Chapter 423 Really troublesome

Everyone was also a little surprised by this, especially Bai Ye now! This guy is influencing him in a special way! Bai Ye at this time also showed a very special helpless look. They, it seems that he did find a more interesting point.

At least on the basis of the mutual communication between the two sides, everything will always be stabilized for this, but whether such stabilization will be as easy as imagined, it is unknown! Constantine is still He looked anxious, as if he had been completely controlled by someone or something, anyway... this kind of thing is indeed a bad change for him! The pain that doesn't exist is also for This has put him on the limit. This kind of tossing is actually not good for them, but it seems that everything is unbearable in a state of emergency... At this time, the white night has also changed. He became more stable, this stable method is actually more than what he can control now, at least he continued to grit his teeth and persist for this, Bai Ye quickly rushed forward.

He wanted to wake up Constantine in this way, but he found that Constantine was clearly sinking himself, unable to extricate himself in that cheerful state! It was as if his whole being had fallen into a state of extremes. On top of that, to be honest, this kind of feeling is also very uncomfortable for each of them.

Bai Ye directly rushed forward to resist all the breath released by the so-called shepherd, and quickly used his own strength to wake this guy up, but at this time, the current Constantine was still calm.

He doesn't want to wake up because it's a very happy thing for him to be able to indulge in the kind of... teaching that he calls the Lord's mouth. Others may not understand what it feels like, but In his opinion, it's totally... his own! "Bai Ye, what are you trying to do? Do you want me to leave this place directly? I tell you this is something that doesn't exist in the face of such a great god. When I'm in front of me now, I'm only..."

Constantine knew that he had no choice but to say other words, because he knew very well what it was like, and the further back he went, the more and more everything in front of him seemed to him. It's not very comfortable! At least all this has made him become: special, yes, this kind of thing also allows all of them to understand some of these emotions, at least under the operation, Nor would he be made for it: extraordinarily extreme.

Constantine quickly understood what all of this looked like to him, at least now he has begun to fully realize what he is now, and what he should use to deal with it... communicate.

However, once these things in front of them reach such a limit, both of them will have to face some things that ordinary people can't think about, or that ordinary people can't believe.

But it doesn't matter anymore, anyway... everything in the eyes has begun to stabilize a little for this, and the so-called shepherd is looking at their expressions, and the way of speaking has become very stable! It seems that this Everything is like what he has never done before. At the same time, he also began to slowly look around, and his heart naturally has infinite emotions. For him, many things are actually more troublesome than he imagined. "Tell me, what are you doing this for? Are you just trying to add more pictures to yourself in front of me? It's completely useless. I've been thinking or saying..."

"I have been doing all the things in front of me in my own special way. I know that there may be many things or some things that are happening in front of me. It is not very stable for us!"

"But I think now you should all know that when you are with people like me, all you have to do is be devout, and only in this way will you add more things to each other!"

"For us, everything else is the most interesting. Do I need to say more about this? When I think about things, I actually understand it better than many ordinary people of you. understand?"

After listening to this guy's long talk, Bai Ye is now a little helpless. What does this kid want to do? Is he just trying to be so arrogant in front of him in such a way? Because of this, it became: very uncomfortable, and at the same time, he also felt the feeling of the other party's power flowing rapidly over his body, which made his whole person become: very uncomfortable.

But this is really no way to do it, otherwise how could he be like this now, it seems that he wants to use a very urgent method to cause more damage to himself, but in Bai Ye's eyes, this is not the case. any effect.

It seems that Bai Ye can bear it, but all these changes have allowed Bai Ye to truly see the immediate crisis for this reason. This so-called shepherd will not be as easy as he thinks, or in other words. The other party is... an incarnation of evil! At this time, the evil is eternal and strong, and it is true that he dares to mix in the things in front of him, and he is indeed more stable than he imagined. Everything in front of him is also according to this. The way continues step by step... Quickly unleashes his power.

Wanting to use such an opportunity to do things that ordinary people can't believe, at first he always felt that doing so was indeed a bit evil and boring, but as time went on! He found that as long as he became more and more If he works hard to get things done in front of him, then maybe he can relieve Bai Ye from... a lot of troubles and difficulties. After thinking about this, he becomes: very serious... and all the Things seem to be more comfortable than they seem, and it won't be as troublesome as imagined. This feeling is indeed right. The quick change made Bai Ye a little curious, what happened to that guy? Why did it suddenly become like this? It's not right, it really annoys him, but there is no way to change the things in front of him in such an extreme way!

Chapter 424 A little stagnation

He doesn't want to carry too much trouble for this, evil is eternal, in fact, he knows better than anyone what he's facing "Oh, I'm really sorry, I'll tell you that, if I don't make it in time If we take action to fix or change the things in front of us, then all these crises and troubles will make us simply unbearable..."

"I don't know if you understand what I'm thinking, so I just managed to achieve such a strong state in that...extreme way. This may be more complicated for you, right?"

"But I think you should like this feeling very much, otherwise you would never look at me like this with this special look!"

Evil Eternal seems to want to use his own words to make fun of everything in front of him, but now Bai Ye is more serious than he thought, at least Bai Ye will never talk nonsense when facing these things! He will use a variety of methods to show his strength in front of others, and he is always an extremely unrestrained person. Why is it better to describe him in this way when a series of crises occur? He has already dealt with everything in a step-by-step manner. It is precisely because of this one that Bai Ye is more honest and quickly uses his power to change the way the evil and eternal power is displayed... But he was surprised to find out. Evil Eternal also became sluggish, as if his whole person was controlled by something, he really wanted to prove something through his own strength, but found himself so powerless! To be clear, the other party directly In front of them, they showed a power that ordinary people never had, which was indeed a bit of a surprise for Bai Ye.

He never thought that the speed would become like this, and the rogue gang wanted to change something for it, but all this seemed so helpless, and the rogue gang didn't want to do anything about it! They seemed to have lost The strength is the same, and it is very painful to look around, especially looking at the current Bai Ye, they are like nothing, and Bai Ye does not know why they are in such a state! But Bai Ye is very clear, they are unexpectedly Being able to do things above this level also proves that they must have a special way of playing of their own.

And it's more clear than anyone else, but they don't want to show it directly now. After thinking about this, Bai Ye has also become very serious about studying! "It seems that our strategy is indeed successful, and now Bai Ye has How do you feel about it? I didn't do it on purpose, I'm only at this stage to create such a thing."

"For this reason, you can understand that what I am going to do is very special. Now that you are affected by this, it is actually not a good thing for us, so that it is actually an intentional thing!"

"But when we think that you are so powerful and so crazy that we don't give you some ruthlessness, I'm afraid I feel a little bit sorry, so you became our stepping stone for this, and we made you accept the shepherd's sneak attack in this way, Isn't it cool"

After hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly realized that he was also being used as a gun, but this is not important to him, as if he has experienced a lot of such things! Usually at the same time Bai Ye The four who looked at the gang of rascals were all made for it: special, yet triumphant, as if everything they were going through was normal and felt for it Very happy kind....

But at the same time, Bai Ye also showed a very gentle appearance.

From Bai Ye's point of view, in fact, after all, they still betrayed themselves for this, and they pushed themselves to a dead end. Of course, if things really continue to happen here, Bai Ye is actually taking the lead for this.

The evil eternity of time also showed a particularly painful appearance, but he never thought that things would change to such a state, but he had long expected that all this was originally the evil they should experience now.

Eternal quickly exerted his power to change the things in front of him, but he was extremely surprised to find that he did not seem to have the right to decide the life and death of these guys in front of him. He looked at Bai Ye helplessly! At the same time, Bai Ye was also a little humble. Looking at the crowd, because Bai Ye knew that if he ever did something to them, then all of them would die in his hands! After thinking about this, Bai Ye was indeed a little too funny.

"How about it, brother, what did I say to deal with these guys, should I be more aggressive? Haha, if I were you, I would have killed them all, alas, it's a pity, you make me a little bit harder. Not very comfortable..."

"I told you that you might kill it if you do it directly. You can see what your current situation looks like. It's not very good for you, right? It's okay, are now too. It's all about calming down!"

"I also become more precise, and can control the things in front of me better. Do you want to cooperate with me to deal with them? I think as long as we both use our own power to destroy them, it will be very simple. It's like playing!"

Why Eternal Eternal would say such words at this time, the reasons and results are self-evident, but Bai Ye was looking at 4 and suddenly felt that things were actually more complicated than imagined.

Maybe, maybe this kind of thing is not so complicated, but Bai Ye never thought that he could change anything, it is better to continue walking together, maybe a miracle will be created, Bai Ye also became very serious after thinking of this.

The shepherd is indeed extremely powerful for Bai Ye, but Bai Ye will not be afraid of it, on the contrary, he will feel more stimulated by the shepherd, that is, the legendary God! For them to come Saying that there may not be anything important anymore, at the same time Bai Ye looked at each other with that kind of... very serious eyes, but this shepherd.... also felt a little weird and shouldn't be. .

Why all of a sudden, all this is reversed, could he become the guy who was cleaned up by someone? After thinking about it, he was a little helpless after all!

Chapter 425 Extreme Pressure

"Thinking what are you thinking about using your unique way to completely turn me on the ground oh my gosh, this stuff really makes me feel like nothing!"

"If you are really strong, why are you crying in front of me now? Look at your appearance, alas, it's no different from those... poor fellows!"

"I don't know if my way of speaking has a very special influence on... you, but I always feel that something seems wrong..."

"And there's absolutely nothing wrong with my way of speaking, right? That's why everything becomes less relevant."

That's right, at the same time, the white night has become more helpless than others. This guy is talking nonsense in front of him. This influence is very interesting for him and for the evil eternity now. .

At least the things in front of him make Evil Eternal feel a lot of deja vu, and if he is sure to do things in his own way, he will definitely be able to do something beyond ordinary people's imagination! "Haha, it's really fun. Extremely, if I am thinking about one thing, it is that we will change everything in front of us into a more interesting state for this, come on, Shepherd, I think you should understand the power of time and space distortion!"

"Even if you are a real god, I am afraid that when faced with such a thing, you will feel a little sad and hopeless about it. I am just talking to you in a way that I imagine now. Of course I am I hope you can understand me, okay?"

After hearing these words, it seems that the things in front of them have become more extreme. That's it, Bai Ye quickly showed his breath, and the moment he hit the other side, he recognized the other side. Not his opponent! It's just that he was suddenly curious, why this guy pretended to be such a big hard biscuit in front of him, as if everything was such a poor shepherd, not like a legend at all It's so crazy, and he really makes people feel uncomfortable! "It's not like your style, why don't you plan to fight back after being attacked by me, are you going to continue to support like this? I just After seeing this series of situations in front of me..."

"Suddenly resolute things are more extreme than I imagined. Come on, tell me what you think, and we will think together to solve the problem together!"

"Actually, it's easier than others. You're not the real enemy, and I don't want to be too ruthless against you. I'm invincible across the world at night, and I think you should know that too! "

Bai Ye finished saying such words at a very fast speed. It seemed that everything had stopped because of this. They also began to seriously think about everything in front of them every minute. Would it be so troublesome? Maybe, and each of them And hold on, such pain can be regarded as something that is not the same or does not exist at all for them.

However, the two of them have also become more serious, especially the so-called shepherd now, who naturally understands what he has to deal with, dealing with the relationship with Bai Ye! "Bai Ye, there is no relationship between us. Too big a relationship! In fact, you also understand this now! The reason why I am like this is that I just think that many things can actually be changed for this purpose..."

"It is precisely because the two of us can make a series of non-existent things become: uncomfortable, so each of us will face some things that ordinary people can't think about. That's it, in fact I don't know what kind of limit this kind of thing can transform to!"

"But the things I can be sure of now for this have also become too much... come up, which means all of us and all of our things in a situation like this... ."

Just when the shepherd wanted to say something, Bai Ye waved his hand, indicating that he should not say so much nonsense in front of him now, and at the same time he became very serious, and it was precisely because of this. ...Everything has actually become: people feel more interesting, some of these things, in fact, have already made them a little at a loss! But there is no way, everything is for the sake of This can become: make people more comfortable, that's all they can think of now! Friends, this is all for you, don't think I'm a very easy guy to be bullied, and this series of things in front of you They are still arranged by me in such a state, even if I am afraid of something, but all of these things can also happen from the side when they develop in the future! Bai Ye is finished talking After such words, the whole person's complexion also became very calm, a little as if all these things became like this under his specific arrangement, but is it really as easy as imagined, no? , not so, Bai Ye soon saw the crisis in it, it was even crazier than he realized now, this so-called shepherd was actually more abundant than he imagined, even if he could For who controls what, I'm afraid it's not as easy as you think! "Oh my god, look at who this is playing with fire in such a dangerous way. You want to prove it from the side in such an extreme way Are you stronger than me?"

"Hmph, you are such a fool, if I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing at all, and I wouldn't change everything in front of me in such a crazy and irritable way, because that's not a good thing for you and me at all. good thing, understand?"

After Bai Ye heard such words, the whole person became more stable because of this. Of course, this kind of stability is actually more unreliable than imagined, because the shepherd's strength is monstrous! Therefore, he is already able to level with himself in terms of strength, but if the two sides really want to move hands, he may not be who wins or who loses! It is precisely because of this that their The way of communication has also become very pleasant, which really needs to be much more interesting than imagined!

Chapter 426 Very good

The extreme battle is actually not a good thing for the current Bai Yi, because Bai Ye also knows that once the trouble really shows up, maybe even if he can change anything! He has to pay a huge price for this, this is all It's not a joke, if there is no threat to the shepherd, it is very likely that he will become more uncomfortable because of this... Of course, the shepherd can't do it now: spend the night, For this reason, the two sides fought back and forth, but Bai Ye is actually more stable in comparison! "How come this kind of illusion makes you a little too extreme, or in fact, you It did make me feel something special and meaningful, in this..."

"I always feel like this is not a solution. You can think about it and see if my idea is correct. If it is feasible, I suggest that we better start solving the problem now. The faster the speed is, the better it is for us. Safer!"

After Bai Ye heard the words of this kid, he suddenly felt that he had heard such different words before, but he was not angry about it, or any other thoughts! He became: very He calmed down a bit, and I don't know where he got such courage, but the fact is that, to be sure that this shepherd has no serious meaning, and now he has become more helpless. It's really like this... This kid may have suffered a huge trauma in some way, otherwise he would definitely not speak like this, so the whole person has become more serious! Yes, it is this special feeling that makes He felt that everything was so unreal! "No, you don't believe this guy's nonsense, I promise you, my evil Eternity can tell you responsibly with my years of experience..."

"He's just teasing you in a special way, hehe, as long as you quickly believe his words, then you'll be really useless!"

After hearing such words, the current white night has finally become for this reason: be more serious, maybe so, the evil eternal still wants to stimulate the termites and let the termites kill it directly, but the white night did not directly Dynamic.

On the contrary, he became: happier, he left and right: watching, and the expression on his face was more serious, choosing to believe that this guy actually had some crisis for him, but it was no longer important.

He must listen to this guy's words seriously, and the shepherds have a little more fearful look, of course, this may be... the limit they have to face for this now!" Now, don't sell miserably in front of me, I choose to believe you can't do it, let's think about how to solve these problems together..."

"Shepherd, I think when dealing with these problems, you and I will understand better, right, and we should stop nagging about this. There are endless things for us. It's good to say!"

After the shepherd heard his words, the whole person also became: very spiritual, at least he would no longer think about those troublesome things! The things he imagined were simpler than they seemed, of course, this simplicity, but he didn't feel it until his power was completely let go and came.

"Bai Ye, in fact, I've been thinking about whether to tell you the truth or not, because I know that the truth is very dangerous for... many people, and you have to figure it out..."

"Some things may be more complicated if you really accept them."

After the shepherd said these words, he tried to change the problem quickly, and his face became more uncomfortable than it seemed. Of course, this kind of thing was actually nothing to him. I'm in trouble! "You still don't seem to understand the real thoughts in my heart now, sigh, but I... can understand you, after all, Bai Ye, you know me How much...power was wasted creating this world?"

"And those... all the powerhouses are actually just the clones of my power. It's important that you feel honored for this, but why did you suddenly become: stronger than I It's more complicated than that."

"I don't even know what to say to you, because it seems to me that it is useless to say anything, and many things can only be experienced by yourself..."

"To be able to understand how sad it is to be able to understand what's in it!"

This guy was circling around him in a fog, which made him impatient. After Constantine returned to normal, he looked around coldly, especially after seeing the shepherd...he He became a little irritable, and soon returned to normal. That's right, he knew that this was just an influence of the other party on his current body! If he could withstand it, he had to persevere for it, otherwise it would be very difficult. Maybe he will completely scrap it in this place for this.

"Hold on, brother, don't be changed by his rumors, trust me, do you understand? Before this, I suffered the same thing as you and I, but in the end I have stuck to everything that I can hold on, you see It's okay for me, isn't it?"

After Bai Ye said these words, his expression became quite serious. At the same time, he looked at the guy in front of him coldly. He actually knew a lot more about it... He I don't want trouble to become more troublesome in front of him, and at this time Constantine is also staring at the shepherd in front of him seriously. The things in his heart are actually more complicated! It became: chaos became unbearable, and at the same time, he also seriously played with his own power, which is not something that ordinary people can accept.

"It's amazing, my friend, in fact, I've been thinking about these things all the time, I'm thinking about what method you should use to kill me completely!"

"But in the end I didn't find some unique way, because I know it's not a big deal, right?"

"Well, let's not let the two of us make everything in front of us: it's very uncomfortable. You see, things that are too complicated will only make us face more uncomfortable things for this."

Chapter 427 Still Want to Reconcile

Constantine is indeed a bit strange, these incomprehensible remarks made the current Bai Ye aware of the trouble here, and he quickly exerted his strength to prevent Constantine from attacking the so-called shepherd. attack.

At this time, the shepherd also showed a hint of surprise. He didn't understand why he had become his most loyal believer in the blink of an eye. He couldn't even think about it, but he understood This is normal, after all, this guy has actually broken with his beliefs long ago. The reason why he has the power of justice is because he was in this body first.

At this time, Constantine is more stable than others. In the face of these things in front of him, Constantine's language can become very serious to his boss... his favorite, at least when dealing with some things At that time, he won't be too manic and restless like... before, of course, he knows that he has a little meaning to do so.

"I never imagined that the two of us would be able to change the things in front of us into such a state, and if we go further, maybe everything will make us become: crazy, there is nothing wrong with me saying this. Right!"

"Just when I looked at you like this, I suddenly realized a lot of different things. In my opinion, language is beyond other people's ideas. Do you understand what I mean?"

If everything is like this, then the white night is now.... has become quite stable, and some Constantines can fight back... This gives He brought a very different effect.

Originally, he thought that Constantine might not be able to hold on at all, or that Constantine would not make any kind of action at all, but now it has become more interesting in his opinion! "Okay, you boy To be able to do such a complex thing in such a time period, in fact, I really don't understand, do you know why I say this because I always feel that you will play in person..."

"It's as if a lot of things have been pushed to a limit, so, anyway... it will create a very big and very bad reaction to you, I'm very worried about you, that's because I take you as a A true true friend."

On the other hand, Evil Eternal appears to be fearless and very shy. In his opinion, the series of things in front of him is... It should have developed in an extreme way, and he is also fundamentally There is no need to grind anything for this! As long as everything in front of him is displayed in front of him in the most sincere way, this is already considered to be particularly powerful for him, and the face of evil and eternity has more appearances. He had a very serious expression! He also began to think about whether he should intervene and help them knock down the guy in front of him. Maybe only if this is the case, he is very interesting to him. "I really don't know if I should end now. Help you, if you help you directly, then this matter will hurt towards me, and everything will be tilted towards me, do you know the feeling of being unintended by others?"

"I can even see what kind of state it will be for us to deal with and work with you, sigh, Bai Ye, I will ask you for the last time, are you willing to follow me? Deal with things together, so that we can make a lot of things happen between the two of us."

Evil Eternity After speaking this sentence, Bai Ye can be considered to be able to understand everything that this kid is thinking in your heart, at least this thing is more than the evil attitude that he seems to have described in his life! This guy is... Deliberately pretending to be in front of him, after thinking of this, Bai Yi's face couldn't help but show a hint of anger, and at the same time he stared coldly at everything in front of him... The shepherd is also With a very cheerful appearance, looking at the things in front of him that he had never thought about, all of this would change into such a situation in a short period of time, and everything in an instant was strange to him. It's not a good thing... After thinking about this, his whole face became: very uncomfortable, at least a little more ugly than others, as if he was facing some things that ordinary people think of .

"What else do you want me to do, um, didn't you just agree to work together together? Why did you become like this in a blink of an eye, did you mean to..."

"Bai Ye, don't forget the strategic partnership we just said. If you can't even do such a thing, then don't blame me for being ruthless..."

"I was able to create you and destroy you! All of these are reasonable things! Of course, after hearing these words, Bai Ye's face also had a very helpless look. He looked at this guy's face and became a little weird, he knew that this guy was actually more pathetic than he imagined... Otherwise, how could he be like this now, and he also began to follow his own Some unbelievable things have been done in front of them by the special method! Naturally, both of them began to face the immediate troubles because of this! At the same time, Bai Ye was also more stable than imagined, in controlling this When he was a guy, his whole heart also became quite complicated, and he knew very well... Dealing with a person may be a little troublesome at first, but as time goes by, everything will come naturally, and it will not It's as complicated as imagined! Just when they were all in a daze, Constantine took out a silver cross from his waist, which didn't look much bigger than he imagined. Useful! Just in a short period of time, the power that this thing burst out has already made him unable to bear it! I already knew that this was the pain you endured for this, alas! I just never thought about it. Everything will be pushed into this state of urgency, and an extreme fight will break out between us.

Such a fight could make us all: very uncomfortable, but I've never had any curiosity about the series of things in front of me, I'm thinking about things that are crazier than anyone else After Konstantin said this, his whole person also became: very impatient, he knew that if he didn't... hurry up and help Bai Yi to solve all the problems with him...

chapter 428

Then in the end, the pain and trouble they both have to face will be heavier, and the deeper level is not a joke at all. After thinking about it! Tell him that he has accelerated the output of power, and it seems that he wants to be here. Time to end everything in front of them, of course, this way of ending is really embarrassing, they have created a lot of complex things for them.

It seems to be far more mature than what really happened in the imagination, which is one of the reasons why silver has become so strict, he looks at the efforts to change all this in front of him... trying to make these accidents Constantine, who was completely back on the right track, couldn't help but feel a little more affection in his heart, but the power of Constantine was more than what he imagined now: a lot! Therefore, the power of his faith is greater than that of ordinary people. Yes, but such things, some of the things created, also caused bad harm and trouble to him.

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