the situation in the whole area. It wasn't particularly good for him, after all, like these guys, they were all crazy and sensual, which really made Bai Ye a little curious.

Looking at the rogue gang with strong expressions, but with a very uncomfortable look on their faces, Bai Yi now has a little more magnanimity in his heart. He is not afraid of anything. On the contrary, Bai Ye has become: Very stable! The people in Wu Laibang felt a little bit different because of his appearance. It was different from what they thought in their hearts. In their opinion, Bai Ye should be crazy now! "No, this matter is different from what I said now. You gangsters appear in front of me, shouldn't you be my subordinates? But you are so wild in front of me, what do you want to prove to me?"

"Prove that you are all more powerful, or use a special method to kill me directly, I will give you a suggestion, it is best not to do this to survive, I think it is the most interesting for you... the most important!"

The four members of the rogue gang were obviously here for Bai Ye, and Constantine, who was hiding on the side, wanted to stop their movements, but found that he had no ability at all! However, Constantine finally took out his own The pistol! Standing by Bai Ye's side, in his opinion, if he can help Bai Ye solve these... The little guys can actually prove some things, at least when dealing with ordinary people, they are not a garbage! Or It was very useless in the eyes of others. At this time, Constantine had the same old problem again. He took out a cigarette from his waist and dropped it to his mouth. In the front, there is a calm look on the cheeks! "Oh, my God, this feeling is really fun, please tell me what you 4 little rubbish are trying to prove, that you are stronger than me Thinking of being stronger? It's better not to do this, it's not good for both of us..."

"I can even tell you responsibly that we may all be pushed to a limit for this, can you imagine what that feels like? It's just painful in my opinion. No or it's more fun than I imagined!"

Constantine put the cigarette in his mouth, and there was a happy look on his face. Smoking was probably the most interesting thing for him. Before, he always wanted to quit these things through some methods. Stuff! That's right, but after all, he is also a very good teacher and a very fun thing. That's right, now all of them have become more serious about it! At least in the face of these Things were like this. After seeing Bai Ye, the people of the rogue gang suddenly felt that the problem was much bigger than what they thought, at least it was completely different from what they thought! At this time, Captain Cold appeared in When he came to Bai Ye's side, there was a little arrogance on his face because of this, he knew that it was very bad for him to do this, but there was no way, this is what he needs most in his heart right now! "Bai Ye, I'm just an ordinary little trash, hehe, I just never thought that you would call me out in such a way. In fact, to be honest, my relationship with Luther can be regarded as very bad. of!"

"We all have hatred for each other, but I saw you deal with him in such a way!"

Chapter 419 Insatiable Greed

"I think he was very self-aware when he called us, and he wanted to take this opportunity to influence us, right?"

After hearing this guy's words in Bai Ye, his expression became very inappropriate. To be precise, Bai Ye knew what kind of method he should use to continue the things in front of him! In the face of this rogue gang When there were three guys, Bai Ye had already seen that, there was no way for them to win themselves, and they were indeed trying to win something in front of them in a very unique way. ..but this kind of win might be too exciting for them. After thinking about this, Bai Ye became happier! "With your strength, I'm afraid there is no way to stand in front of me. What are you doing, this kind of thing doesn't need me to say more!"

"Ordinary people can understand it, but if you want to be so arrogant in front of me, then don't blame me for being rude anyway... I said the ugly thing in front of you... you should all understand what I mean... ."

Bai Ye's wild words seem to be the same, they are all clearly aware of the way all of them are now facing the things in front of them, anyway... it will never be like... before It makes people feel simple! Or in fact, they have already seen it for a long time, what all this is like, at least it is more interesting than what they imagined now.

At the same time, the rogue gang finally lost their special desire to continue communicating with Bai Ye. They started to do it as quickly as possible, and they wanted to teach Bai Ye a lesson, but how could Bai Ye be so easily attacked by them directly? First of all, Constantine will not agree with what is in front of him at all. He knows better than others, and understands why it is all like this. Otherwise, how could they all be? This is what it looks like! The battle between the two sides can be regarded as entering the extreme, but it can indeed prove from one side that the power of Bai Ye is indeed very powerful, when dealing with these guys! Bai Ye is actually more powerful than others. What's more interesting, even if the pain left a huge blow and injury on his body, it is still not a troublesome thing for him! The four members of the rogue gang also understand this, Everything in front of them, they also changed into a very funny and special look, this feeling is not something ordinary people can understand! "Hehe, it's interesting, I can feel it now. When it arrives, what state will the current situation change to in the future, I have to feel that it is actually more interesting than what I thought!"

"Hey, it really makes me feel a little helpless. Whether you want to continue, I think you should understand everything better than me, right? Of course, if you want to continue the current situation, I am... ...and can also believe..."

"This is your own choice, and it has nothing to do with me. You just need to think carefully about the existence of these problems, and if you want to live, you have to pay more for it!"

"The price of the purchase price is not... something that ordinary people can afford, you better be vigilant, or you better be prepared in place, okay? I won't think about it any more than that. now!"

The most important thing Bai Ye should do now is... bring the rogue gang into his hands, but how can this rogue gang be so easy, it will not be as fun as imagined, or the relationship between the two of them What I have to face for this... is actually crazier than others. At the same time, Bai Yi doesn't want to think so much anymore. He quickly started to make all the things in front of him reach the limit. This feeling is indeed a bit interesting! All or all things are actually very serious. According to the way of Bai Ye, it seems that no one can break through.

It is precisely because of this that all of them have entered a very interesting state. They have discovered that in front of Bai Ye, it seems that things are like that! Not too important, not more accurate, not It would be so easy, or as simple as the imaginary Bai Ye's attack speed and special crazy way have already made everyone or the helpless guys understand what! The special look on his expression is not something that other people can understand.

But this does not mean that Bai Yi is afraid of this, on the contrary, the expression on his face is very open, it is just something that he must experience in his life! "You guys , Oh! It's not as strong as me, but you still want to continue to communicate with me like this in front of me, I think you don't understand what all this is going to be like in the end!"

Bai Ye's remarks still showed everything he was thinking about from the side, and it was obvious that he was easier than others! Constantine was finally forced into the corner, all of which clearly made Everyone can't believe it.

Especially the current rogue gang, they will not understand this at all, all this is such a change, and Constantine finally knows that he should use such a limit method to deal with the problem at hand.

And he can be even more crazy than ordinary people, it is precisely because of this that Bai Ye makes these....... the guys of the rogue gang understand something, they and Bai Ye are not a whole at all, or It is said that even some of Bai Ye's powers can't resist! This may be... what they are seeing now. Of course, Bai Ye is more serious than others. No matter how powerful Constantine's power is, then And how strong can it be? When it should be endangered, it is not the end. Except for some costs, or it is worth more sadness than ordinary people imagine, it is not important! The fast speed and method resolved the current series of crises. Of course, this is a good thing in Bai Ye's eyes! At least they are now completely teammates on the home front. They both know each other and are very serious. And a little more serious! The few people in the rogue gang never thought that they would become like this one by one, even if they can toss, so what?

Chapter 420 Rarely Seen

Looking at this guy's heart, there is also a little more interesting look, he also knows that this kid is actually more clear than anyone else... What are all the questions in front of him, but Bai Ye also understands very well. , the rogue gang is not as rogue as imagined.

It's just that they may have been accustomed to a very uncomfortable view at a certain stage, so that they are now like this! After thinking about this, Bai Ye laughed very excitedly, and he felt rogue Help may be useful to you.

Just follow Bai Ye's way to do everything in the eyes, then in fact, everything will become more interesting, but in Bai Ye's heart, there is a thought that is not the same as ordinary people.

The rogue gang also naturally monitors and understands that doing things with Qin Feng now means that they are pushing themselves to a desperate situation, so when they do things, they should actually be better.

To be precise, the problem of eyes should be solved slowly, at least not as troublesome as imagined. This is the most important thing. After thinking about this, the current Bai Ye has become more calm.

"We've never seen what's going on in front of us, it's like this, Bai Ye is open, and what you and I want for this is nothing more than the power of Zhiqiang, but I think you're actually more powerful than I thought. understand more!"

"Simple things can still be touched by both of us, but the more troublesome and dangerous things are, the more difficult it is for us all: difficult, you know better than me, and you know better than me !"

The words of the rogue gang also made Bai Ye a little curious, why are these guys planning to communicate with themselves to solve the problem? This may be too weird, but there is no need to do it too much. What are you thinking about with them, these guys do things with no brains, Bai Ye quickly implanted his power into their bodies! And he tried to control them at the fastest speed. Bai Ye did it, and he will All these things are done so well that no one can believe the success of this kind of thing! It is because Bai Ye implanted his own power into them at an inexplicable time! "You are all screaming in front of me. All kinds of words, in fact, in my opinion, this is also a very normal thing, but I never thought about the problem!"

"It would change back and forth in front of us over and over again, hehe, sigh, such a thing is indeed a little uncomfortable for me, I don't know how to continue talking about it! "

The rogue gang is obviously not a big influence at all! When Bai Ye is dealing with these guys, he can almost be regarded as grabbing it, but it seems that something makes him uncomfortable! Although the four of them are The expression has a lot of disobedience to Bai Ye's thoughts, but they still understand, fight with a guy like Bai Ye! They are not opponents. To a pessimistic state! "Bai Ye, you are more difficult than I thought to face, the four of us will completely obey your words, right? We don't need to... let things happen. Become: so troublesome."

"I think you should also know that many things are justified and well-founded, and we should both be mutual when dealing with these conflicts... great responsibility.

I can no longer communicate with you in a special way now!"

"The rogue gang will naturally go for their own secrets. Do you want to solve some problems with me? Guys like us actually want to kill the Flash!"

When Bai Ye heard this guy's words, there was a hint of helplessness on his face at the same time. Although these guys are not good people, they are not some wicked people. After all, their gang rules are not a last resort. kill.

In other words, they won't bully those... weak, sick and disabled. After thinking about it, I suddenly feel that these guys are actually useful, and it is impossible to kill them directly.

Because that is also a very inappropriate thing for me, and at the same time it will even push myself to a limit! Otherwise, how could he look so special, and then Bai Ye He also began to think carefully about everything in front of him, but to sum up, things like books are actually more interesting than what he has seen now! Bai Ye is a person who likes to communicate with people seriously, or is very People who like to discuss some things with them in detail, the rogue gang will naturally relax their vigilance.

At this time, Evil Eternal was eager to try again. He felt that Bai Ye was indeed a little too cowardly! Dealing with these guys should have been... direct, but now he is so honest! But it's not much different from ordinary people! "Bai Ye, you really disappoint me, don't you know how to deal with these guys? I don't know what kind of words to use to describe it for a while. , anyway... these things seem to me just... ignorant!"

"But it is also a very eternal thing. Maybe you are different from what they think about, otherwise, how can you be like this now? I tell you if you want to continue like this ..."

Facing the eternal temptation of evil, Bai Ye is already very troubled now. He doesn't know why this guy has to say so many words in front of him again and again, making him very angry... ...But at the same time, he has also become: very serious, at least now he already understands what he wants! And according to the way he is thinking in his heart now Dealing with the problem of eyes may be more fun than imagined! Bai Ye really didn't leave any chance for this guy, and quickly used his breath to completely bind him. At the same time, Bai Ye looked at him with a smile. Eternity was forced out directly from his own body.

Therefore, the rogue gang is also evil, but after seeing this, they suddenly laughed, they saw Eternal Eternal, as if they remembered what Eternal Eternal had told them before! "This kind of thing is really It makes me so emotional, Bai Ye, hehe, since you forced this guy out!"

Chapter 421 Interesting

"Then I will tell you responsibly, all of this actually has a very big relationship with Constantine on the side!"

"If you don't believe me, you can turn your head and ask him if he has ever had a deeper communication with a guy called a shepherd. This is very important to you. I hope you can put this Everything turned out: perfect!"

"Only in this way will we feel very comfortable to communicate. If you accidentally make all these things: particularly troublesome, or particularly so that we can't get in touch, then it is your fault... "

Captain Cold's following words also made Bai Ye understand something, at least at this stage they have reached a very good special bridge, which means that they have become good friends with these guys inexplicably.

This is actually a very comfortable thing for Bai Ye. At least Bai Ye has one less enemy in this place. At the same time, he stepped forward with a lot of melancholy expression in his expression. He felt that the other party might want to use it like this. a way to insult him.

When he looked at these guys, he naturally became: very angry and a little bit, but in the way he spoke, he was able to clearly understand himself very clearly! Everything in front of him was just ordinary It's just a little game, Constantine knows who the shepherd they are talking about, if he can't tell these things urgently and very seriously at this time... Then the problem may become:, I think let He couldn't get in touch with other people, and at the same time he looked at everything around him, and finally said it seriously, about the story of the shepherd, what these guys are looking for is nothing more than... immortality.

After all, as mortal heroes, they can be closely united in such a way, which is enough to show that their inner thoughts are different from others.

To be more precise, they are also very powerful people, otherwise, why would they be like this now? "Okay, I don't want to talk so much nonsense with you anymore, but there are things that are really unnecessary. It's bothering me, so I'll tell you that."

"The so-called shepherd is nothing more than the true master, and I don't even want to touch that kind of thing, although I have had contact with him..."

After Constantine finished saying these words, the whole person also became: very serious, he knew that these things he was hiding were useless to everyone! But he was still very troubled, At that time, he had communicated with the shepherd, that is... he would not reveal the real news of the shepherd! But now that he said such words, he betrayed the shepherd. Of course, he didn't care that much, As long as you can be with the white night.

So no matter how powerful the shepherd is, it is of no use to him now, and naturally his expression becomes: he is far more dazed than others..., yes , this kind of feeling is really confusing! Evil Eternal is wrinkled and wrinkled at this time, and everyone is relaxed. It turns out that all the mysteries in front of us point to one person, that is, hiding behind the scenes The shepherd... Could it be that he is the tough guy who really played with them? He didn't want to believe that this was what happened! When we were there, there would be no special changes at all, and all of this would make the present evil forever elusive.

Just now everyone was going to fight with him, but now everyone has become: very honest and serious, they are thinking the same thing now! Suddenly Evil Eternal is like seeing some supreme light In that way, the whole person also became: very happy, he actually made that kind of... crazy crying! At the same time, he finally kissed the throat seriously, and said a paragraph that made everyone feel For this reason, the words that are particularly shocking are not something that ordinary people can understand, and of course, he has to be quite cautious! "It's hard to say, everything we are seeing now is all the same. It's just an illusion, I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I know that when I tell you such words, my heart is very happy!"

"At least we can speak such common words with you in exchange for other people's words. We may not even have such an opportunity to contact them at all. I don't know, is it right not to say so?"

Evil Eternal's words made them all feel that the things in front of them were so wrong, maybe it shouldn't be like that, and at the same time, he also looked around seriously and honestly! After thinking so evilly, he finally sighed, and very seriously told everyone a secret that surprised all of them! He really knew these things to say this, otherwise he wouldn't say it now. It will be so honest and evil, Eternal watched Bai Ye kiss her, and said these words in a very upright voice.

"That person is more powerful than you, isn't he someone who knows in the literal sense? Also, this kind of thing is not something we can control now, the only thing we can do is... . Continuous destruction!"

"After he sends his real men, we can look down on it, or we can see clearly what all this is like!"

"I know that sometimes my speech is not particularly good, but I think that since I can be by your side like this, as your friend, I should be able to..."

Before the words of evil and eternity were finished, everyone felt the fluctuation of the nearby power. At the same time, he also had a very complicated look in his heart, and his body was being controlled. This feeling is not What ordinary people can have, even if he can feel a little pain in it now! Those guys all showed a very strong expression, they wanted to resist, but their bodies did not allow them to do that again. It's moving! And Bai Ye also heard a very interesting news. To be more accurate, it should be that some interesting people said a very good word in his ear, and they all looked at it very seriously. Look at all this! It's very scary!

Chapter 422 Appears directly

The pure white light enveloped them, and now both of them have become: calm down, they have been thinking about it all the time, that voice entered Bai Ye's ears, yes, and now he does Seriously, that voice was clearly... directed at him.

"Look at how long you guys are wasting outside, sigh, I really want to tell the truth, I don't even know what to say when I see you, because the pain makes me also This can feel the urgent thoughts in your heart right now!"

"Why are you so impulsive to do something? I think it may be because you are different from other people, but I suggest you better think about it carefully, okay?"

"Everything in front of you is actually more complicated than you imagined, so try not to do this!"

At this time, Bai Ye looked around, and at the same time he saw that the current Constantine was kneeling on the ground, crying bitterly, that expression really made people feel very uncomfortable, but that said. .. In fact, they have all changed for this now, and they are quite in place, but is this really the case? In fact, it is just because the Lord Constantine worshipped suddenly appeared in this world, causing him a lot of damage. A trace of bad influence! When watching Rogue Gang and Evil Eternal, all five of them looked very panicked, as if they had seen the most evil creatures in this world, and wanted to do something about it. changed.

They have all become: they are honest, because they know that their power is not an opponent in front of this evil creature, or that they are not able to violate each other at all!" I begged Constantine You, don't do this Bai Ye, I hope you can give my adult a chance to prove to you that a lot of things that won't happen will happen in front of you, okay, I hope you can understand , and you can understand, please!"

That's why he looks like this now. Of course, he actually has some more quaint and very serious thoughts in his heart! Yes, all of this actually makes him very comfortable because of the divine breath. , after all, it was shrouded, so he was like this! Bai Ye couldn't help sighing, this kid seems to have really transformed into a very demented state, otherwise how could he tell the story in front of him After thinking about this, he finally sighed, and slammed his own power directly on the opponent at the fastest speed! "You want to be in front of me. You can still pretend to be so dazzling, then you want to use your power to suppress my subordinates?

When Bai Ye finished saying these words, he suddenly regretted it. The other party didn't feel any anxiety about it. It was as if all the things in front of him had never happened. Bai Ye suddenly felt as if he was being played with. But he also understands that these things are not really a real power to him, and being shrunk at the fastest speed is actually very uncomfortable! "Oh, I didn't shout like that just now. Is that look very powerful in front of me? You seem to want to prove something like I can't believe it, but the way you look now makes me feel a little uncomfortable!"

"I don't know how to say it, hehe, but I think everything is actually something we can understand now. You better not be so afraid in front of me!"

But soon Bai Ye felt something was wrong. He suddenly felt as if he was being suppressed by something. This suppression was... the power displayed by this so-called sacred power in front of him! Of course now He has also completely started a new battle with the other party, and the power between the two sides is completely released from each other's privates. To be precise, Bai Ye's approach is more than others. Persistent, he doesn't want him to be suppressed by the other party in some way! The rogue gang and the Eternal Evil, after seeing this series of things, they also changed into a very playful appearance, at the same time so They began to quickly think about whether they should help Bai Ye or watch the heat in this place. For them, it was the most interesting. After several thoughts, they finally determined their inner thoughts, yes, forget it, or Just watch the battle honestly in this place! After all, guys like them don't have any real skills to break out a real conflict with the opponent, and this guy is the real master, a single hero like them There is no need to show any more urgent state for this! Soon Bai Ye's power began to retreat, because Bai Ye knew that he was actually weaker than he thought! Constance Ding was still there, kneeling on the ground! He pretended to be praying back and forth. For him, the things in front of him seemed to have nothing to change except for prayers. This way of tossing is very annoying! But for a while, I can't teach this kid a good lesson. I just think that this kid may have fallen into some kind of extreme pain, otherwise he is definitely not like this, just like being Some beliefs are the same as the brains of evil! "Did you see that your friends are all addicted to me because of this, you said that you have any capital to shout so much in front of me, this is not interesting to you and me. , the louver goes to me, you can get a lot of things!"

"What are you talking about, doing this will only make you more uncomfortable than others, hehe, alas, I really don't know what to say, but after seeing your appearance, I suddenly felt like a very serious person!"

Bai Ye was originally very angry, but suddenly his body became more clean than others. He didn't want to say anything more about it, but he didn't know how to tell the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Something! Maybe the things in front of me are corrected in this state, and everything has become: very, more natural, Bai Ye understands that he is under control.

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