The expression of the Black Death Emperor is very strange. His expression is solemn and at the same time he has a special expression on his face that many people have never had before. He knows that no matter what method he uses to change it, it may not be too much. Great effect.

On the other hand, the giant beast is very realistic to calm himself down. The more important thing he looks at when he looks around is the way he looks at Bai Ye! There are also many things in his heart that ordinary people can't believe, and he becomes even more Be honest and become more serious.

"We came to this world just to solve some things that other people can't think of at all, that's all, but I never thought that you would continue to shout in front of me in this way, Bai Ye, this Do you need me to say more?"

After Bai Ye heard these words, his expression also changed: calm down, he knows that once these guys show up to him! It proves that there will be no more outbreaks between them. What a controversial fight, on the contrary, they seem to be able to become more stable for this, but this stability is only temporary! "Well, this is the cooperative attitude we should have now, hehe, alas , But having said that, if you had shown this in front of me earlier, would this battle have brought us such a big impact?"

"It won't make us suffer from what ordinary people think about it, sigh, sometimes this kind of thing always makes people uncomfortable, but I believe more that the purpose of both of you is to destroy this dilapidated The world is only directly possessed, I am right to say so.”

After Bai Ye said these words, other people also showed a very shocked look. They really couldn't believe it. The guy in front saw it so clearly, but how could it be like that? The expressions of the giant beast and the black death emperor are more tenacious than others. When they are facing this series of things, their faces are also very uneasy, so they are very powerful, and they are powerful enough. A state of boundless mana, but Bai Ye is what Bai Ye is... a big stone pressing on their hearts, even if they can change a lot for this, but there is no way to completely calm the calmness in Bai Ye's heart! Black! The Death Emperor is naturally very strong, and his eyes have become very uncomfortable. When he woke up, he never thought that he would be suppressed by a person named Bai Ye in this way. Naturally, he could not understand himself now. The resentment in his heart! At the same time, he also quickly carried out a wide range of thinking, it seemed to him that as long as he could make Bai Ye more stable, then he would be able to completely prevent everything from happening. It was very uncomfortable, he was taking a risky move, and he wanted to suppress Bai Ye in this way.

"My friend, we all want strength. Who did you kill before? I think you should know better than me. I don't want to make you feel at a loss for this. Of course, I just feel looking at you. Such a pitiful appearance!"

"Suddenly everything is like that, it's just uncomfortable, I don't know if I can do it, but I believe you will never get anything out of my body for this, unless I follow Cooperation.


After the Black Death finished speaking, his face became: he became serious, and at the same time he used his own power to make the decaying Constantine's body become more and more normal, which is something Bai Ye never thought of. Yes, but it has come to this point... His face is....... there is no evil look that he once had, on the contrary, his whole person has become He became more serious! At the same time, Constantine stood up, and he looked around coldly, he never thought that he would change into such a humble and cowardly appearance.

"I feel that... the power of the evil guy spinning back and forth in my body, this feeling really makes me uncomfortable, but I think it's just something ordinary people don't bear, right."

"But the damage that this power has caused me in my body makes me very painful. Bai Ye will kill me with your own hands. I think everything will be more perfect in this way!"

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Evil Eternal's expression naturally changed: he felt more incompetent than others...I believe, this kid is clearly...getting cheap and selling well.

Who else can obtain the breath and power of such a powerful guy? After thinking of this, he has become unbelievable! And Bai Ye directly took that... evil power from Constance. Ding's body was completely peeled away! This made the current Evil Eternal look very stunned. He finally knew that Bai Ye was clearly... pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

He didn't want to show his true power, so he always pretended to be very pitiful in front of others. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the person in front of him was really not something he could deal with. of.

Chapter 444 Change to the norm

At the same time, Bai Ye was trying to use a special way to restore Constantine's body to its normal state, but it was obviously more complicated than he had imagined.

Because Constantine's body seemed to be completely transformed into a special shape that could not allow power to live in it at all, as if Constantine had lost something.

After thinking of this, Bai Ye's face became even more uneasy, but fortunately, he took Constantine's body aside.

At the same time, the giant beast and the Black Death Emperor rushed forward again, wanting to play something exciting with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye originally wanted to use the craziest power to completely suppress the Black Death and the giant beasts in the corner, but in the end things turned out to be more serious than he imagined! But it was obvious that the Black Death didn't care about these things at all. .

And everything seems to be more interesting than what he sees in his heart now, and it is in such a way that they have made it all: more extreme!" When I face a strong guy like you, I don't want all of this to cause us to suffer more damage, you know what I mean, since Bai Ye has reached such a state up."

"If there is some huge conflict between us, I don't think this kind of thing should be, you know what I mean? As long as we can be together, then the problem will disappear even less."

"Or we can make everything for this: stabilize, of course, it depends on your thoughts, you should understand that there are many people who have always wanted something in our hands!"

The Chinese of the Black Death Emperor will also make the current Bai Ye understand a lot. Of course, he knows better, no matter what way he communicates with this guy, maybe all this in front of him will not make him become a whole person. : Get comfortable.

On the contrary, it is very likely that he will bear more pain and struggle for this, but this is no longer important to him, and he has already experienced a little thinking.

Bai Ye looked at the guy in front of him, he naturally understood a lot, and more importantly, he seemed to understand what this kid was thinking.

It may be more troublesome, but definitely easier than it looks.

The fact that the Black Death can speak in this way is enough to prove that what he thinks in his heart is different from others.

But is it really as easy as it seems? Especially Bai Ye, when he has focused on understanding the series of crises in front of him, he already has many thoughts in his heart that are different from ordinary people.

Because he knows how to do things that will give him more pain and things they can't believe.

Evil Eternal wanted to interject at this time, but Ye stopped him directly, so he didn't know what to say or what to say for a while, and more importantly, after seeing this in front of him.

Suddenly he understood something, no matter how powerful Bai himself was, no matter how powerful he was, he still had to obey Bai Ye's words.

Bai Ye looked at the current Black Death Emperor, and there was a playful look in his heart. This man was completely lonely, but the man was not as crazy as he thought.

He originally thought that this guy would be more irritable when he was fighting a little with him, and it was beyond control, but now after seeing all the things in front of him, he suddenly felt that it was more than he imagined. It's easier to get up, the Black Death Emperor didn't play with his own ideas.

At this moment, the monstrous beast fully exerted some of its own power, and he used this special breath to block the things of the white-clothed party and the black death emperor.

Of course, what he did was just to show off his super strength. In fact, this was not a good thing. In a certain state, Bai almost let whoever he wanted to die.

"Okay, you don't have to pretend to be so serious in front of me, because it may not be of any use to us."

"Maybe this is clearly just a conspiracy you want to set up specially, I'll tell you so, tell me the reason for it, you will get more, and we can even become more know each other."

Bai Ye's remarks are enough to prove his sincerity, and at the same time, the Black Death also looked around seriously, he knew that a showdown was now necessary.

Moreover, there must be a very serious corporate serious way between the two of them to explain all this, especially in the current Bai Ye, he has become very serious for this.

The Black Death Emperor looked at the giant beast, and the giant beast naturally knew what to do, he didn't want to take all these things out.

But after a little war, he suddenly realized that if he can't be honest with his friend and explain everything in front of him, then the problem will become more serious for them!" Now I know that the giant beast doesn't really want me to tell the truth of all this, but I understand one thing, if I don't tell this...everything..."

"Then the problem may be more unbearable than imagined. Haha, this feeling is really unbelievable. We have been thinking about how troublesome all this is in front of us."

After the Black Death said these words, even the giant beast became unbelievable....... I believe, his face was even more sad than others, but he Now I understand that I have to tell the truth.

"Actually, let me tell you the ugly thing up front. The anti-monitor is the person we should get rid of the most right now. This guy is secretly operating behind us, and we have added a lot of crises to us."

"Or it's simply beyond the control of ordinary people like us.

Hehe, you should understand that this guy has the most powerful weapon in the universe, the anti-life formula!"

"And his name and his name have appeared in front of you many times, you should know what I mean for this, but when facing these guys, there is nothing we can do."

After the Black Death said these words, his face has become: more unexpected than anyone!

Chapter 445 Indescribable

And the more things go on in this way, in fact, for Bai Ye and others... it will definitely not be a good thing. Such troubles have already created some unimaginable things for them. pain of.

In fact, after Bai Ye found out about the existence of Mobius, that is, the anti-monitor, his whole person became: he was happier for it.

"Actually, I already knew that all this would be like this, but I never thought that the speed would be so fast, hehe, and it's approaching a situation that is simply unacceptable, alas."

Bai Ye's remarks made the Black Death Emperor a little surprised, or the Black Death Emperor couldn't even believe that things would turn out like this. He also thought about it quickly... At the same time, he enjoyed the sight in front of him. The series of crises, of course, he also understands naturally, the pain and price he has to bear now! "To be honest, I don't understand why the anti-monitor would show up directly, after all, he has not been with us for so long. Anyone who has news, a sudden appearance always stirs up something that shouldn't be happening..."

"I think you should also understand or you should understand what I imagine in my heart, right? If it is convenient, you can also tell me about it, and see what all these things mean to us. what, okay?"

Bai Ye is actually pretending to be confused. When he speaks, his expression becomes more stable than others. At the same time, he also understands that he is now saying that he needs to be specially established for this purpose, or that he needs to be treated specially. everything.

The Black Death is obviously pretending to be in front of him, and according to the way of the Black Death, it is not difficult to see that he does not want to express any more words, and more importantly, he does not want to show others what is in his heart. thing.

"Do I need to reiterate all of this a few more times? Of course, when I face these crises, I'm already used to it. In Bai Ye, neither of us can handle these things clearly. "

It is obvious that the Black Death Emperor understands better than others. Everything in front of him must be completely solved by Bai Ye's personal handling. He doesn't want to lie in this muddy water for this reason. other side.

After all, this kind of villain is something he can control, I am afraid that this conference can solve it all in an instant, and this kind of power will completely absorb his whole person in that instant.

I think you should also know the importance of the Bai Ye problem. I leave this matter to you to deal with it, so that you can solve all these matters. I don't want to be in charge of this anymore, I'm too tired.

After all, those things are not what a normal person should do. You know what I mean, right? I don't want to worry too much about it.

We must be able to make everything live between the two of us.

He was so unpredictable that the Black Death suddenly dumped the blame on Ye Ye. He suddenly felt that everything in front of him had changed over and over again, but he knew that he had to grit his teeth and think seriously no matter what! He I don't want to make myself and others even more unbelievable for this.... To believe, or to become: more rubbish than others, after thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and began to carefully thought up.

At this time, Evil Eternal finally interjected. He knows that no matter what he says... But the rogue gang is very clear about what is going on in front of him... and everyone in the rogue gang is very serious about it. Thinking about the things in front of them, their expressions must be more complicated and rigorous than others.

After all, Evil Eternal has also spoken out the words in his heart now, and his expression is full of seriousness and fear! "I know that some things are really not good when I interject at this time, but I have always been in the white night. I want you to understand the thoughts in my heart, maybe in front of you I'm just an irrelevant person, but looking at the past feelings..."

"I hope you can understand or understand everything that is in my heart for this, and I regard you as a true friend.

But I don't want you to sacrifice yourself and burn your body to win this victory, it doesn't matter to us, I don't want you to do that, you know?"

Obviously evil is eternal, and he knows very well what is happening in front of him now, otherwise how could he say such words! But all this is irrelevant to Bai Ye, a ruthless man like him.

At the same time, he looked around coldly, and naturally there was some emotion in his heart. Facing the evil and eternity, he suddenly I didn't even know what to say.

Anyway... this person will not be what he thinks, he is generally a vicious guy, and in some respects, he can even be regarded as a good friend of himself now, after thinking of this. .. Now his mind has become very hypocritical, Bai Ye looked at everyone coldly, and he naturally understood what everyone was thinking about right now.

They were more or less thinking about what their future ending would be like, otherwise, how could they be like this one by one? At the same time, Bai Ye looked at the rogue gang because he knew that these guys were afraid of death.

"You still have a chance to leave now, and when I don't plan to do anything to you, you can leave if you want, you know?"

"Don't wait until I'm mad, it's all going to make us all about it, it's not a joke, but really when this happens, then everything will be troublesome!"

Bai Ye's words can be regarded as bitter, but the people of the rogue gang don't seem to understand anything about it. Their faces are more serious than others, and they know what Bai Ye means! "What a joke, Although the four of us are weak, we will never be afraid of any problems that stand in front of us. We will definitely be able to use all our strength to solve all this. Hehe, I will assure you that this is in front of us. Everything is actually…”

After Captain Cold said these words, his expression naturally became serious!

Chapter 444 Change to the norm

At the same time, Bai Ye was trying to use a special way to restore Constantine's body to its normal state, but it was obviously more complicated than he had imagined.

Because Constantine's body seemed to be completely transformed into a special shape that could not allow power to live in it at all, as if Constantine had lost something.

After thinking of this, Bai Ye's face became even more uneasy, but fortunately, he took Constantine's body aside.

At the same time, the giant beast and the Black Death Emperor rushed forward again, wanting to play something exciting with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye originally wanted to use the craziest power to completely suppress the Black Death and the giant beasts in the corner, but in the end things turned out to be more serious than he imagined! But it was obvious that the Black Death didn't care about these things at all. .

And everything seems to be more interesting than what he sees in his heart now, and it is in such a way that they have made it all: more extreme!" When I face a strong guy like you, I don't want all of this to cause us to suffer more damage, you know what I mean, since Bai Ye has reached such a state up."

"If there is some huge conflict between us, I don't think this kind of thing should be, you know what I mean? As long as we can be together, then the problem will disappear even less."

"Or we can make everything for this: stabilize, of course, it depends on your thoughts, you should understand that there are many people who have always wanted something in our hands!"

The Chinese of the Black Death Emperor will also make the current Bai Ye understand a lot. Of course, he knows better, no matter what way he communicates with this guy, maybe all this in front of him will not make him become a whole person. : Get comfortable.

On the contrary, it is very likely that he will bear more pain and struggle for this, but this is no longer important to him, and he has already experienced a little thinking.

Bai Ye looked at the guy in front of him, he naturally understood a lot, and more importantly, he seemed to understand what this kid was thinking.

It may be more troublesome, but definitely easier than it looks.

The fact that the Black Death can speak in this way is enough to prove that what he thinks in his heart is different from others.

But is it really as easy as it seems? Especially Bai Ye, when he has focused on understanding the series of crises in front of him, he already has many thoughts in his heart that are different from ordinary people.

Because he knows how to do things that will give him more pain and things they can't believe.

Evil Eternal wanted to interject at this time, but Ye stopped him directly, so he didn't know what to say or what to say for a while, and more importantly, after seeing this in front of him.

Suddenly he understood something, no matter how powerful Bai himself was, no matter how powerful he was, he still had to obey Bai Ye's words.

Bai Ye looked at the current Black Death Emperor, and there was a playful look in his heart. This man was completely lonely, but the man was not as crazy as he thought.

He originally thought that this guy would be more irritable when he was fighting a little with him, and it was beyond control, but now after seeing all the things in front of him, he suddenly felt that it was more than he imagined. It's easier to get up, the Black Death Emperor didn't play with his own ideas.

At this moment, the monstrous beast fully exerted some of its own power, and he used this special breath to block the things of the white-clothed party and the black death emperor.

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