"You win, you are more powerful than I imagined. In fact, what I think about is very simple, but I never thought that I would have complete control over you in such a way!"

"Hey, it's still a coincidence. You can say whatever you want. I will definitely change the things in front of me. At least I will never bow to you for this, understand?"

Chapter 434 The Real Situation

When the shepherd said these words, he was actually very sad in his heart. He never thought that he would become like this one day, but now he has indeed become: more gentle than others Some... Of course he knows he doesn't care...

What kind of way does he face this series of events in front of him, and it will cause him a lot of pain in the end! And beyond what ordinary people can imagine, the shepherd really never thought that he would one day He would be tossed in such a way, but he also understood.

What I can't bear the most about Constantine is... This kind of guy pretends to be in front of him. In fact, Constantine is very clear about what he thinks in his heart. Otherwise, Constantine would never be like this now. ! But from a very big state, in fact, Constantine has won and won very directly. He used part of this guy's strength on his own body... and looked at him. A lot of things that have never been imagined before, yes, things have already entered such a state.

Naturally, he will not make things that are not very clear and troublesome more uncomfortable. He does make many things easier than imagined. too much.

Constantine became furious. At the same time, he stared coldly at the guy in front of him. If his eyes could kill people, this kid would be dead by now, but Constantine didn't do it! On the contrary, he showed a trace Very serious and special appearance, he knows that he is... If he shows some strength at this time, I am afraid that in the end, he will have to bear some expressions that ordinary people can't think about! He is not a so-called god at all, and it is hard to say it. He's just...pretending in front of us, I don't need to say more, in fact, you should know what it means, don't you? Anyway...if I were to clean up this guy...definitely not Leave any affection for him, of course, if you have some other thoughts in your heart, I will definitely not mind, but it depends on yourself, okay? In fact, when Bai Ye heard these words, in his heart His expression was already very serious, and everything was exactly what he expected now, but he never thought that things would turn out like this! And the more troublesome he was to go on. Bai Ye also knows very well that sometimes even if his strength is too strong, I am afraid there is no way to correct it... After all, he has to rely on his various breaths to ease the things in front of him. The problem will be more comfortable than imagined, of course, he now decides that all this is true.

"Do you need me to express some other thoughts? Fang Jian has long understood this very well, and each of us has some things in our hearts that ordinary people can't think of, sheep people!"

"You've made too many jokes in front of me. Are you sure you want to continue? I just feel that if something continues, there is no reason to exist. You know better than me..."

"But I hope you don't want to be completely changed by what's happening now. I really hope you can understand what happened at night. Alas, it's a pity that you don't seem to understand at all!"

After the shepherd heard these words, there was a little helplessness in his heart. He really never thought that one day he would be made so clear by someone in such a way. In fact, he is now very convinced. No matter what method he uses to correct everything in front of him, it seems to have no effect, because he has already seen it, and now he has been completely manipulated by others, of course he also knows This kind of thing is inevitable, after all, this is what he is sure of! "Evil is eternal, and he can't even believe it is true. At the same time, he also quickly thought about the existence of the problem, but now he also After all, I understand, after all, they have already been controlled in such a way!"

"Isn't it good to be honest? Maybe you can survive this, and it will be very easy to live, but there is a little more anger in the evil and eternal heart."

"We were deceived by this fake, sigh, I should have expected things to turn out like this, but I never thought it would be so fast, just tell me, what should I do next, make this guy completely Kill it?"

"I think you should know better than me on this point. Besides, when your power hit this guy, it also caused him some unimaginable pain, right? It's because In this way, the two of us have already become objects of mutual help!"

When Evil Eternal finished saying these words, his whole person also became: he was very troubled, but he had no choice. He knew that when he was facing these things, he had no way to resist! After coming here, there is a little more sadness in his heart! After all, it all depends on what Bai Ye does. If Bai Ye is willing, he can completely kill this guy in minutes, but Bai Ye is now here. In this case... he doesn't seem to want to do any more answers, which is a little troublesome. Evil will always stare at Bai Ye, and at the same time, he also hopes that Bai Ye will directly order, so that the things in front of him will not be for this reason. It's so troublesome! And he can also become more relaxed when dealing with some problems. This idea is very beautiful, but if he can really do this, maybe everything will really work for him. This is so much easier. …

"Bai Ye, I think you should understand your inner thoughts better than I do, doesn't it seem to be a very gentle thing for us to act quickly!"

"But if we can't calm down between the two of us, then maybe the trouble will make us all: very uncomfortable, you can also think about it and see if what I said is right or wrong."

Bai Ye naturally understands why this guy speaks in such a way, whether it sounds ugly or there are concerns between the two of them. This so-called evil is eternal... In fact, there are many thoughts in his heart that are different from others. To put it nasty, this guy hasn't quite figured it out yet!

Chapter 435 Eclipse

"Heavenly eclipse, what are you going to pretend to look like in front of me, huh, do you think I really don't see your current strength?"

"This kind of feeling really makes me think that you are... a weak person who is weak at home... Come on, let's have a good chat, or good, let you feel my own strength! "

"How much pain it will cause you, okay, I think you'll like it, and you'll be more pained by it, alas, this kind of thing really makes me a little bored right now."

Bai Ye used such sarcastic words to express his current thoughts in his heart. The guy in front of him became sluggish in an instant. He did not believe that Bai Ye could see him clearly in such a way! He still pretended to be very pitiful, he felt that Bai Ye didn't see through everything in front of him because of this, that's why he acted it so deliberately.

"Oh, what you said just now, I have never understood, and I don't really know what you are thinking in your heart. Why are you planning to cause me great harm in such a way?"

"Alas, I don't believe this is true, and I think all of this is just between you and me. For this reason, this kind of push-pull torture is nothing more than a push-pull torture. Bai Ye, I advise you to see what's in front of you clearly, and then come to a conclusion. ok"

Bai Ye has always been very serious when judging anything, and he is sure that he is absolutely right this time! An eternity, at first, he planned to pretend to show his strength in front of Bai Ye... But now After a state, he suddenly felt that he was no different from a fool, and at the same time he quickly looked around... The rest of the people naturally looked very serious and very serious! I really believe what Bai Ye said At the same time, they calmly looked at 4 weeks and made sure that everything around them was still under their control... So they didn't worry about it, on the contrary, they now feel that the white night may just be It's just a joke, but what Bai Ye said next proves something, Bai Ye is not joking at all! On the contrary, Zhi Bai Ye used the power of others to start a series of attacks and training on this guy , Bai Ye got a lot of things from the other party, and he also became: quite happy! This eclipse is still in front of him! Bai Ye is actually very disgusted with this guy, and quickly wants to It directly overturned the field, and at the same time Bai Ye's face became: very serious, and the eclipse wanted to continue to study something in front of him.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense. This way, he continued to frantically search his body. This approach is really in place. Bai Ye has also won the support of people for this. He is already with everyone. Controlled, this kind of control is actually more than other people's "I know your dark power is crazy, you are the anger left by the Lord, but at that time to directly seal you, I never thought about you. Boy, but escaped to a place that no one could have predicted!"

"Sigh, this feeling is really unbelievable....I can't believe it, but I'm more convinced now, have you seen my brothers? They are one by one. With a very serious and extremely irritable appearance, I am afraid that if I deal with you this kid, I will kill you completely."

Bai Ye's words are full of threats, but Eclipse is not afraid of it. He seems to think that this is just Bai Ye's deliberate method to interfere with him! Naturally, this kind of interference is not caused by other people. I can understand this! A ruthless person like Evil Eternal must be more crazy when he does things, but for this, he will make his whole person more comfortable and powerful... When he is doing things, he also He became even happier, and the absorption of power had no effect on his body at first.

Everything that happened next made him become: very uncomfortable, their power didn't seem to bring any pain to this guy, but made the eclipse even more uncomfortable Get up! Is this a gap on the surface, or is it a special and unchangeable thing in the heart that everyone does not know, the only thing they can do is... listen to Bai Ye's words , to deal with this guy together, and completely wipe it out, it seems that this is what Bai Ye wants now.

"Look at your brothers one by one, alas, I don't know if they can completely absorb me, but I already feel something Such things as power will not be absorbed by you!"

At this time, Bai Ye realized the seriousness of the problem and the wrong way. He quickly made his brothers become more calm, and Bai Ye looked around.

There was naturally a trace of trouble in his heart. He quickly drained the guy's strength, and started to lecture the guy in a special way.

"Come, come, my friend, tell me what the hell you're doing this for. Hehe, rascals, Constantine! Evil is eternal! You're all ready for me, if this kid ever returns Dare to continue shouting in front of us."

"Hmph, then I will definitely be very rude, you know what I will tell you very seriously, or kill all of you, understand I'm not joking about it!"

After Bai Ye said these words, the whole person also became: very calm, he knew that his actions would definitely make the guy in front of him feel the pressure from him! But at the same time he He also understands that doing this is likely to make everything in front of him become unfavorable for him, but the white night must be so tidy! After all, the eclipse also saw the problem in front of him, and he wanted to continue to cover it up. , but it was of no use, he understood.

When he should be blamed and attacked, he must hold back! In fact, his whole person is very painful now.

This is the most real.

Chapter 436 The tedious truth

But there is no way to change anything, after all, he can only continue to endure the pain in front of him with his own strength! Instead, Ye is interested, he wants to see when this guy will tell the truth to himself! " Bai Ye, don't do this, there is something to talk about! There is something to talk about, in fact, it's nothing more than what it looks like. You know, when I do things, sometimes I'm more unmotivated than others. of."

"And I, sometimes when I do things, people will always feel that everything is not in place, but I hope you can communicate with me seriously, don't hit me in this way, I Being able to get into such a state as a eclipse is actually much better than others!"

Bai Ye knows that this kid is just... wanting to play something better with himself. He wants to communicate with himself in such a way! Or take something from his own hands, but after several thoughts After that, Bai Ye always felt that there was something special that didn't make people feel comfortable! "Oh, I laughed so hard, I didn't expect to expose your old bottom directly, and your reaction changed to this state. Go, it's too fast, I really never thought about it, sigh, I'm actually thinking about...what kind of way should I use..."

"Being able to prevent you from putting on such a strong appearance in front of me, you can see the crisis in front of you now, but it can be regarded as a little cognition, at least you are better than those... ... the non-existent guys are demanding too much..., isn't it useful for me to say that?"

Bai Ye naturally knows that he has achieved a certain strategic goal now, and that he is now dealing with the things in front of him in his own unique way. In fact, he is more stable than others, but Bai Ye always thinks of a lot of trouble and some uncomfortable thing.

He watched this guy change into a very helpless state in his heart. In fact, Bai Ye also knew that no matter what method he tried to control, everything might not be too much for him. usefulness.

At the same time, the eclipse is indeed using his own power to change everything in front of him. He wants to build the plank road clearly, and the darkness will bring some greater harm to Bai Ye, but he finds that Bai Ye is not as easy to corrode as he thought. Eclipse finally gave up the small thoughts in his heart. He knew that Bai would not be as comfortable as what he saw now, and soon he also realized some troubles, which made people less thinking. thing,.

Bai Ye is naturally staring at him with special eyes. The two sides are looking at each other in such a way. Now he naturally has many things in his heart that ordinary people never have. Seeing all these things in such chaos Things, everything was controlled in such a way between the two sides, and the main source of this was Bai Ye's suppression by putting himself in his place.

"If we communicated between the two sides, I don't think it would be so complicated. Alas, after seeing your appearance, I suddenly realized a lot of things. It seems that you are a better person than I am now. It's even more pitiful than imagined!"

"I don't know if it's right or wrong to say this, my friend, but I already feel it in myself. You are weaker than I thought. You want to change a lot, but you are not capable enough to do it. ..."

"In such a way that I and Evil Eternal have become your friends, do you feel very amused by this? It's a pity that this kind of thing doesn't have much effect on me, do you understand what I mean? "

After Bai Ye said these words, the whole person became more sensitive about it, and he wanted to make something that he had never seen before from this guy's expression and face.

But now he still found this guy.

It is still more complicated than what I think in my heart now, and it is not so easy to understand the reason why it all ends.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Ye's whole person has become more arrogant. That's right, the reason for this is very simple. He is fast and his own power, which has created some ordinary people's power for him. Unimaginable pain and crisis! He didn't know if he could change everything in front of him by doing this, but he knew very well that if he did it at this time, then all this might not happen in the end. Change! "This feeling really makes me a little unbelievable, things will become such a state, watching you this guy tossing back and forth in front of me, I have actually been thinking about one thing, Can you communicate well with me, eclipse!"

"Whether the two of us can become more stable for this, you should understand the current situation better than I do, and you should be able to understand better than me, what does all this mean to us in the end?"

After Bai Ye's words were finished, his whole person also became: a little more fierce than the rest of the people, but at this time, many of them were also doing this, and felt uncomfortable.

Why did Bai Ye look like this in an instant? This feeling really made him very uncomfortable.

Eclipse looked at Bai Ye, and there was a very tangled look in his heart! He began to quickly tell Bai Ye what he knew, and at the same time he prayed for Bai Ye to communicate with him in detail.

"I'm sorry, I know that the way I just talked to you is really not quite right, and the look of pretending in front of you really makes us all very uncomfortable!"

"If I can overcome it, I will try my best to overcome it, and I hope you can believe me, it will never be as evil as you think, okay? Our communication should be based on a very fair basis!"

After hearing this guy's words, Bai Ye's expression naturally became: he was a little more serious than others. This did not mean that he would become afraid because of this. On the contrary, he felt that everything in front of him must be more serious than him. Now imagined, but also to threaten him!

Chapter 437 Anti-Bone Boy

I don't want things to look like he can't control it for the time being, and the guy in front of him is really serious about communicating with him! Perhaps this is the most uncomfortable point, right? It's really impossible.

After thinking about this, Bai Ye is finally more serious. He knows that the things this kid is afraid of are still partially different from what he imagined! Bai Ye can be considered to have overcome all difficulties this time, and put everyone else aside. , Bai Ye intends to use his own unique way to communicate with this guy.

He doesn't know if this kid will become a member of his own for this. He always thinks about problems a little more seriously than others, otherwise how could he look like this? Those guys from the rogue gang They all looked very manic, and they knew that Bai Ye seemed to be planning to use such a method to bypass them, causing a very bad influence on them.

Immediately after a little thinking, they are now starting to make some troubles every minute, but they don't know if Bai Ye will cause them trouble for this! "Bai Ye, what are you doing? Isn't it a little bad? We didn't want to say things that way at the time, and all of this if you do it this way..."

"Wouldn't it be more unique to bypass all our problems, or make it impossible for all of us to solve them completely?"

You should think carefully and see if my words are right or wrong. You should understand if you say this! After hearing Bai Ye's words, this guy actually had a hint of rebuttal emotion in it, and the eclipse wanted to take this opportunity to cause some bigger troubles and let Bai Yi I can't bear such pain.

But this is nothing to Bai Ye. After thinking about something, Bai Ye's face has a look of fear. This does not mean that he is afraid of anything, on the contrary, it is from the side. It proves that he is now more cunning in terms of dealing with problems.

In a unique way, the doubts and hardships in the hearts of all people have become more intensified, so that they can't face these things, and deal with them bit by bit! Bai Ye knows that this time, these guys are completely After the real purpose was exposed, it became easier for him to clean up everyone. Bai Ye was not the kind of manic... manic.

When he was dealing with these things, he was already a little unstable, so he looked at these guys in such an eager and helpless way. They were able to communicate well just now.

It turned out to be like this in an instant, it really made people feel helpless, but there was no way, if I didn't do this in the middle of the night, how could I get more things? Constantine watched the situation in front of him. , he does have some annoyance in his heart, but after a little thinking, he is now starting to think about some unimaginable things! This kind of thing is really complicated for him Complicated, Constantine quickly came to a conclusion, he knew that doing such a thing by Bai Ye's side was indeed very troublesome.

But he believes that Master Bai will definitely understand a lot about this, and it will be easier for him to do things.

"Bai Ye, my suggestion is that we communicate first, why don't you do that because it seems to me that you, this guy, want to make everything: make people feel uncomfortable!"

"I don't know if you can understand that, but I hope you can understand what I'm thinking about right now."

After these words were spoken, all of them have changed their appearances because of this. I have to say, in fact, they can already understand that Bai Ye's way of doing things, but they never thought that things would turn into this. look.

Of course, each of them also has their own ideas in their hearts, what they should do, this is what they must do now, even if they can't change anything! I am afraid they have to rise up to refute, after all, the power Things are not something that ordinary people can get. Now that they have the opportunity to touch these things, they naturally have to do something quickly! After Bai Ye felt this trouble, he also discovered a lot about it. Things that made him feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but there was no way. At this time, the evil was eternal, and the whole person became very uncomfortable. It seems that the things he wants to change are not everyone can do for this. And see! "What are you doing, don't you know who our enemy is now? We are changing each other's affairs in such a way, alas, but one by one you want to put this Everything is back to its original state..."

"You guys really make me feel a little bit of life, don't do it, you know, take it slow, we will be able to solve all the things in place, and then you will naturally understand what the matter is. What is it!"

After Bai Ye heard the helpless and desperate howl of this guy, the whole person became a little happier, but then again, this matter actually had a great impact on him.

He calmly looked at 4, and there is indeed something in his heart that many people don't understand. Although this guy is now influenced by him, he never thought that he would still look so calm. .

"Do you still want to continue acting in front of me? Look at your appearance. Even though I have a great influence on you, it doesn't seem to be of great use to you."

"And you are more interesting than I thought. When I looked at you like this, I suddenly felt that some things were not so difficult. On the contrary, many things became: Very simple, but makes me happy!"

After Bai Ye said this, he cleared his throat and his expression became more complicated. He knew that this guy's acting skills were beyond his imagination, which meant that he was still pretending to be in front of him.

Chapter 438 Quite applauded

"Bai Ye, don't you know what you want? You have to use this method to find the cards in front of me, don't do it!"

"Both of us take a step back, you get what you want and need, and I can live well in this world and protect my cautious power. Is it a good thing?"

After hearing such words, Bai Ye couldn't help laughing, this guy has indeed changed, otherwise how could he be like this, and Bai Ye let his strength slowly start to soothe him.

The reason for this is to make him quieter and make him more comfortable. Things are actually less comfortable than what he imagined now... Bai Ye knows this guy's change. In fact, it has reached its limit.

"Heavenly Eclipse, you can continue to communicate with me in this way, I think this is the fate between us, but I still feel that something is not right, do you understand what I mean? I don't want you to worry about it. Getting more confused!"

It was obvious that Bai Ye had no chance, and he didn't want to betray the guy in front of him anymore.

This is why Bai Ye is like this now. If he wants to do things his own way...then he can do whatever he wants than anyone else! That's right, the angel doesn't seem to want to tell the truth to Bai Ye. At this time, the time has changed to a point where it is difficult to add.

Bai Ye quickly used his own method to completely absorb some of the power in this guy's body. Bai Ye naturally knew that it was not very good for him to do so.

"What are you doing, Bai Ye! You have completely ruined the series of tossing just now. Do you know what it means to give up your previous achievements? People like you do things, this is to give up your previous achievements. If I were you, I wouldn't do it at all, you Do you know what I mean?"

"I just thought you should give him a chance, it's more fun to communicate with this guy than anything you can imagine, do you need to let me say more of these words, you rubbish! I don't recommend you do this, You just want to do this..."

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