Evil Eternal's expression also became very uncomfortable, but there was no way to do it, he had to be so tidy, he wanted Bai Ye to understand what he was doing now, and Bai Ye didn't care so much.

He felt that as long as he could deal with these...people who didn't listen to his own words, it was definitely a very comfortable thing. After thinking of this, Bai Ye looked at him calmly, and he was naturally in his heart. There is a little reaction! He knows that this guy is extremely uncomfortable, after all, Eternal Eternal also belongs to the kind of person who is very uncomfortable without strength, besides, doesn't he want to get the guy's breath now? "You boy is the most So be honest with me, this has nothing to do with you, understand? It's not what you can get, and the reason why I do this is just to think about everything, and Wu Laibang has already listened to my words. "

"Constantine is also on the front line with me, evil is eternal, why are you so arrogant in front of me, if you are really a clear person, then I hope you can communicate well, okay?"

Bai Ye's words were taken as the very indulgent atmosphere at the beginning, for this guy in front of him, he is indeed more vicious than anyone else.

He knew he probably couldn't find any way out of it other than...fierce.

Evil Eternal is also very clear. He knows that he shouldn't be so clamoring now, and he shouldn't continue to be so unreasonable. On the contrary, what they have to do now is very easy, and that is to follow Bai Ye forward and solve the problem. The center of this problem! Bai Ye is naturally very relieved, and there are indeed a lot of troubles on his face. He knows that he can't change anything about it. The only thing he can do next is ...move forward hard and see how troublesome the current crisis will be.

"Bai Ye, we've known each other for so long, and I haven't given you any special treatment, but it's different now!"

"The next place you're going with me is definitely something you've never imagined, things that I've kept in Constantine's collection for many years will be revealed directly to you, it's all about the whole world. "

What Constantine said in a short period of time made Bai Ye a little curious, what was this kid thinking about, and how could he see such an appearance so quickly! Bai Ye seemed to be aware of something wrong, and he quietly Look at 4, while staring at Constantine's face.

The matter is also straightforward and meaningful... Because he naturally understands how he should treat this kid, and at the same time, there is a kind of generosity and extreme expression in his heart.

"Constantine, you better be prepared to understand? I don't want you to lie to me with that... special language, and the reason why I say this to you is very simple!"

"I know that what I say is actually very funny and very interesting, but I hope you can tell me what all this has to do with you, because I have already seen it, you and mortals There is a huge difference.”

After he heard such words, his expression also became very uncomfortable, which also represented a lot of things that should not have happened from the side, and Constantine frowned! At the same time, Evil Eternal seems to be also He found a deeper meaning in this, and he realized that he seemed to be able to use this opportunity to show something that others didn't believe... He began to quickly read what Constantine was thinking. Things, this is indeed a bit of self-immolation for him.

How could the thinking in Constantine's heart be manipulated back and forth by someone using that... special method, while Constantine looked around.

He fixed his gaze on the guy in front of him, and there was naturally something inexplicable and extremely weird in his cheeks.

"Evil is eternal. The biggest difference between you and the rogue gang is that the rogue gang also pays attention to faith, while a guy like you cares about how he feels now. You little rubbish makes me really feel that evil is dead, just say it.. ."

"What more do you want to do, I don't want to make things more uncomfortable!"

Chapter 439 Giant Ferocious Beast

"You'd better explain everything in front of me seriously, or if I'm going to get angry, you kid will be finished."

Constantine's words are very straightforward. Evil is eternal. Even if the mana is boundless, there is a degree of pretense. He knows that if he offends this guy again... he may really be abolished. After thinking about this, evil is eternal. Then he wrapped part of his dark power around Bai Ye, and he also knew that it was absolutely impossible to affect Bai Ye in such a way.

"Don't make a fuss in front of me, OK of!"

"You all understand this, right? So I hope you can be more honest with me, don't make me angry, and the price for making me angry is not something you can afford."

After Bai Ye said these words, his expression naturally became more stable. At the same time, he looked around and was sure that nothing else would happen, so he moved forward more seriously.

Constantine led the crowd to a very rugged and narrow corner, and Bai Ye also felt the oppressive atmosphere around him.

It doesn't mean that he's afraid of it, it's just that he's thinking about these things a little more than everyone else thinks.

Bai Ye looked around coldly, naturally it was the name, and ordinary people would never come to this place. After being brought here by this kid, he suddenly felt that everything in front of him became more interesting.

He couldn't even believe that some things would actually exist in front of him, but at the same time he also seriously made himself: calm down.

"It seems that this place is not the same as what you imagined before. Is it true that I am really unthinkable, in fact, I am really too sad..."

"Bai Ye, I know that I shouldn't use this method to bring you directly into the pit, but have you ever thought about the reason why I would do this, it's very simple, I just want to make it all clear, so That's what I did."

After Constantine said these words, he quickly made his cross exude a special power that a strong man could not imagine, and made everything here become crazy at the fastest speed.

And he looked around, and Jiang threw the cross into the air! The cross actually radiated an extremely strong white light in an instant, as if it was arranged in a short period of time, Bai Ye was convinced How could he be like this if he saw the one in front of him? "Originally I thought the problem wouldn't be so complicated, but the more it turns out, the more I don't believe in trouble, it's just... in such a way We showed before!"

"Of course I understand, and of course I know why all this has transformed us into such a situation, come out quickly, the guy who is more evil than the eclipse is almost here!"

Bai Ye's remarks woke everyone present. They originally thought that they should deal with some non-weird things when they came to this place, but now they can't imagine... or they don't realize it at all. The seriousness of the problem, to be precise, this guy should be a giant beast, Bai Ye's understanding is beyond what ordinary people can expect, and he has already prepared for a forced battle for this.

The expansion of power is a very serious matter for everyone, but Bai Ye doesn't feel some trouble about it, on the contrary, he feels that he has become more uncomfortable.

The giant beast represents the opposite of the true God, but unfortunately all of this has made him even more manic and restless, it doesn't mean that he is afraid of anything.

Since the opening of the world, I have already become the opposite of that guy. In fact, I have always been the darkest and most feared shadow. No one will ask me why I stand in front of them, but he still chose to escape. Here, he gave up the chance to really win against me! The words of the giant beast are true, but to be honest, Bai Ye wanted to rush forward after hearing this, so he just scrapped it. .

But Bai Ye did not do this, on the contrary he became: more stable! It has always been the case that Bai Ye has always been able to adjust his strategic focus and make himself more stable in the face of large-scale attacks and troubles. It is the potential that other people don't have. At this time, the white eyes are very clear. He knows that in the face of such a vicious! Power is like this sometimes, Bai Ye quickly and the giant beast came to a real battle with live ammunition. , I have to say that his strength is indeed powerful, but the expression of this giant beast is a particularly arrogant look! It seems that he has not endured anything for this at all, on the contrary, his expression has also changed. In the process of fighting with Bai Ye, he felt a lot of things that he had never faced before... "Your strength is somewhat useful, but you are really tossing me in front of me. If you don't, it's not that kind of...easy, and it's not the kind of...that I can endure every minute."

"Do I need to repeat this kind of thing again? You have something of your own, but are you sure you can really face a guy as strong and violent as me? I'm not kidding you!"

After Bai Ye heard the words of the other party, his face and magic became even more turbulent. Of course, this turbulence was just deliberately pretended! Bai Ye would not be so stupid, he directly showed up with this guy, and then Conflict with him, because Bai Ye will lose a lot of opportunities like this! Constantine is completely relieved now, he understands that he is actually hurting his friends by doing this, but he cannot give up or change for it. What... In his eyes, all the things in front of him are so important, he doesn't want people to think that he is a pitiful guy, and he also doesn't want people to think that he won't become very bad for this. What a troublesome look! Bai Ye didn't think this was a very interesting thing, and naturally its power output was even greater, and it was tortured and provoked in the face of the giant.

Chapter 440 Destroy it? (Marvel invincible text, very fat to subscribe, ask for full subscription)

Bai Ye's expression was naturally more serious than the others, and his attack speed and combat status were reaching their limit.

Now he also felt something uncomfortable about this, and the power was actually very uncomfortable for his torment, but he didn't care about it... , he I always feel that I can be calm and have a chance to overcome all the difficulties in front of me! The idea is wonderful, but when something really troublesome and very uncomfortable for him really develops, he is actually very painful. This kind of pain comes from the heart. Bai Ye can easily suppress such painful things. After the attack power has been raised to the limit, his expression will become more stable! Facing the giant beast, he will more relaxed.

"Unlike your usual fighting style, Bai Ye, according to what I know about you, should be very troubled right now, and even said that your expression has become more hurried when you look at me!"

"But, why now I can feel that kind of thinking in your heart jumping fast, you want to prove to me what is this kind of proof is useless, okay?"

After saying this, he quickly slapped Bai Ye at something that didn't belong to him. This kind of black liquid has a particularly bad effect on Bai Ye! This kind of power, but Bai Ye found out that the damage this kind of power caused to him... It's so small, this is a very fun thing, Bai Ye suddenly felt that all this seemed to create unique conditions for himself, he It can be seen that the impact of all these things on Bai Ye is pitiful! He quickly wanted to use his power to change something, but he found that such a turbulent thing, after all, let him He became: even more uncomfortable, the giant beast took more than ten steps back! "Bai Ye!! You can't think about this tossing in front of me, I know what I'm seeing now, but I want to I'll tell you a lot of things responsibly, don't be like this, understand, I've made it clear to you..."

"Pain is what we should bear for each other, but after seeing you like this, I suddenly feel that you want to overcome such pain and kill me directly!"

"Oh, it really makes me feel good, come on, friend, then let's make things more complicated!"

After the giant beast said the words in this way, the whole person also became more extreme: he knew what his change method meant, and at the same time he looked at everything in front of him! Naturally, he also wants to become: he is more irritable than ordinary people, he knows that it is very useless to do so, but he also understands one thing! No matter....

How to deal with and reconcile what is in front of you.

You have to stabilize the madness in your heart now! But people like Bai Ye have always chased after victory, and will never leave any excuse for waiting for the opponent! Bai Ye's fists are like falling stars toward the giant murderer. Naturally, the giant beast never thought of it... All this in front of him has brought such a huge change to him, even if he can make himself more comfortable, there may be no way to ease the current situation in front of him. After a series of hardships, he finally gritted his teeth and endured Bai Ye's attack.

"You don't have to... so toss, look at your own appearance, do you need me to say more about this matter? If you really want to be a guy who makes me very relieved, now How could you be like this?"

"Little rubbish, if you lose, you have to bow your head and admit your mistakes, you know what I'm going to do next is also simple, and your body will suffer even more for this, isn't that what you need?"

Bai Ye's way of speaking is extremely gentle, as if these things never happened, but this does not mean that Bai Ye is afraid of anything, or that he will change the series of extreme environments in front of him because of this! Fist The power of his fist is naturally heavier, and it is also very happy to hit this guy. Bai Ye's attack gradually made this guy unable to withstand it at all! Because Bai Ye also knew that the speed and method of his punches had already exceeded some Controlled by people, Constantine looked at these things coldly.

In his heart.... there is also a look of concern, because he knows what he is changing or facing now! Constance Ding also wants to solve the problem quickly, mainly because when he sees such troublesome things, his expression becomes very ambiguous. He doesn't want to make everything in front of him become: very uncomfortable... He doesn't even want to offend many people for this. He now knows that the only thing he can do is... endure quietly, endure all the pain in front of him! Endure the series of things that he is seeing now, if If it really can't be changed, then it's not too late to change it....... How can the giant beast be Bai Ye's opponent? He also has no way to respond, Bai Ye's The attack quickly knelt on the ground, and his face became painful! Blood flowed on the ground, and he had proved to others that he was not a strong guy at all. He always wanted to prove something that changed his strength, but He suddenly realized that he was really weak.

"Look at your appearance, huh, just letting me watch it makes me feel that things are a little too depressing, but I can understand better, or I can better understand what you want to do now What lack of power..."

"Sooner or later, you will be completely brought to an irresistible state. Do you understand that you are lucky to lose to me. If it were someone else, you might be completely abolished!"

Bai Ye's advice made the giant beast understand his current state. He knew that he couldn't change anything at this time, but if he went on like this, he might have to bear a bigger burden. The death or the calamity of death! After thinking of this, he stabilized, and his emotions naturally did not dare to mess with him any more. He looked at Zhou cautiously, and he was really scared in his heart! "As a proud enemy of God, you restrain me in this way. It's really sad, hehe, ridiculous guy! Do you think I'll be afraid of anything?"

Chapter 441 Black Death Emperor

"Of course I don't have the strength and ability to be compared with someone like you, but don't be like this in the middle of the night, you think I have no way out!"

"I tell you, I have already prepared everything, just wait until I make everything smooth: very smooth, and I will directly deal with you in the future, of course, this is what you will face for this reason. Pain and blame, you have to think carefully!"

After hearing the words of the giant beast, Bai Ye's face changed naturally: he understands more than others, he knew that this guy used such a method to scare him, but after thinking for a long time ...Bai Ye actually showed a look of no turbulence! It's just that Bai Ye didn't expect that things were beyond his control now. Why did he say that? The reason is very simple! He also felt some inconvenience. There should be an aura around him. According to the murderer, it seems that the murderer has united with the other party to find trouble for him! Of course, at this moment, all of them also felt that something was wrong, and their bodies were also one by one. became: twitching and restless, which means they saw something that really shouldn't be in front of them.

When the rogue gang is dealing with those...poor targets, their counterattack ability is still very tyrannical, but in the face of those...beyond ordinary people's imagination Special things! They all became one by one: very restless, it was true, an unknown force had an extremely great influence on them! At this time, the giant beast was still the same extremely fanatical and Very crazy, he seems to have forgotten the expression when he was suppressed by Bai Ye in the corner... But Bai Ye, but for a while... all the time he looked around, he was afraid that someone would be there at this time. Go around behind him and give him a fatal blow! But then Bai Ye felt a dark power behind him. This kind of power was not within his control, or was the same as what he had seen before. Completely different nothingness and exudes the breath of death! It seems that he can completely affect your whole person in an instant. This feeling is really uncomfortable, but Bai Ye was surprised to find at this time. The body actually became: stiffened, this is not something he can easily control now! "How is it, doesn't it feel very good, since I joined with the giant beast, I suddenly felt that all It's as if it's been written in that vast but empty world, and I have the highest black light power in this world!"

Evil Eternal always felt that he was too strong, but when facing this crazy creature, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have no way at all! It was as if his strength was not worth fighting in front of the other party. Mentioned, now, things have come to an end, and now it is a good thing to be able to rely on Bai Ye to solve some problems.

The power of the black lamp is indeed an extremely strange thing for Bai Ye, or something that he has never faced before! The influence of such a thing on him can also be considered to be extremely large to the limit Bai Ye Because of this, his body was swollen and very uncomfortable, but he knew that a quick solution to the problem was the only thing he could do now! It's not that Bai Ye was afraid of anything, but under the influence of this kind of power, Bai Ye's whole The human body has become: it becomes difficult, and the things he wants to change also show a very chaotic appearance in front of him! The influence of this on him is indeed a little uncomfortable, but it is okay The only thing is that he is now able to endure this kind of torture to his outer body by the power of the black light! Constantine, as a true warrior, saw Bai Ye suffered such a crazy and perverted blow. He has already reacted at the fastest speed! Using his own power, he has created a powerful but unbelievable special blow on the opponent. He knows that even if he tries his own way, he may not be able to challenge the beast and the Black Death. ! But he knows that now is the critical moment for him to deal with things! "Bai Ye, I know you may think that I am a very weak person because of this, but at this time I have no way to suppress me anymore. The desire in my heart is gone, and I have to show you my true power..."

"Only in this way can I solve all the things in front of me. I hope you believe that what happens next to me will surely make us all a little amazed by this, and you will see the most miraculous light in the world next. !"

After Bai Ye heard these words, his face became happier than others. He knew that Constantine might burn himself for this. Constantine, a big scumbag, has always been in the Frustrated man in love! But whenever he encounters a battle, he always uses a special way to trick his brother. This time is a little different. In Bai Ye's eyes, Constantine seems to be really planning to take him out. of true strength.

The feeling of the power burning completely in front of him really made him a little unacceptable! The huge cross rose up into the air, floating in the air, and at the same time, the power of Constantine was completely radiated here. Come out, this is not something ordinary people can do.

After thinking of this, Bai Ye's face also saw a very amazed look, he couldn't believe it was real! "You guys... guys from the evil world. , Next, let you try the sanctions imposed by real power on... you guys, you will definitely be unable to believe it, or simply cannot bear the pain in front of you!"

"Come on, I'll let my power leave you with things that you can't believe at all. I think the Lord should be watching what's happening now!"

After Constantine uttered such words, he became more dashing for this, of course, such dashing was just a short-term burning.

He knew that what he was about to face would push his whole person to the point of no redemption, but there was no way, and Bai also felt in an instant that the power surging here caused unprecedented powerful damage to him. !

Chapter 442 Moths to the Fire

It is precisely because of this that in the current white night, I feel that Constantine really has some things that are too extreme, and can clearly be solved in a stable manner. Why is he so irritable? , Evil Eternal and the rogue gang naturally quickly attached to Bai Ye! They were very afraid of all the effects this kind of thing would have on them, but for a while they could not relieve it! Or to make their hearts more stable, Just when they saw this series of things in front of them, they also realized how complicated and exciting they and all the problems in front of them were! Bai Ye looked at everything coldly, of course, he also smiled very tenderly When he got up, Constantine naturally recklessly released his power completely.

Because he knew that no matter what method he used to change things, in the end, he would make Constantine have no way out. At this time, Bai Ye's face was full of crazy seriousness! I thought about it, if all this is really going to be done in this way, it would be extremely irresponsible for each of us, and my way of speaking is indeed a bit wrong!"

"But Konstantin I have to stop you now, understand you have to hide behind me now and let me end everything in front of me, I think you'll love these things for that. !"

The moment Bai Ye finished speaking, the whole person also became: very serious and very focused on all the things in front of him, and naturally he became: more unacceptable than others. series of things.

Constantine was pulled behind him, and he completely enveloped Constantine with his fastest strength. He knew that he had to save this kid now.

After Constantine felt Bai Ye's help, he became more stable! Because he knew that his power was indeed not something that a strong man could control at the same time! He began to quickly exhaust all a series of methods , let your body become slower, let your strength become: more than others can bear the weight! "Bai Ye, you see these two guys are under the protection of divine power, they are completely gone now Any chance to resist what's in front of you, I'll tell you so..."

"As long as we continue, then all of this will eventually become the past, and I believe that with my own power, I will definitely be able to eliminate these guys, you understand!"

Constantine's arrogance and madness made Bai Ye instantly understand that this guy was actually very serious, and he knew that his strength could not force these people.

But it is like a moth to a flame, releasing everything in a short period of time and helping Bai Ye solve the problem at hand. This is what he should do now. Bai Ye knows that this guy has already made up his mind and plans to Solve these things in your own way and in a way that... let others say you can't face it.

This solution of his is a real moth to the flame, completely lifeless behavior, which indeed makes Bai Ye feel sad.

Constantine used his own unique method to suppress the giant beast and the Black Death! His body also quickly disintegrated in an unbelievable way.

His body was corroded directly, which made Bai Ye a little unbelievable. With just a wave of his hand, Bai Ye kept this power on his body! To be honest, the current Black Death Emperor is unwilling to do anything. I believe that everything in front of me will change to such a state! He even felt that as long as he made a move... then all this would end, but after seeing... the deeds in front of him, he suddenly realized , All of this is actually more embarrassing than I thought! "This is absolutely impossible, hehe, although this guy has a powerful aura that ordinary people can't believe, but he is facing a king like me. When he was a strong man, he was able to use his own power to stop everything in front of him in a short period of time!"

"It's absolutely fake! I suggest you better be careful. Know that some things are out of your reach, and dating in this way is actually more difficult for you.. A good thing, you should understand, right?"

Bai Ye didn't want to believe it, the Emperor of the Black Death would say such inconsequential words to beg him. Could it be that he wanted to beg him for mercy? After thinking about this, Bai Ye is now better than others A few giant beasts, who were more calm, saw Bai Ye on the side, and they communicated with this guy in such a way! At the same time, he knew his next plan, and he might suffer a major setback. , he doesn't want to believe that he is more unwilling to bear all this, who is he, he is the greatest and most stubborn god in this world! The beast can't bear such pain and loss at all, he rushed at the fastest speed He went forward to show himself, that strong and unbelievable power! He planned to use such a method to prove that he was a ruthless person, but then again, Bai Ye was only in an instant. Let the Emperor of the Black Death be suppressed in his own hands! "This is not the kind of... ordinary normal battle, on the contrary, this is something that the Emperor of the Black Death and the beast never thought of, Bai Ye It turned out to be: Instantly figured out their power structure!"

"And he invaded their bodies in the craziest way, which made Bai Ye show his strength very much, while the rest of the people still had an extremely unbelievable look."

Bai Ye really made all these things calm down at this moment! He also knew what he was doing.

What he did was to be able to show to others his powerful but unmatched power, and now Bai Ye was crazier than anyone else.

But at the same time, Bai Ye also knew that everything he had to face for this was also a more extreme Bai Ye. Looking at the series of situations in front of him, he felt in his heart...... There was also a sense of peace.

Although Constantine's body is still: rapidly decaying, but at least he is determined, not as pitiful as before.

Chapter 443 Negotiation

And his expression has become more stable, this kind of feeling is not something ordinary people can understand! Bai Ye let his power flow quickly in his body, and let his whole body be calmed down Well, he can't handle that much anymore.

At the same time, he looked at the black death emperor and the giant beast, and the sofa in his heart became even more turbulent! "My friends, in order to subdue you, they spent a lot of energy, you definitely don't need to be in Show it now

"I just want to know some things I want to know from your body. You should still be able to do this, right, at least you can make me more stable."

Bai Ye's words are saying, after the end, he has become more manic than others. Some evil and eternal Wu Lai Gang almost dare not say anything. They have never seen such a powerful person. At the same time, they have been in : Think closely and observe everything in front of them! This is too crazy for them. To be precise, they have never seen a person of ordinary strength who can single out those... ...powerful and make them feel grumpy.

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